There are 112 weapons in Call of Duty Warzone, how are you supposed to find the best? That’s what this guide is here for as some guns are more powerful than others. Every weapon is usable, although you will have some difficulty with the launchers and melee weapons, but here are the 10 best right now.
What makes weapons good in Warzone is the time to kill (TTK) as well as how useful they can be around the map. Typically this means that longer ranged weapons are best and having a short ranged secondary is useful.
10. DG-58 LSW
DG-58 LSW stats:
ADS Speed - 370 ms
Movement Speed - 4.5 m/s
Effective Damage Range - 34.3 m
Vertical Recoil - 69.06 */s
Bullet Velocity - 880 m/s
The DG-58 LSW is a great LMG as it has the advantages of more bullet velocity without major penalties to reload speed and movement speed. Unlike the counterpart DG-56 this weapon is fully automatic making it great for taking out enemies.
This weapon is strongest in longer ranges because of the bullet velocity and damage. You are more likely to get away with some close range encounters because it is not super slow but you're better off sticking to range with this one.
What makes this weapon great is that it has some of the pluses and some of the downsides. I mean it’s got the better velocity and range than most assault rifles but not as much as other LMGs. Although it also has some of the movement and handling penalties but not as much as other LMGs.
What The DG-58 LSW Excels In:
Ranged kills and spraying enemies out of the sky with the high bullet velocity
Decent handling for moving around the map and taking power positions
Taking multiple enemies out in one clip with high damage per round
How To Get The DG-58 LSW: You unlock this LMG after reaching level 7.
KATT AMR stats:
ADS Speed - 760 ms
Movement Speed - 4.3 m/s
Effective Damage Range - 78.0 m
Vertical Recoil - 127.63 */s
Bullet Velocity - 660 m/s
The KATT AMR is a big and often slow bolt action sniper rifle added with Modern Warfare 3. This gun has a slow base aim down sight speed compared to other snipers in the game but has the best damage and bullet velocity to compensate.
This weapon makes the list as it is the best sniper in the category by far. With the right attachments this weapon isn’t necessarily fast but it’s not slow either. This weapon is a one shot to the head and makes for an exceptional weapon for quickly taking out enemies from a distance.
What makes this weapon so great is that, unlike other snipers, it doesn’t need explosive rounds to be a one shot to the head. This allows us to put another ammunition type like the .50 cal Spire Point rounds to boost bullet velocity and damage range. This can make landing your shots easier as there will be less bullet drop.
What The KATT AMR Excels In:
Picking off enemies from long range with it’s one shot kill potential
Great for getting a kill on an enemy to then push their team
Play from distance or on rooftops to make the best use of this weapo
How To Get The KATT AMR: You unlock this sniper after reaching level 4
8. WSP-9
WSP-9 stats:
ADS Speed - 240 ms
Movement Speed - 4.9 m/s
Effective Damage Range - 16.5 m
Vertical Recoil - 86.73 */s
Bullet Velocity - 540 m/s
The WSP-9 is an SMG, that means it works really well in close quarters situations. The WSP-9 in particular has a bit more range than other SMGs but with a slower ADS speed and TTK than others in this list.
This SMG is best paired with a weapon that may struggle in those close but not too close situations. This weapon makes a great choice paired with a sniper or a heavy main weapon. Use this weapon when you push into closer fights.
This weapon is great because of its higher effective damage range compared to other SMGs. It also has very controllable recoil making it great for those medium to short ranges you’ll find yourself in.
What The WSP-9 Excels In:
Medium to short ranges with its damage range and recoil
Being a secondary to weapons that are weak in these ranges (Primarily LMGs and Snipers)
An SMG that can take people off of head glitches (People who are behind cover with only their head showing)
How To Get The WSP-9: You can unlock this SMG after reaching level 25 and using the armory unlock system. You can also unlock this weapon by extracting with it in Zombies.
7. SVA 545
SVA 545 stats:
ADS Speed - 250 ms
Movement Speed - 4.9 m/s
Effective Damage Range - 31.8 m
Vertical Recoil - 66.67 */s
Bullet Velocity - 760 m/s
The SVA 545 assault rifle is great with solid mobility and fairly quick fire rate and good damage. If you tap the trigger it will shoot in bursts but you will mostly use this weapon as a fully automatic.
This weapon is another great all rounder and is exactly what you should expect from an assault rifle. It has good handling and great damage at range with minimal recoil. You also can equip a 60 round magazine while still having a quick reload.
What makes this weapon great is that it can be very forgiving. If you aren’t dead on right away you can have lots of backup shots to take the enemy out. It also has minimal recoil so getting back on target should be fairly easy.
What The SVA 545 Excels In:
Medium to longer ranges with little recoil
Taking out multiple enemies with a large magazine and quick reload
Consistency with it’s forgiving nature compared to other guns
How To Get The SVA 545: You unlock this assault rifle after reaching level 4.
6. BAS-B
BAS-B stats:
ADS Speed - 260 ms
Movement Speed - 4.6 m/s
Effective Damage Range - 35.6 m
Vertical Recoil - 70.77 */s
Bullet Velocity - 790 m/s
The BAS-B is exactly what you would expect from an assault rifle except it’s a battle rifle. The weapon has very manageable recoil and great damage and range. It’s average in the movement area like an assault rifle should be.
This weapon is best as a solid all around primary. You can use it at all ranges and depending on the attachments is what range it will do best. It’s very versatile making it a solid choice for people that don’t know their p[laystyle yet.
What makes this weapon great is how good of an all round choice it is. You can use it up close or far and see success. There are better options for faster kills in these ranges but none do it all like the BAS-B.
What The BAS-B Excels In:
Great damage range with manageable recoil to make long range useful
Quick handling making it useable in close to medium ranges
Quick reload speed with the 45 round magazine
How To Get The BAS-B: You unlock this battle rifle after reaching level 17.
