15. Legend of the Mystical Ninja | 2021 | Konami | SNES, Wii, Switch, Emulator
Let’s start with a classic SNES game as there seem to be a lot more ninja games in the ’90s for some reason. Though it does feel like that ninja could be making a slow comeback It’s always best to go back to some of the originators and pay some respect.
You play Goemon a warrior with the help of Ebisumaru on a quest to rescue the kidnapped princess Yuki and that’s pretty much it, to be honest. You roam 9 cities, speak to people in each city, and of course, go up against each big boss which is frankly not hard at all.
Despite the game being over 20 years old, it does still look great, the sound effects and music are ok but the game has a high addictive nature to it that despite it being anything but easy it is still a great little game that pulls no punches at all.
14. Ninja Blade | 2009 | From Software Switch, SNES, Emulator, PC, Xbox
Yes, for every Ninja Gaiden you will get a billion clones wanting to take its spot, let’s be honest, this happens to every popular game which has a lot of good points they have added to the genre though only a few get them half right out of all the pretenders. We can’t all be innovators.
Ninja Blade aims to emerge from the shadows and manages to provide you with an over-the-top slasher that would give Michael Myers a run for his money. This is certainly a balls-to-the-wall affair where you play as Ken who is tasked with protecting the world from these weird invading creatures.
The game has some brilliant quick time cut scenes when you are about to defeat an end-of-level boss, plenty of costumes to choose from, and all sorts of giant monsters craving for your suck your blood directly from the ninja source.
13. TMNT | 2009| Konami | PC, Switch, Emulator
Turtle power! How could we do a Ninja list without including everybody’s favorite turtles? I love pizza and I love old cartoons so of course, it’s a good excuse to throw them in the mix of great ninja games so here they are.
You of course can choose to play out of the 4 turtles who are sent back in time by the evil Shredder who wants to take over New York and then the world. Each Turtle uses their well-known weapons against each of shredders henchmen while having a slice of pizza or 4 when they can for health.
Well, it’s another enjoyable classic beat ’em up which in fairy may sound silly if you weren’t a fan of the films or TV show but is still very satisfying throwing a Shredders evil follower into the screen after a swift combination. Put on your bandana go back in time and enjoy the ride once again.
12. Shadow Warrior 2 | 2016 | Flying Wild Hog | PC, PlayStation, Xbox X
Ninjas with triggers? Shoguns with a shotgun? Is it a shooter or a slasher? Well, it’s a bit of both, to be honest, and it works like a treat surprisingly despite it breaking the ninja code of carrying firearms.
You play as Lo Wang gave a task by the Yakuza to find a cure for a recently poisoned Kamiko who is the Yukuza’s leader’s daughter. Lo Wang must battle through hordes of the Zilla corps to find the antidote however there are plenty of F1 twists and turns in store.
Shadow Warrior 2 has a variety of cool weapons and guns to choose from and plenty of soldiers to try it on as you scrape your way through impressive-looking levels indoors and outdoors. Despite a few glitches here and there the game delivers on a knifes edge.
11. Shinobi | 1987 | Sega | PC, PlayStation, Xbox
My mother always said to respect your elders and I suggest we all should respect this gem from Sega which definitely deserves the highest Ninja accolade available that we give it due to games that this titled as spawned through the years.
After your master is assassinated and your girlfriend Naoko is kidnapped by the enemy, it’s up to you to get the job done, Time to shuriken your way through a number of ninja soldiers and robots who want to see you fail spectacularly.
Yes, it is dated now and yes it may slow down every now and again due to the number of people on screen. Yes, the graphics are 8-bit and it shows but one thing you can never take away from it is its charm, playability, and the way it started a memorable franchise.
10. Tenchu | 1998 |Acquire | PlayStation, Megadrive, Steam
Did this take over the baton from Shinobi and Ninja Gaiden? Some say it did. Did it expand on the breadcrumbs that Shinobi dropped on its path? Yes, it certainly does. The stealth elements, characters’ reactions, and stealth kills were brought to ninja games due to this one.
You have a choice of two ninjas who are on a mission two defeat the evil Lord Mei and do it with style. Most missions involve you hiding in the shadows with your grappling hook while the other half is escaping with your dear life intact.
Well, it’s another OG title that opened the path for stealth games and random NPC sound effects which felt life-like at the time. The graphics were great and the moody tone felt right as you took out your targets. If you’re in a retro mood then seek this one out immediately.
9. Ninja Gaiden | 1998 | Techmo | Megadrive, PlayStation, PC
Well, it’s raining classic ninjas in here! Well, I have another banger for you straight out of the archives. While Shinobi has my heart, Ninja Gaiden had my attention. Deemed at the time as a direct rival I remember being willing to sacrifice my soul to get this game cartridge at the time.
You play as Ryu on a mission to stop Jaquio from resurrecting an evil demon Jashin who was responsible for an attack on Ryu’s father. This leads to plenty of action that had plenty of kung fu fans foaming from the mouth while munching the hell out of McDonald’s fries.
Take out street punks, helmet-wearing goons, and creepy canines with your deadly dragon sword while picking up great upgrades that give you abilities such as the fireball shield and much more. At this point, the game is a part of Ninja history and should be treated as such
8. Strider | 2013 |Double Helix | PlayStation, PC, Xbox
One of my favorite characters ever created and one of the original new age ninjas despite the 1st version coming out in 1989. Some may call it a Metroidvania title however I do believe they came out at a similar time so it doesn’t quite fit that mold for me despite having all the attributes for it.
