Clash Royale Five of the Best Royal Giant Decks
More midladder shenanigans
So what is Royal Giant, why is he so annoying, er uh, fair and balanced and how do you play him? Well, Royal Giant is unique because he doesn’t have to reach a tower in order to damage it, similar to many other projectile based troops such as Wizard, Firecracker or Princess. But what makes Royal Giant special is that he only targets buildings and barely has to cross the bridge in order to start attacking towers. Without buildings or P.E.K.K.A, you’ll usually always get shots off on the enemy tower without much trouble, even if the opponent has Inferno Dragon, you can counter with Bats or Zap.
Then there’s the evolution and my God if you thought the base form was busted, just wait until you see his purple variant. With this, every shot RG gets off he then stomps at the same time, getting rid of ground swarms and interrupting attacking troops like Mini-P.E.K.K.A which gives him more time to shoot. So, let’s check out some of the most busted decks RG finds himself in.
5. Lighting Ghost RG Fish
Fisherboy is back!
What good Royal Giant deck is complete without Fisherman? In a previous tier list, we went over just how overpowered an RG Fisherboi can be. Why? Because he can pull away practically anything that endangers your Giant! P.E.K.K.A, Mega-Knight, you can even halt Golem players by pulling the Golem towards your King Tower!
But what about swarms, right? Well, if you don’t have the evolution, you’ll still have access to Barbarian Barrel and Arrows! It’s also important to remember that RG’s evolution doesn’t attack air swarms like Minion Horde but it does eliminate anything on the ground that’s weak. Even so, you’re still gonna enjoy the luxuries of Arrows.
Just in case you run into anything heavy like Inferno Tower though, you’ll have Lightning to get rid of that threat. However, if price is a concern, which in this deck it really shouldn’t be, you can swap out Lightning for Void which is just three elixir! Just remember, Void can’t be used against swarms and barely does any damage to the target you intend if, say, your opponent defends with Bats to keep their troops alive. Ensure that they won’t have any swarms available if you need to use a quick Void to eliminate anything heavy! Overall, this is a great deck to kick off the list!
4. RG Skelly King Beatdown
You’re gonna see a trend with these Fisherbois…
As the subtitle reads, you will indeed notice a pattern between RG and Fisherman and that’s just because he’s so good with RG! Seriously, these two might as well be a dynamic duo, going together better than peanut butter and chocolate.
So, this deck also looks pretty similar to the previous one but it’s a bit different. If you’re looking for a good 2v2 deck or want to play more defensively, this is your deck! You might notice Tombstone and wonder how in the world it’s any good when all it does is send out three Skeletons. Well, would it interest you to know that it’s a great defensive tool? How?! Well, imagine your opponent plays, oh say, a Mega Knight. Well, now that Mega Knight is going to jump from Skeleton to Skeleton, giving you ample time to build elixir and come up with a counter.
Plus, these guys build up and take out any distracted troop with ease! However, do make sure you utilize your Hunter properly, as he’ll be your only air defensive troop.
3. Firecracker RG Cycle
Double evolution chaos
Alright, alright, we’ll take a break from the Fisherman and introduce a new deck! Usually you’ll see Bomb Tower Twister decks with Hog Valkyrie but if you’re looking for something heavier or if you just want to test out an evolution, which this deck sports two of the best evolutions, Royal Giant and Firecracker, which yes, there is the Skeletons but when your other options are RG and FC, there’s no point in using them unless, I don’t know, you like a challenge or something.
Anyway, Bomb Tower is great for cycle decks since you can take out large amounts of ground swarms with ease. You could switch it out for Tesla or maybe a spawner like Furnace, which be ideal if you don’t like Bomb Tower but either way, you’ll have a pretty easy time taking out Hog Rider and Golem pushes by just placing Ice Wizard and Firecracker and then using Twister to pull them all together!
If you have the Firecracker evolution, you’ll be able to cycle to her pretty easily with how fast you can get back to her and God help your opponent when they have to keep defending purple evolved Royal Giants like seriously, with Earthquake on your side, your opponents buildings won’t even stand a chance.
2. RG Lil Prince Mother Rage Tesla
The underrated Mother Witch is back!
Yay, the return of Fisherman! But unfortunately, he won’t be the star of this deck, it’s actually the Mother Witch. Yes, I know, she dies to Fireball, Poison and doesn’t stand a chance against most troops but my God does she get annoying when you play swarms against her. Seriously, get a Royal Giant down and place Mother Witch a little bit behind him, especially if you have your opponent at zero, and if they place Bats, Skeletons or even Goblins and Minions, Mother Witch turns them all into hogs that’ll start charging the enemy. Then they save up for Wizard but surprise surprise, the Wizard, Magic Archer etc, will start attacking the hogs rather than your Giant!
Of course Little Prince right now is the most broken champion next to Archer Queen, even better than Archer Queen actually and he can help with heavier troops to help Mother Witch turn more troops into hogs. Rage is also so important here and can turn the tides of war quickly. Most players might use Rage as an offensive tool but in case things get too hot and the opponent is breaking through, pop Rage on the defensive and you’ll get back on the offensive in no time.
Then you’ll have the luxuries of three potential evolutions. Now, the Tesla evolution, I’ll be honest, is pretty bad. If you value your sanity, opt for Royal Giant first, then Skeletons. Just don’t even bother with Tesla if I’m being honest.
1. RG Ghost Cycle Phoenix
More cycle shenanigans
Okay, okay, I know, there isn’t a building or something sturdy like Knight or Mini-P.E.K.K.A but hear me out- Royal Ghost is just as strong if not more so than Valkyrie or any of these popular mini tanks. Now, he’s not as tough as the Knight-Evo but once you see him in action, you’ll start finding places for him in your main decks! The haunted ghost deals a ton of damage and even stands up to ground swarms like Goblin Gang, which he can take out in near one swing of his sword.
But what about Mega Knight or P.E.K.K.A? Well, for Mega Knight, ensure he never jumps on your ghost and for P.E.K.K.A, pull her with Fisherman away from your RG, place some Skeletons so she’ll be stuck with them, maybe even an Electro Spirit and then it’s your choice of placing the ghost or your Phoenix! Either way, you won’t have trouble defending in this deck. Now, if you do want more defense, however, you could swap out your Pheonix for Inferno Dragon but you’ll have to add a Zap or some Arrows. You could also up the price if you want a building but just ensure you don’t make the deck too expensive or you’ll take out the ‘cycle’ element of this deck!