![[Top 10] Best Vegeta Attacks Best Vegeta Attacks](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2021-07/vegeta_main_image.jpeg.webp?itok=AxSsmkfs)
[Top 10] Best Vegeta Attacks (Ranked)
Wassup everyone! Your friendly neighborhood Shounen Man here with another anime list to light a fire in your heart. Today we are once again visiting my favorite show in all of anime, DragonBall Z! DragonBall Z is known to have some pretty amazing attacks in its series and some of the best ones out there were performed by the prince of all Saiyans, Vegeta. This prince of destruction has unleashed some crazy hell on his opponents when his rage hits its peaks. Let’s go together and find out what the top 10 best Vegeta attacks are.
10. Dirty Fireworks Against Cui
Coming in at number 10 we have Dirty Fireworks Against Cui! During the Namek Saga, Vegeta went back to Frieza’s base and was healed in one of their tanks before blasting his way out and escaping. Cui, his rival in the Frieza force was sent after the wayward Saiyan. However, when Cui found his target he quickly realized he was no longer a match for Vegeta after he got his Zenkai boost from almost dying. Realizing his mistake Cui tried to flee by flying away as fast as he could but Vegeta easily stopped him since he was much faster. He then slams his fist through his opponent’s stomach before sending him sky high and pointing at his body causing it to explode in a colorful fashion
9. Final Impact Against Majin Buu
Coming in at number 9 we have Final Impact Against Majin Buu! When Vegeta allowed Babidi to release the evil within his heart he got a big power-up. He immediately began a battle with Goku but it was interrupted when Majin Buu was finally released from his long-time prison. After knocking Goku out with a sneak attack Vegeta headed straight for Majin Buu. With Goku unconscious, this was the first time the fate of everything was on Vegeta’s shoulders. He started the fight off with crazy combinations beating Buu all over the place, he seemingly didn’t stand a chance against Buu but after the monster kept regenerating Vegeta decided to take it up a notch. Sticking his forefingers and thumb out he charged up a very powerful blast. Lighting began to crack around his body before he fired the blast straight through Majin Buu creating a huge hole in his torso.
8. Double Galick Cannon
Coming in at number 8 we have Double Galick Cannon! During our heroes’ fights with Babidi’s minions, Vegeta won their rock, paper, scissors match and got to fight Pui-Pui. The villain had a long monologue about how bad he was going to beat the Saiyans that faced him. After his very long-winded speech, Vegeta began to embarrass him by dodging and blocking all of his hits without attacking. He then begins to mercisslessly beat on Pui-Pui until Babidi sends the room to the villains home planet thinking that the gravity there would put Vegeta at a disadvantage. This however didn’t affect Vegeta and after a particularly harsh combo Pui-Pui decided to rush in. Vegeta used this moment to move in under his opponents guard ,placing his hands on the villains midsection before releasing a huge blast that completely obliterated Pui-Pui.
7. Galaxy Breaker
Coming in at number 7 we have Galaxy Breaker! This was the first move Vegeta used that really showed his personality to the fans. Vegeta came to earth with his partner Nappa to find the dragonballs. During their battle with the Z- Warriors, Nappa was wrecking them. In fact, he seemed unstoppable after our heroes began falling one by one. However, when all seemed lost Goku showed up and defeated Nappa easily with his newly learned Kaio-Ken attack. Goku showed his broken opponent mercy by tossing him at the feet of his partner and telling them to leave but Vegeta felt no such mercy. Grabbing Nappa by the hand he tossed him in the air before charging white lightning around himself. He then fired a beam straight from his body destroying Nappa in an iconic scene.
6. God Heat Flash
Coming in at number 6 we have God Heat Flash! This is a very powerful move that Vegeta used in the new Broly movie.
As Vegeta battled against the Legendary Super Saiyan Broly, he realized that his Super Saiyan modes were not enough as the angrier Broly got the more powerful he became. He shot up into the sky becoming Super Saiyan God for the first time, which was a huge treat for Vegeta fans. Once in this form, Broly could no longer keep up and Vegeta began to overwhelm him with speed and power. After Sending Broly flying off the wild Saiyan began to furiously scream. Vegeta charged up a super god form of his big bang attack and fired it directly at Broly sending him down through the water as the huge explosion went off.
