We all have that person. That someone who just grinds our gears. Maybe it’s an annoying co-worker or irritating sibling.
We may want to give them a good thump sometimes. But we can’t. Well, we shouldn’t.
Luckily though, there are other outlets which are much more fun and cause less bodily harm. Welcome to the world of beat ‘em up games.
The battles are fierce. The enemies keep coming. The points rack up but who cares about that? We just beat whoever we see on the screen.
And if you’re anything like my friends and me, you’re going to need to turn off ‘Friendly Fire’. We do not play around and anyone will get it!
There are tons of great beat ‘em up games out there. And most of them have franchises and different versions made. Here are my Top 15 and the reasons why.
15. Final Fight
Original Arcade game released in 1989 by CAPCOM.
Supported on (PC / XBOX / SWITCH / PS4)
CAPCOM Beat Em Up Bundle released in 2018.
That space in the middle is calling your name.
Final Fight is an oldie but a goodie. In Metro City the Mad Gear Gang is reigning down terror on the city. Mayor Haggar tries to clean up. But when his daughter, Jessica, is kidnapped he has to get some help.
Together with Cody and Guy, the trio jump into action to save not only the Mayor’s daughter, but the entire city. They walk the streets of Metro City and unleash their fury on the Mad Gear Gang.
In the original version, Final Fight has six rounds of gameplay. Each stage is set in a different part of Metro City and there’s a different Boss to fight at the end of each stage. There are also two bonus rounds included in the game.
Final Fight is a typical beat ‘em up game. Here are a few reasons why:
- There’s lots of hand to hand combat.
- Weapons like knives and pipes can be used for a short time.
- The game’s setting is in a damaged city.
- The main moves are jump, attack and a combo of both.
- The moves are easy to follow but can be hard to execute.
- The goal is to prevent a crime-related gang from succeeding.
Up to two players can play at the same time where each player controls a different character. Like most beat ‘em up games, the players have strengths and weaknesses that you should consider before choosing.
Cody is the main player and is the most balanced one in terms of strength and speed.
Guy is the fastest of the three characters and is famous for his ability to bounce off walls and jump kick enemies. But he’s also the weakest player.
Haggar is large and fierce with the greatest strength. But he’s also the slowest character.
Here are some fun facts about the game:
- The characters in Final Fight also appear in Street Fighter.
- In some versions, Haggar’s character was a pro wrestler and action movie star before he became Metro City’s Mayor.
Play this game if you:
- Are new to beat ‘em up games. The moves are basic and have very few combos to remember. It is good practice for cementing basic beat ‘em principles before moving on to more advanced games.
- Need help lining up enemies. I came to video game life late and had a hard time positioning myself to fight. I would press attack and hit air; meanwhile I’m taking a good beating. Final Fight helps you to position yourself in line with enemies while fighting.
- Love rock music. The soundtracks and sound effects really get you into character. The sounds and tones do a great job in getting you riled up for battle and feeling thrilled when you defeat enemies.
Fun wise I’d give it 80/100.
Final Fight Gameplay:
Final Fight Gameplay.
14. Battle Circuit
Original Arcade game released in 1987 by CAPCOM.
Supported on (PC / XBOX 1 / SWITCH / PS4)
Ready. Set. Fight!
Battle Circuit is part of the CAPCOM Beat ‘Em Up Bundle. This game is a great beat ‘em up mashup with a futuristic, Sci-Fi angle.
It’s set on an alternate earth in the year 20XX. There are five enhanced bounty hunters who track down criminals and bring them to justice. One of these criminals is Johnny from the ‘Delete Gang’ who has a floppy disc that will control all the computer systems of the world.
The team uses their super powers to fight the members of the Delete Gang so that the disc can be recovered. And they need to get paid too!
In the arcade game players choose one of the five characters and battle enemies from the gang in different stages. The characters are color coded with their names which makes it easy to remember who they are and how they look. Their abilities can be extended as players progress throughout the game and defeat enemies.
Cyber Blue has experience under his belt as a bounty hunter. He’s fitted with robotic attachments to his body which allow him to shoot electricity and project energy from his fists.
Captain Silver has the ability to stretch his body and change its shape. He can also throw ice particles from his body. But he can be overtaken if he loses concentration.
Yellow Iris models part-time. She has vicious claws and is very agile. Watch out for her whip. She knows how to use it.
Pink Ostrich, is as the name suggests, an ostrich. But more like a pirate with her eye patch. How cool is that? Ostriches don’t normally fly high but this one does. And she does acrobatics while in the air.
