10. Carnotaurus (Best for meat harvesting)
Check the next video to find out how to find and tame it:
The Carnotaurus is an amazing mid-game predator that you can easily get early on in the game. Not only is it an amazing protector for your base, but you can use it as a meat harvester, being able to feed your other tames. This dino is a must for most people, as you need one of these predators laying around.
The Carnotaurus is great for farming:
- Meat
- Hide
Carnotaurus details:
- Preferred food is Raw Mutton (or Regular Kibble)
- You can find it in most early-mid game regions
9. Stegosaurus (Best for berry harvesting)
Check the next video to find out how to find and tame it:
The Stegosaurus is an amazing early game tame that you should always start with. You will need lots of berries throughout the whole game (especially narcoberries), and that’s the main reason you should get one of these guys. They are quite fast at gathering those. Not only that, but it’s also a safe tame to ride on, as it has quite a big pool of health and enough damage to defend itself and you.
The Stegosaurus is great for farming:
- Berries
- Wood
- Thatch
Stegosaurus details:
- Preferred food is Crops (or Regular Kibble)
- You can find it in most grassy areas of the map
8. Rex (Best for meat harvesting)
Check the next video to find out how to find and tame it:
The Rex is essentially an upgrade to the Carno. It’s a bit harder to tame one, but it’s for sure a must throughout the whole game. Firstly, it’s one of the strongest creatures in the game. You can put up a fight with almost anything if you tame this dino. Not only that, but it’s an amazing meat and hide harvester. The advantage that this dino has, and the Giga doesn’t, is that it can be taken into all boss arenas.
The Rex is great for farming:
- Meat
- Hide
Rex details:
- Preferred food is Raw Mutton (or Exceptional Kibble)
- You can find it spread throughout the whole map (mainly not in the starting zones)
7. Beelzebufo (Best for cementing paste harvesting)
Check the next video to find out how to find and tame it:
This large amphibian is a unique creature that has many uses.Moreover, it’s one of the best animals for farming huge amounts of chitin and cementing paste. Its attacks can apply torpor to the prey, making it one of the few dinos that can tranq creatures. It also has a hopping ability that helps you move much faster, escaping with ease from the predators.
The Beelzebufo is great for farming:
- Chitin
- Cementing Paste
Beelzebufo details:
- Preferred food is Raw Mutton (or Regular Kibble)
- It can be found in the swamp areas of the map
6. Brontosaurus (Best for berry harvesting)
Check the next video to find out how to find and tame it:
The Brontosaurus is an iconic dino that’s known for being one of the biggest creatures in the game. As you’d think, being this big means huge amounts of health, making it one of the greatest tanks. You can even build a base on the platform saddle that can be attached to the Bronto. Despite its other uses, this dino is mostly used for farming berries… huge amounts of berries. You can just leave it in one bushy place, swipe its tail once or twice and you’ve got more berries than you can carry. It’s worth it to tame at least one of these guys.
The Brontosaurus is great for farming:
- Berries
- Thatch
Brontosaurus details:
- Preferred food is Crops (or Exceptional Kibble)
- You can find it in most grassy and starting areas
5. Giganotosaurus (Best for meat and hide harvesting)
Check the next video to find out how to find and tame it:
Here it goes… the Giganotosaurus – the scariest dino that you’ll come across in Ark. This huge carnivore is not only the greatest killer, making life easier by a bunch because now you can protect your base of anything, but it’s also the best meat and hide gatherer that you can have. If you have this guy, you’re assured to have a life that does not lack meat or hide.
The Giganotosaurus is great for farming:
- Meat
- Hide
Giganotosaurus details:
- Preferred food is Raw Mutton (or Exceptional Kibble)
- You can find it randomly spawn across the map (spawn rate is quite low)
4. Castoroides (Best for wood harvesting)
Check the next video to find out how to find and tame it:
The Castoroides, also known as the Beaver, is your life-long wood gatherer. It doesn’t only have a great affinity for wood, collecting it at huge rates, but it can also carry huge amounts of it without getting encumbered because its weight is being reduced by 50% while in its inventory. All this combined with the fact that it’s not so hard to tame, makes it a must for everyone.
The Castoroides is great for farming:
- Wood
- Thatch
- Berries
Castoroides details:
- Preferred food is Crops (or Superior Kibble)
- You can usually find these guys in lakes, where they build their dams
3. Doedicurus
Check the next video to find out how to find and tame it:
This creature is a must for everyone. It is the best stone gatherer in the game, it is not hard to tame and it’s quite tanky. Oh, and he also has a rolling ability which can make you move quickly between locations. This ability compensates for its slow speed. Also, you can carry huge amounts of stone because the Doed has a 75% weight reduction while this material is in its inventory.
The Doedicurus is great for farming:
- Stone
Doedicurus details:
- Preferred food is Crops (or Regular Kibble)
- You can find it in the majority of grassy and rocky areas of the map
2. Ankylosaurus (Best for metal harvesting)
Check the next video to find out how to find and tame it:
The Anky is a vital tame for any player or tribe. Metal is needed in huge quantities throughout the whole game, sometimes being a pain to keep farming it. Well, the Ankylosaurus comes in the clutch! Farming metal is extremely easy now, as this creature has the highest metal farming rate in the game. Also, you can carry huge amounts of metal, because this dino has an 85% weight reduction while this material is found in its inventory.
The Ankylosaurus is great for farming:
- Metal
- Stone
Ankylosaurus details:
- Preferred food is Crops (or Regular Kibble)
- You can find it in the majority of grassy and rocky areas of the map
1. Therizinosaurus (Best for being a multi-purpose gatherer)
Check the next video to find out how to find and tame it:
This creature is truly the king of resource collecting. It can collect berries, hide, wood, thatch, and meat in abundance. Its speed, damage and health make it an amazing dino to take into battles with you. It might not be so easy to tame this creature, but once you get it you will find it extremely useful.
The Therizinosaurus is great for farming:
- Berries
- Hide
- Wood
- Thatch
- Meat
Therizinosaurus details:
- Preferred food is Crops (or Exceptional Kibble)
- You can find it usually in grassy middle-game areas
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