Top 10 Tomb Raider Best Wallpapers That Look Amazing
1. Tomb Raider 2013 Render 6
This girl is on FIIIRE!
A fiery moment from Lara’s equally fiery return to form in her 2013 reboot game where she fights to survive while shipwrecked on the Japanese island of Yamati. The action on display here and the conviction in Lara’s face are sure to ignite the fighter in you as you persevere through your work like Miss Croft.
Download: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tombraiderofficialflickr/29802285326/in/album-72157668395061076/
2. Rise of the Tomb Raider Render 1
The weather outside migt be frightful, but this look is so delightful
In a candid promo shot from 2015’s Rise of the Tomb Raider, Lara is in the middle of fighting through the Siberian wilderness and the forces of paramilitary organization Trinity to discover the location and secrets of an artifact known as “The Divine Source”. If you’re a fan of colder climates and the survivor mentality, this is the one for you!
Download: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tombraiderofficialflickr/29210477064/in/album-72157668395183136/
3. DLC: The Path Home
Home is where the heart is, if your heart belongs to an enormous stone Mayan contraption, that is
An image from the final DLC in Shadow of the Tomb Raider called, “The Path Home”, it’s a Challenge Tomb that has the traversal and puzzles you love to see in the franchise and amazing imagery thanks to the expertly rendered Mayan architecture and atmospheric lighting. It’s the closest young Miss Croft has been to her PS1 roots in almost a decade. If you’re a fan of the old, the new, and photorealism, this is one to look at.
Download: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tombraiderofficialflickr/50930619006/in/album-72157667253685608/
4. Tomb Raider 1996 Render 6
If I should die before I wake, it's cuz Lara took my breat away!
Going back to the very first game for this one, Lara and her polygonal figure took the world by storm as she explored vast open environments across the globe with levels favorably compared to Super Mario 64. For those of you who enjoy both aquatic environments and a little 90s nostalgia.
Download: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tombraiderofficialflickr/27022145716/in/album-72157668391556276/
5. Tomb Raider Legend Render 18
Basic ettiquette. Never arrive to a party empty handed.
It’s not often that Lara ventures out of the tombs and across the sweeping city rooftops, which makes this wallpaper from Tomb Raider: Legend so unique. If you enjoy adventures of a more modern and urban-type, with a badass woman at the center of it all, you’ll love having this on your desktop.
Download: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tombraiderofficialflickr/28394375313/in/album-72157667768825750/
6. Tomb Raider Underworld Render 6
This jungle has fun, games, and muntants. Oh my!
Welcome to the jungle courtesy of Tomb Raider: Underworld and its lush Thailand jungle sections. Highly recommended for people who enjoy an earthy color pallet, uniquely designed creatures, and lots of action to make browsing through their desktop more adventurous!
Download: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tombraiderofficialflickr/28941439444/in/album-72157666025087993/
7. Angel of Darkness Fan Redesign - JhowCorrea
This almost makes fighting encient black magic cults look like fun!
Angel of Darkness, with its gothic noir presentation and tone, is certainly a unique entry in the franchise, and this wallpaper made by fan JhowCorrea helps perfectly capture that. Taking a nearly two-decade-old PS2 title and bringing it into the modern age with designs that stay true to what made the original so unique, this is perfect for those who like their archeological adventures a little more dark and moody.
Download: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tombraiderofficialflickr/51374015521/in/album-72157718242566762/
8. Tomb Raider III 1998 - Render 13
Halle Berry may have also taken on an evil cosmetic company while wearing black leather, but Lara makes it look cool
Taken from a game that is perhaps best described as “Indiana Jones meets X-Files”, thanks to its constant switch between urban and jungle areas, as well as a focus on both aliens and body transformations straight out of a David Cronenberg movie. If you enjoy a moody nightime setting more reminiscent of a cat burglar movie, this render from Tomb Raider III’s London area where Lara tries to break into the headquarters of a suspicious cosmetics company is what you’re looking for.
Download: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tombraiderofficialflickr/27373749460/in/album-72157667768759840/
9. Tomb Raider (1996) Box Art Redesign by Brenoch Adams
Suddenly Raptors that open doors don't look too bad
The classics never go out of style, as evident by this lovingly rendered piece of art that brings Lara’s iconic fight with the T-Rex into the modern world with greater detail than ever. Looking at this one will have you constantly yearning for excitement, and a modern remake of Lara’s debut adventure!
Download: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tombraiderofficialflickr/50929412758/in/album-72157718242566762/10. Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation Box Art Redesign by Andy Park
Lara says she makes her own luck, she never said anything about good luck!
It doesn’t get more classic, and yet modern than this. Much like the previous wallpaper, this brings one of Lara’s PS1 adventures, Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation, into the modern world with more detail, action, and atmosphere than ever before. This is definitely the wallpaper for those who enjoy the most classic of classic adventures and want to ensure they continue in the modern world.
Download: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tombraiderofficialflickr/51236314418/in/album-72157718242566762/