Alien Green is the typical alien - green and strange looking. His arms look like vines and they swing rapidly to make whirlwinds. He also grabs enemies and slams them into the ground.
Here are some interesting things about Battle Circuit:
- The gameplay looks like the Apocalypse as robots, animals, aliens and anything in between battle each other.
- For a 1987 game, the characters respond very well to commands with little lag. Actions seem to happen almost as soon as players perform moves which helps give a great gaming experience.
Play this game if you:
- Enjoy Science Fiction. The cyborgs, machines and technology should keep you hooked.
- Like unusual stories. The storyline in this game is great and consistent. It has features that stay true to the genre and time of the game.
- Want a great visual experience. Many beat ‘em up games have very similar backgrounds - subways, tunnels, buildings, the streets etc. Because Battle Circuit is also Sci-Fi, visually you will get a different backdrop from many other games.
It scores 81/100 for me.
Battle Circuit Gameplay:
Battle Circuit Gameplay:
13. Golden Axe
Original game was released in 1989 by Sega.
Supported on (PC / XBOX 360 / Android / iOS / PS3)
Can’t get any more primitive than this.
Golden Axe is a mixture of cool elements and ‘cheesy’ features. This makes it interesting and different from other beat ‘em up games. Not only do you beat ‘em, you slash ‘em as well.
Many beat ‘em up games allow weapons for a time. Not this game though. It’s set in medieval times which features primitive weapons that are always in hand.
There are three main characters who wield them viciously as they seek revenge on Death Adder. He murdered their loved ones and stole the Golden Axe.
As the characters hack and slash they earn magic potions which are used to cast spells on enemies. Gilius is a dwarf and he carries the battle-axe. He has the ability to cast lightning spells. His magic strength is the weakest but he hits the hardest with his weapon.
Ax Battler wields the broadsword. He can cast earth spells. His magic strength is just a bit stronger than Gilius’.
Tyris Flare is a fierce, longsword-carrying amazon. She has the strongest magic and casts fire spells on enemies. But her sword power is the weakest.
Here’s what makes this game interesting:
- The setting. The medieval background looks so primitive. Visually it isn’t as exciting as other games. But the background stands out from the usual streets, tunnels and subways. And the characters look like they’re from the Middle Ages. Game consistency is admirable.
- The magic. In many games players collect coins. But in Golden Axe you collect magic potions which are used to perform special moves. That is different, especially for a game from the 80s.
You should play this game if you:
- Like History and want a chance to experience a game in a different historical setting.
- Enjoy the chance to not just beat up enemies but also hack them to death. Having the ability to keep weapons is a plus.
- Think cheesy is cool. The music and sound effects are eerie. But they work because of the time period in the game as well as the time the game was made.
Golden Axe earns 82/100.
Golden Axe Gameplay:
Golden Axe Gameplay
12. Armored Warriors
Original Arcade game released in 1994 by CAPCOM.
Supported on (PC / XBOX 1 / SWITCH / PS4)
Also included in the CAPCOM Beat ‘Em Up Bundle
He isn’t afraid of being crushed?
Let’s be real. CAPCOM had great beat ‘em up games. So we’re back to their bundle which includes Armored Warriors.
This game is also Sci-Fi. But now we have mechs which are robots controlled by people.
It’s the year 2281. A treaty has been signed between The United Earth Government and the Principalities of Raia. The war is over. Or is it?
Because a year later Raia has been captured by an unknown enemy. So Earth sends troops to help them. But the plot thickens…Earth plans to remove the threat and then control Raia for themselves!
There are four main characters (Rash, Justice, Gray and Siren). Their backstories really help to sell the game and give purpose to their mission.
Rash is the hot-headed and action-ready pilot from Earth.
Justice is from Raia and was sent to Earth to help solidify the treaty.
Gray is the only one from his unit who survived the war. He’s bitter and angry with the world.
Siren is the love child of an Earth woman and a Raian man.
Each one has a great reason to join forces and stop the enemy. Until they all find out who the real enemy is.
Like typical beat ‘em up games, players must complete missions in different stages. There’s also a Boss at the end of each stage.
These missions give specific prerequisites like:
- Timed fights to defeat enemies.
- Defeating a certain number of enemies.
One of the cool things about the game is the ability of the mechs:
- They have different parts (like the D Drill and Vulcan) which can be used for different types of attacks.
- The mechs can switch the positions of the arms, legs and weapons while fighting.
Play this game if you:
- Love Sci-Fi. The machinery and tech are captivating, especially as characters change and switch weapons in battle.
