In this article, I’ll be going over a quick summary of the Best Ten Titan PvE Builds in Destiny 2 right now, before Beyond Light drops. These builds will include a mix of Subclasses, exotic armor and weapons, legendary weapons, and seasonal mods as well.
10. Wormgods Hammer
A really big hammer, coming right up.
This build results in the absolute highest melee damage in the game, putting your throwing hammer damage into the millions. The primary focus of this build obviously would be boss killing, pretty swiftly too. There is a good bit of setup and trickiness, however, leading it to be so low on the list. You need Wormgod Caress at full stacks, Roaring flames at full stacks, hit an enemy with Tractor Cannon, and then also hit the enemy with a one-two punch weapon, all within the short window Wormgod Caress leaves you.
Wormgods Hammer Strengths:
Insane Damage
Easily obtainable build
No mod requirements
TeeGlizzy’s full build video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJABb1G180I
9. Infinite Greaves
Picture strapping dual axe blades on your knees, and you get the idea.
Infinite Greaves is a very fun melee build, good at getting rid of those beefy major enemies. It uses Peregrine Greaves on top tree Striker, in conjunction with the Tyrants Surge and Heavy Handed mods. This allows you to become charged with light, then use those charges to refresh your melee ability on melee uses. This, in combination with the powerful melee awarded by Peregrine Greaves, leads to a good, consistent melee build.
Infinite Greaves Strengths:
Great at clearing high tier enemies like Ogres and Captains
Very offensive, “in the trenches” playstyle
Good grenade refresh with subclass perks
Minimum gear requirement
Aztecross’ Full Build Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEaSLb6ikOA
8. Traveler’s Cradle

Light a fire in your allies, as you watch your enemies burn.
The Traveler’s Cradle Build is a great well-rounded build. It focuses on high ability refreshes with Traveler’s Chosen and creating plenty of Sunspots with those abilities to buff yourself and your team. It’s great for both team-oriented strategies and also solo play in basically every mid-tier difficulty or lower activity in the game. It’s very simple playstyle also leaves a lot of room to customize, if you want.
Traveler’s Chosen Strengths:
Low gear and no mod requirements
Good add clear and support
Fast refreshing abilities
Highly customizable
3D Hero Full Build Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ilj3b2MIhbc&t=63s
7. March of the Juggernaut

Become the unstoppable object your enemies fear.
March of the Juggernaut is an epic name that fits this build rather well. It’s a fantastic build that while great in PvP, is also great for add clearing in PvE as well. It simply requires the bottom tree Striker and Dunemarchers. I would also say throw in a Bad Juju as well because the build focuses on staying in your super as often and as long as possible. The Fist of Havoc super is great for clearing low and mid-tier enemies, and every kill will extend its duration.
March of the Juggernaut Strengths:
Simple build means highly customizable
Very versatile, you always need good add clearing
Low gear and no mod requirements
Great sustain with health regen and constant super armor
Aztecross’ Full Build Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zim2c1cXNzw&t=218s
6. The Traveler’s Wake

Make sure to let go of the grenade properly, lest you lose a hand.
This is another build using the new exotic Traveler’s Chosen, this time a more damage focused, specific build instead of a well rounded generic one. Using the same bottom tree Sunbreaker subclass and Traveler’s Chosen exotic but this time with the exotic armor Ashen Wake. This exotic makes your fusion grenades explode on impact, and return energy on kills. Traveler’s Chosen of course can also return ability energy, but you need to kill with it. This is simple with the Surprise attack mod, greatly increasing your sidearm damage when charged with light. Using a mod to become Charged with Light on grenade kills will complete the loop, allowing for a cycle of grenade kills into buffed sidearm kills back into grenades, etc.
The Travelers Wake Strengths:
Easy to use playstyle
Good sustain with health regen on grenade kills
Low gear requirement
Fun grenade based playstyle
Good for mid-tier enemies
Gryphons Den Full Build Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnKG6BDNZyM&t=196s
5. Doom Fang Monte

