Anime on Youtube is a common ground. Somewhere people stand to get their opinions reaffirmed by Youtubers that definitely are experts, with no chance that they are just geeks like you and me. Come now, realize that the opinion you hold so dear, is that of common taste. Some Youtubers are far more into hentai than others, and who we watch is who we relate to. So you degenerates, let’s look at the top 15 anime Youtubers, in no particular order!
1. TheAnimeMan
It’s an older video sir, but it checks out.
TheAnimeMan (Joey) is pretty much adorned to be Youtubes top resource for manga, anime, and general japan news. TheAnimeMan seems on the surface to be a lovable goof, but will at some point wow the audience with his intellect, quick wit, and kind heart. This Youtuber also partakes in the creation and participation of and in gameshow-like events, his most recent endeavor being a large production called Man vs. Weeb, in which he pits Youtubers living in japan, mostly friends, against difficult questions that either seem cleverly crafted or made up on the spot.
The middle ground for this Youtuber is hard to find, as he has extreme moments of weebdom, then can immediately switch his tune to more serious topics that deserve more attention. Truly, this is a respectable anime Youtuber. Ah, he also Co-Hosts a podcast with Gigguk and CDawgVa.
TheAnimeMan Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheAnimeMan/videos\
2. Gigguk
Best of one of the best
Gigguk is one of the many underrated anime Youtubers on the platform who have not reached their final form. Gigguk (Garnt) is on his path to becoming something sensational and its fairly obvious in both the way he carries himself in his videos as well as in collaborations. Frankly, if he does not achieve a solid 5 million sub mark, I think karma has screwed up royally and will be depriving someone worthy of this achievement.
That all being said, 3.34 million is no small feat, so having said what I’ve said already, keep in mind he is working hard. Gigguk tends to make videos that look at the anime of the upcoming season, which either lean towards the “Worst of the Upcoming Season” or the “Most Noteworthy Anime of ___ Season” title spectrum, but his work on collaborations and his work on the Trash Taste Podcast put him up towards the top of the most enjoyable anime youtubers to watch.
Gigguk Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/animezone/videos
3. CDawgVA
Best of the Dog and the Mouse
CDawgVA is, as with most Youtubers, dedicated to his craft. While he maintains two online personas, one as himself, and another as a Vtuber, he consistently pushes out quality content that is extremely engaging. One of his best series has multiple installments, a series of competitions between himself and his friends at an arcade to see who can win the most prizes with a given budget.
The editing is both smooth and jarring, ultimately enjoyable to watch and in the end comes together to an enjoyable time of wasting hours on youtube that I should have spent writing. Ok so CDawgVA (Connor) also works hard on the Trash Taste Podcast, and that should be applauded just as frequently as his co-host’s contributions.
CDawgVA Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/CDawgVA/videos
4. Akidearest
Aki and her Kingdom Hearts obsession
Akidearest, or just Aki, has been pretty dang prominent in the anime and Japan tuberverse, mainly because of their fun loving style, interesting video concepts and unique take on older ideas. Akidearest maintains a faithful following by being genuine with their audience, and it just goes to show that people who understand someone are more likely to stick to that person.
By way of videos, Akidearest has delved into the depths of vocaloids, plunged the realm of Japanese convenience and ruthlessly ripped into hentai time and time again, using up to date information and honest reviews to captivate their audience.
Akidearest Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/akidearest/videos
5. SydSnap
Sydsnap says and does some weird stuff
SydSnap is not quite as prolific as the others, but her content deserves a spot here on this list, because dang it’s well made and fun to watch. SydSnap has their focus on manga and anime, most certainly, but their delve into cringe and ero make their content somewhat unique as of late.
SydSnap is also dedicated to her channel, and frequently makes collaborations that put her channel out there on other larger channels, which marks for good growth, generally. SydSnap has a large focus on rather… bonk worthy videos, just be prepared to do some digging for the codes. Oh, SydSnap is in a relationship with Gigguk, but it in no way defines her content or character. Appreciate the creator for themselves, not their partner.
Sydsnap Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/sydsnap/videos
6. Nux Taku
A little chaotic Nux moment
Nux is chaos, Nux is reigning champion of the youtube weirdscape, Nux falls into a category of his own, as well as any other category he chooses. Seriously, his fan base will watch anything he does because they practically revere him as they might a king. His chaotic energy will draw you in and startle you, then suck you into his immortal coil as you merge with the hivemind and your brilliant light fades only minutes into the first video.
He has many controversies, but it’s up to you to decide whether you think he’s grown as a person since then and whether a person can be truly held fully accountable for their followers' actions.
Nux Taku Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/NuxTaku/videos
7. Lost Pause
A compilation of lost pause moments to warm your soul
You like anime games? How about visual novels? How about horny anime visual novels? This is your guy, or at least, his older videos are for you. Ever since youtube began cracking down on him, his content has shifted to anime memes. When Lost Pause, or Noble, was doing anime games, they tended to be a little horny, and masochist door was often pleasurably abused.
