5. Equus
For more information about this method check out the next video:
This is a great way to start farming narcoberries early on. You only need to tame an Equus, which is not that hard to get, and then start farming away. The Equus has a decent berries farming ratio and quite a fast sprint, making it a great dino to have around while trying to run from bigger predators. For taming it, you only need berries (or preferably crops). As a plus, having an Equus saddle allows you to craft narcotics on the run (it’s a mobile mortar and pestle).
How it works:
- Tame an Equus
- Find a place that’s filled with harvestable bushes
- Start farming berries with your left-click attack
4. Triceratops
For more information about this method check out the next video:
The Trike is an amazing early-mid game creature to have around. Not only does it gather great amounts of berries, but it’s a great fighting mount. It’s head shield can even take reduced damage from arrows or bullets. While riding on this creature you won’t have to worry about other predators destroying your work, as you can beat lots of them. It’s rather easy to tame one of these guys, so what are you waiting for?
How it works:
- Tame a triceratops
- Go anywhere that has lots of harvestable bushes
- Farm berries without being stressed about other creatures
3. Stegosaurus
For more information about this method check out the next video:
The Stego is essentially a Trike on steroids. This creature now has the ability to change its plating orientation, making it more flexible depending on your preferences. It provides great protection and damage, while also being able to collect huge amounts of narcoberries from bushes. Another bonus that the Stego has is the amazing weight reduction for berries: 75% weight reduction while in its inventory.
How it works:
- Tame a Stegosaurus
- Change the plating orientation depending on what you want
- Farm great amounts of berries.
2. Therizinosaurus
For more information about this method check out the next video:
The Theri is the best dino when it comes to gathering. It can gather almost anything that you could ever want, especially great amounts of narcoberries. It’s a bit hard to tame one as it’s almost more powerful than a Rex, but it is for sure worth it. Once you get to that point in the game where you’ll be able to get one of these guys, you’ll surely get rewarded. This multi-purpose dino is a great creature to have laying around at any time and will definitely fulfill your narcoberries needs.
How it works:
- Tame a Therizinosaurus
- Find a place with lots of bushes
- Farm using its claws
1. Brontosaurus
For more information about this method check out the next video:
The Bronto is known for being the king of berry-harvesting. It’s not that hard to tame one (only time consuming) but you need a high enough level to get a saddle for it. Having a Brontosaurus gives you lots of utilities to use at any time in the game: very good AOE and base damage, the third best base weight and a very effective wall defender. You can even build a mobile house on the Bronto platform saddle! With one swipe of the tail you can gather huge amounts of berries. Taming one of these creatures gives you a huge advantage throughout the game and offers an almost endless resource of narcoberries.
How it works:
- Tame a Brontosaurus
- Find a place filled with bushes
- Swipe its tail and see the berries start raining!
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