Emotes are part of what makes games great, they give players a chance to show off after a sweat of a match,? With dozens available, it really is up to the gamer to decide which fits their personality. Below I have compiled what I consider to be the best emotes in Call of Duty: Mobile (note: these are in no particular order)
10. Outer Space Shuffle
Start at: 1:02
Is there a better way to celebrate a W than with this party dance? Paired with a catchy tune, this light-hearted dance has been making the CODM rounds since its introduction.
9. Lord of Death
Start at: 1:25
This menacing emote sends a message, you’re the king sitting on his throne. Menacing, intimidating, and to be honest, awesome!
8. Pop Boogie
Start at: 1:48
One of the most recognizable dances in all of gaming, the pop boogie is popular and mockingly funny.
7. Hardstyle
Start at: 0:45
This has one of the best beats of all CODM emotes, rave your heart out.
6. Backyard Boogie
Start at: 3:30
A simple, calm, yet purposeful dance that sends the message you’ve done this multiple times.
5. Claimed
I don’t think much needs to be said here, you are literally claiming the ground with your flag. Have this in your arsenal for ranked victories.
4. Let It Out
Start at: 0:14
Fun, groovy, and long enough to showboat in that winners circle.
3. Razor Sharp
Complete the ninja look with the right skin, I use Razor Sharp with Rambo.
2. Six Chamber Shooter
A fun blasting away emote, you should switch your name to quick-draw if using this one.
1. Monkey Dance
My personal choice, the monkey dance says you’re the alpha and GG.
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