[Top 10] Dota 2 Best Ganking Heroes That Wreck Hard!

Best Ganking Heroes of Dota 2
26 Aug 2021

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes, some heroes are good at farming, some are good at doing battle. We are going to talk about heroes that roam the map and find kills for their team with their deadly combos and ganking potential. These heroes live for the thrill of it, just going around scouting the jungle or roaming to mid to help others in their lanes and making their lives a bit easier. These heroes seem easy to play from afar however they require precise knowledge of power spike in abilities and positioning, with great mastery you can set the trajectory of the game. These are some of the best ganking heroes:

10) Ogre Magi

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You are mad, NO! you ARE!

Ogre Magi is an intelligence hero but not any intel hero, he has one of the highest strength gain and hp pool, he is very hard to kill in the early game and can be a problem if not dealt with. Ogre Magi’s spells allow him to burst enemy heroes with only a single ability however it all depends on his luck, his ultimate Multicast gives him 75% chance to 2x, 30% chance of 3x and 15% chance of 4x to cast his abilities and it works on every single ability he has, not to mention it also works on items such as hand of midas, eul sceptre etc.

Ogre Magi has high ganking potential and can roam the map easily and if he catches a hero consider it dead , his ignite slows and damages the enemy heroes pair it with fireblast that damage and stuns and if he procs his multicast either of 2x or 4x you can see how he can kill any hero in the game easily with spells only.

Aghanim’s sceptre gives him a new ability unrefined fireblast, using this ability at full mana is foolishness as it takes about 30% mana out of current mana ogre magi has at the time of casting, so take it slow use other abilities and when they are at cooldown use unrefined fireblast, it is basically the same as normal fireblast just uses 30% of the current mana.

Why ogre magi is a great ganking hero:

  • High hp and strength makes him harder to deal with.
  • Multicast can instantly destroy a hero.
  • With Hand of Midas, he can farm faster than any support hero.

9) Mirana

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Priestess of the moon.

Mirana is an agility hero that excels at roaming and connecting arrows to find kills, with insane early game ganking potential this hero is considered one of the best to play if you like to roam.She can start contributing as early as level 1 with her arrow. The arrow that connects stuns the enemy hero and damages them, the longer the distance from enemy and mirana the longer the stun duration, so to play this hero right you need good aim and knowhow of the lane.

Mirana works well if you have some hero with you in the lane that can combo with your arrow for example sand king, bane ,shadow demon etc. They can make it sure that your arrow will hit, Mirana can initiate with an arrow or use her ultimate to make her team invisible for a duration during which her team can go around, find enemy heroes and kill them. While playing this hero you have to have knowledge of her positioning and abilities.

Her starfall allows her to farm fast with killing creep waves after creep waves , this allows her to make items that relate to the arrow or she can go the carry route with diffusal manta etc, overall this hero is one of the best ganking heroes.

Why Mirana is great:

  • Early game ganking potential.
  • Long stun duration with an arrow.
  • Has the ability to initiate the battle.
  • Can flash farm with starfall.

8) Spirit Breaker

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Coming through!

Spirit breaker is a vicious hero that can follow you through the map until you are saved or killed. If you like roaming or ganking then this is the hero to play, spirit breaker’s ability Charge allows him to run at the targeted enemy or creep at a faster movement speed and he can pass through any obstacle on the map, when he finally catches the enemy hero they are knocked back with the help of his greater bash ability.

Spirit breaker is all about initiating the battle with charge, when an enemy hero is charged it can be seen all over the place wherever it goes spirit breaker’s allies can see it on the map and in game, this allows sb’s allies to gather round and kill enemy heroes easily.

He can also harass enemies in lane with his Greater bash that gives him a chance to knockback enemy heroes that damage in relation to the movement speed you have at the moment of proc chance.

Spirit breaker is an easy hero to play and any new comer can try this hero:

  • Easy to play.
  • High gank and initiation potential.
  • Can be played in various roles.

7) Tiny

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I'm not small you are.

