What to do when you can’t get your D&D group together in person..
There’s nothing better than getting together with your friends, gathering up all the dice you’re able to carry (and then some- that’s what dice bags are for, after all!), and immersing yourself in the tabletop RPG known as Dungeons and Dragons! Using a canon storyline from Wizards of the Coast or your Dungeon Master creating a storyline based on their own imagination- the options are endless when it comes to what story you, and your fantasy character, experience every session.
With how times have shifted to focusing on more online platforms, we now have access to play our favorite tabletop game from the comfort of our own home. Believe me when I say there’s more than one fun and engaging way to play Dungeons and Dragons online!
D&D Beyond
D&D Beyond with their iconic red logo and the & symbol modeled after a dragon breathing fire.
Link: D&D Beyond
Let's Play D&D With D&D Beyond's All New Creative Team!
A near-household name when it comes to Dungeons and Dragons, D&D Beyond is a massively popular online tool for creating D&D characters, campaigns and even monster encounters! Another great aspect offered through D&D Beyond is the ability to create Homebrew classes, races, items, monsters and so much more! Anything your little Wizard heart desires can be conjured and added to a character sheet with just a few clicks.
D&D Beyond offers a fair amount of content without needing to sign up for a subscription with access to the Compendium to reference and read up on any Rules, Spells, Magic Items, Equipment or Monsters from the D&D Basic Rules. You also have access to create up to 6 characters with their Character Builder program, creating and participating in Campaigns, and all of the Homebrew abilities and content which can then be used by anyone with a subscription.
Offered Materials: Official Wizards of the Coast Sourcebooks and Campaign Guides, Character Builder, Homebrew capability, Beta testing Encounters, Alpha testing Maps (Master Tier Subscription ONLY- at this time), Access to your D&D Beyond on your Mobile or Tablet device, Digital Dice- and even the ability to purchase physical bundles!
Subscription Pricing:
- Cost: $2.99/ monthly
- Create unlimited characters
- Create unlimited encounters
- Add public homebrew content
- Early-access to new player tools
- Monthly subscriber perks
- Cost: $5.99/ monthly
- Create unlimited characters
- Create unlimited encounters
- Add public homebrew content
- Early-access to new player tools
- Monthly subscriber perks
- Share unlocked content with other players
- Host game sessions with Maps
- Up to 10 GBs of storage
Link: Roll20
Let's start an adventure with Roll20!
A great tutorial and introduction video for Roll20's program!
Much like D&D Beyond, Roll20 allows you to build your character, add them into a campaign and play them on a virtual map. Something additional that Roll20 offers that D&D Beyond does not is that you have access to content beyond Dungeons and Dragons newest 5e gameplay such as Pathfinder editions, Starfinder, Call of Cthulhu, newer games such as Candela Obscura and so many more!
Something nice that Roll20 offers as well when you start your free account is asking you an array of questions to help guide you on your first steps through their platform. Are you an experienced player or new to TTRPGs (Tabletop RPGs)? Are you a Dungeon Master looking to run a game, a player looking to play a game or trying out something new? What type of TTRPG are you looking to play? The gaming possibilities are limitless with so much offered at your fingertips with just a free subscription!
Offered Materials: Over 1,200 game systems including Dungeons and Dragons 5e, Pathfinder, Starfinder, Call of Cthulhu and MANY MORE! Character Creation with whatever gaming system you’re going to be playing (This is fantastic for new players to a new gaming system with how it helps create a template on a character sheet for you), Create your own Game and Maps.
Subscription Pricing:
- Cost: FREE
- 100MB Upload Storage
- Dedicated Online Hosting
- 1,200+ Game Systems
- Compendium Sharing (1 Game/ 5 players)
- Look for Group (2 Listings)
- Cost: $5.99 per month/ $49.99 per year (with 2 months FREE)
- 3 GB Upload Storage
- Dedicated Online Hosting
- 1,200+ Game Systems
- Compendium Sharing (3 Games/ 10 Players)
- Look for Group (Unlimited Listings)
- Dynamic Lighting
- No Loadscreen Ads
- Share Table Features
- All Access to Roll20 Characters
- Cost: $9.99 per month/ $99.99 per year (with 2 months FREE)
- 8 GB Upload Storage
- Dedicated Online Hosting
- 1,200+ Game Systems
- Compendium Sharing (5 Games/ 15 Players)
- Look for Group (Unlimited Listings)
- Dynamic Lighting
- No Loadscreen Ads
- Share Table Features
- All Access to Roll20 Characters
- Transmogrifier
- Roll20 Reserve Reward
- Custom Character Sheets
- Mod (API) Access
- Early Access
Link: Foundry VTT
Take a look at what FoundryVTT has to offer!
