Dying Light 2 is the long awaited sequel to the 2015 fan favorite Dying Light. Its release in 2022 enamored gamers with its diverging manner of storytelling. Rather than the streamlined narrative presented by the first installment, Techland decided to present gamers a butterfly effect-esque experience where every decision affects the world around the player and the eventual outcomes of the game.
In the final events of the first game and its expansion DLC we learn that despite the destruction of the city of Harran, point of origin of the infection, the virus had breached the quarantine wall of the city. Scientists the world over worked tirelessly to develop a vaccination. The successful development of the vaccinations defended against the virus for a few years. Unfortunately, however The Harran Virus, THV for short, had mutated and took the entire world by storm. The cities of yesterday have been reduced to nothing more than rubble and mass graves. 15 years later humanity lives in a modern dark age and the last city on the map, Villedor, receives a new visitor.
Part 1
We play as Aiden Caldwell. He is what is known as a Pilgrim. That is, a person who takes on pilgrimages between the last vestiges of civilization in order to transport supplies, messages or anything else people can afford to send in the apocalypse. Now, however, Aiden is on a pilgrimage for himself. In search of his sister Mia. Aiden suffers from amnesia, likely due to the experiments he had gone through as a child. He can’t remember anything save for a few glimpses of his sister, a human testing facility and a horrible scientist named Waltz. The few and far in between leads he obtains lead him to the city of Villedor.
The city ofVilledor from afar
Aiden is instructed to enter the city through the underground railway system. There he is chased by biters and bitten by a volatile. Dylan, his contact within the city, saves him with the use of a UV bar. After a short lived meeting with the contact, where Aiden receives a GRE access key, they come face to face with the renegades. They fight and the contact is gravely wounded. Dylan rambles on about The Fish Eye, Lawan and the Nightrunners but the names have no meaning to Aiden. They’re just more leads to follow.
Dylan the informant gravley wounded
Soon waltz and more renegades make their way to the pair but Aiden hides away in a vent before he is seen. Waltz kills Dylan and Aiden flees deeper into the metro. Eventually, Aiden finds his way out of the underground and emerges through an exit in the middle of the Bazaar in Old Villedor. The people of the Bazaar see Aiden doesn’t have a wrist mounted Biomarker, a device used by the city people to measure the level of THV circulating in an infected persons system. If an infected person fails to be exposed to sunlight or artificial UV light for too long they will turn into a zombie.
The survivors in the Bazaar quickly apprehend Aiden and begin to lynch him. Luckily a stranger saves him in the knick of time. Aiden passes out and awakens in what appears to be an apartment. The man who saved him introduces himself as Hakon and informs Aiden of the situation inside the city. Aiden remembers that he was instructed to go to a place called The Fish Eye. He mentions this to Hakon but he informs Aiden that The Fish Eye is in Villedor proper and that Aiden had unfortunately emerged in a cut off section named Old Villedor.
Before being able to travel anywhere or getting access to any survivor settlements Aiden needs a biomarker. After some unsuccessful looting and a very close call with the night time virals, Hakon and Aiden find respite at the home of an old retired NIghtrunner named Cillian.
Hakon introducing Villedor to Aiden.
The next morning Hakon reluctantly decides on searching Saint Joseph Hospital as a last resort. The massive dark building is a zombie breeding ground and proves to be very dangerous for the pair. Inside and on his last legs Aiden is forced to shoot himself with an Inhibitor injection. Hakon describes it as something like an adrenaline shot. Supposedly most people wouldn’t survive an inhibitor shot but Aiden luckily does. They find a Biomarker and by the skin of their teeth make it out of the hospital with their lives.
Part 2
The player now has the chance to meet and work with the two main factions in Villedor. The Peacekeepers are a militant faction who use force to keep order in Villedor. The other faction is known only as the survivors. They tend to keep to themselves and have no rigid governing body, despite recognizing leaders and light authority.
Shortly after receiving his Biomarker and meeting with the Survivors and Peacekeepers, the player as Aiden begins to make decisions based upon which faction they want to side with. However, at this point in the game the decisions made are still of little consequence as it is more so an introduction to in-game decision making rather than making major narrative choices. Whether Aiden decides to assist the survivors he and Hakon will be tasked with finding the killer of a PK commander named Lucas in order to gain access to the central loop.
During a job for the Survivors and their head of security, Sophie, Aiden saves Barney’s, Sophie’s brother, life. This gives AIden some respect among the Survivors as he continues to search for the killer of the PK commander.
