[Top 25] Dragon Quest XI S Best Tips And Tricks

Best Tips and Tricks
18 Aug 2022

Dragon Quest XI S is an amazing game and is incredibly fun. Of course there are some things that you need to figure out in order to make sure you have the best time possible. Here are some tips and tricks to help you on your journey, from early game to end game.


25. Learn Layouts of Areas

  This one is pretty easy but it is nice to know where to go without checking your map. It also helps you out later when things might change or become more difficult as you will be able to make your way around without much trouble.

24. Explore Everywhere

  It is so important to explore every single corner of this game. You can get the collectable medals and so many useful things. You can find chests in areas you would not expect and who knows maybe an important item that you will need later in the game.

23. Churches Are Very Useful

  Churches are a great resource as they help you to save but you can also reallocate points into character’s skill trees and other things. It is important to visit them when you have the chance as it cannot hurt to do so.

22. Save Before You Close the Game

  Might seem obvious but can be extremely easy to forget. It is important that before you close your game to play a new one, you save to make sure any progress is not lost.

21. Battle Speed can Be Increased

  If you find fighting too slow, you can speed it up in the battle menu making it a lot faster so that you can get to where you want to go faster or make the grind go faster.

20. You Can Change The Character’s Outfits

  Do you not like what the character is currently wearing? Don’t worry you can change it by just getting the items of the outfit you want with a star by the item. You don’t even need to fully wear the attire afterwards as it is something you can just put on.

19. Pay Attention to Stats

  You should take careful looks at what you want to put on your characters as they can either greatly help what you are trying to do or only disadvantage you in battle. It is important to find out what you want instead of just putting the newest equipment on your characters.


18. Do Side Quests Often

  Side quests can give you experience and items that could be useful over time or immediately and sometimes they are just fun to do. 

17. Always Have a Healer

  Healing is important, you need to have at least one person who you use mostly to heal the rest of the party, the others can deal damage but it really helps to be kept alive.

16. Try to Deal Debuffs on Enemies

  Debuffs to enemies can greatly help you within battle, as they may hurt the enemies to make it so that they don’t attack you, which can give you an edge in battle.

15. Buff Yourself and Allies

  There are skills and pep powers which boost characters in certain ways within battle. Whether it be buffing their attack or certain aspects, it is a wonderful if not great idea to use them in almost every opportunity.

14. Figure Out The Weapons You Want For Each Character

  Each character has options for the type of weapon that they use. It is probably a good idea to choose what weapon you want them to use as soon as you get them so that you can focus on that in the skill tree. Later on in the game you can work on other parts of the skill tree and even complete it, but it is important to choose which one you want them to use early on.

13. Rest at Camp Sites As Soon As You See Them

  Camp sites can help you replenish your health and MP by resting at them. You can also take that opportunity to save and forge new equipment such as weapons. You can also talk to your teammates as they gather around the campfire.

12. Talk To Your Teammates

  When roaming around you can talk to your teammates where they will stand in a group and you can swap between them to hear what they have to say, words of encouragement or just general reminders of what is going to happen. Sometimes it is just nice to talk to them after a long battle.

11. Check Your Quest Log Often

  You get side quests a lot and it is a good idea to track them along with your main quests, it will also help you to know if you have done everything you could before you progress. They also give you really good rewards a lot of the time.

10. Save Often

Saving at every opportunity is crucial. Every time you see a statue or a church it would be a good idea to go and save just in case something were to happen.


9. Adjust Battle Tactics Accordingly

  You can adjust battle tactics within the battle menu or even just the normal menu. This means you can make sure that you control all the character’s actions or assign them something specific to what you want them to do. For example, if you want them to focus on attacking or healing.


8. Map Gives You Information on Monsters and Resources in the Area

  In the map menu you are able to see the type of enemies in the area and even resources in locations where you picked them up before. This will help you with side quests and other things you may need like materials to forge things.

7. Party Members can Learn Spells for Outside Combat

  There are some spells like Zoom and Evac which are useful as they can help you travel from location to location or help you leave a particularly difficult dungeon respectively. Having them on characters can help you a lot in the game.

6. Watch Your MP Consumption

  MP is the most important thing in the game as it determines whether you are able to use abilities and spells. Those are very important and become useless if you are out of MP. 

5. Heal Party with MP from the Menu

  After battle, if you come out of it a little worse for ware you should go into the menu and heal all party members, it does use MP but it is important not to put yourself into a position where you are on the verge of death and unable to do anything.

4. Frequently Buy/Forge New Equipment

  Whether it is accessories or weapons, it is important to at every opportunity get new and better gear for every character. It can greatly help you within battle and give you an edge in battle and the ability to swap things out to make things better for you. You don’t want to be using gear that only helped you early on in the game.

3. Pay Attention to Skill Trees

  Working on skill trees is really important, and you should do your best to not forget that they exist as it can make the characters stronger and give you an advantage in battle. Skill trees give you abilities, unlock critical chances and overall just help so it is important that you don’t forget.

2. All Party Members Get EXP

This tip is more for peace of mind as some games like Dragon Quest XI S don’t do this. This means you don’t have to worry about what teammates to focus on and that you can change to whoever you need whenever you are ready. 


1. Fight As Much As Possible

  It is important to note that without battling you will have an insanely difficult time leveling and dealing with the game properly. It is important to engage in as many battles as possible even if it is just when you are on a linear line to the location, you don’t need to turn around and battle more unless you want to farm. Although farming is an important late game. Plus it helps you be able to afford a whole bunch of stuff later.

I hope these tips and tricks are useful to Dragon Quest XI S players and can help you in the smallest way.

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