Tiny is a strength hero and as it says at the start of the game he is one of the smallest heroes, however that changes with his ultimate. Tiny excels at ganking with his avalanche toss combo that ultimately kills any hero in the early game and supports in the late game, with slow attack speed this hero is mostly played as a support or at mid.

Avalanche throws stones in the direction of tiny that stuns and damages the opponent, toss as it says tosses the enemy hero to the targeted location and deals damage, when both of these spells are combined it can instantly kill heroes, this makes tiny a serial killer in the early game.

Tiny is not an easy hero to play and requires active positioning and knowledge about abilities and their damage, also the knowledge of positions on the map where it is easy to gank and kill enemy heroes.

Why tiny is a great ganker:

  • Easy kill potential.
  • High damage=easy farm.
  • Can make the lives of the enemy supports a living hell.

6) Earth spirit

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They see me rollin, they hatin.

Earth spirit is a strength hero that is mostly played as a soft support, he is one of the most mobile heroes in the game and provides his team the ability to roam and gank, however he is also one of the most difficult heroes to play as you have to keep track of his stones and also abilities. Earth spirit excels at not only initiating the battle but can also save his teammates by kicking them in the other direction.

Earth spirit roll allows him to curve into a ball and launch himself into the direction he is facing if an enemy hero is caught in it they are stunned and they take damage, the most complicated thing about earth spirit is that he has 6 stones at his arsenal and if they are used in relation with his abilities they greatly increase the usage of said abilities,like when curving into a roll and if a stone is placed in his direction then the roll will take earth spirit to a longer distance than usual, this also applies with other abilities as well.

Hard to master but insane satisfaction when you can use his abilities as they are meant to be used.

Why Earth spirit is a great hero:

  • High gank and initiation potential.
  • Hard to catch.
  • Can save his teammates.

5) Night Stalker

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Day walker night stalker.

Night stalker is a strength hero that can be played as a mid laner and as an offlaner, this hero is nocturnal meaning during the day night stalker only farms and cannot do much however as the night rolls around he becomes a beast that no one wants to deal with. All of Night Stalker's abilities help him become that beast at night, whenever a team picks night stalker they usually hunt at night to get the ultimate benefit.

Hunter in the night is what makes him who he is, this ability grants night stalker 40% movement speed and 80% attack speed during the night you can imagine with this speed not many heroes can run away, pair this with his void that slows for 4 seconds and damages the enemy hero for about 320 when it is cast on the target no one can run from him.

Crippling fear puts fear in the enemies around night stalker and they are silenced when around him, with high move, attack speed and void slowing them down also silenced? No one can run from this vicious creature at night.

His ultimate Dark Ascension instantly summons the darkness of the night causing hunter in the night to kick in, his ultimate is usually used at the start of a big battle when he needs his speed the most.

Why night stalker is a great hero:

  • Can roam and gank in any lane during the night making it certain that the enemy will die.
  • High base damage equals easy farm.
  • Can easily chase when the enemy is running from him or his allies.

4) Pudge

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Fresh Meat.

Pudge is one of the few heroes that is hated the most as he if not played right becomes useless like literally he won’t do anything to the enemy, however if played right pudge is a god tier hero that is impossible to deal with and if it is against you and left unchecked say goodbye to your game, as you won’t be able to kill him. Pudge is one of the best ganker with his meat hook and dismember if connects, consider the enemy hero dead.

Flesh heap gives pudge 3 strength per enemy hero killed by him or his allies in his vicinity and it is permanent. Rot is a toxic cloud that damages not only the enemy hero but also pudge however with flesh heap charges pudge won’t feel much of it.

Dismember is pudge’s ultimate, pudge chows down on an enemy hero during which the enemy is disabled and takes damage, pudge is healed for the amount of damage dealt with dismember.

With these abilities pudge has as insane gank potential not only in the early game but late game as well, whenever an enemy hero gets hooked by pudge consider them dead as pudge is usually around his allies when he is trying to hook the enemy, with careful positioning and practice on throwing hooks this hero can become a force to be reckoned with.