Barney, Sophie and a survivor welcoming Aiden to the Bazzar.
After the reclamation of a water tower from some bandits Aiden will have to decide between the PK’s and the Survivors in giving them access to the generated electricity. Either way Aiden will investigate Barney’s apartment. There he discovers a slice of skin with a tattoo of Lucas’ rank. This is evidence enough for the PK’s to apprehend Barney and accuse him of murder.
Barney threatening Aiden with a crossbow.
If Aiden gives the power to the PK’s, Aitor is compelled to grant Aiden and Hakon passage through the tunnels and into the central loop. If Aiden gives the power to the Survivors, they develop a plan to sabotage a PK power source. Either way Aidens initial plan of safe passage will go south as a consequence of the conflict between the Survivors and the PK’s. Aiden will always discover that Hakon actually killed Commander Lucas due to a scar on Hakon that could have only been left by the commander’s weapon. During the confrontation Hakon is shot by a crossbow sniper.
The unique scar visible on Hakon's neck.
The narrative spanning relationship with Hakon will be affected here. The player can decide to assist Hakon by getting to the sniper or they can abandon him to his fate. Regardless of any decisions made Aitor and Aiden will meet at the Dynamo car factory. They work together to get through a tunnel and to the factory. Aiden is split off from Aitor and the PKs while he gets some generators running. During this Time Waltz and his Renegades are attacking the men in the tunnel.
By the time Aiden makes his way back they’ve been defeated and Waltz will take the GRE Access Key and will escape into the factory. Aiden suddenly comes under some sort of state of mindless savagery, kills the remaining Renegades and passes out. Hours later he awakens and assaults the factory in an attempt to get Waltz. Aiden watches as Waltz uses the GRE Key to begin some unknown process at the factory. When they finally come face to face, Waltz admits that he recognizes Aiden.
Waltz shortly being apprehended by Aiden.
He remembers that Aiden was one of the child test subjects. Walts overpowers Aiden and is about to kill him until Aiden mentions the name Mia. At that point he unhands Aiden but is promptly hit with a crossbow bolt. This gives Aiden a chance to take the GRE Key. The sniper was the same person who shot Hakon from the rooftop. Enraged, Waltz begins chasing both the sniper and Aiden. They have to flee though some more underground tunnels until, finally, they escape him.
As the pair make their way through the tunnels they converse about Waltz. Turns out the sniper has a list of people she wants to kill. It includes Hakon and Waltz. When they come upon a locked GRE door Aiden uses the GRE Access Key to get it open and The sniper asks if he knows Dylan. She tells Aiden that he was well known in the Fish Eye and that it was apparent he was trying to escape the city. Aiden lets her know that Waltz had killed Dylan before he could make it out of the city. Aiden also mentions that he was instructed by Dylan to find a person named Lawan too.
The sniper reveals that she is Lawan as the power comes on in the underground. Lawan also assumes that power had returned throughout the city as well. Excitedly, they exit the underground and climb up through an abandoned building. While on the rooftop, the power suddenly returns to the city, but leaves just as quickly.
Part 3
Without wasting a moment Lawan suggests that fixing substations throughout the city may help in bringing power to each individual district. She promptly hands Aiden a paraglider and dares him to follow her across the Villedor skyline.
As they traverse the rooftops, Lawan proposes that she go to a second substation while Aiden fixes one nearby. After a run in with some more PK soldiers and a group or renegades, Aiden powers up the substation and heads to the FIsh Eye. Lawan introduces him to a survivor named Danior and an old former Nightrunner, and current drunkard, named Frank.
Just then an attack on the Fish Eye will begin. Lawan, the Survivors and Aiden fight the Renegades off before congregating in Frank’s room. To their surprise, Frank is being held at knifepoint by a Renegade Mercenary. Lawan kills the Renegade and as if on cue another Renegade barges in the room. This time however, he is subdued by a new face. Jack Matt, a high ranking Peacekeeper, He and his soldiers arrived just in time to dispel the remaining renegades.
Lawan & Matt after the assault on The Fish Eye.
Aiden introduces himself and informs Jack Matt that he is a Pilgrim. Matt points Aiden and Lawan in the direction of one Lieutenant Rowe. He tasks them with delivering an envelope containing new orders.
