Cossacks 3 is an RTS video game made by GSC Game World, the same Ukrainian developers who created the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series. Released in 2016, the base game features over 20 nations to play as including; Russia, Ukraine, England, Austria, etc. Each nation has their own unique traits and quirks, so how are we going to decide what the best country is? Factors will include the country’s statistics and strategies.
#10 - Austria
As Austria, your infantry units in the 17th century are armored, giving them protection against muskets and cannon balls, however, this is at the cost of HP points. Austria gets special units like the Roundsheer, (an infantry unit with strong armor) Croat, (17th century hussar) and Pandur. (18th century skirmisher)
While Austria is better for late games, their pikemen can definitely protect against any oncoming attack in the early game, and their musketeers, who have armor, can outperform their equals.
#9 - Turkey
As Turkey, you have a special ranged gun infantry unit called the Janissaries, and Tatars which are mounted archers. It is generally recommended that the Tatars are used in early skirmishes and attacks against the enemy, and they also fit for reconnaissance. The major downside as Turkey however, is that Turkey can not research the balloon, which gives the ability to uncover the map.
#8 - Russia
As Russia, your quirks and unique traits are all located in the 17th century. The strelets, a Russian musketeer unit, comes with more defensive bonuses and hitpoints, but in return they have smaller range and longer training time. On the bright side, unleash your inner Russian mobilization with the Strelets barracks, which are much cheaper than regular barracks.
Another special unit are the Vityaz and the Rostov-on-Don cossacks. The Don cossacks are cheap and faster to train, while the Vityaz are more expensive but have more armor.
#7 - Hungary
Hungary is a DLC nation, but it comes with many unique units, specifically 5. The Szekely, (18th century skirmisher) Hajduk (17th century musketeer) as well some familiar special units like the grenadier, hussars, and the light cavalry. (replacing the dragoons)
While there are not many strategies for Hungary, the truth is that you can pretty much make any combo and have it work well anyway. The Hungarian grenadiers and Hajduk, the hussars and light cavalry, the choices behind well-made formations are endless.
#6 - Switzerland
Another nation only obtainable through DLC, Switzerland is my personal favorite nation to play as. In the start of the game, the pikemen rip through the standard pikemen with their higher damage and armor. Two regiments of pikemen and you are set until the 18th century, when we have even more fun stuff to play with.
The Jagers, a unique unit to Switzerland, are skirmisher units with higher attack and longer range, these guys will stop almost any cavalry charge. Speaking of cavalry, the Pferdejager, a replacement for the Hussar, also has a higher attack, however at the cost of longer training time. This nation is highly recommended for those who have the DLC.
#5 - Prussia
Oh Prussia. Loved and hated by many. While they don’t have any special perks in the 17th century, the 18th century Prussian army is truly a force to be reckoned with. For starters, their musketeers have a longer range and deal higher damage. Their grenadiers have more HP and faster rate of fire.
Their hussars are also very quick to train. If that is not enough, you can also upgrade to the 18th century faster as the conversion costs less iron and coal. This is a great nation for those looking to start the game, as it is beginner-friendly and has an 18-century evolution, unlike some nations.
#4 - France
As France, you get the King Musketeer, (17th century dragon) Chasseur, (Skirmisher with high attack and range) and the 18th century dragoon while being weaker is also faster to train. The French Chasseurs are considered as some of the best ranged units in the game, however they are quite vulnerable. Otherwise, France has decent pikemen and artillery.
#3 - England
We are entering the podium. England has standard units but has the great Scottish highlanders in the 18th century, which while they are an absolute beast, have less attack and range. Also in the 18th century, the bagpipers, are the English (or technically Scottish) version of the drummer. The bagpipers have more HP and defensive bonus, meaning that you can head into the battle knowing that your piper won’t die in the first engagement.
#2 - Poland
While Poland does not offer much in the 18th century, their 17th century units stand out in terms of their greatness. Their pikemen and light riders are cheaper and faster to train. Their musketeers and mounted noblemen have a high rate of fire and are also faster to train.
Finally, the infamous Polish winged hussars, have a great attack and more armor, but take longer to train. Poland is a superb nation at the start, and even their outdated technology can still compete with the 18th century.
#1 - Ukraine
It shouldn’t be of any surprise that in a game about cossacks, Ukraine has the best statistics. Their Sich, Register, and Hetman cossacks and cavalry absolutely shred through the enemy. While Ukraine does not have the ability to evolve into the 18th century, they are still able to research the balloon to have their map uncovered. Additionally, their Serdiuks can be mass produced as the Serdiuk houses are cheap, but the units themselves may take longer to train.