Apex Legends ranked worst to best
No Legend can truly be considered awful, as each of them has skills and abilities that can be game-changing in different situations. Their individual utility is a consistent matter of debate and varies according to opinion, skill and experience, but still, there is a case to be made for some being better overall than others.
11. Octane
- Although Octane is far from unpopular, he doesn’t really contribute much to a squad’s efforts. His speed boost can be useful for rapid looting or in escaping a lost firefight, but it still comes at the cost of health, and his auto-regeneration is slow.
- His jump pad special ability is also the ultimate ability of least use, giving you the ability to gain the high ground but only moderately so; and of course, it broadcasts to the enemy your location...who can also use it themselves.
What Octane excels at:
- Getting in and out of positions and situations quickly
- Running ahead of the ring, allowing you to delay moving into the next circle
- Automatically healing
Octane’s cons:
- Fairly useless Ultimate Ability
- No skills that benefit a coordinated team
- His Stim speed boost costs health
- Auto-healing is very slow
10. Mirage
- Apex Legends’ charismatic trickster is a fun character to play, and has his uses, but none of his abilities contribute much to the potential of a squad victory.
- His holographic decoy can be useful for revealing enemy locations if they shoot it, but many experienced players know to hold fire; a weaponless Mirage running in one direction doesn’t fool many people one year after the release of the game...instead of revealing hostile teams, it can actually telegraph the fact that you’re close.
- His ‘Encore’ passive ability triggers when Mirage is down, dropping a decoy and cloaking you for five seconds.
- This is more useful than it sounds, especially if you have self-revive, since you’re able to find a place to hide. Providing the enemy is busy enough, you should have time to get back up and return to the fight.
- ‘Vanishing Act’, Mirage’s ultimate ability, deploys a team of decoys and makes the man himself briefly invisible. This can be useful for escaping sticky situations, but also for sneaking up on unsuspecting enemy squads.
What Mirage excels at:
- Escaping
- Flanking and surprising
- Revealing enemy squads
- Slinking away when downed to be revived
Mirage’s cons:
- Holographic decoy can give away your own position rather than reveal the enemy’s
- No real team-friendly abilities
9. Crypto
- Season 3’s addition to Apex Legends is ranked as one of the most unused characters in the game.
- While it’s true that he does not have any skills that can assist in a firefight - which is perhaps a reason for his relative unpopularity - his drone can give useful intelligence when scouting for enemy squads, and using it to rupture enemy shields can result in hostile teams being quickly slaughtered.
- Good use of Crypto will depend a lot on how well your team communicates with each other and coordinates its actions.
- Playing with a team of randoms is not recommended: there is nothing worse than sending a drone to scout the area ahead only to find your teammates have already charged in guns blazing against a squad that could have been ambushed and neutralized.
- By the time you’ll get out of your drone to join the fight, your squad is probably already dead.
- Still, as a team player Crypto’s intelligence gathering is undeniably useful - especially as if your team is slaughtered, your drone can sneakily pick up their banners to revive them.
What Crypto excels at:
- Finding threats before they find you
- Disrupting enemy shields
- Retrieving fallen banners
Crypto’s cons:
- No combat abilities
- Greatly dependent on communication with teammates
- Completely unprotected while using his drone
8. Bloodhound
- Apex’s hunter has the ability to see where enemies are, where they have been, and best of all, how long ago they were there.
- This can be great when tracking unaware hostile teams and taking them by surprise. His Eye of the Allfather scan reveals enemies, traps and clues in front of you for a short period, a skill which is especially useful in the later stages of a match when hostiles often hide being forced to move.
- However, Bloodhound’s tracking isn’t overly useful to a team that communicates well, works together and applies a little common sense.
- There are few moments more worthy of an eye-roll than when a Bloodhound teammate declares ‘Someone passed through here!’ on finding open supply bins, weapons with no ammunition, and stacks of Level 1 armor.
