15. Mortar & Pestle (best for crafting consumables)
Mortar & Pestle is one of the most important early-mid game assets, as you can craft any consumables. From mindwipe tonic to narcotics, stimulants, and cementing paste, this is a must for any player. The only downside to it is the speed with which it crafts stuff, but don’t worry, you can leave the materials inside of the mortar & pestle and come back later to collect the finished products.
Why Mortar & Pestle is great?
- Easy to craft
- Crafts very useful items
- Needed throughout the whole game
Mortar & Pestle details:
- The required level is 6
- 12 item slots
- Crafted in inventory
- The ingredients are 65 stones and 15 hide
14. Narcotics (best for taming)

Narcotics are one of the most useful and required items to tame dinos. You’ll need lots of these throughout the whole game to craft tranq arrows and keep dinos asleep until you can tame them. All you need to craft these is mortar and pestle, spoiled meat, and narcoberries. You can start crafting these early on in the game
Why Narcotics are great?
- A must tame dinos
- Easy to craft
- Great ability to keep dinos asleep
Narcotics details:
- The required level is 6
- Crafting time is 5 seconds
- Crafted in Mortar & Pestle or Chemistry Bench
- The ingredients are 5 narcoberries and 1 spoiled meat
13. Bola (best for taming & defending yourself)
Bolas are extremely easy to craft and use. These are going to be your best friend when it comes to taming medium-sized creatures or defending yourself. All you have to do after crafting this is… wind it up and throw it towards a creature. If your aim is good enough, you’ll have that dino trapped for a while, time that you can use either by running away or by knocking it out
Why Bolas are great?
- Easy to craft
- Useful to escape from creatures
- Useful to tame creatures
Bola details:
- The required level is 9
- Crafted in inventory
- The ingredients are 10 thatch, 3 stone, 15 fiber, and 3 hide
12. Storage box (best for storage)
This is pretty self-explanatory. You’ll need lots of space throughout the game to hold some materials and equipment, so you won’t lose everything if you die. Place some of these in your house to get off to a quick recovery after death. Not only are these extremely easy, but you can craft storage boxes very early in the game.
Why Wooden Box is great?
- Easy to craft
- Lots of storage room
- Helps you recover after the death
Wooden Box details:
- The required level is 4
- 15 item slots
- Crafted in inventory
- The ingredients are 25 wood, 20 thatch, and 10 fiber
11. Sleeping bag (best for respawning)
Why Sleeping Bags are great?
- Easy to craft
- Can act like checkpoints
- Helps retrieve your corpse
Sleeping Bag details:
- The required level is 4
- Crafted in inventory
- The ingredients are 25 hide and 15 fiber
10. Crossbow (best underwater weapon)
Why Crossbow is great?
- High damage
- Can fire underwater
- Can use tranq arrows
Crossbow details:
- The required level is 25
- Crafted in Smithy
- The ingredients are 7 metal ingots, 10 wood, and 35 fiber
9. Campfire (best for Early game)
Campfires are great for starting the game. These have multiple uses, such as cooking meat, and heating the player and it also helps with vision. The campfire can be lit by using a fuel source such as thatch, wood, or spark powder. If you place some raw meat inside its inventory, the campfire will cook it, creating a great source of food.
Why Campfires are great?
- Easy to craft
- Great for cooking food
- Great for night vision
- Great for offering hypothermal insulation
Campfire details:
- The required level is 2
- 3 item slots
- Crafted in inventory
- The ingredients are 12 thatch, 1 flint, 16 stone, and 2 wood
8. Longneck Rifle (best for damage output)
The Longneck rifle is an amazing weapon that can be unlocked at level 35. Having 196 damage, this rifle has the highest damage per shot of any gun in the game. You can even have attachments like a Scope, making it much easier to shoot. The only downside to this weapon is the fact that it can fire only 1 round per reload and has a very long reload time
Why Longneck Rifle is great?
