Goku is a legendary Saiyan warrior from the Dragon Ball universe. He loves fighting, eating, and defeating villains.
In his Legendary Super Saiyan transformation, Goku's power is increased to OP levels, allowing him to defeat powerful opponents.
This Super Saiyan form is characterized by golden hair and an overpowering aura, showing Goku's true strength and limitless potential.
In this article, we'll take a look at the best scenes featuring Goku that are totally worth watching again.
25. Goku & Piccolo vs Raditz
The scene starts with Goku’s brother Raditz attacking Goku and his friends and taking Goku’s son Gohan away from Goku. Now, Goku must team up with his archrival, Piccolo, to defeat Raditz and get his son back.
Goku and Piccolo arrive at Raditz's location thanks to the Dragon Ball, which was in Gohan’s possession. At first, the teamwork between Goku and Piccolo was something to be desired, as this was the first time they teamed up with each other. But at the end of the saga, they were able to defeat Raditz thanks to Goku's noble sacrifice.
What makes this scene, in particular, important is that it’s the scene that started everything. We get to learn more about Goku and where he came from. This is the scene that kickstarted Dragon Ball Z.

Raditz knocks down Goku and Piccolo.
24. Goku learns the Spirit Bomb
Goku trains with King Kai to learn the Spirit Bomb and the Kaioken.
After his fight with Raditz, Goku and his friends learned that Raditz’s comrades were heading to Earth in 3 months. Goku was sent to the afterlife, where he must train with the martial master known as King Kai. During his training, Goku learns two very important moves that will help him in the upcoming battle with the Saiyans. The spirit bomb and the kaioken
Throughout the series of Dragon Ball Z, Goku is known for three specific moves. And the spirit bomb is one of them, and it played an important part in the earlier days of DBZ.

Goku masters the spirit bomb technique.
23. Kaioken Awakens
Goku arrives on the battlefield to save his son. Gohan.
Goku had just arrived on the battlefield after being wished back to life by the dragon balls. Returning from the afterlife, Goku raced towards the battlefield to save his friends, but when he got there, all of them were dead minus his son, Gohan, and best friend, Krillin.
The battle ensues between Goku and one of his enemies, Nappa. It was a one-sided fight, as Goku outmatched Nappa. Realizing that he couldn’t beat Goku, Nappa went after Gohan and Krillin. To save his son and best friend, Goku used one of his new moves, called Kaioken, to defeat Nappa.
This is important because this is the start of our seeing somewhat a new side of Goku. The Kaioken technique is something that Goku uses a lot in his fights, especially in the next few seasons of DBZ.

Goku breaks Nappa's back.
22. Kamehameha vs Galick Gun
Vegeta is flying in the air, preparing the Galick Gun.
Goku and Vegeta are facing off against each other. Vegeta is surprised that Goku can beat him and cause him to bleed. A furious Vegeta flies in the air and prepares for his ultimate move to finish things with the Galick Gun. Seeing this, Goku prepares his signature move, the Kamehameha. The two moves clash and are evenly matched, but Goku was able to boost his attack and knock Vegeta out into the sky.
What makes this scene great is that it started everything. This scene, no, this entire fight, started everything in anime. This scene right here started one of the greatest rivalries in anime history. Many other anime in the shonen genre have taken inspiration from this rivalry. But this scene in particular was a masterclass. The two most powerful warriors at the time clashed against each other with the most powerful moves. Incredible.

The two most powerful attacks clash.
21. Goku Arrives on Namek
Goku's spaceship arrives on Planet Namek.
Krillin, Gohan, and Vegeta are on Planet Namek fighting against Frieza’s elite army, the Ginyu Force. They were able to defeat one member of the Ginyu Force, but they were struggling against another member of the Ginyu Force named Recoome. When it looked like the three of them were done for; a spaceship landed on planet Namek not too far from the battlefield.
This scene is great because it’s Goku. We get to finally see the efforts of Goku’s training on his way to Namek. And as you watch this episode, you can see and feel that there was something different about Goku.

