[Top 5] Fallout 4 Best Defense Turrets (And How To Get Them)

Fallout 4 Best Defense Turrets
03 Nov 2021

One of the unique features present in Fallout 4 is how you can build settlements. You can keep different kinds of settlers, companions, faithful canines and build stores, homes along various structures. One of the key aspects of settlements is defense. It is significantly important to maintain a proper defense system as it will help you keep your settlements strong against attacks and settlers happy. Turrets are inevitably the most important part of the defense, so in this list, we bring you the 5 best turrets in the game. Let’s get started!

5 . Spotlight Turret

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First off we have the spotlight turret, which does not provide shooting support, instead provides valuable light support to a specific area of a settlement. It also locks onto incoming targets when near which can help the players and guards notice and quickly take them out. They can also be set to target the player through a terminal.

What’s great about it:

  • Provides light
  • Locks onto incoming targets
  • Helps in noticing targets quickly


  • Damage Resistance: 10
  • Energy Resistance: 10
  • HP: 100
  • Defense: 2

How to get it:

  • Circuitry: 1
  • Gears: 2
  • Glass: 2
  • Oil: 1
  • Screw: 2
  • Steel: 6

4 . Machine Gun Turret

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Machine Gun turrets are the most commonly used turrets in settlements. They provide quick ballistic support and can take care of a small number of targets in a short time. They are much more deadly when in a group as they’ll wipe out targets in no time. When you are just starting out, these should keep your settlements safe for a while.

What’s great about it:

  • Commonly used turret
  • Can handle a small number of targets
  • Much more deadly in groups


  • Damage Resistance: 20
  • Energy Resistance: 10
  • HP: 80
  • Defense: 5

How to get it:

  • Circuitry: 1
  • Gears: 2
  • Glass: 2
  • Oil: 1
  • Screw: 2
  • Steel: 6

3 . Heavy Machine Gun Turret

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The heavy machine gun turret is a much bulkier version of the machine gun turret. It provides much more ballistic support than the normal one but stays in a locked position i.e. doesn’t move around. It has better damage and energy resistance. The Mk VII variants can also stagger enemies sometimes by using explosives as ammo.

What’s great about it:

  • Greater ballistic support than the machine gun turret
  • Better damage and energy resistance
  • Mk VII variant uses explosive ammo


  • Damage Resistance: 45
  • Energy Resistance: 25
  • HP: 150
  • Defense: 8

How to get it:

  • Circuitry: 2
  • Gears: 2
  • Oil: 4
  • Steel: 10
  • Gun Nut Rank 1

2 . Heavy Laser Turret

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The heavy laser turret is another powerful turret to have in your settlements. While it isn’t powerful as the normal laser turret, it makes up for it with its higher rate of fire. It can take care of many powerful enemies very easily including the Rust Devils and Deathclaws. It also has a great range which helps in detecting enemies from far away.

What’s great about it:

  • High rate of fire
  • Long-range
  • Can deal with powerful and armored enemies easily


  • Damage Resistance: 35
  • Energy Resistance: 25
  • HP: 125
  • Defense: 12

How to get it:

  • Aluminum:7
  • Circuitry: 4
  • Crystal: 4
  • Fiber optics: 4
  • Gears: 3
  • Nuclear material: 4
  • Screw: 4
  • Steel:3
  • Gun Nut Rank 1
  • Science! Rank 3

1 . Missile Turret

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Finally, we have the missile turret which can take care of any targets without any problem. It uses a quad barrel missile meaning it can shoot four missiles in quick succession. It can damage a larger area and can even take out Vertibirds if needed. If you want full protection, this is the turret to use. It should be placed in a secluded area as it might harm objects near it or can kill friendlies including the player character.

What’s great about it:

  • The best turret in the game
  • Uses quad barrel missile launcher
  • Can take out any target with ease


  • Damage Resistance: 35
  • Energy Resistance: 25
  • HP: 150
  • Defense: 15

How to get it:

  • Aluminum: 6
  • Circuitry: 6
  • Gears: 5
  • Oil: 6
  • Screw: 5
  • Steel: 6
  • Gun Nut Rank 3

With the turrets above placed around your settlements, it’ll be much safer for your settlements. They can provide your settlers reassurance and the happiness meter in your settlements will skyrocket. If you want a deadly combo, use all of them together and see the fun.

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