[Top 5] Clash Royale Best Mega Knight Decks

24 Jul 2024

Top Five Best Mega Knight Decks

Alright, fine, let’s use the Midladder Menace…

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Ah the Mega Knight. Big guy in the armor who’s been terrorizing Midladder and even Low Ladder players for years. Why? Well there’s a reason why new players are gambling Legendary Chests for a Mega Knight. He has some of the most annoying plays and destroys pushes with ease, this is why nearly every deck list has counters to Mega Knight and ensures they can defeat him. 

Mega Knight can seriously screw up an opponent's push, ESPECIALLY if they spend all their elixir on it just for Mega Knight to deploy and squash your push like a rotten pumpkin. So what makes Mega Knight so… Legendary?!

Well that’s thanks to his ability and spawn ability. Like Electro Wizard, MK spawns in like a nuclear bomb as he lands in the middle of pushes and takes nearly half health of smaller troops. He also jumps from target to target with extreme damage and with a ton of health. Because he jumps from place to place like a hyperactive child, this makes him extremely dangerous to mess around with, like playing with fire.

So let’s take a look at some of the most destructive and fun decks the big man is featured in! 



5. Mega Splash

Graveyard Chaos

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A great deck to kick off our tier list, Mega Splash is a deck that finds origins around 2018 or so, and although Graveyard has taken a bit of a hit in popularity, due to the rise in Sakuya Izayoi players, uh I mean, Dagger Duchess players, which nullified Graveyard into unplayable. Thankfully, Dagger Duchess was nerfed and had trouble taking out even Firecrackers as before she took her out with ease. Graveyard right now is perfect against all three tower troops because of just how overwhelming it can be.

So, how do you play Mega Splash? Easy! Like the Golem list, you’ll need to cycle out your opponents cards to see what counters they may have. Really, you’ll only have trouble against two cards, P.E.K.K.A and Poison. Poison completely counters Graveyard and makes it less than useless. Skeletons will spawn just to die immediately. Secondly, P.E.K.K.A is just a no brainer, she’s the bane of all MK players and here she’ll be a menace since you won’t have a clear way to ensure your Mega Knight survives against her.

However, if you can distract the Princess tower with a P.E.K.K.A attacking your Mega Knight, ensuring your opponent doesn’t have a counter to your Graveyard, you’ll be able to pop a Graveyard and even add a splash of Poison since most players try defending against Graveyard with swarms anyway. 

A threat like Valkyrie trying to spoil the skeleton fun? Pull her away with Twister and have her fight your Mega Knight. Even Inferno Tower/Dragon doesn’t stand a chance with E-Wiz on your side! And if you have Evo-Skeletons unlocked, make sure you use them to their potential to add to the infinite skeleton chaos.



4. Mega Fishy Graveyard

Yes, Graveyard and Wall Breakers pair with MK like PB and Chocolate

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Contradictory to the subtitle, no, this deck doesn’t feature any Wall Breakers but it does feature another Graveyard MK combo! Now, you don’t need me to tell you just how broken Fisherman can be, he’s just a better Tornado, when it comes to pulling single heavy troops that is. Seriously, you can pull Golems, E-Giants, P.E.K.K.A and so much more! Plus you’ll also have the luxury of so much air defense that Lumberloon players might as well just rage quit.

Goblin Cage is also a great defensive building, even if it necessarily doesn’t attack perse, the deployed Goblin Brawler is indeed a force to be trifled with, especially since most players tend to ignore him, leaving him to beat away at defenseless towers only to be countered when it’s too late. Hunter as well is a great addition to the team since when placed right in an opponent's face, he can easily shoot them into submission with that shotgun of his. But remember this about Hunter. The closer he is, the more damage he does!

Finally the Mega Knight Splashyard combo. What is there to say that hasn’t been said already? Ensure that your opponent doesn’t have any counters and if they do, out-cycle them for that sweet victory. Not sure how to do that? Easy, with Barbarian Barrel, you can just shoot Barbarians into battle field for easy baits and deployed Goblin Brawlers will also spark defense from your opponent.

They key with this deck, however, is to keep your Graveyard a secret until the time is right. Some players will hold on to their counters if they know you have it just so they can counter you and this strategy can ruin your whole play. Remember to be patient, just like Golem players are, and when the time is right, get that Graveyard down and splash your way to victory.