Goku's spaceship has landed on Namek.
20. Goku one-shot Recoome
Goku had just arrived on Planet Namek in a Capsule Corp. spaceship. And the first thing he does is save his son, Gohan, and heal him. He also heals his friend Krillin and his enemy, Vegeta. Then Goku turns his attention to Recoome. And the two starts fighting each other, but Recoome is not able to land a hit on Goku. Recoome was about to use his finishing move when Goku ended his whole career in one shot.
This scene is amazing because we have never seen Goku like this before. It was like he was a whole different person. His demeanor was different; Goku was not here to play. One more thing in this scene was the first time we were introduced to the word Super Saiyan and what type of being this Super Saiyan was.

Goku elbows Recoome in the stomach.
19. Goku vs Burter and Jeice
Goku tells Burter and Jeice to leave the planet.
Goku had just defeated one of the strongest members of the Ginyu Force, and he didn’t want to fight the others, so he told them to leave the planet. But like typical villains, Jeice and Burter laughed at Goku’s face and underestimated him. They double-teamed him, hitting Goku with simultaneous attacks, but Goku never moved and finished off Buter with one move.
Goku was able to outclass Fireza’s elite army all by himself. A group that someone like Vegeta was intimidated by. A group that Gohan, Krillin, and Vegeta were having trouble with. Goku, on his own, defeated two members of the Ginyu Force without even going all out.

Goku blocks both attacks simultaneously.
18. Goku vs Frieza
Goku and Frieza stared at each other.
Goku had just arrived at the battlefield after being healed in a healing pod. After Frieza kills Vegeta, he and Goku engage in battle. They started dodging each other’s attacks and blocking one another’s punches. The battle was intense and fierce. In the beginning, you could tell that Fireza outclassed Goku. But Goku was able to hold his own and get a few hits in against Frieza.
If we’re talking about Goku’s greatest enemy, then we have to mention Frieza. Frieza, hands down, is one of Goku’s greatest enemies. Some may even say he is Goku’s greatest rival. The battles those two have had throughout the entire Dragon Ball series, from DBZ to Dragon Ball Super, all started with this one fight. This fight introduced us to one of the greatest scenes in anime history. Frieza outclassing the Z-fighters, Frieza surviving the spirit bomb, Frieza killing Krillin, and one of the greatest transformations of all time: Goku turning into a Super Saiyan—we were also introduced to 100% Final Form Frieza. The battle between those two warriors was something special.

Goku and Frieza back to back.
17. Goku Meets Future Trunks
Future Trunks and Goku meet.
Future Trunks is a Saiyan that is from the future and has come to meet Goku. Before Trunks can tell Goku why he was here in the first place. He asks Goku to show him Goku’s Super Saiyan transformation. Goku, perplexed by this request, transforms into a Super Saiyan. Amazed by Goku’s transformation and his power, Trunks also transforms into a Super Saiyan, shocking Goku, and his friends. Trunks then test Goku's strength by charging right at him with his sword. Goku blocks every single blow with one finger.
If we’re talking about the best Goku scenes in DBZ, then we have to mention this one. This is the scene that changed everything in DBZ. We got to see Goku master his Super Saiyan transformation. After not seeing Goku for a few episodes in the series, it was great to see his return with a whole set of skills. To completely outmatch someone who took down Frieza on his own was a sight to behold.

Goku blocks Trunks' attack with one finger.
16. Goku First Ever Instant Transmission
Goku is talking with his friends and Vegeta.
After spending a year on a distant planet after the battle with Frieza, Goku returns home, where he is greeted by his friends and Vegeta. Goku goes on to explain why he didn’t return home so soon and what he has been doing for the past year. Goku demonstrates a new technique that he picked up during his training on another planet. This new technique is called instant transmission. As long as Goku has his senses locked on a specific energy or aura, he can travel to that location. No matter how far it is.
If you’re talking about moves that are synonymous with Goku, then we have to talk about the Instant Transmission technique. A move that is popular with Goku, one that he uses every day to travel and in his fights. Seeing it for the first time as a fan, you just knew that Goku was about to be on another level. That is why I picked this scene as one of Goku’s best.