- Enjoy watching stuff explode. Unlike many beat ‘em up games which rely on hand to hand combat mainly, Armored Warriors has a host of weapons that shoot and explode constantly. It’s very visually stimulating.
- Like challenges. Players don’t just beat up enemies. They have to make sure they also follow the prerequisites given which adds another layer to the game.
I’d give it 84/100 for a fun factor score.
Armored Warriors Gameplay:
Armored Warriors Gameplay
11. Captain Commando
Original Arcade game released in 1994 by CAPCOM.
Supported on (PC / XBOX 1 / SWITCH / PS4)
Also included in the CAPCOM Beat ‘Em Up Bundle (Last one. I promise!)
Who would you pick to play?
I promise this is the last CAPCOM Beat ‘Em Up Bundle game for me. But I have to include Captain Commando. CAPCOM does a great job maintaining the integrity of the beat ‘em up genre while giving each game mentioned different variations.
This one is no different.
If you didn’t know, this game is set in the future of Final Fight’s setting. Yes. It’s in Metro City but now it’s 2026.
We’re 3 years away from this game’s futuristic setting. Isn’t that neat?
But back to the game.
The world has gone mad. Crime is rampant. But this time the criminals aren’t just evil. They also have super powers.
But the Commando Team is also enhanced which takes the fighting to a different level in this game.
On the Commando Team we have team leader Captain Commando. He has Captain Everything…Goggles, Gloves, Fire, Kick, Protector…and the list goes on.
The Mummy Commando is an alien. He uses subsonic knives that melt enemies when they are hit.
There is a Ninja Commando. Of course. He is vicious and precise with his sword that cuts enemies in two. He also produces a smoke screen around him that explodes and kills nearby enemies.
And finally, we have Baby Commando. He made his own robot and uses it to fight. This genius baby makes missiles in his robot’s knees and fires them at enemies.
The characters in Captain Commando pack more punch than you would expect. They have many weapons, abilities and shields which is unusual for a beat ‘em up game. Especially for one made in the early 90s.
As usual there are stages to pass, enemies to beat up and a Boss to beat. Similarly to Final Fight, the characters can jump, attack or do a combo. But Captain Commando also includes the ability to dash while attacking and jumping.
Another cool feature of the game is the black shadows under players. This is extremely useful in helping players line up with enemies properly for more accurate fighting.
Here’s a fun fact:
- The fighting style which Guy uses in Final Fight (ninjutsu) is the same style which Ninja Commando uses.
Choose this game if you:
- Like characters with more abilities and skills than usual. It makes for entertaining gameplay when the characters can do more than normal.
- Are a noob to beat ‘em up games. Those shadow markers really help you to line up your enemies much more easily.
- Enjoy Sci-Fi tech and gadgets. There are lots of weapons to keep you intrigued as you play.
For the fun factor I’d give it 85/100.
Captain Commando Gameplay:
Captain Commando Gameplay
10. The Takeover
Released in 2021 on PS4.
Take back the streets!
The Takeover is fast-paced, action packed and has a more modern feel to a 90s beat ‘em up game.
You can play solo or multiplayer as you beat enemies to take back the streets.
This game has so many fascinating gameplay elements. Here are a few:
- There are three game modes - Arcade, Survival and Challenge. You can choose the one you want to play in and get to fighting.
- The game has 7 stages with over 20 location changes. Visually it’s very stimulating and varied.
- The loading time in between the stages is slow which can make the game seem like a drag. But once the stage is loaded, its guns blazing and the action is so fast you may miss your own moves.
Here are three reasons to play this game:
- You love 90s beat ‘em games. You can experience a more upgraded version of the 90s beat ‘em up games that we love so much.
- The soundtrack is fire and immediately puts you in the right vibe for combat.
- Each character has their own weapon that is unique to them. Which is very cool. But they have limited ammo so have a care with how you fire away.
Fun factor wise I’d give this game 85/100.
The Takeover Gameplay:
The Takeover Official Trailer
9. River City Girls
Released in 2019 on Amazon Luna.
Supported on (PC / PS 4 & 5 / SWITCH / XBOX 1)
School at another level.
River City Girls is a great mix of classic beat ‘em up and modern elements. Kyoko and Misako are two teenage girls living the typical teenage life. They go to school and hang out with their boyfriends. Normal.
Until their boyfriends are kidnapped and it’s game on from there. They can be played in single player mode or as two player co-op play.
