An annoyance when you come across, shotgun players are a rare breed. These are some of the strongest weapons to master in CODM, so if that’s you, you have my respect. Here are the most powerful shotguns this season.
3. BY15
Most likely one of the first weapons you used, the BY15 is ol’ faithful. While it is in need of a rework, the gun still delivers powerful damage at close range. Like all the shotguns we will cover, these weapons are best in close-quarter maps. I’d recommend pairing the shotgun with a melee weapon, or high-capacity pistol.
BY15 Optimal Loadout:
- Sawed-Off Barrell (increases ADS)
- OWC Laser- Tactical (can help with quick aiming when using hip-fire)
- 500gr Slug (increases damage exponentially)
- Choke (Increases damage range)
- YKM Combat Stock (heightens mobility, and ADS time)
2. HS0405
The next two shotguns I would say are 1A and 1B. Chances are you’ll run into users carrying these in ranked, my best advice: have a quick draw and hope they don’t miss! Grind for the diamond if possible, it really makes any weapon look magnificent. Since this weapon has a slightly farther damage range, pair it with something close quarters like the Prize Gloves or Karambit Knife.
HS0405 Optimal Loadout:
- Monolithic Suppressor (Silenced, increase in damage range)
- RTC Extended Barrel (20% damage range increase)
- No Stock (Increased movement speed & 15% ADS time)
- Speed Up Kill Perk
- MIP Laser 5mW (-25% Sprint-to-Fire Delay)
1. KRM 262
More than likely, you’ve run into some madman wielding this piece of work. This shotgun delivers the ultimate combination of speed, range, and damage. What makes it the best and most powerful shotgun is its versatility. For a balanced combination of range and damage, check out the loadout below. (As with all of the shotguns listed, Hip-Fire is suggested, but not an absolute)
KRM 262 Optimal Loadout:
- Marauder Suppressor (Silenced, gives a 25% damage range increase)
- RTC Extended Barrel (-6.4% ADS Bullet Spread, also adds 20% damage range)
- No Stock (increases 15% ADS Time)
- Speed Up Kill Perk
- MIP Laser 5mW (-25% Sprint-to-Fire Delay)
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