Goku uses Instant Transmission.
15. Instant Transmission Kamehameha
Goku charges right at Cell.
The Cell games have begun. A tournament where the strongest martial arts on earth face off against Cell for the fate of the earth Goku is the first member of his group to challenge Perfect Cell. Now, we get to see all of Goku’s training in the hyperbolic time chamber put to use against Perfect Cell.
If you want to talk about the best fights in Dragon Ball Z, then you have to mention Goku vs. Perfect Cell. One of the greatest fights in Dragon Ball Z history It was a fight that we have been waiting to see since Cell was introduced. An enemy that has the battle skills of every single Z fighter. He also has the battle data for Frieza. It was like Goku facing off against himself. What makes this fight one of the best Goku scenes was the instant transmission Kamehameha used against Cell.

Goku teleports right in front of Perfect Cell.
14. Goku sacrifices himself for his friends.
Goku says goodbye to his friends one last time.
Cell is set to self-destruct and blow up the whole planet. To save his friends, family, and the planet, Goku makes the ultimate sacrifice. He teleports to Cell, says goodbye to Gohan, and uses Instant Transmission to teleport himself and Cell to King Kai’s planet, where Goku dies once again.
If you want to talk about the type of person Goku is, you have to mention selflessness. This man will do anything and everything to make sure that his loved ones are safe. Knowing that he was going to die, Goku still makes the ultimate sacrifice to save the people that he loved at the cost of his own life. This is what makes this scene one of the best Goku scenes in DBZ.

Goku says goodbye to Gohan.
13. Goku vs Majin Vegeta
After spending seven years in the other world, Goku is allowed to return to earth for one day. And during that one day, he reunites with his friends and family. He enters a world martial arts tournament. The Supreme Kai asks the Z fighters to help take down an evil wizard known as Babidi. Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan face off against Babidi’s henchmen. Vegeta then gets mind-controlled by Babidi and challenges Goku to a fight. Vegeta kills innocent people to force Goku to accept his challenge. With no other choice, Goku accepts Vegeta’s challenge, and the two warriors face off against each other.
I chose this scene because it was the renewal of one of the greatest rivalries in anime history. Goku vs. Vegeta, but this time they have grown since their last battle. In this scene, we are introduced to Goku and Vegeta’s Super Saiyan II transformations.

Goku and Vegeta trying to overpower each other.
12. Goku Transforms into Super Saiyan 3
Goku transforms into Super Saiyan 2.
To buy Trunks some time to get the dragon radar, Goku intercepts Majin Buu and Babidi. Knowing that he doesn’t need to defeat Majin Buu, he just needs to give Trunks time to head home. But he also knows that he can’t match Majin Buu’s power in his regular Super Saiyan. Goku starts educating Buu and Babidi about the different types of Super Saiyans. He transforms into a Super Saiyan, then goes into super Saiyan 2, and finally, he starts the process of transforming into super Saiyan 3.
This is hands down one of my favorite super transformations in DBZ. It just looks so cool and amazing. During Goku’s transformation, you can see the earth-shaking, and people can feel the amount of power Goku is putting into this transformation. It is the third-greatest Goku transformation scene in the entire series.

Goku going beyond Super Saiyan 2.
11. Goku’s Spirit Bomb Against Kid Buu
After a tough battle with Kid Buu, Goku realizes that he and Vegeta cannot beat Kid Buu as they are. Realizing that there is only one move left to destroy Kid Buu: the spirit bomb. Goku goes on to prepare the spirit bomb and starts gathering some energy. But it’s not enough, as the people on earth refuse to give their energy to Goku. Noticing what Goku is doing, Kid Buu charges right at Goku. Noticing this Vegeta interferes, buying Goku so much more time. It was until Hercule shouted at the people of the earth that they gave their energy to Goku. With the spirit bomb complete and his energy back to normal, Goku was able to defeat Kid Buu.
Everything at the beginning of the Buu saga and toward the end is what makes it a great scene. A foe that gave the Z fighters more trouble than their previous foes A being that was able to defeat the strongest warriors that the earth has had. Someone that even Goku couldn’t even defeat until the very end. Kid Buu was defeated with not only Goku’s power but everyone’s combined power.