This game is great for young gamers who may not be able to fully appreciate old school beat ‘em ups. The graphics are a blend of anime cutscenes and manga story points which should appeal to younger gamers.
Characters acquire new skills as they advance. There are various weapons characters can use. Combos, special attacks and throws work together to defeat enemies quickly and efficiently.
Characters go through 6 stages and fight a Boss at the end of each stage. As you enter a stage it is locked and you can only continue when all enemies are defeated.
Here are 4 great reasons to play this game:
- The game also has side quests and shops. This adds another level of play and keeps you occupied for a long time.
- If you like girl power action-packed games this is a great one to play. Many beat ‘em up games feature males as the main characters. If there’s a female included she isn’t usually the dominant character.
- The soundtrack and sound effects really add to the game’s modern, school vibe.
- The game is packed with lots of humor that makes the beat ‘em up experience more enjoyable.
I’d give this game 85/100 for the fun factor.
River City Girls Gameplay:
First 15 Minutes of River City Girls Gameplay
8. Double Dragon
Original Arcade game released in 1987 by Technos.
Supported on (PC / XBOX / SWITCH / PS4 / Android / iOS)
Imagine what a good protein powder can do for you.
Double Dragon is a classic. Billy is a martial artist whose girlfriend, Marian, is kidnapped by The Black Warriors Gang. His twin brother joins forces with him to rescue her and deliver justice to the gang.
This game has the typical beat ‘em up features. The characters can move in four directions but only ever face left or right as they fight. Players can take melee objects like knives and baseball bats from enemies while fighting.
What’s different and interesting is that although it’s a side scrolling game, the characters also climb up and down different levels as they go across the screen. In most beat ‘em up games of the time the scenes may change but the gameplay is mainly on one level.
Consider too that Double Dragon has two player co-op ability. In other beat ‘em up games, multiplayer options exist. But the characters do not always team up and use each other as weapons. This adds another level to Double Dragon since some versions allow the characters to use each other as weapons.
Here are a few fun facts about the game:
- In the original Japanese arcade version the heroes didn’t have names. The NES version of the first game finally named them Billy and Jimmy.
- The characters’ designs changed a lot across different versions. In the original arcade version, Player 1 controls the blond haired brother dressed in blue. Player 2 has brown hair and wears red. But in the NES version the blond wears red and his brown haired brother wears blue.
You should play this game if you like:
- Martial arts. The characters use a variety of combos that show their martial arts abilities.
- Co-operative teamwork. Double Dragon is great for encouraging teamwork since characters can work together while fighting.
- A pseudo-3D game design. Although 2D, the ability to climb surfaces makes the game seem more 3D than most 2D beat ‘em up games.
I’d give this one 87/100.
Double Dragon Gameplay:
Double Dragon Gameplay
7. Castle Crashers
Original version released in 2008 by The Behemoth.
Supported on (PC / XBOX / PS 3 & 4 / SWITCH / MAC OS)
Little but deadly.
Castle Crashers is set in a medieval universe. Two crimes have been committed:
- A dark wizard steals a mystical crystal.
- The wizard also kidnaps four princesses. (Talk about an overachiever!)
Four brave knights must rescue the princesses, recover the crystal and bring the wizard to justice.
Here are a few things that make this game interesting and fun to play:
- There’s an overworld map which interconnects all the levels of the game. When you complete a stage you can go back to it or move on to another stage.
- The knights can visit a shop on the map and use coins earned to buy weapons.
- Players can take up challenges to unlock certain arenas. This also unlocks other characters in the game.
- As characters defeat enemies they gain experience points which help them to level up.
You should play this game if you:
- Enjoy blood and gore. These little knights are vicious and often leave blood and broken bodies behind.
- Like cartoons. The game design has a very cartoonish vibe which makes it feel like a TV show as well as a video game.
- Enjoy teamwork. Players have to work together in order to move forward. You can also try to revive another player who has been cut down.
- Love hybrids. Although Castle Crashers is a beat ‘em up game, there are also role-playing elements involved.
I’d give it 88/100 for the fun factor.
Castle Crashers Gameplay:
Castle Crashers - Launch Trailer
6. Devil May Cry
Released in 2001 by CAPCOM.
Supported on (PC / Android / iOS / PS 2-5 / SWITCH / XBOX )
Give ‘em hell Dante.
Devil May Cry is a great action-adventure hack and slash video game. The main character is Dante. He and his twin brother, Vergil, are born to a human mother, Eva and a demon father, Sparda.
Sparda puts his powers in a special sword. He then sacrifices his powers and rebells against the dark world leader, Mundus to end a war.
