ESO Best Companions Revealed (Here's Who You Should Pick)

10 Sep 2022
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We always want a companion when we travel alone in the wilds of Tamriel. A companion who will watch your back, support you, and sacrifice himself when necessary.

Luckily, there are four different companions we can have in ESO. I'll discuss four companions today and provide you with some guidance on selecting one of them.

1. Mirri Elendis

Mirri Elendis is a Dark Elf companion. Mirri's Expertise, her unique perk, will enable you to uncover more loot from treasure chests and treasure map chests.

She can get away with practically anything, so she won't mind if the player chooses to commit acts of anarchy or lawlessness similar to what she does.

With skills like Slayer's Blade, she can fight and deal some stunning damage. Masque of Torment, which is excellent against large single foes, also allows her to hold her own as a tank. She also has damage-dealing healing abilities.

Mirri Elendis excels in;

  • Excellent Damage Dealer
  • Perfect for Treasure Hunting and Antiquities

Choose Mirri Elendis if;

  • You want to grind Antiquities
  • You want to grind Treasure Chests.
  • You are a tank and need DD
  • You like to steal

Mirri Ellendis details:

2. Bastian Hallix

Bastian Hallix is a skilled battlemage who is skilled with both a staff and a sword. Bastian's Insight, his special ability, gives you a chance that any potion you drink will be enhanced by him.

In the end, Bastian looks to perform slightly better as a tank than as a healer or DPS.

Bastian Hallix excels in;

  • Excellent Tank
  • Perfect for Drinking Potions

Choose Bastian Hallix if;

  • You want a Tank to assist you
  • You like to be Righteous
  • You want special potions dropped from monsters.

Bastian Hallix details:

3. Ember

Ember is a chaotic, sincere, and well-known troublemaker who is a gifted mage and a former street kid. She is able to do powerful lightning damage from a distance with the help of her great damage skills, such as Thunderous Strike and Shocking Burst.

Her healing abilities focus on healing close allies and even slowly absorbing damage, while her tanking abilities focus on immobilising or stunning the enemy with Trickster's Trap or Entomb.

Ember excels in;

  • Excellent Tank
  • Excellent DD
  • Excellent Healer

Choose Ember if;

  • You want a companion to fit any role 
  • You like to Pickpocket

Ember details:

4. Isobel Velois

One of the High Isle's most talented knight candidates is Isobel Veloise. She has some amazing abilities that, depending on the role she plays, will be helpful to everyone, such as Divine Destruction as a DPS, Beam of Reproach as a healer, and Solar Ward as a tank.

In the end, she seems more like a DPS than a tank. She is perfect for World Boss hunting. She will provide you with extra loot after defeating the World Bosses.

Isobel excels in;

  • Excellent DD
  • Good Tank

Choose Isobel if;

  • You want to get extra loot from World Bosses
  • You want a DD to support you

Isobel details:

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