Aiden and Lawan follow a trail to Rowe’s location.They finally find him and his squad being attacked by a group of Renegades. After fighting them off Aiden gives passes along Jack Matt's orders. Rowe is so displeased with the order that he is quite averse to conversing with Aiden for much longer but he nonetheless discloses that he knows of an observatory where Aiden could access a terminal that could help them with their search. Unfortunately for them, the observatory had been destroyed in a bombing run years ago. Lawan admits she wants to stay far away from that place, but Aiden persists even if it means that he will have to go alone. When he finally reaches the exterior of the building,
Aiden realizes that Lawan was right. It is much too dangerous to go on. Desperate, he radios Jack Matt. The Peacekeeper agrees to help on the condition that they meet in person first. Shortly after, Aiden suffers from another attack of convulsion and savagery. He blacks out and awakens hours later on a rooftop surrounded by dead bodies and some frightened Survivors.
Part 4
Aiden has no answers as to what is happening to him but he is sure that it is due to the experiments that Waltz did to him as a child.
As soon as he regains his composure, Aiden is off to the peacekeeper headquarters in search of Matt. Upon entering the repurposed battleship, he is informed that Matt is away for the time being and that he should go to dispatch. He is introduced to some Peacekeepers and eventually encounters a woman named Meyer.
She welcomes him aboard but is interrupted by Matt urgently in search of a medic. They’ve found Aitor alive and in critical condition. Once Aitor is stabilized Aiden meets with Matt and they discuss Aidens intentions. Matt tells Aiden that The Butcher is the leader of the Renegades, and as the Butcher’s right hand man, Waltz is a target for the PK’s too. Matt wants Aiden’s help with reactivating a massive antenna in an effort to recruit more PKs. In turn the PK’s will question any GRE scientists for information that can help Aiden. But before they can get to the antenna the Peacekeepers need a shipment of UV lights from a man named Juan.
Juan lounging around The Canteen.
Aiden has a difficult time cooperating with Juan due to his strange standoffish personality. After occupying Aiden with what seems to be busywork Juan finally opens up to him and admits that he suspects Jack Matt isn’t being entirely truthful about his life before the fall and his intentions regarding the Butcher.
At this point the story can split into two different directions. AIden can side with Juan and help him bug Jack Matt’s transmission tower or side with Matt and let Juan scheme against the PK commander by himself.
Juan and Jack Matt plotting in The Canteen.
If the player decides to help Juan bug the antenna, Aiden will be sent on a mission to track down a tech specialist named Kurt. With his help they develop a bug and Aiden delivers it to Juan before meeting with Matt to discuss the siege of the VNC Tower and antenna. Otherwise, Aiden simply returns to Matt with no update on Juan’s plot.
Aiden is instructed to go to the Fish Eye for a briefing on the plan to take the VNC Tower. In a VIP room of the FIsh Eye bar Matt, Rowe and Juan await his arrival. The plan consists of the PK soldiers forcing their way into the tower while Juan’s people set up UV lights to establish a safe zone. Once they get power on in the tower Aiden and the soldiers can use the elevator to get to the roof of the building. After the briefing Aiden speaks to Lawan about the plan to her disapproval. She tells Aiden that a siege of the tower was attempted by the Nightrunners of the past. Supposedly Frank lost most of the Nightrunners on that expedition and Lawan begs Aiden to consult Frank before going to the tower,
The player can decide to ask Frank about the tower. If asked, Frank will tell Aiden that they had a solid plan as well, however there was dissent among the Nightrunners. This eventually led to some of them abandoning their comrades. Many Nightrunners died that night and the group disbanded because of it. Frank also warns Aiden that the trek to the top of the building is impossible. Either way Aiden sticks to the plan and meets with the group at the base of the VNC Tower.
There, Rowe had taken charge of the mission and they began their expedition through the tower. Aiden is informed that the elevators aren’t working and some of Rowe’s team were sent to investigate. They haven’t returned yet and Aiden is tasked with joining the search party. As if things couldn’t get any worse, the power throughout the entire tower goes out. Aiden only finds dead and dying PK soldiers, but he gets the power back on and joins Rowe and the rest to go up the elevators. As has become custom the elevator fails about halfway up the tower. The team is instructed by Matt to continue on foot from there. They begin to fall out from the elevator but are quickly surrounded by explosive infecteds.
Aiden, Rowe and PKs stuck in the elevator.
Rowe thinks quickly and shoves Aiden back into the elevator as the zombies explode. Aiden is knocked out and awakens a few minutes later. He exits the elevator and sees a gang of zombies but no surviving soldiers. After fighting off the infected he radios Jack Matt and is instructed to find Rowe as he was the one with the transmitter. Aiden searches the bodies in the room to no avail. Not until he discovers a crack in a wall that reveals a hiding place. Rowe is there dying. Rowe gives Aiden the transmitter and asks him to collect the fallen’s dog tags as a last request.