Kid Buu notices Goku making the spirit bomb.
10. Super Saiyan God Goku vs Beerus
Goku and Beerus face off against each other.
Goku challenges Beerus to a fight to see if Goku can either defeat Beerus or prove that he is stronger than the Destroyer God. Beerus won’t destroy the planet. After he gained the powers of a Saiyan god with the help of his friends, the fight was on.
Goku becomes a Super Saiyan. God was truly something special, but the fight between him and Beerus is what makes that entire fight one of the best Goku scenes. You have a Saiyan who has reached the level of a god and achieved a form that has been around for centuries. Facing off against one of the strongest beings in the universe The fight was everything you'd expect in a God vs. God battle. Even though he lost the fight, he has gained Beerus’s respect.

Goku bites Beerus’s tail.
9. Goku kills Golden Frieza
A determined Goku gets ready for the fight.
Whis rewinds time after Frieza destroys the planet. With the knowledge of what’s to come, Goku turns into Super Saiyan Blue and hits Frieza with a Kamehameha attack, killing the monster.
The running theme throughout Dragon Ball Super is that Goku doesn’t take his fights seriously. And that mentality of his cost him and his friends their homes as Fireza destroyed the earth. Goku, realizing the error of his ways and wanting to make amends for everything Goku was determined to get right, Seeing the old-school Goku that I grew up watching as a kid return was something else. I felt that Dragon Ball Super dumbed down Goku and made him too carefree. Seeing that old-school Goku again is what made this scene amazing.

Goku sends a Kamehameha attack at Frieza.
8. Goku vs Hit
Goku vs Hit full Fight
Universe 7 and Universe 6 face off against each other in a tournament for the super dragon balls. Hit had just eliminated Vegeta from the tournament, and Goku was up next. The battle was tough and fierce between the combatants.
What I loved about this scene was not only the action but also the determination of Goku. This man was able to withstand so many hits from Hit in his time jump. For Goku to get back up and continue fighting when someone like Vegeta was down for the count. We also got to see Goku's battle IQ. Goku might not be as smart as Gohan or Bulma, but he is battle-smart. As he was able to overcome Hit’s time jump and find a way to counterattack it.

Hit blocks Goku's kick with his knee.
7. Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken
Goku combines the Kaioken technique with Super Saiyan Blue.
Goku is having trouble overcoming Hit’s time-stopping technique. So, he decides that he can no longer hold back. In a shocking development, Goku activates the Kaioken technique while he is still in his Super Saiyan Blue form.
It has been a long time since we have seen the Kaioken technique being used. The last time Goku used the kaioken was during the Namek saga in his battle against Frieza. There hasn't been any mention of the technique since. Do you know what’s so cool about that technique? Is that it increases its users' strength, speed, agility, and durability. Now, Goku using the kaioken combined with his Super Saiyan Blue is filled with nothing but divine energy was a sight to behold.

Goku activates the Kaioken Technique.
6. Goku's Rage
Goku finds out that Zamasu killed his wife Chi-Chi and his son Goten.
Goku is in deep trouble in his fight against Zamasu and Goku Black. Zamasu has Goku trapped in a corner when Black stabs him in the chest. Then Black goes on to explain who he truly is and that he killed Chi-Chi and Goten. When he heard that something had been triggered inside Goku, in a fit of rage, he was able to overwhelm both Black and Zamasu. But it still wasn’t enough, as the two godlike beings were able to take Goku down.
Goku isn’t the type of person who gets mad that often. The last time we saw Goku rage like this was when Frieza killed Krillin. A raged Goku is the best. This man doesn’t care about holding back anymore. He’s out for blood. Especially if you killed someone he cares about deeply.