Foundry VTT is a one time purchase-required self-hosted roleplaying platform that is supported on Windows, Mac and Linux. If you’re unsure if the platform is going to be up to your needs- they offer a free demo so you can experience the platform both as a player and a Dungeon Master.
Foundry VTT is incredibly immersive for an online platform, offering ambient environments for players, showing Darkvision and Low-Light vision ranges when a character moves around and even ambient sounds that reflect with the area as well. It’s easy-to-use for the Dungeon Master or Game Master looking for a program to create their own interactive maps.
Offered Materials: 200+ Game Systems, Only ONE person needs to purchase this program for everyone in your game to use it, and many more perks
- This program only requires a one-time purchase of the Foundry Program for $50.00 for their Software License Key by the Dungeon Master
- Should you be a current or former Patreon supporter of Foundry VTT, you could be eligible for a Supporter Discount towards the purchase of ONE license.
- It would seem purchasing more than one license does not allow this discount to stack.
Tale Spire
This Steam-purchase game, Talespire, is up on our list next.
Link: TaleSpire
A great demo on Talespire and all it's beautiful graphics and features.
The first one on our list that is available for purchase on Steam, Talespire is a direct-download online D&D program. DMs can build their campaigns in-game, invite their players in for sessions and play to your TTRPG hearts content. This program is visually beautiful for DMs to build with and players to play in!
TaleSpire offers beautiful graphics, great world-building abilities and a TTRPG that feels like you’re playing a regular RPG. The mechanics are user-friendly for both new-comers and the experienced players. World building for cityscapes, dungeon crawls or outdoor encounters are fun to create and even more fun to navigate to see the best spot to be in when it’s time to cast Fireball!
- Cost: There is a one-time purchase through the Steam shop for $24.99
- Each person who wishes to play this has to buy the game in order to play together- unlike some other programs talked about with this article.
Fantasy Grounds
Enter Fantasy Grounds with an open mind and a willingness to play!
Link: Fantasy Grounds
We have another great program that is compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux with a subscription purchase through their website. I’m a huge advocate for free demos should I be unsure about a program or game I’m looking to try and Fantasy Grounds offers a free demo as well!
Another program that implements the Darkvision and Low-Light vision graphics when moving through dungeons with their fun new map features. They also have an interesting feature that made my D&D nerdy heart happy was when you go to open a door, you get the creak of the door opening through the speakers as if you’re the team’s Rogue trying to open a dungeon door before you spring your surprise attack.
Offered Materials: Dungeons and Dragons, Fate Core, Pathfinder and so many more!, 1500+ DLCs and add ons from your favorite TTRPGs, support of custom overlays, new map features such as animated FX layers, advanced grid options and more!
Subscription Pricing: (As of the writing of this article, these subscriptions were on sale so pricing is subject to change, please refer to their website above for their current pricing.)
- Cost: $3.99 per month/ $19.50 for License
- Build your own Campaigns
- Play in a game hosted by Ultimate subscription holders
- Play in a game hosted by Standard subscription holders
- Host games for Standard and Ultimate subscription holders
- Tokens and Pogs
- Combat Battle Maps
- Shockbolt GMW Kit
- Saz Asset Pack
- Torsten’s Asset Pack
- Portrait Images
- Rulesets for any TTRPG they offer
- Data Libraries
- Cost: $9.99 per month/ $74.50 for License
- Build your own Campaigns
- Play in a game hosted by Ultimate subscription holders
- Play in a game hosted by Standard subscription holders
- Host games for Standard and Ultimate subscription holders
- Host games for Demo players
- Tokens and Pogs
- Combat Battle Maps
- Shockbolt GMW Kit
- Saz Asset Pack
- Torsten’s Asset Pack
- Portrait Images
- Rulesets for any TTRPG they offer
- Data Libraries
- Demo for anyone
Questline is up next on more platforms than one!
Link: Questline
Adding another wonderfully interactive VTT program, Questline has a wide array of offered games. This includes our favorite Dungeons and Dragons, integrated features for a full-experience and the ability to play on your PC/Laptop or mobile device as well at a very reasonable monthly subscription price.