Rowe telling Aiden his last request.
Aiden then radios Lawan for some advice. They argue but she has the idea of asking Frank for advice. Aiden is short on time however. Each minute more and more infected spill into the room until Aiden finally loses it. He comes under the frenzied spell again as he tears and rips through dozens of infected with his bare hands and again falls unconscious,
When he regains consciousness, Aiden hears Frank’s voice over his radio. Frank advises him that the Nightrunners may have left a grappling hook behind during their retreat. Aiden finds one and uses the new tool to escape the room. As he escapes to the outside Frank and Lawan beg Aiden to abandon the tower and paraglide to safety. Aiden refuses and uses his parkour skills to scale the rest of the tower and even climbs the antenna atop the building.
Aiden atop the VNC tower.
There the player has three choices: side with Matt and give him control of the tower, side with Juan and plant the bug on Matt’s transmitter, and finally give Frank and the Survivors control of the tower.
Regardless of the choice made. Lawan will contact Aiden and begin to confide in him. She asks him to help her get some new shoes. She leads him to an apartment and asks him to go in and find the shoes while she waits outside for him. Inside the apartment Aiden can find clues leading to the conclusion that this was Lawan’s apartment at one time. In addition to that, the box containing her new shoes also contains a photograph of Lawan and Hakon insinuating that they were in a relationship prior to the fall.
Aiden finds the photograph of Hakon and Lawan.
By the time Aiden leaves what was evidently Hakon and Lawan’s apartment, Lawan is nowhere to be seen. Aiden takes a seat on a nearby seat and manages to fall asleep. When he awakens Lawan is there she is not in the mood for discussing Hakon but she does reminisce about Frank and the Nightrunners. Turns out Hakon’s traitorous nature, Franks fall from grace and the disbandment of the Nightrunners took a toll on Lawan psyche and emotional state. Aiden understands and decides to stop prodding for answers. They eventually fall asleep on the rooftop and by the time Aiden rises Lawan is long gone. If the player chose to give Matt the antenna, he will contact Aiden and ask him to activate even more antennas throughout the city and only then will he put you in contact with the GRE scientist.
If the player bugs the antenna for Juan, he will contact Aiden to meet and speak in person. Juan reveals to Aiden that he suspects the Commander has intentions of starting a full fledged war with the Renegades and The Butcher. Chris “The Butcher” Williams apparently has the ability to flood the city and kill most of the city people at a moment's notice. Juan fears that Matt’s advancement on renegade territory will result in the death of thousands. In addition to that he needs Aidens help to sabotage Matt’s efforts before the PK’s recruitment campaign can go into full effect.
Jack Matt thinking Aiden for completing his mission.
In the case that the player gave control of the tower to Frank, he would’ve begun a project of his own called radio new hope. Additionally, the transmitter is also picking up Renegade interference. If Aiden can hack into a couple more antennas then, they should be able to get the intel they need. Once that is finished, Frank overhears a plan to meet in a building on Garrison Boulevard. Once Aiden gets inside the building he is greeted by a gang of Renegades. It was a trap and the Renegades knew they were being listened to the entire time. Aiden fights the enemies but is overwhelmed, as if triggered by his desperation he goes into an angered fueled frenzy once again. After wiping out the Renegades he yet again passes out.
Frank is by Aiden’s side when he comes to. Frank tells him that Hakon radioed in and tried to warn them that the Renegades were setting up an ambush. Apparently he wants to meet Aiden and disclose some information to him. The rendezvous spot is in a nearby church. When Aiden manages to climb into the building, Hakon reveals himself. He demands that Aiden gives him the GRE Access Key. Hakon returns to the darkness of the church as more Renegades spill in to kill Aiden. Naturally, Aiden fights off the Renegades and catches up to Hakon.
As they fight, Hakon admits that he really did believe that he and Aiden could escape the city together but that his ties with the renegades eventually made that impossible. Hakon even confesses that he intended on spying on Waltz. At least until Waltz threatened to kill Lawan If Hakon failed to complete his mission. After subduing Hakon, Aiden can choose to leave him to his fate or finish him off on the spot.
Hakon confronting Aiden in the church.
Mercy can only be granted to Hakon if the player didn’t abandon him when the sniper, Lawan, shot him back in Old Villedor. If the player decides to kill Hakon they fight again but this time he dies from his wounds for good. If mercy is granted Lawan will arrive and have her crossbow sights set on Hakon.
