[Top 5] Apex Legends Best Gibraltar Players In The World Right Now (2022)

5. BamskiTV

He was the first Gibraltar to hit 20k in season 1. He is a twitch affiliate streamer. Even though he is a small streamer, he leaves a big impact in the Apex lobbies. Even though he is not serious when playing Apex all of the time, that does not stop him from taking down the enemy team. For a small streamer, he totally hits all of his shots. He is a part of SoAR gaming. Unfortunately, he hasn’t participated in any tournaments.



4. Trenton "lou" Clements 

Lou is an American streamer and is a part of the gaming team called  Sentinels. He is 20 years old. He has earned $35,840 from tournaments. He was the first PC player to reach a 100,000 ranked split when that mod was released on Apex. When we see Lou being Gibraltar he shows why he was the first PC player to reach his split. He helps his team out while defeating the enemy team. The most recent tournament that he was in is:

  • ALGS: 2021 Split 1 Pro League - North America on December 5th,2021 placing in 1st place winning $30,000.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LouStreams 


3. Mark "Zipeth" Christensen

Zipeth is a 24-year-old twitch streamer. He plays for LVL and SoloQgoats. Whenever he is playing as Gibraltar he has viewers questioning whether he is cheating or not. He shows them that he has all of the skills to be great at using Gibraltar. By him defeating enemies and not letting them get a chance to shoot at him, it makes him undefeated. He has earned $32,341 from tournaments. The most recent tournament that he was in was:

  • Nickmercs Gauntlet on November 1st, 2021, coming in 2nd place. Earning $10,000.



2.  Chet Ubetcha 

Chet is an American Apex streamer. He is also a war veteran. Chet is a partnered Twitch streamer. He has 121,601 kills with Gibraltar. He shows why he should not be reckoned with. He uses Gibraltar in the way that he is supposed to be used and uses his shield correctly. He was also hitting all of his shots towards the enemy team. There are claims that he is the number 1 predator with Gibraltar. Unfortunately, he hasn’t been in any tournaments. 



1. TheKine

Kine is an American Apex streamer that currently lives in Texas. He is also a partnered Twitch streamer. Also as of lately, he had 30k kills with this Apex legend. When he is using Gibraltar he shows why he claims to be the number 1 Apex Predator. He is one of the few people that I see use Gibraltar currently. Especially when it comes to using his shield and trying to protect his teammates. He also does it while eating sometimes. He has won $8,566.67 from 6 tournaments. He is ranked at 2,350 in the country. The most recent tournament that he was in is:

  • Twitch Rival Apex Legends Showdown, NA- Placing at 17th with earring $200.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/thekinetv

Leah loves creative writing and video games. She is an expert in shooting games and choose your own stories type games because that’s all she plays.
Gamer Since: 2008
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Fortnite/ Rainbow 6s / Skyrim: Elder Scrolls
Top 3 Favorite Games:Rainbow Six Siege, Grand Theft Auto V, Fallout 4