Offered Materials: Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, Star Wars 5e, Warhammer 40,000, Fate, Fallout and so many more games offered to play, Battlemaps, 3D dice, Encounter tracking, Character sheets, Action Builder, Darkvision and Low-Light vision capabilities, interactive and immersive music and many more.
Subscription Pricing:
- Cost: FREE
- The first 30 days of this subscription comes with Game Master status of subscription before reverting to Basic status
Game Master:
- Cost: $5.00 per month
- Create and play as many games as you want!
- Full access to the Game Master tools
Game Master Plus:
- Cost: $6.00+ per month
- Create and play as many games as you want!
- Full access to Game Master tools
- Choose extra levels if you wish to support the development of Questline
Mythic Table
One program to that to the "Mythic"- the legend- that is VTT programs!
Link: Mystic Table
A no-frills needed program, Mythic Table brings just what you need to play your campaign online!
Mythic Table is a great addition to this list for its unique feature of wanting only to add to the experience of the game you are playing- and nothing else. If you are looking for an online program that is focused just around enhancing what your DM already is going to bring to the table. Along with what the players are going to bring to combat, talk or seduce their way through, this is the one for you. The map-only based VTT is great for those whose only need is a map from their imagination out in the world to play on.
Offered Materials: FREE online map-only program, Invite only to campaigns, Add just your Character Token, Monster Token and play! You will need to be sure to keep track of your own character on a third-party character tracker
Subscription Pricing:
- Cost: FREE!
RollTable offers some great services- even with their free package!
Link: RollTable
See how you can immerse yourself in D&D with RollTable!
The way that RollTable makes you feel like you’re sitting at the table with your friends playing the game in a way you can immerse yourself in the map with 2D, 2.5D or 3D all for free- just feels good! No downloads are required for this program as well. You can import your own map to play on. You can even have your own mini be added straight into the game without using a generic token, which gives this program an extra edge of personality.
Offered Material: Import your own map- Mini or even Character art for Tokens and Minis, Large library of Miniatures to choose from if you want to choose a generic character. No Downloads required.
Subscription Pricing:
Free Plan:
- Cost: FREE
- Can have up to 15 Campaigns
- 1GB of Storage
Basic Plan:
- Cost: $2.50 per month
- Up to 20 Campaigns
- 10GB of Storage
Paragon Plan:
- Cost: $5.00 per month
- Unlimited amount of Campaigns
- 50GB of Storage
A great program to getting your VTT feet wet, Tableplop brings just what you need to get started.
Link: Tableplop
The first steps into getting Tableplop started for your very first game!
Tableplop is a free online VTT used to run games like Dungeons and Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, Fate, Warhammer and more! This program has an easier layout than some of the others on our list as well, which is a wonderful starter program for those who are new to VTTs. Make no mistake though, this is a wonderfully thought-out program that will engage DMs and players alike to use and enjoy hours of gameplay!
Offered Materials: Easy to use tool-set for pen and paper or electronic character sheet based TTRPG games, Create maps with their pretty Backgrounds, Banners, Creatures and Characters.
Subscription Pricing:
- Cost: FREE!
Owlbear Rodeo
Such a great name for an equally great program- OwlBear Rodeo brings much to the VTT table!
Link: OwlBear Rodeo
One of the more visually aestetic programs with moving landscape for full immersion.
For an online platform, Owlbear Rodeo not only offers one of the most unique names, it also has some of the most stunning map graphics thus far, in my opinion. In the trailer alone you can see how you could potentially make lava flow around islands, fly atop dragons through clouds in the sky and other incredible locations. Owlbear Rodeo may be the final one on our list but, shouldn’t we sometimes save some of the best for last? Who knows, maybe you can ride an Owlbear at a rodeo with this!
Offered Materials: DM Tools- Rooms to invite players to (the amount of rooms you can have at one time depends on your subscription so be aware of that), Creating scenes and maps, Managing assets, Darkvision and Low-Light vision capabilities, Cast your game onto any available Chromecast for larger viewing capabilities and more.
Subscription Pricing:
Nestling Plan
- Cost: FREE (Which we LOVE to see!)
- 200MB of Storage
- Access to all tools
- Up to 2 Rooms to invite players into
Fledgling Plan
- Cost: $3.99 per month
- 5GB of storage
- Access to all tools
- Up to 10 Rooms
- Personalized rooms
Bestling Plan
- Cost: $7.99 per month
- 10GB of storage
- Access to all tools
- Up to 25 Rooms
- Personalized rooms