If anime memes are your thing these days, Noble has you covered in spades, and as often as you like you can go back and watch his other playthroughs, such as Nekopara, the Sakura series and Neptunia series along with much more. He is one of the OGs of anime Youtube.
Lost Pause Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/LostPause/videos
8. Misty Chronexia
Misty Chronexia’s final video on this channel
There is no doubt that Misty is the most dedicated to anime centric content, very much so sticking to the theme with his content. He worked with his wife to produce content every week, and boy does he work hard. Every Youtuber deserves breaks every once in a while, but the youtuber has to take the break for it to count! And after all that work, he has finally taken his time off. Misty Chronexia is a retired channel, not dead per se, but definitely not posting anymore. He has said his final goodbye and left us with years of content to look fondly upon. Thanks for the fun times Misty.
Misty Chronexia Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ChronexiaMisty/videos
9. Tekking101
Tekking out of context, basically
Tekking101 is the king one one piece commentary on Youtube. He continues to be peoples leading source other than the show and manga itself on powerlevels, devil fruit knowledge and potential fight outcomes. Follow this guy until Oda eventually shuts the series down in a solid 5 or so years, given that its basically been announced that the series is in its final stretch. Maybe one of Tekkings theories will be that Oda is just ramping up to a sequel series.
Tekking101 continues to be one of the top authorities on one piece explanation videos, so drop your subscription if you are even remotely interested in learning about the miniscule details in One Piece.
Tekking101 Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/tekking101/videos
10. Super Eyepatch Wolf
SEW’s favorite summer 2022 series
SEW is all about cool headed analysis, so if you are looking for a good youtuber to analyze shounen anime and manga, this guy is pretty good at it. Expressive with his artstyle, and argumentative without fault, he will pull you in and make you realize, yes, your waifu is indeed trash.
SEW takes care to present each of his arguments effectively and fairly, and for that, he deserves respect and a quick sub.
Super Eyepatch Wolf Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtGoikgbxP4F3rgI9PldI9g/videos
11. TeamFourStar
TeamFourStar's Dragonball Abridged
TeamFourStar is a team that specializes in comedy, and abridged series’ are their bread and butter. Take to the youtube page for laughter because these guys will find a way to get you to at least chuckle, if not pee yourself laughing. Seriously, between their Dragonball abridged series and their comedy sketches, these people know how to run a channel that will garner views.
They began with their Dragonball Z abridged series and deleted scene parodies, they found their formula early, then added to that with reviews and more. All in all, it’s worth it to discover this channel if you haven’t already.
TeamFourStar Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TeamFourStar/videos
12. Kyle Robe
No funny comps here, instead watch this latest video!
Kyle Robe is the ultimate analysis channel, with the ultimate editing skill and the ultimate… sorry, I’ve been playing too much Dangonronpa. He makes more than half-hour-long videos that delve into the heart of characters, lost series, and even commonly popular names in the industry. His channel really is a wealth of knowledge for us all to take advantage of.
So, if you want something to put on in the background, or even something completely engaging, this is the channel that will envelop you in ideas and inspiration. People have called him the Vsauce of Anime Youtube.
Kyle Robe Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/KyleRobes/videos
13. Natalie x Hunter
Quick Recap by Natalie
Natalie is a Vtuber, which is truly unique, as she doesnt focus on games. Rather, she focuses on anime analysis in simpler terms than Kyle Robe, but with just as much depth. When you want something soothing to fall asleep to, go and dive into these videos. The videos she makes have a similar feel to a podcast, which adds to the “Earbuds in, study mode on” factor youtube already provides.
This Vtuber is absolutely a powerhouse that deserves more attention. If you really just want to pick one Youtuber off this list to follow, think hard about this one.
NatalieXHunter Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/NatalieXHunter/videos
14. The Trash Taste Podcast
Funny moments reel of the Trash Taste kiddos
Comedy, conversation, and careful craft of character. The boys who host this podcast/Youtube channel have already been mentioned on this list (Gigguk, CDawgVA, TheAnimeMan) so they got their spotlight. Time to let the show’s quality do the talking. They use high quality microphones that make their voices either sound as excited as a puppy meeting a duck, or as soothing as a clean spread of butter on, well… butter. The talk they provide is interesting and engaging, and rarely if ever at all feels forced. They are good friends at the core and express themselves as such.
The podcast has specials every once in a while, and this is absolutely where they shine. From purchasing 10,000 dollars worth of figures to tokyo drifting in Tokyo, they truly have production value down pat. With over a million subs, I think they need more, so go and subscribe if you can spare the space in your infinite subs.
Trash Taste Product: https://www.youtube.com/c/TrashTaste/videos
15. Anime America
No compilation here, instead, inform yourself on Toei Animation’s shady business
This channel focuses heavily on anime reviews and top tens, which are pretty informative and well balanced between personal and public opinion. If you are looking for a channel that will let you know which OST to put on your playlist, this is a great resource. The channels head is female, which is pretty rare these days, and they are the third on this list.
Best part is, you can put on their videos and just chill for about thirty minutes, as they are mostly over 20 minutes long, some stretching over 30 minutes easily.
Anime America Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/AnimeAmericaPodcast/videos