What Bloodhound excels at:
- Tracking enemies; his Beast of the Hunt ultimate even shows cold tracks
- Closing the distance in an assault: his ultimate ability allows him to see hostiles and move at a faster pace
Bloodhound’s cons:
- His abilities can almost be entirely replicated through communication, observation, and teamwork
7. Lifeline
- Lifeline is a welcome addition to any squad, whether they’re aggressively-minded or more defensively focused.
- Healing squadmates rapidly behind a shield can get your team back into the fight quickly if someone goes down, allowing you to press the attack again or withdraw safely.
- In addition, she is able to deploy her DOC healing drone to restore your squad’s health; if used defensively, she works well with Wattson, who can repair shields, thereby allowing your team to operate at 100% health and shield capacity without having to use any supplies.
- Her ultimate ability of calling in a care package full of top-tier loot can be a valuable asset if your squad was unlucky in its drop zone: keep giving her Ultimate Accelerants to reduce the time it takes for this skill to recharge.
- Just be careful not to advertise your position when calling it in - perhaps consider dropping your care packages at the same as those that are dropped by the game.
What Lifeline excels at:
- Keeping your team in the fight
- Supplementing loot with gear from her care package
- Rapid, protected revivals
Lifeline’s cons:
- An additional 5% damage is taken due to her small size
- Her reviving ability is somewhat negated by Gibraltar’s Season 3 buff, which allows him to bring teammates back up more quickly when in his Dome Shield
6. Caustic
- Apex Legends’ mad scientist can turn any building into a fortress with his gas canisters, or force a defending team out of their position with his gas grenade.
- On offense, he can put his gas traps outside of doors to prevent people passing through them without taking damage; in this way he can trap people inside rooms and buildings.
- He is also able to see through his gas, allowing him to attack unimpeded.
- However, while his gas is not harmful to his teammates, it can still slow them and obscure their vision, making it a potentially deadly annoyance in combat. Threat detector scopes are advised when paired with Caustic so as to nullify this problem.
What Caustic excels at:
- Creating defensive positions with his gas traps
- Trapping hostiles inside structures
- Forcing enemies to move with his gas grenade
- Taking shots; he is not slowed by bullets, and all damage is reduced
Caustic’s cons:
- His gas prevents teammates from seeing clearly, giving them a major disadvantage in close-range or indoor firefights
- Large hitbox
- Only six deployable canisters
5. Bangalore
- No real soldier would go to war without the ability to throw smoke, and that’s exactly what Bangalore can do.
- Cover both your retreats and assaults with a thick blanket of smoke to give your squad the edge over the enemy, or revive a downed teammate while under the smoke’s protection (although of course, unlike Gibraltar’s Dome Shield, it won’t stop any bullets or explosions).
- Bangalore’s artillery strike does not have the rapid time to impact that Gibraltar’s does, but can still be useful in knocking enemies off high vantage points or finishing off downed foes.
- In addition, when fired upon, Bangalore moves quickly for a few moments, allowing her to evade attacks and escape (or assault).
What Bangalore excels at:
- Blinding the enemy with smoke, allowing you to attack, withdraw, or heal under cover
- Finishing off downed enemies or knocking them off positions of advantage with her artillery
- Moving rapidly when under fire
- Able to reveal enemies with her smoke by causing minor damage
Bangaore’s cons:
- Slow to strike artillery fire
4. Wattson
- Like Caustic, Wattson can make defensive positions unassailable and give you warning of when enemies are approaching through use of her electric fences.
- They are, however, harder to conceal than Caustic’s gas traps, and the effect produced when an enemy comes into contact with them is less damaging.
- But Wattson has other tricks up her sleeve. Her ultimate ability is the Interception Pylon, which not only recharges characters’ shields, but also destroys any enemy projectile sent your way: grenades, artillery fire from Bangalore and Gibraltar, and even Caustic’s gas grenade are all rendered useless by Wattson.
- She synergizes well with Caustic, Lifeline and Gibraltar.
- Finally, although she has a small hit box, she does not suffer the damage penalty that afflicts Wraith and Lifeline.
