Clash Royale Top Seven Best Golem Decks
More heavy contender chaos
Now, as we went over before, what is Golem? Well, both Golems need to have support in order to function. However, even though E-Golem is only three elixir, decks can still cost as much as an eight elixir Golem push. Most players opt for Battle Healer on E-Golem and he’s most seen with cards like Electro Dragon while Golem is more seen with cards like Night Witch and Clone.
It’s also important to note to never ever EVER use E-Golem at zero as defense, you’ll just screw yourself over and hand your opponent free elixir. Secondly, if you’re playing Golem decks, you can afford to tank a tower in order to build up a push because the potential these decks have can three crown opponents in mere seconds. So don’t be too defensive when building a push, if you have to lose a tower, lose it because if you try defending, you can lose vital cards needed for your push.
However, don’t be stupid and just let your opponent three crown you, if the threat of being three crowned is there, then by all means, defend, defend, DEFEND! With that being said, let’s check out some of these hilarious decks!
7. Axe MP Golem Ice Wiz Beatdown
Expensive but powerful
I know, I know, 4.5 is almost five elixir and that’s terrifying so for this one, I’ll recommend using this deck for 2v2’s or party modes. But if you know how to manage elixir, then try your hand at trophy pushing or ranked play! Also, many players consider Elixir Pump to be absolutely worthless but no, no, no, it is absolutely BUSTED once you get more than one on the ground, even with just one you can take names.
The Executioner is also pretty overpowered because literally nothing takes him out except for Rocket. He survives Poison, Fireball, okay maybe not Void but you could just place Bats down to keep it from taking out your Executioner. We all know how to play Golem too, if you’re a veteran and have a good cycle, Golem first play can end the game before it even starts. For newbies to Golem, try waiting until double elixir and when you have a good cycle!
But how to play Elixir Golem? Well, you’ll never have it first hand but sometimes it can be a second play. No matter what, always place it behind your tower and never save it. If it’s not on the ground, it’s not generating elixir for you. Even at defeat you can get back one elixir which doesn’t sound like much but can be the difference between victory and death.
Other than that, Ice Wizard is great and helps a lot with your defense while Lightning is great as both defense and offense! Of course, if you have them, use the Bats-Evo too!
6. Jelly Wiz King
Jelly is back!
Okay, I know there’s not exactly a Battle Healer in this deck but it is an absolute blast to play, especially with the Skeleton King and Wizard combo that can fuel the SK’s soul meter, giving him ease to spawn a Graveyard whenever you want. My God, you could place Clone in this and still come out on top, with the Bats and the double Elixir Golem Jr’s going on a rage-filled rampage when they arrive at the enemy tower.
Oh and you’ll notice that you’ll have access to two potential evolutions, Skeletons and Wizard! Which to use if you don’t have access to duel slots? I’d say Wizard for new players because it’s just one cycle and you get a bomb around you Wizard. However, remember that he shoots a lot slower and is overall just weaker due to his shield. If you know how to use ‘em, why not give the Skeletons a chance? Sure they can be defeated easily but they’re still one of the best evolutions in the game with the potential to three crown at just one elixir.
When it comes to the spells you have, I wouldn’t swap out Arrows or Void, you’ll need some swarm counters and Void is great against buildings and tanks. You could swap out your Rage for something like Clone or another heavy spell, even a troop if you want but remember that without it, you’ll lose out on the damage and speed boost!
5. Northwest Electro Spook Yard Golem
Graveyard Havoc!
Back to the stone cold Golem, you’ll notice that this combo might look expensive but just have faith, if you maintain your elixir properly. Now, with three air defenses, you might think it’s a bit of an overpowered combo but you’ll have a pretty great defense at your arsenal, like seriously, don’t even try to underestimate the Mega Minion, especially when he has E-Wiz helping him.
So what is going on here and what’s the play? Well, you’ve already learned how to play Golem and when and where to play him. However, Golem Grave is a bit different in playstyle because you’ll really need to have knowledge on good Graveyard plays. So, most Graveyard players know to play whenever you have something heavy in the front to tank so thankfully for you, Golem is about as heavy as it gets. By the time he gets to the bridge, you’ll have had enough to get back to five elixir, which gives you a choice between Graveyard and Night Witch.
You should know that your biggest threat is buildings so if you’re having trouble against them, you could cheapen the deck by replacing Poison with Void or you could keep it and take out Skeletons for Earthquake or Void at a higher elixir cost. Other than that, the only other threat is Poison which can take out your Graveyard and make it worthless but if you can make your opponent cycle or even if you can’t, Night Witch is a great substitute that you should be using regardless, try not to pick one or the other in double elixir! The best combo is Night Witch first, then Graveyard in double elixir.
4. Spark the Jelly Fisherman
Explosive offense and defense!