Why pudge is an insane ganker:

  • Meat hook basically pulls any enemy it connects with toward you allowing pudge and his allies to stomp on that hero.
  • Aghanim’s shard gives pudge a new ability through which he can dismember his allies as well, when used on allies pudge swallows them for a short duration this is ideal when your friend is in a pinch.

3) Tusk

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Mind if i kick you?

Tusk is a strength hero that disables the enemy with his ice spells, blocking their paths, punching and kicking them and more. What tusk is good at is initiation and gank, this hero is mostly played at a high rank as it is somewhat difficult to play and requires high skill level to be perfectly viable, all of his spells require intense practice.

Ice shards allows tusk to throw some shards of ice in the direction he is facing and when these shards stop they become a wall of ice blocking everyone’s path for about 7 seconds, this ability is useful when you need to stop the enemy heroes from running or to just pin them against a wall or a hill, this ability can backfire tho as mentioned it also blocks the path of his allies so it should be casted when you are sure.

Snowball is also one of the tusk’s spells when casted tusk starts rolling into a snowball any allies present around tusk can also be pulled in it and after a while it launches at an enemy hero damages them and stuns them, snowball is a great spell to save your allies as well.

Tag team makes tusk and allies around him to have negative buffs that increases their physical damage and slows the enemy hero that is hit by them, it lasts for 5 seconds.

Why tusk is a great hero:

  • Walrus punch can almost kill any hero if tusk has a carry build.
  • Early game easy ganks with snowballs and shards.
  • Aghanim’s sceptre grants a walrus kick that kicks the target like a football.

2) Nature’s Prophet

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Is it spring already?

Nature’s prophet is the king of the jungle in dota 2, he is one of the most mobile heroes with teleporting anywhere on the map and controlling the lane, taking towers, doing rat dota, he can basically control the whole map for his team. With his teleportation ability Nature’s prophet becomes an insane ganker and pusher.

Whenever any of the lane needs help, nature’s prophet can just teleport to that lane to help kill the enemy and make it easier for his allies, he is exceptional at setting up ganks which allows his team to make plays whenever he is ready to teleport.

With sprout nature’s prophet can stop an enemy hero at their tracks with sprouting trees around them and if they do not have a quelling blade or force staff they are stuck their for the duration of sprout, this is great for an early game gank at mid, with teleporting behind the enemy mid-laner and catching him in the sprout so your mid-laner can go ham on the enemy.

Nature’s prophet can even solo kill enemy heroes with his orchid malevolence build, he can sprout the enemy hero and use orchid on it to silence it, dealing extra damage per hit makes this hero to be viable in any role you play .

Why nature’s prophet is a great hero:

  • Early game high ganking potential.
  • Can easily push lanes and throw off enemies.
  • Can set up for a kill with teleportation.

1) Lion

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When you get to hell tell them I sent you!.

Lion is probably the best hero for a new player to learn the ropes of ganking and how to do it, however in the hands of a veteran player this hero is a monster that does not let any hero run away that easily. Lion can initiate, gank or even just single handedly kill the enemy heroes, all his abilities are targetable and helps his team mates to certainly kill a hero.

Earth spike when used spikes come out of the earth in front of lion dealing damage and stunning the enemies hit by it, this spell is a great for initiation and keeping the enemy hero disabled.

Lion also has a hex ability that turns any targeted hero or creep into a frog for a duration, any target hit by this hex is disabled and cannot do anything , this spell is great for keeping the enemy hero in check and stopping them from using any dangerous spells.

Mana drain allows the lion to suck mana of enemy heroes bit by bit when they are in the range of the spell, however during this lion cannot move and can become a victim of some spells thrown around during the battle.

What makes this hero great:

  • Finger of death deals an insane amount of damage, about 850 that can melt any hero’s hp pool in a second, lion can solo kill other supports or carries as well.
  • Easy to learn and can be fun to play.
  • Early game insane gank potential.

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These are Top 10 dota 2 best Ganking heroes that wreck hard!Let us know about your heroes and what do you guys play when you are trying to gank in the comments below!

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