In Dragon Quest XI S leveling up is one of the most important things to do, but can be quite difficult early game if you want to be the highest level you can to make sure that you won’t have a challenge later in the game. Even though you don’t need to farm EXP until late game with the boss at the end, here is a quick guide to be able to do it and the different methods.
5. Progression (Early to just before Late Game)
In Dragon Quest XI S, you don’t really need to farm that much, at least not until later so unless you are purposefully avoiding battle you will almost always be the exact right level or even a bit below or higher than what you need to be.How it Works:
- Play the game
- Fight enemies along your way
- Have fun
4. The Area around What You Need to Do (Throughout the Game)
This method is specifically if you feel intimidated by what you are about to face, whether it be a boss that has beaten you multiple times or just that the area ahead is scary, this is the best way to level up.How it Works:
- Find the area around or before what you need
- Fight all the enemies you can in that area
- Find a camp and rest
- Repeat until you are adequately leveled or when you feel ready
3. Large Enemies (Every where in the game)
I found that in the early game there were a lot of enemies that were strong and respawned. The key to this method, though tedious, could be the best way to level up at the time. If you find yourself underleveled for whatever reason, use this.How it Works:
- Find one of the strongest enemies in the area of the game that you have access to
- Fight and kill it
- Go to a camp and rest
- Find and fight it again
- Repeat
2. Haulellujah Pep Power (Whenever you are able)
YouTube Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_E7HJCvI424For this you will need the Hero, Jade and Erik to have pep up chance to be up, this can be done within the skill tree, Jade’s Lightning Thrust and Erik’s Critical Claim ability. Basically you find the highest or best area you can and farm enemies by using this. It will give you more money and experience by using it
How it Works:
- You find high level enemies
- If there is more than one, kill all but one
- Defend and heal
- Wait for all three party members to be pepped up (Hero can use his skill to pep himself if he is the only one not pepped up)
- Use the pep power
- Kill enemy
1. Metal Slimes (Early to Late Game)
YouTube Guide: http://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70HHnJDQLjYMetal Slimes appear throughout the game, including very early on, but unfortunately they have this nasty habit of running away when in battle. If you are lucky that they do not run away almost immediately when you fight them, you are most likely going to be either missing all of your attacks or only doing 1 damage. However there are things you can do to up your chances.
In order to do this properly there are a couple characters that you need to put into your party that will up your chances of success. Erik, Hendrik and Jade are great when trying to do this. Erik and Jade tend to get their turns before the enemies, giving you a prime opportunity to get a hit in before the metal slimes have the opportunity to escape from your grasp.
How it Works:
- How Erik helps is in his skill tree. His ability, Critical Claim, in the Guile section of his skill tree is great as you are guaranteed to kill any metal slime type as soon as you hit it. The only issue with this ability is that it has a high MP cost so if you choose to go this way you need to make sure he has MP all the time. Also, in the sword section of the skill tree there is a skill called Metal Slash for the low level metal slimes but otherwise, any ability that causes you to be able to hit the enemy multiple times is great for early game.
- Hendrik also has the ability Metal Slash that is great against low level metal slimes.
- Jade has a few abilities that will help when slaying the metal slimes. The ability Lighting Thrust is an ability that can take out a metal slime in a single blow, however, it is not 100% foolproof as there is a possibility that she may miss. Multi-Thrust will help quite a bit in the early game as it can take out low level slimes rather quickly.
Leveling up in Dragon Quest XI S is important but is not necessary, especially in the early game. As long as you are having fun, that is all that matters.