Lawan with her crossbow set on Hakon.
The player is given yet two more options: pleading for Hakon’s life or letting Lawan do as she wants. Regardless of the choice made Lawan will flee the scene and Aiden will be called to the Fish Eye. If Hakon is killed, Frank tells Aiden about a GRE doctor named Veronica Ryan. If Hakon is spared there is a ceremony taking place and Lawan is being sworn in as a NIghtrunner. She thanks Aiden for helping her control her rage and Hakon makes an appearance to inform Aiden that he knows of a GRE doctor who can help him out named Veronika Ryan.
If the player decides to side with Juan or Matt each will also give Aiden the name of Veronika Ryan and point him in her direction. Each possible choice will put Aiden and Ryan together with different hoops to jump through to find her.
Part 5
Doctor Ryan will once again lead Aiden to the same observatory as before this time, however, she supplies him with Chem Blockers. These allow Aiden to traverse the chemical covered exterior of the observatory. After getting the power on and helping the doctor get in the facility Aiden learns that she was actually one of the people working with Waltz on his experiments. She defends herself by claiming that she had no idea what he was doing to the children, Aiden is unconvinced but perseveres nonetheless.
Once they reach the central database but learn nothing about Mia. Apparently however there was information about Aiden and the efficacy of the experiments on him as well as some activity 11 days prior where some sort of unknown GRE process was initiated. Before learning more, they are attacked by Renegades and Waltz. Their fight leads them to the exterior where Waltz triggers Aidens rage mode and he accidentally kills Dr.Ryan.
Waltz steals the GRE key and leaves. Aiden is on the precipice of unconsciousness when he sees two missiles launch from nearby silos. One strikes a building in the central loop and the other hits the observatory itself. It collapses under him as he falls unconscious. He wakes to Lawan saving him. Aiden confesses what he knows about his condition to Lawan and while they converse one of the buildings hit by the missile collapses.
Missiles striking a skyscraper in the middle of the city.
If the antenna was given to Frank and the Survivors, Lawan informs Aiden that Frank’s fear of another missile barrage convinced him to meet with the Butcher to discuss peace. The following day Juan and Aiden watch the negotiations quickly go south as Frank is shot and Renegades attack the Fish Eye once again. After successfully fighting the enemies back the player is given the choice to chase after the renegades and their vehicle or to stay back and administer first aid to Frank.
If the player decides to chase the van, Aiden will follow the Renegades to a hideout, During the chase Aiden will be informed that Frank has died and the epilogue will begin.
If the player stays behind and tries to save Frank, Aiden and the gang will bring Frank to a healer and she will save his life. Then Aiden will have to track down the renegades and begin the epilogue once he finds their hideout.
In the case that the player chose to give Jack Matt control of the antenna, Aiden will head to the Floating fortress to discuss what will be done next. As soon as he enters the common area, however, he is greeted by the sight of what seems to be a public hanging. Meyer and some guards are on a bridge walkway. They’re sentencing Juan, who is tied up and noosed, as he pleads for the people to hear him out. He claims that Jack Matt is responsible for bombing of the city during the fall. He adds that Matt intends on attacking the dam despite the possibility of destroying it and flooding the city.
Juan on trial for treason.
Meyer has no patience for his ramblings but some people begin to question the legitimacy of Matt’s rule. Juan sees Aiden in the crowd and yells out to him. He implores that The Butcher not be killed, but before making his case Meyer shoves Juan over the edge, killing him by hanging. Aiden continues on to Matt and they discuss the assault on The Butcher. When Aiden inquires about Juans claims, Matt dismisses them as “traitorous nonsense”. Matt insists that The Butcher is still responsible for bombing the city.
After the conversation with Matt, Lawan will radio Aiden and tell him that the Renegades attacked the Fish Eye. She asks him to come quickly. As Aiden arrives there are many dead Survivors and Frank is in critical condition. Frank asks Aiden to look after Lawan as he passes on. Lawan shoots out of the room and Aiden gives chase. When he finally catches up to her, she is at a hideout drinking liquor. They talk about the plan to kill The Butcher and Aiden tries to convince her not to go. The next morning Lawan is, as usual, gone before Aiden is up. He tracks her to a renegade hideout where he was supposed to get smuggled into the dam. Once he enters the building the epilogue will begin.
Jack Matt just before the assault on the dam.