The ability to unlock the powers lies within an amulet which he gifts to his beloved Eva. After Sparda disappears Eva breaks the amulet in two and gives each son one half.
Mundus seeks revenge against Sparda’s family and kills Eva. Vergil disappears and Dante is left alone. He grows up to be a bounty hunter who hunts devils and protects the innocent.
Here are a few things that make this game interesting to play:
- Players have a style ranking that depends on their ability to maintain long attack combos while taking little damage.
- The fighting is fast paced and highly-stylized.
- There are also puzzles to solve and areas to explore as Dante hacks and slashes at devils.
Choose this game if you like:
- Fantasy. The game is based on a high-concept Fantasy story surrounding devils, demons and magical powers.
- Sophisticated attack combos. Many other beat ‘em up games have basic attack and jump moves while moving in four directions. However, Devil May Cry has many combos as well as weapon play which gives the game more sophisticated fight scenes.
- Action-adventure games. Apart from the beat ‘em up elements Devil May Cry also has puzzle solving and exploration aspects to keep you busy as you hunt for devils.
This game gets 90/100 for me.
Devil May Cry Gameplay:
Devil May Cry Story Summary
5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Original arcade game released in 1989 by Konami.
Supported on (PC / NS)
Turtle Power at its best.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT for short sometimes) is a great beat ‘em up game based on the 1987 TV series. And there are tons of versions!
Like this one where the evil Shredder has stolen a special weapon that can turn Splinter back to human form. He’s also kidnapped April. Leo, Mikey, Donny and Raph are the heroes who come to the rescue and save the day.
Players use the joystick as well as attack and jump in various combos. Certain combinations allow the turtles to dash, slide and jump higher. They can also perform air attacks and special attacks. Each one has a special weapon which is used in combat.
Leo wears a blue bandana and carries two katana for special weapons.
Mikey wears orange and wields a double nunchaku.
Donny’s bandana is purple. He carries a staff, his signature weapon.
Raph’s color is red and he carries twin sai (stabbing weapon) as his weapon of choice.
But did you know:
- The original turtles all wore red masks. In later versions they all got a color change except for Raph who still wears red to this day.
- They are all named after a famous Italian Renaissance figure.
Leonardo - Leonardo da Vinci (artist)
Michelangelo - Michelangelo Buonarroti (poet, architect and sculptor)
Donatello - Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi (sculptor)
Raphael - Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (painter and architect)
You should play this game if you:
* Love the TMNT TV Show and comic series. It’s another area of Turtle Power to enjoy.
* Like classic beat ‘em up games with lots of combos and attack skills.
* Enjoy a great story brought to life using great graphics.
This gets a 90/100 from me.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Gameplay:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Gameplay
4. Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara
Released in 2013 by CAPCOM.
Supported on (PC / PS 3 / XBOX 360 / Wii U)
It’s game on!
CAPCOM has done it again. This game combines upgraded versions of 2 classic games - Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom and Dungeons and Dragons: Shadow over Mystara.
D&D allows 4 players who fight mythical creatures from the D&D universe. Throw in magic attacks and melee weapons and you’ve got yourself a great mashup of the old mixed with the new.
This D&D universe has some fun features:
- There’s a Vault you can open to buy items with coins you earned.
- You can play online (up to 4 players). Players can drop in and out smoothly during ongoing games.
- You can also keep track of your progress against other players on a leaderboard. Keep track of your stats as well and see how you play.
Choose this game if you:
- Already love D&D and want a classic experience with new features.
- Like challenges. This game offers challenges which you can take on in order to level up and earn coins.
- Enjoy fierce battles in great graphic design and visually stimulating scenes.
D&D gets a fun factor score of 91/100.
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara Gameplay:
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara Reveal Trailer
3. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition
Original version was released in 2010 by Ubisoft.
Supported on (PC / PS 3 & 4 / Luna / XBOX)
Get ‘em, Scott!
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is based on a set of graphic novels. Scott Pilgrim is a part-time bass guitarist in a band but he’s also lazy and has no drive.
He quickly gets a fire lit under him, though. He falls in love with delivery girl Ramona Flowers and must beat her seven evil exes in order to date her in peace.
This game is a great modern take on a classic beat ‘em up style. Instead of fighting crime-related gangs, Scott and his team must defeat evil exes in the name of love.
Up to 4 players can play, choosing either Scott Pilgrim, Ramona Flowers, Kim Pine or Stephen Stills. But you can download Knives Chau and Wallace Wells.
