If people cosplaying beautiful ladies is your thing then you're in for a treat.
The Fire Emblem series is the home of many amazing female characters. It doesn't come as a surprise that people would find it so much fun dressing up as these girls. Of course, their appearance isn't the only thing fans find beautiful about them. We have to take a look at the top 50 female Fire Emblem cosplays. Let's appreciate the work the fans put into bringing these ladies to life.
50 – Tiny Titania
Fire Emblem Fates’ Nohrian border guard, Charlotte, is the very definition of a gold digger. Her personality pulls a 180 when money’s involved.
Cosplay by Tiny Titania
49 – sealilyx
Fire Emblem Awakening's Tharja and Tiki are both working towards helping Robin save the continent.
Cosplay by sealilyx
48 – Yaya Han
The devoted big sister of Nohr is back to face off against her rival once again.
Cosplay by Yaya Han
47 - Dan Seiter
Awakening's Olivia loves getting some alone time before she puts on her shows.
Photograph by Dan Seiter
Cosplay by kitcat cosplay
46 - Tinu-Viel
Azura is looking tired after her performances and Felicia feels the need to take breaks after cleaning laundry? Is Corrin working them too hard?
Cosplay by Tinu-Viel
45 – LeikoYumeCosplay
Fire Emblem Awakening’s Lucina takes up her sword to defeat the monsters threatening her land.
Cosplay by LeikoYumeCosplay
44 – KardeCosplay
The fox race from Fire Emblem Fates, Selkie, is relaxing with family.
Cosplay by KardeCosplay
43 - Zaziki 7
Fire Emblem Fates' Hinoka is energized and ready to fight!
Cosplay by Zaziki 7
42 – princessrabbits
Both Tiki and Olivia from Fire Emblem Awakening never forget to enjoy nature every once in a while.
Cosplay by princessrabbits
41 – Calssara
Fire Emblem Awakening has Tharja who’s a creepy lady, and then we have Sumia who’s such a sweet girl. Such a difference in personalities when it comes to the people Chrom recruits.
Cosplay by Calssara
40 – Kumashiro
Awakening’s Lucina and Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadow of Valentia’s Celica are royals ready to protect what's important to them.
Cosplay by Kumashiro
39 - Bibi Cosplay
Panne is a Taguel, an animal race from Fire Emblem Awakening that distrusts humans.
Cosplay by Bibi Cosplay
38 - redstring184
Sakura, from Fire Emblem Fates, is a sweet girl who wishes to be by Corrin's side forever.
Cosplay by redstring184
37 – Kashoute
Sakura is wearing her mother's attire out of respect for her. She's going to contribute all she can to end the war for everyone.
Cosplay by Kashoute
36 – beethy
It seems Tharja is ready to put on a show for her man Robin, well in her head Robin’s her man.
Cosplay by beethy
35 – Maleia
Awakening's female Robin is always ready to tip the scales in her army's favor.
Cosplay by Maleia
34 - tara saboten
Shy Olivia still has obstacles to overcome when it comes to talking with new people.
33 – mariberryu
Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn's Micaiah is ready to lead the Dawn Brigade to victory.
Cosplay by mariberryu
32 - remmie19
Fire Emblem Heroes' Veronica looks ready to conquer as opposed to Sakura's pacifist nature.
Cosplay by remmie19
31 - Jozo-Dono
Panne seems to be hunting for her next prey, pray it isn't you.
Cosplay by Jozo-Dono
30 - Elehal Cosplay
Lucina is ready to fight, in the name of peace, to change a terrible future.
Cosplay by Elehal Cosplay
29 - Aelynn’s Cosplay
Tharja seems to want Robin's attention again, but Charlotte doesn't seem to care who gives her attention.
Cosplay by Aelynn's Cosplay
28 – Demoiselle
Rinea, from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, seems to be wondering if there's a way to convince her fiancé, Berkut, of her undying love.
Cosplay by Demoiselle
27 - Puns and Needles Cosplay
Sully from Fire Emblem Awakening is ready to come to Chrom's rescue, as always. Speaking of saving, Rinkah from Fire Emblem Fates did rescue Corrin that one time.