5. Pulmeyot
Pulmeyot stats:
ADS Speed - 450 ms
Movement Speed - 4.1 m/s
Effective Damage Range - 27.9 m
Vertical Recoil - 72.37 */s
Bullet Velocity - 810 m/s
The Pulmeyot is an LMG which typically means that you will have more damage and range with the trade off of being a slower weapon. This weapon has a lot of rounds that you can shoot at your enemies and will take them out quickly.
This weapon is great at those longer ranges but will really struggle up close and potentially even in medium ranges. Pairing this up with a solid secondary to help with that will be necessary but this gun will shred where it is effective.
The most important thing that makes this weapon stand out from other LMGs is the aftermarket conversion kit. This will transform the weapon to being more like an assault rifle giving it some better mobility, which is its biggest weakness. This attachment is a must use to make the weapon really shine.
What The Pulmeyot Excels In:
Effectively taking enemies out from long range
100 rounds with a decent reload time, you can hold the trigger down
Sitting in the back and taking enemies out for your team to then push
How To Get The Pulmeyot: You unlock this LMG after reaching level 4.
4. Lockwood 680
Lockwood 680 stats:
ADS Speed - 350 ms
Movement Speed - 4.9 m/s
Effective Damage Range - 2.5 m
Vertical Recoil - 110.46 */s
Bullet Velocity - 320 m/s
This is the only shotgun on the list and is one of the meta weapons as of right now in warzone. It is a pump shotgun that has a quick rechamber speed, allowing for shooting in quick succession.
This weapon is obviously extremely strong in close ranges. With the proper attachments you can consistently two shot people and sometimes even one shot them. Only use this weapon in close quarters situations and is best when you have cover to play around.
This weapon is great because of how quickly it can take out enemies. The main thing that you will need to know to fully utilize this weapon is that you must play behind cover. You need to take a shot and get behind cover to rechamber the next round to quickly peak and take your next shot. If you can play properly with the Lockwood 680 you will be unstoppable.
What The Lockwood 680 Excels In:
Extreme close range with 2 shot kill and even 1 shot kill potential
Playing around cover with quick peaks to take advantage of the nature of shotguns
Movement players will excel with this weapon because of the mobility and damage
How To Get The Lockwood 680: You unlock this shotgun after reaching level 4.
3. WSP Swarm
WSP Swarm stats:
ADS Speed - 175 ms
Movement Speed - 5.0 m/s
Effective Damage Range - 6.3 m
Vertical Recoil - 84.09 */s
Bullet Velocity - 450 m/s
The WSP Swarm is the fastest killing SMG in warzone and also has some of the best movement speed. The recoil can be a bit high and it has a short effective damage range so you will want to use this weapon up close.
Having a fast killing secondary for those close quarters engagements is extremely important, and what’s better than the fastest killing one? It will also be reliable as it is a fully automatic weapon, meaning you can afford to miss a couple shots.
This weapon is great because of its fast mobility and fast TTK. Have this weapon out when you’re rotating or inside buildings or other tight areas. You are able to use this weapon outside of its effective damage range and still find success but the main purpose is to have this ready for its strengths.
What The WSP Swarm Excels In:
Extremely fast TTK in those close quarters situations
Fully automatic to spray down enemies and get them off of cover
Fast mobility to rotate or push enemies more effectively
How To Get The WSP Swarm: You unlock this SMG after reaching level 27.
2. Ram-7
Ram-7 stats:
ADS Speed - 240 ms
Movement Speed - 4.9 m/s
Effective Damage Range - 33.0 m
Vertical Recoil - 59.63 */s
Bullet Velocity - 780 m/s
The Ram-7 is the new assault rifle added with the season 1 update. You may be familiar with this weapon as it was part of the original warzone. It’s a quick and mobile assault rifle with good range.
This weapon is great for medium to longer ranges. There are some weapons that will do more damage at longer ranges but the Ram-7 will have you covered. There’s no real chance of getting caught with this weapon out because it is extremely quick for an assault rifle.
What makes this weapon really stand out is the recoil control. The gun doesn’t move when you shoot, making taking out enemies from range easy. Combined with the extra mobility this is one of the best and most fun weapons to use.
What The Ram-7 Excels In:
Medium to long range with little to no recoil to make hitting shots easy
Quick mobility so you don’t get caught in an unfavorable position
60 round magazine attachment with quick reload
How To Get The Ram-7: The Ram-7 is currently unlocked by reaching sector A7 in the season 1 battle pass.
1. MTZ Interceptor
MTZ Interceptor stats:
ADS Speed - 265 ms
Movement Speed - 4,6 m/s
Effective Damage Range - 38.1 m
Vertical Recoil - 101.30 */s
Bullet Velocity - 820 m/s
This is the only marksman rifle that made it onto this list. Marksman rifles are single fire weapons that excel at range. They have great bullet velocity meaning there is little bullet drop off or travel time.
The MTZ Interceptor is best in long range situations taking enemies out with a few consecutive shots. Put a scope on this weapon and pick a good spot to take shots at enemies rotating into the zone. You will have difficulties in close quarters so be sure to pair this weapon with something that is good close.
This marksman rifle stands out because of its consistent 4 shot kill and even 3 shot kill potential on enemies. The range with the damage and bullet velocity makes this one of, if not the best, weapons for taking enemies out at range.
What The MTZ Interceptor Excels In:
Ranged fights taking enemies out in a few shots
Getting kills on teams from distance to then push in
Best for players who can accurately place their shots
How To Get The MTZ Interceptor: You can unlock this marksman rifle after reaching level 25 and using the armory unlock system. You can also unlock this weapon by extracting with it in Zombies.
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