3. Warner Brothers Mega Control

Wall Breakers! Brothers…

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Like Graveyard and Mega Knight pair well together, Wall Breakers and MK go even better together! Before we start talking about strats, if you have access to the Zap, Bats or Wall Breakers evolution, ensure you use the WB Evo because there’s no reason to choose Bats or Zap over them, unless you have access to dual evolution slots, in which the choice of Bats and Zap is up to you, but I’d recommend Bats due to them having increased health and damage. At a cost of two cycles for access, the Wall Breakers Evolution is just better than Zap in all ways, especially in this deck!

So, how do you play WB MK Control? Well, the key to this deck is cycling. You can cycle to constant Wall Breakers from Bats, Goblins and Miner until you get evolutions ready. The thing about evolutions that many players find themselves in is that many players will hold on to their evolutions until the perfect moment that never comes. You need, need, NEED to just keep cycling cards so you can get your evolutions back faster. Now that doesn’t mean be careless with them. For example, if you know your opponent is at ten elixir and has Mega Knight, Arrows or a building, don’t go and just plop them down just for a cycle. Cycle, but be smart! 

The rest of the deck is pretty great too! You have air control with Hunter and Fisherman is a great card that we’ve gone over plenty before! Pull Golems, Giants and anything else to your King and then use him to pull danger away from any attacking troops or pull away danger from your tower. Mega Knight is also here to keep the pressure on the opponent since he jumps from target to tower! And make sure you keep annoying your opponent with Miner, he may not do much damage but a distracted tower shooting at your Miner can be the difference between a Wall Breakers connection or not.



2. Miner Flying Machine MK Poison

Nearly perfect but not quite

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This is a great competitor for second place since the only problem you might encounter is the fact that nearly all of these cards have a purpose you don’t want to waste. For example, you might not want to cycle and waste your Electro Wizard if you know the opponent has Inferno Dragon that can take out your Mega Knight, with another example being wasting your Poison if you know your opponent has Goblin Hut or Minion Horde. 

But these flaws don’t make this deck bad, it wouldn’t have made second place if it was! You’ll notice Miner, the good ole’ coal Miner, well, arena Miner. Most players avoid Miner just because he doesn’t do much damage but he does have a lot of health. Cheap plays you can use are spamming Miner with Bats for easy damage or Flying Machine. However, you should never use both Bats and Flying Machine at the same time since they could both die to say a well timed Fireball or well placed Wizard. Always use one or the other! For example, say you send in a Miner with Bats but the opponent places a Wizard to get rid of the Bats. Well now you can send in Flying Machine to get rid of the Wizard attacking your Miner and then get double damage with the Flying Machine attacking the enemy tower and Flying Machine does a lot of damage!

You’ll notice just how much air defense you’ll have, with Electro Wizard and Bats and whatnot and Bandit is another underestimated card that can be seriously deadly. Of course, everyone knows how to use Mega Knight which can be saved from P.E.K.K.A or Inferno Tower with your Bats, Flying Machine and Electro Wizard.



1. Ghost Miner Poison Mega Knight

Ghostly first place

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As you can see, this deck has a perfect score, ignoring the free to play score, since most of Clash Royale these days is equally capped at level eleven so it shouldn’t be too bad unless you’re under level eleven or trying to play ladder. Either way, you’ll be taking names with this spam deck!

You can send in Miner with Skeleton Barrel which is already an overpowered and super annoying spam card that does a considerable amount of damage at destruction. The key here is Miner and it’s not that you use him for damage, you use him for placing an instant and serious tower distraction that can allow Bats, Skeleton Barrel or even Inferno Dragon. Each of these three have the potential to take near half health if not take a whole tower with ease if your opponent is at zero.

However, there is a rise in Bomb Tower usage as well as double spawner spammers so if you’re having issues with buildings, try switching Poison for Earthquake, or if you prefer keeping your Poison, you can switch out Zap for Fireball or even Void since it’s only one elixir more than Zap and one elixir cheaper than the four count Poison and Earthquake at three elixir. 

You’ll also notice the potential evolutions, Bats and Zap, and it’s a clear no-brainer to choose Bats over Zap, they’re both not good but at least with Evo-Bats you can get a lot of damage done. Seriously, God help your opponent if you manage a Miner and Evo-Bats combo on their tower.

Lastly is the star of the show, Mega Knight. Now, most everyone knows how to use the big guy in power armor, drop him on swarms, have him jump from target to target and keep those air defenses at bay! Do that and you’ll find yourself in top ladder in no time!

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