Yes, you play Strider the trained killer on a mission to take out all his targets while of course taking out the main antagonist Meio and his irritating cronies. While this new version has up the ante with upgrades and the number of villains it may feel repetitive to some who aren’t fans of this genre.
Strider is exactly what you think it is a slot of slashing and a lot of hacking, great melee and long-range attacks, and pretty good visuals that would make all the fanboys happy. If you are a fan of the genre or just wanna so what all the fuss is about then I recommend checking out this one.
7. Cyber Shadow |2021 | Mechanical head Studios | Switch, PC, PlayStation, Xbox
Cyber ninjas are the new black! Yep, I bring forth to you another angry ninja ready to cause havoc on the ones that have wronged him and his loved ones, of course, this is the case with most ninja titles and this particular gem is no different.
You are Shadow a ninja who has awakened to find the world has changed in the worst way possible. His clan is in disarray and his master has been kidnapped so it’s time to do what he does best slash butts and take names or slash it to pieces.
While clearly, this game is a thank you to all the classic ninja that came before it, it certainly is more than just a mindless clone trapped in the time tunnel of the early ’90s. Cyber manages to slash its own path of great music, simple story, and a difficulty level to make you claw out your eyeballs.
6. Metal Gear Solid: Revengence | 2013 | Konami | Switch, PC, PlayStation, Xbox
Snake, Snakkeeeeeeeeeee. those are famous words from the Metal Gear Franchise. We were all obsessed with Raiden and all hoped that eventually, he would get his own full-length game someday. Are calls were finally answered by the gaming gods who blessed us with this story.
You play as Raiden who has been tricked by a terrorist organization that has ties with the firm you were looking into and now is seeking to take them down for good. Raiden shows all the great elements you love in a ninja game great poses and a lot of swiping sword action.
Revengence is a very different game from the hide and sneak methods we have come accustomed to in the Metal Gear games and it’s better for it. Solid Snake is his own man and Raiden is certainly his own cyborg. The story works well and I guarantee that you enjoy hacking your way to the interesting finish.
5. Ninja Saviors | 2019 |Taito | PlayStation, Xbox, PC
Ninjas unite! The Switch seems to be the hub of great old and new ninja games at the moment so it will not surprise you to find out that another interesting title is on this list. Ninja Saviors is technically a reboot of the classic Ninja Warriors from 1994 which updates everything from the original.
You have a choice of 3 ninja robots and there is an option to add another 2 characters once the game has been completed. The robots were made by a team who released them as a last resort after an attack from their man antagonist Banglar.
Ninja Saviors are just as fun as I remember it back in the day (yep, I’m that old) you have plenty of enemies to slash to oblivion and like all classic beat em, up’s each of your 3 characters have brilliant strengths & weaknesses that all add something to the already fun homage to the original.
4. Shinobi III | 1993 | Sega | PlayStation, Xbox, PC, Megadrive
He’s back, the number one ninja with a million problems is back with another one. Once again Joe must save the day, look cool, collect icons to power up, and much much more. It’s more of the same but that is very far from a bad thing.
Joe must once again go against the evil clan who has risen its ugly head and aim to cause more chaos than a hungry newborn. It’s time he dealt with the Shadow Master once and for all or until Sega feels like The Shinobi legend rises again.
This one is all about the techniques, Ninjitsu specials are spectacular in this title, everything from lighting, dragon fire, and secret levels, everything you expect from a Shinobi slash them up and it’s the same reason why the title will always be brought back to be enjoyed by different generations.
3. Ninja Gaiden Sigma |2007 | Techmo | PC, PlayStation, Xbox
Of course, the Ninja titles had to evolve somewhat, with action games such as God of War and Devils May Cry entering the ring so the Ninja games had to follow suit and open up the world to more than just a side scroller, Ninja Gaiden attempts to do that with this title.
Ken is on a quest to take back the ancient dragon sword while avenging his village and that’s really it, to be honest on this one, not exactly award-winning but it’s all about the moves on this one, to be honest.
This game is bloody hard and a large number of annoying enemies is certainly in abundance in this title, however, there are plenty of cool weapons and specials you can perform to pay them back with triple the pain and no refunds.
2. Ghostrunners | 2020 | One more level | PlayStation, Xbox, PC
Now it would be fair to say that there ain’t a lot of 1st person ninja games available so the few times that we do get one we wanna be made to feel that we have the power of a deadly assassin in 4D. Ghost runner gives you that power in a unique way.
You are a forgotten warrior who has no recollection of who he is so he is on a quest to find out how he got here and what were the events that led to him being on the ice for so long. Ghost runner fulfills the need for speed and the need to take out those tricky enemies that pop up in every different location.
The platform bits are clever and the monologues add to the overall story arc then he seems to be going through as he takes heads while working his way to the finale.
1. Seikro | 2020 | From Software | PlayStation, Xbox, PC
What else but Seikro It arrived with not that much fanfare and left with a lot of frustrated but very satisfied customers in its wake.
You a Shinobi on a mission to rescue your master and takedown the clan who had the cheek to take him. It’s another dozy and your feel all the more satisfied for completing it as it is not for the faint-hearted in the slightest.
Seikro takes no prisoners, it is unapologetic, brutal, and original in a lot of parts. It has a big focus on wearing down a foes posture before you can hit them with a fatal brawl and if this is done incorrectly anybody can take you out shortly. Don’t let this ninja game pass you buy at all.