What Wattson excels at:
- Fencing off areas of the map
- Creating defensive positions with her fences and interception pylons
- Negating the effects of enemy projectiles
Wattson’s cons:
- Few offensive capabilities
- Her defenses can be destroyed easily if not placed carefully
- Bad synergy with aggressive characters
3. Pathfinder
- This ultra-mobile robot is a solid addition to any squad with an aggressive play style.
- Pathfinder’s Zipline ultimate ability can get you to high vantage points unreachable without him, or allow you to make a quick escape at need.
- When going for an assault, the Zipline can take you right into the fight; if the enemy has already been blitzed by Rolling Thunder, a smoke barrage, or Gibraltar’s airstrike, you should be able to make short work of any foes.
- Pathfinder’s grapple can also give you the edge; when facing him as an opponent, there’s nothing more irritating than aiming at him before he springs off into the air.
- The unpredictability of his movements can make him a hard foe to combat, especially due to the fact that his teammates can surprise you while you’re concentrating on taking out Pathfinder himself.
What Pathfinder excels at:
- His Zipline can take you across great distances quickly and take enemy teams by surprise
- When used with Wraith’s Portals, your team can cover a lot of ground rapidly, allowing you to shock hostile forces who thought themselves safe
- Use Zipline in conjunction with Bangalore or Gibraltar’s artillery to hit enemy squads with speed, aggression and surprise
- Get the edge in firefights by grappling around the contact zone and hitting the enemy from obscure angles while frustrating their attempts to shoot you
- His survey beacon skill can allow you to plug into highlighted nodes on the map to discover the next ring location, allowing you and your squad to plan tactical placements
Pathfinder’s cons:
- Pathfinder takes an additional 5% damage for being hard to hit
2. Wraith
- The most popular character in the game is well-suited to aggressive play styles, although because Wraith’s hitbox is so small, she takes an additional 5% damage from attacks (the very opposite of the hulking Gibraltar and Caustic characters, who have additional resistance of 15%).
- However, she is still hard to hit, and is also agile enough to slip many of the shots sent her way. This is not simply due to her lack of size; her Void Run ability makes her entirely impervious to damage as she enters another dimension.
- She is also invisible when using this skill, although she does leave purple cosmic trails in her wake.
- Her Portal ability will allow you to warp from one part of the map to another for a limited time.
- This can be useful in a variety of situations, such as getting revived teammates out of danger, withdrawing to safety, or executing attacks as a squad on enemy positions.
What Wraith excels at:
- Use her portals to instantly warp from one part of the map to another
- Her small hit box makes her harder to hit
- Void Running to avoid all damage while on the move; you can even use it on ziplines and jump towers
Wraith’s cons:
- She takes an additional 5% damage due to her small size
- When placing her portals, she is still able to be shot and hurt
1. Gibraltar
- Recent patches have made Gibraltar one of the best legends in the game, and arguably somewhat overpowered.
- His large hitbox is compensated for by the fact that - like Caustic - he takes 15% less damage from attacks and is not slowed when hit by bullets.
- His artillery strike also hits its area of effect far more quickly than Bangalore’s, although it affects a smaller zone.
- The passive gun shield ability deploys a shield around his weapon while aiming down the sights, catching the first few of a flurry of shots aimed at him.
- This can be turned off if you are worried about giving your position away to the enemy since it is highly visible, even from a distance.
- The Dome Shield tactical skill blocks all attacks, and both Gibraltar and his teammates use items far more quickly while inside it.
- In addition, a recent patch has made him able to revive downed squadmates more quickly - arguably a better version of Lifeline’s own tactical ability.
- Gibraltar is a versatile character, able to fight effectively with teams that are oriented towards either attack or defense.
What Gibraltar excels at:
- Combat: he takes less damage than other characters (except Caustic) and is able to protect himself easily with his various shield skill
- Assaulting positions with his artillery strike…
- ...or using it to dissuade attacking enemies from advancing
- Protecting and healing teammates in his Dome Shield
Gibraltar’s cons:
His large size still makes him an easy target