Don't confuse absolute defence for a lack of power, I assure you it's not.
Doom Fang Monte is a build that I discovered back when Pit of Heresy Dungeon first came out. My friend and I would two-man it every week, and my goal was to use Doom Fang Pauldrons and Monte Carlo to get my Bubble as often as possible, both for protection and damage. If you want to get the full mileage of your Doom Fang Pauldrons, however, using your Sentinel super normally will allow you some great super lasting time, for good Ad clear and boss DPS.
Doom Fang Monte Strengths:
Low gear and mod requirements
Customizable build
Good for various end game content
Good survivability with consistent overshield and super
Antbyte’s Full Build Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hu_It2HG4qE&t=84s
4. Burning Synthoceps

If you don't hit a home run on the first swing, try try again.
Burning Maul is a very underutilized subclass super. It looks great, does good damage, and has a good add clear, a very well-rounded class. Using Burning Maul with the exotic Synthoceps, and activating full Roaring Flames stacks will lead to fantastic damage from your super, great for boss DPS. It’s a simple to use build that just requires a few low tier enemies to reach its full potential. It fills an offensive role very nicely, not needing any setup, but performs great with it.
Burning Synthoceps Strengths:
Great boss damage
Low gear and no mod requirement
Very fun to play
Simple to set up, but easy to build upon
Good sustain in healing with throwing hammer
Aztecross Full Build Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gnwwNuYyvk
3. ICBM Titan

Tactical Nuke, Inbound!
The ICBM Titan build is the aptly named Code of the Missile build. This build is an absolute Ad clearing machine, using the melee ability with the Insurmountable Skullfort to clear massive waves of enemies, both granting you super energy and gun damage for a brief time. The extra gun damage and super ability then allow you to clear out any bigger or boss-type enemies. This is a super easy to use but incredibly useful build, freeing up room and generating great amounts of orbs of light for your allies.
ICBM Titan Strengths:
Very fun to use
Fantastic for casual activities
Very customizable
Best Ad clearing titan build in-game
Great sustain in Insurmountable Skullfort
Dychronic Full Build Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBiMAvigOK0&t=120s
2. 10 Second Super Build

Use Ruinous Effigy to turn opponents into ash, then use that to become strong...
The 10 Second Super Build is exactly what it sounds like. It uses the Ruinous Effigy exotic to perform exactly that. Picking up the orb from Ruinous Effigy and guarding with it against multiple enemies will charge your super extremely fast, about 10 seconds. From there, you use your super and go to town, with Doom Fang Pauldrons making sure your super lasts long enough to finish the job. Running Stacks on Stacks for extra Charges of Light, along with a few other mods to refresh your melee cooldown and damages, you have a fantastic solo play offensive build
10 Second Super Build Strengths:
Constant Super, for good damage and survivability
Simple but effective to use
Doesn’t need bonuses from teammates, good solo build
A fun mix of defensive guarding then offensive supering.
Plunder ThaBooty Full Build Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-jUdXOicVc&t=130s
1. Champion Destroyer Build
Let the champions feel your wrath.
This is our end all be all Endgame Titan PvE build. It’s a fantastic solo play build but works fluidly with a team as well. The build consists of top tree Sentinel and using the bubble for protection and the damage buff effect. This buff in addition to the Oppressive Darkness grenade debuff will grant massive damage with the right weapons. In this case, the weapon of choice is the Falling Guillotine sword. The exotic armor of choice is Heart of Inmost Light, for faster ability regen and damage. All of this plus Erianas vow and some other select mods allow for total control over all three champion type enemies in the game, who are the most difficult part of endgame content.
Champion Destroyer Strengths:
Great endgame content build
Good for taking champions on solo, but still helps allies if needed.
Good protection from Ward of Dawn
The Heart of Inmost light allows for fast ability cooldown
Great boss DPS
ShadowraithXI Full Build Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsHY9ZdtsDM