- Huge damage
- Can be used with attachments
- Can use Tranquilizer Dart
Longneck Rifle details:
- The required level is 35
- Crafted in Smithy
- The ingredients are 95 metal ingots, 20 wood, and 25 hide
7. Metal building materials (best for base building)
Building a metal base can be a bit hard thinking about all the materials that you’ll have to farm, but it’s for sure worth it. It’s a must, especially if you’re playing on a PVP server because these structures can only be damaged by explosives, tek rifle, and some high-end creatures. Usually, it creates a haven for you and your tames.
Why are Metal Structures great?
- Offers great protection
- High health
- Not easy to be damaged
Metal Structures details:
- The required level is 45
- Crafted in Smithy
- The required ingredients are metal ingots and cementing paste
6. Cryopods (best for Mid-Late game)
The Cryopod is an item that helps you store a tame by freezing them inside of it. This item is a great add-on to the game, helping you move your creatures or keeping them safe inside of a vault. It requires level 51 for the engram to be learned, but once you get there, it’ll be extremely useful having some of these laying around.
Why Cryopods are great?
- Great for protecting your tames
- Offers the ability to move tames with ease
- Easy creature management
Cryopod details:
- The required level is 51
- Crafting time is 5 seconds
- Crafted in Obelisk, Supply Crate, or Tek Replicator
- The ingredients are 10 crystals, 15 fiber, 5 hide, 2 metal ingots, 4 oil , and 8 polymer
5. Vault (best for PvP)
The vault is a huge and durable container that’s capable of holding 350 stacks of items. This is a great upgrade to the wooden box. What’s inside of a vault remains inside of a vault, because this structure has 50,000 health. Especially if you’re playing on a PVP server, craft one of these as fast as you can. The required level to unlock this engram is 75.
Why is the Vault great?
- Great for PVP storage
- Lots of health
- Hard to destroy
- Keeps safe your items
Vault details:
- The required level is 75
- 350 item slots
- Crafted in Fabricator
- The ingredients are 500 metal ingots, 100 cementing paste, 70 oil, and 90 polymer
4. Spear (best for early game damage)
The spear is the first available weapon that you can get starting from level 2. This is a critical item for attacking and defending yourself in an early game. This is the strongest melee weapon until level 25. This tool can be used both as a melee or as a throwing weapon.
Why Spear is great?
- Easy to craft
- Good damage
- Can be used both as a melee weapon and a throwing weapon
Spear details:
- The required level is 2
- Crafting time is 5 seconds
- Crafted in inventory
- The ingredients are 2 flints, 8 wood, and 12 fiber
3. Flak set (best Mid Game armor)
The Flak armor set is a mid to late-game armor that offers high physical protection and good cold protection. Each piece of armor provides the wearer with 100 armor, for a total of 500 if you have a full set. You can unlock this starting with level 56 and it’s great, especially for PVP or fighting dinos
Why is the Flak set great?
- High physical protection
- Great for PVP
- Not very hard to craft
Flak set details:
- The required level is 56
- Crafted in Smithy
- The ingredients for a full set are 53 metal ingots, 40 hide, and 18 fiber
2. Stone Hatchet (best for early game)
The Stone Hatchet is the second available tool, so you will be able to get it almost as you start the game. It is used for harvesting resources. It provides more wood when harvesting a tree, and more stone when mining rocks. You will be able to get this weapon once you reach level 2.
Why is the Stone Hatchet great?
- Very easy to get
- Harvests lots of wood
- Harvests lots of stone
- Great for progressing through the early game
Stone Hatchet details:
- The required level is 2
- Crafted in inventory
- The ingredients are 10 thatch, 1 flint, and 1 wood
1. Tek Replicator (best for End Game)
The Tek Replicator is a great end-game crafting station used to craft absolutely anything (including tek tier items). It can be used even as storage, considering that it has 600 item slots. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to get it until you kill the first boss, but it’s worth crafting once you’ll be able to. It uses element to run (1 element = 10 minutes of fuel).
Why is the Tek Replicator great?
- Crafts 12 times faster than usual
- You can craft Tek items
- Can act as a storage room
- Helps progress to the late-game
Tek Replicator details:
- It is required to defeat the first boss
- 600 item slots
- Crafted in Obelisk or Supply Crate
- The ingredients are 100 element, 5000 metal ingots, 600 crystals, 150 black pearls, and 800 polymer
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