Goku rages after hearing about Chi-Chi and Goten’s deaths.
5. Imperfect Ultra Instinct
Goku reaches a level that not even the Gods of Destruction have.
The Gods of Destruction have an out against Goku for putting them in this tournament. So they send their best warriors to take him out. Universe 11’s God of Destruction had tasked his best fighter, Jiren, with the task. Jiren was able to withstand every single attack that Goku sent his way. Jiren even pushed back the spirit bomb. Beating Goku with his own attack, Goku in turn unlocked an imperfect Ultra Instinct form to face Jiren on an even playing field.
It was everything in this entire scene that made it great. Starting with Goku being "killed" by his very own move. Someone like Jiren overpowers someone like Goku. Goku unconsciously pushed past his limits and reached a form that the Gods of Destruction could not reach. The fight between Goku in his imperfect, ultra-instinct form vs. Jiren.

Goku unconsciously dodges Toppo’s attack and walks toward Jiren.
4. The Coolest Kamehameha Ever
Goku, in his Imperfect ultra-instinct form, prepares a Kamehameha attack.
It is the final moment of the Goku vs. Kefla fight. And Goku had once again transformed into his imperfect Ultra Instinct form to face this new competitor. Kefla was doing everything in her power to eliminate Goku from the arena, but it was to no avail as Goku dodged all of her attacks. Goku prepares a Kamehameha attack as he continues to dodge the attacks. Goku does something miraculous: he glides across Kefla’s attack in a handstand position and then hits her with his attack.
Hands down, one of the best Kamehameha moments I have ever seen in the series. It was better than the father and son Kamehameha with Goku and Gohan. This man surfs across an energy blast like it's nothing.

Goku glides across Kefla’s attack.
3. Mastered Ultra Instinct
Goku is right behind Jiren, covered in this white aura, holding Jiren’s attack in his hand.
Jiren and Goku are the final two combatants in the tournament of power for their respective universes. Goku had once again entered his imperfect ultra instinct mode and faced off against Jiren. This time, Jiren was prepared and overcame Goku’s attacks. When it seemed like Jiren was about to eliminate Goku. A white silhouette of Goku surrounded by the ultra instinct aura appeared right behind Jiren.
The coolest transformation in Dragon Ball history Goku unlocking the full power of Ultra Instinct was done beautifully. There was no screaming or anything like that. There was no need for someone to die for Goku to unlock this power. And the completed form looks amazing. The silver hair and the silver eyes combined to create that aura. Hands down, one of the best Goku scenes.

Goku in his Perfected Ultra Instinct Form.
2. Perfected Ultra Instinct Goku vs Full Powered Jiren
Perfected Ultra Instinct Goku was able to withstand all of Jiren’s most powerful attacks. And hit Jiren with 10 times more strength. Angry that he is being manhandled by Goku, Jiren goes into full power and starts fighting Goku on an even playing field.
We learned so much about Jiren in this fight and his reason for being strong. The fight was completely one-sided in Goku’s favor until Jiren went full power and started fighting back. What I loved most about this fight was Goku’s love for his friends, rivals, and family. Since Super started, the running theme has been that Goku only fights to get stronger. But that wasn’t the case anymore. In this fight, they explained that he gets his strength from his friends and rivals. It is best not to mess with those close to Goku. As Jiren learned the hard way.

Goku dodges Jiren’s punch.
1. Goku & Frieza eliminate Jiren
Goku and Frieza collide with Jiren.
Goku and Frieza work together to eliminate Jiren and the tournament for their universe. Goku and Frieza charge at Jiren, and the three combatants collide with each other. The fight begins. Each warrior was able to get a few hits on the other. Goku throws Frieza toward Jiren. Jiren tries to get Frieza off of him. Then Goku comes into the frame and holds Jiren as well. Goku and Frieza push Jiren out of the ring with all of their might.
Goku and Frieza working together is something that I never thought I'd see. This scene was perfect in so many ways, from the soundtrack to the teamwork between Goku and Frieza. Those two work well together. Hey, you know what they say: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend.".

Goku and Frieza preparing to attack Jiren.