And finally, if the player sides with Juan, he and Aiden will meet and Juan will admit that he was working with The Butcher the entire time. They are interrupted by PK soldiers before Juan could explain further. After Aiden fights them off Juan tells Aiden that it would be better if he simply met with The Butcher in person. He arranges Aiden to be smuggled into the dam. Just then Lawan contacts Aiden and tells him that the Fish Eye was attacked. The same sequence occurs, Frank dies, Aiden chases Lawan to a hideout and he tracks her to the Renegade hideout the next morning.
If Frank is saved, Lawan will stay at the Fish Eye. She will not affect the story anymore. Aiden and Williams, The Butcher, will talk. Williams admits that he worked with Waltz but only to enhance his own soldiers. After doing so, Waltz took a bunch of Renegade soldiers for his own purposes and they all abandoned Williams and the dam. Williams also tells Aiden that he is well aware that Waltz began to bomb the city. He claims that Waltz’ mission will result in more bombing of the city. He also believes that Waltz was behind the attempt on Frank’s life and it was his intention to cooperate with the survivors in an effort to save the city.
Aiden isn’t fully convinced but Williams points him to Waltz’ possible location, so Aiden lets bygones be bygones and promptly leaves in search of Waltz yet again. As Aiden searches Waltz’ old living quarters. Lawan radios and confirms that the supposed Renegades who attacked Frank and the Fish Eye were actually PK’s in disguise. Williams arranges for a car to take Aiden back to the city. On the drive, however, they’re ambushed by the PK’s and Jack Matt.
Jack Matt and his PKs facing off against Aiden and the NIghtrunners.
Luckily for Aiden, Frank and a couple of Nightrunners arrive to fight by his side. When Matt orders his soldiers to attack the Nightrunners they refuse and conclude that Matt is no longer fit to lead the Peacekeepers. Just then, another missile comes flying through the air and hits nearby. The soldiers flee while Aiden persists toward Waltz’ location.
If Frank dies, Lawan would’ve snuck into the dam too and she will be a variable in the story yet. Lawan will race the player through the Renegade stronghold. In this case Lawan will interrupt the confrontation with Williams and she can accidentally shoot Williams’ wife. This will trigger a fight and The peacekeepers can barge in and help Aiden fight the Renegades. They will open the floodgates and drain part of the city.
There are multiple variables in determining who will live and who will die. Most importantly after the 3td missile attack Aiden will enter the X13 base where Waltz is. As Aiden makes his way through the facility he will recognize it as the place where he was experimented on. He begins to get a flood of memories into his mind. He remembers that Waltz was actually quite concerned with Mia’s life as a child. Waltz tells Aiden that Mia is actually his own daughter and that Aiden and Mia were only friends. Aiden remembers making a promise to Waltz instead of Mia. He promised to do anything he could to save Mia. He remembers that Mia was severely infected as a child too. Aiden still wants to stop Waltz despite claiming that launching the missiles will somehow lead to saving her.
Wlatz consoling Mia before the missiles launch.
As they fight Aiden has pleasant flashbacks of Waltz, him and Mia. Waltz Reveals to Aiden that the GRE stopped his research and they released all of the kids into the streets. As the fight concludes Mia makes an appearance. As the sickly woman hands Aiden the GRE Key when Waltz accidentally smacks it into a puddle of chemicals. With the GRE Key gone, Mia collapses onto the ground. Both Aiden and Waltz scramble to get Mia back to her bed and keep her alive for a bit longer. At this point the missiles are on the verge of launching when Aiden has to think quickly.
This is where the choices made will change the ending.
Aiden makes his discision to save Mia or Lawan.
Aiden can stop Lawan from detonating the bombs before they launch. This results in the city being mostly destroyed and much of the population of Villedor being killed. Aiden and Lawan leave the city together. Alternatively if Hakon is alive and Aiden saves Lawan, Hakon will get Mia out of the facility and eventually join Aiden when he leaves the city.
Aiden can let Lawan destroy the missiles before they launch which results in him carrying Mia out of the facility and the city being saved. Depending on whether Hakon was befriended and spared in the previous missions, he can make an appearance and save Lawan before she dies in the explosion. Regardless the city is mostly saved but Mia dies of her illness before long. Aiden buries her and leaves the city alone while his infection worsens.
Signing Off!
That was a quick recap of the narrative for Dying Light 2. Although I covered the main story beats there is still much more to Aiden and the people of Villedor that could not be included. Though the best way to experience it would be to play the game itself. So, hopefully you pick the game up yourself and have as much fun with it as I do. And don’t forget, Stay human.
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