Back to some more gelatinous havoc, this next deck is pretty good if you’re looking for high damage carnage. Now, the deck is pretty expensive, I know the average elixir count is 3.8 but when it comes to cycling, you’ll have a pretty tough time getting around since there’s not really anything to cycle with. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have success with a deck as powerful as this one!
Now, power is the name of the game. Seriously, if you can get two Sparky’s down on the ground, there is absolutely NOTHING your opponent can do unless they happen to have Rocket which in the current meta, isn’t as common as you’d think. However, you should be on the lookout for Log Bait as it has been on the rise recently, especially in ranked with players looking for easy wins. But thankfully, while you probably couldn’t out cycle a Log Bait player, you can bait them. How? Just get a good push going, Elixir Golem, Battle Healer and if you can, Night Witch. Both E-Golem and Healer will survive the blast and the Night Witch will have spawned in some Bats. Then you can get Sparky down.
Other than that, E-Wiz is pretty good air defense and if you’re having trouble using Poison or if you just don’t like it, there’s a lot of great alternatives like Fireball, Earthquake or even Lightning if you want a more expensive cycle. Though I’d suggest Void just because it’s still so overpowered at this point in the meta. Anyway, once you get a good E-Golem push down, ensure your Sparky is safe and spam as much as you can.
3. Classic Golem Clone
Finally some Clone spam
It’s honestly surprising this wasn’t even ranked in the last Golem list and yes, it’s sad it’s not at number one but even so, there’s a reason it’s lasted for so long. Now, despite the 3.9 average elixir, you can still manage to cycle pretty easily, with Lumberjack and Dragon or even Bats and Skeletons.
So, if you’ve been playing heavy Golem for a while or if you’ve been paying attention to the last few lists, you’ll know to always manage your elixir count and if you’ve been playing Golem like you do homework, you’ll have gained a knack for Golem first plays. So, if Lady Luck is on your side and you have a good rotation, you’ll be able to take a tower first play by playing Night Witch and Lumberjack behind your Golem.
But what about Inferno Tower or P.E.K.K.A? Well, Clones are quite helpful for tasks such as these. However, Clone is yet another card that requires strategy to use. Never EVER use Clone unless you’re sure you’ve out cycled your opponents splash counters. If you have a good Golem push going, your opponent will panic and just use whatever spells they have to get rid of your push, but they’ll only ensure your victory because once Clone is down and if your opponent doesn’t have their counters, victory is assured.
2. E-Golem Twister Evo-Barbs
As the title suggests, this deck is better with the evolution
Yes, it’s true, while this deck is still pretty busted, you’ll find a lot more success and fun with the Evolved Barbarians. However, you probably should use the evolution, especially if you have them since there’s no reason not to consider they’re the only evolution this deck will have access to. Anyway, if you don’t know how the Barbs work, they require one cycle for Raged Barbarians that can take out serious swarms and pushes. But, remember they still are worthless against air troops.
But how do you use the other cards to make a good push? Usually, you’ll want to ensure your line up has the cards you need for success. Since Elixir Golem is just three elixir, you won’t have to be as careful as you would with regular Golem and you can start cycling to more E-Golems and Healers, especially in double elixir. You should still place it in the back though, just so you can build more elixir.
The moment you can get double of Healer, E-Dragon or Night Witch or even Elixir Golem, seriously, nothing your opponent has with be able to stop you, except maybe with Inferno Tower but even then, E-Dragon’s Zaps will trickle over if he’s close enough. If you place Rage on top of a swarm, which if you know they have some sort of swarm, you probably wait until they place them for your Rage. Your push is powerful enough, just wait until a swarm placement then Rage.
1. Classic Twist Golem
A bit of classic Golem with a twist-er
Now you’ll notice there’s a bit more to this deck other than the Golem, Lumbo, Night Witch or Dragon, that links this deck to the third ranked Golem Clone on the list. Now, this deck is a bit expensive, and usually players tell you to steer away from anything more expensive than 3.9 but let’s be honest, ladder players these days are playing 5.7 E-Giant Lumberloon so this gets a pass.
Anyway, sure, the synergy is off but the power is there. We all know the Golem strategy at this point, play him in the back and ignore an opposite lane push unless it’s a three crown threat and push with Night Witch, Lumberjack and just win. But oh no, what about buildings or P.E.K.K.A? P.E.K.K.A is such a non-threat it’s almost hilarious when you consider she’ll just attack Golem, even if placed behind him. Then Mega Minion swipes, swipes and wipes away, all while Night Witch keeps spawning Bats and Lumberjack chops away.
Buildings though? Well, uh, if the Bats don’t take care of it or Poison, just try swapping for Void! But you really shouldn’t have to do that with so much power on your deck.