Cosplay by Puns and Needles Cosplay
26 - Rei-Suzuki
Lucina is persistent when it comes to honing her sword skills. She even spars with Chrom when she has free time.
Cosplay by Rei-Suzuki
25 – Nikasparkle
Tharja seems to be experimenting with her spells again. For Robin's sake, I hope she isn't working on a love spell.
Cosplay by Nikasparkle
24 – KiraHokuten
Fire Emblem Fates' cute cinnamon roll Elise is going to kill enemies with cuteness while healing her allies on the battlefield.
Cosplay by KiraHokuten
23 – Rubyfia
When female Corrin from Fates chooses to embrace the dark and joins Nohr, she ends up enjoying reading more than before. Her brother, Leo, has been teaching her many things.
Cosplay by Rubyfia
22 – ludustonalis
Fire Emblem Fates' Queen Mikoto rules over the kingdom of Hoshido with her family by her side.
Cosplay by ludustonalis
21 - srcircusdoll
From Awakening, Chrom's little sister Lissa is here to mend your wounds.
Cosplay by srcircusdoll
20 – carlettecosplay
Ninian from Fire Emblem Blazing Blade is a mysterious dancer who aids the protagonist, Eliwood, on his adventure.
Cosplay by carlettecosplay
19 - Cheebang Bang
Cherche from Awakening works as Virion's attendant. She's as fierce as she is sweet.
Cosplay by Cheebang Bang
18 – kazeplay
From Fire Emblem Fates, we have the lovely Velouria who seems to be enjoying the fresh air.
Cosplay by kazeplay
17 – Eilora
The protagonist of Fire Emblem Fates, Corrin, stands tall with her mythical Yato blade.
Cosplay by Eilora
16 - jerry6980
Tharja is thinking of the best way to stalk Robin without him noticing.
Cosplay by jerry6980
15 – trishnoff
When she's not stalking Robin, she's working on her spells so she can better support him in battle.
Cosplay by trishnoff
14 - Garnet90
Olivia's Fire Emblem Heroes summer outfit brings out her beauty in spades.
Cosplay by Garnet90
13 – Zilai
A villain from Awakening, Aversa, charms people with a dangerous kind of beauty.
12 - Ri Care
With Corrin's cuteness, it's no wonder the Nohrian royal family showers her with attention.
Cosplay by Ri Care
11 – Itsuka
Severa, from Awakening, gets needy so her mom will hang out with her for a change.
Cosplay by Itsuka
10 – Havenaims
Panne charms people with her exotic beauty after a successful hunt.
Cosplay by Havenaims
9 - MilkyPamyuPamyu
Sumia is as sweet and kind as she always is. Maybe with enough effort, Chrom will notice her.
Cosplay by MilkyPamyuPamyu
8 – CrystalPanda
Cordelia, from Awakening, is the closest thing to a perfect woman. She's excellent at almost everything she does except love.
Cosplay by CrystalPanda
7 – KaoYoruse
Rinkah, daughter of the fire tribe chief, comes from Fates and is ready to smash heads.
Cosplay by KaoYoruse
6 – akathays
From the Blazing Blade, Lyn enters the battlefield to cut her enemies down.
Cosplay by akathays
5 - jillian-lynn
Sully is training as she always does, but with her competition she needs to grow even stronger.
4 – DariaAmbrosia
Nowi, a dragon from Awakening, brightens everyone's day with her optimism.
Cosplay by DariaAmbrosia
3 – Yashutafun
Setsuna is Hinoka's retainer who ends up falling into pits most of the time, but she's as loyal as it gets.
Cosplay by Yashutafun
2 – YamaCos
Lucina is determined to defend Chrom's older sister to guarantee a better future.
Cosplay by YamaCos
1 - Zerggie Stardust
As we’re finishing off, from Fire Emblem Fates, we have Peri who looks like she’s finished off something herself.
Cosplay by Zerggie Stardust, Facebook