There are 7 stages to play where you beat up as many enemies as you can in various locations. The action is fast paced and a real street brawl. Anything from boxes and trash cans to baseball bats and swords can be used as melee items.
In co-op play players can bring back a fallen friend by spending some health coins. As the characters play they earn experience points which helps them to upgrade their individual abilities.
You can summon special allies and there are secret items that you can unlock.
The game is fun with commentaries thrown in that make it humorous. The soundtrack is fierce and helps the game’s vibe as you straight up brawl for love.
Choose this game if you:
- Enjoy a good love story. The storyline in this game is unique to beat ‘em up games and should keep you hooked as you play.
- Love action packed combos and sequences that give visually stimulating scenes.
- Enjoy minigames within video games. If you want to take a break from the gameplay you can compete with or against your friends in minigames like Dodgeball.
Fun factor score is 92/100.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition Gameplay:
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition Gameplay
2. Batman: Arkham Asylum
Released in 2009 by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.
Supported on (PC / PS 3 & 4 / XBOX 360 / XBOX 1 / MAC OS X)
Watch out, Joker! Batman means business.
I know. I know.
This game is classed as a third-person action adventure. But it has impressive beat ‘em up elements which makes it hard to leave out.
Arkham Asylum is the home for the criminally insane. Batman captures The Joker easily. Too easily, in his mind.
So he personally sees to his booking in case he has something up his sleeve. Which he does, of course.
With the help of his gang and a corrupt guard, The Joker overtakes the prison. Batman works alone to stop him and take back control.
This 3D game is pure class. The graphics are raw and gritty and so intense, you may forget you’re playing a game in the beginning. I know I did!
The combat play is sleek and smooth. You battle large groups of The Joker’s men in a brutal brawl. Great combos can be replayed in slow motion from different camera angles which is very different from 2D beat ‘em up games.
With the help of detective skills and cool gadgets, you explore Arkham Asylum on your quest to find The Joker.
Here are 3 great reasons to play this game:
- You get to play detective and solve puzzles throughout the game.
- Batman has always been known for his gadgets. In this game you get to experience using tech like explosive gel aerosol and The Batclaw.
- You can experience beat ‘em up brawls in 3D style, where the graphics are sophisticated and sleek.
Something this dark can’t be labeled fun. But in terms of intrigue and gameplay, this video game scores 93/100 for me.
Batman: Arkham Asylum Gameplay:
BATMAN Arkham Asylum Gameplay Walkthrough - Welcome To The Madhouse
1. Streets of Rage 4
Released in 2020 on PC.
Supported on (NS / PS 4 / X BOX 1 / Linux / MAC OS / Android / iOS)
It’s Raging time!
This is my all time favorite beat ‘em up game. Hands down. It does a great job of continuing elements of previous versions for a familiar yet brand new gameplay.
Classic characters Axel, Blaze and Adam join forces to clean up the streets once more. We also meet Adam’s daughter Cherry as well as Floyd.
The moves include the original jump and attack as well as throws and Blitz moves. Special Star Moves reduce health, as they did in the earlier version. But in Version 4, you can restore health by performing combos without being hit.
In the main Story Mode players go through stages which are unlocked as levels are beaten. When a level is cleared Players receive a rank based on the points which they scored.
In Arcade Mode, Players must beat the entire game with a certain number of lives. There’s also a Boss Rush Mode where you face all the Bosses in the game without having to go through the entire story.
One of the best parts of this game is the Simulation. In this mode you can play Sims where you battle enemies and collect power ups/perks as you succeed.
Each powerup lasts the length of the Simulation. Continued Simulation unlocks weapons and character specials. This is a really cool feature of the game.
The hand drawn graphics are fantastic and visually stimulating. The soundtrack is top tier and features upgraded songs from other versions of the game.
Play this game if you:
- Like having challenges outside of the main Story. Simulations, Arcade and Boss Modes can keep you entertained for hours.
- Enjoy classic beat ‘em up games with modern changes. The game also includes characters from SOR, SOR 2 and SOR 3. They look and move just as they did in older versions and can fight right alongside modern versions of themselves with ease.
- Love music and how it impacts your gameplay. The soundtrack gets you into the frame of mind to let loose and rage on the streets.
An easy 95/100 for me.
Streets of Rage 4 Gameplay:
Streets of Rage 4 - Reveal Trailer
And that is my Top 15 list right there. Try one if you haven’t played any. Or maybe you’d like to revisit one you haven’t played in a long time.
Either way it's Game time!
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