5. Final Shine Attack
Coming in at number 5 we have Final Shine Attack! This crazy battle in DragonBall GT is between the Z-fighters and Super 17. Super 17 was the most powerful creation made by Dr. Myuu and Dr. Gero, made by fusing an evil 17 with the original 17. When our heroes show up to fight this new villain they quickly realize they are no match for him. The first move is, of course, made by Vegeta who punches Super 17 in the face with no effect at all before getting thrown away. He is then attacked by the rest of them with Gohan even firing off a Kamehameha at him but still takes no damage. The villain then proceeds to take each of our heroes one-by-one at blinding speeds and with single strikes. In response to their beating Vegeta launches his Final Shine Attack which is a beam of brilliant green energy that hits Super 17 dead on.
4. Big Bang Attack
Coming in at number 4 we have Big Bang Attack! When Goku went Super Saiyan for the first time against Frieza he achieved Vegeta's dream. This infuriated Vegeta, he left earth to go train in isolation to overcome his limitations and catch up to Goku. During the Android Saga, Goku was losing a battle to Android 19 due to a heart condition he was a victim of. The android kept stealing his energy and it was looking like Goku may die until Vegeta showed up with his normal cocky attitude. To everyone's surprise, the prince of all Saiyans transformed into a Super Saiyan for the first time, ever. Android 19 stood no chance against Vegeta and got dominated. After taunting his enemy by asking if androids experience fear, Vegeta charges up a huge ball of brilliant energy as 19 runs for its life. Vegeta launches the energy ball completely annihilating 19.
3. Galick Gun
Coming in at number 3 we have Galick Gun! This move, just like the iconic Kamehameha, is to Goku is Vegeta’s mainstay. He has used this move many times in the series, terrifying his enemies. When uses this technique he charges up similarly to the Kamehameha but with a different hand position and purple, chaotic energy. After the charge up he unleashes a large purple beam that can destroy entire planets. The best scene where he used this move was definitely in his first battle with Goku. During this fight Vegeta was forcing Golu to stay in Kaioken just to keep up with him and things were no different when the two enemies ended up in a huge beam struggle with one another. Vegeta’s galick gun was more powerful than Goku’s attack and began to Overwhelm it in a brilliant display of blue and purple energies clashing.
2. Final Flash
Coming in at number 2 we have FInal Flash! This technique is one of my favorites in the entire series. When Vegeta fights Imperfect Cell after coming out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber he completely dominates the monster. As the fight goes on Cell begins to rant on how he would have killed Veget if he attained his perfect form. Vegeta being the prince of all arrogance decides to not only let him get it but he even helps. After Cell absorbs 18 he becomes perfect Cell and turns the tables on Vegeta immediately. Realizing he can’t beat the monster conventionally, Vegeta goads him into standing still and taking his attack straight up. Vegeta then charges up in one of the most intense beam power-ups I've ever seen. After a long charge time Vegeta unleashes a blast that Cell has to try to dodge or die and it obliterates half of Cell’s body.
1. Final Explosion
Coming in at number 1 we have Final Explosion! This is not only one of the most powerful moves that can be performed by one of the most powerful characters in the entire series but it’s also a marker for one of the best wrap-ups to a character development arc in Anime. When Majin Buu gets released due to Vegeta and Goku battling each other Vegeta knocks Goku out and goes to fight Buu on his own. Buu, however, was completely unbeatable due to his regeneration abilities, after coming to this understanding Vegeta finally came to a realization. He finally understood that what he truly wanted was to love and protect his family. Vegeta the long-time villain then anti-hero turned in this moment into the good guy that we know to this day. After hugging his son goodbye Vegeta charged up all of his energy into his body until it became unstable. He then released that energy catching Majin Buu in the blast and ripping him into pieces.
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