Fallout 4 is one of the most popular games to date. Years after its release date, people are still only just discovering the joys of roaming the apocalyptic wasteland and blowing things up with a nuke launcher. The player is free to do whatever they please in this game. Play the good guy, the bad guy or something in between, it’s all up to you!
Now, if you make it through to the end of the game, you’re going to need some excellent armor with legendary effects to keep your character strong and protected. Well, look no further, we have a list for you!
10. Black Ops Armor
The Black Ops armor may look like your average combat armor pieces, but they come with some added benefits. The set only has two pieces, the chestpice and the right shinguard.
Why is the armor excellent?
- Easily obtainable. Just head on over to Bunker Hill and you can purchase both pieces from Deb.
- The chest piece gives your character an extra point for both strength and endurance
- The shinguard increases movement speed by 10%
- Combined damage and energy protection of 44 points.
- Chestpiece modification: Reinforced combat armor
- Shinguard modification: Shadowed combat armor
Black Ops Armor Details: http://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Black_Ops_armor
How to find:
- Go to Bunker Hill
- Find a trader named Deb
- Purchase the armor
Easy Peasy!
9. Champion Armor
This armor set comes in three pieces. The chest piece and both the left and right arm.
It has numerous added effects that can really boost your character's chance of surviving in the savage wasteland.
Why is the armor excellent?
- Combined damage resistance of 54
- Combined energy resistance of 33
- Cheaper to purchase than previously mentioned Black Ops Armor
- Chestmpiece reduces damage from robots by 15% Handy when playing the Automatron DLC quests!
- The left arm increases strength and endurance by 1 point
- The right arm increases agility and perception by 1 point
Champion armor details: http://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Champion_armor
How to find:
- Head to Diamond city
- In the market, find Fallon’s Basement
- Purchase chest piece and right arm from Becky Fallon
- The left arm can be purchased from Lucas Miller, he can be found at Greentop Nursery, Tenpines Bluff, Covenant and Bunker Hill, all on his usual circuit
8. Commando Armor
Not very pretty to look at, but effective. The Commando armor comes in two pieces and, just like the previous mentions in this list, has some extra benefits for the player.
Why is the armor excellent?
- Combined damage and energy resistance of 40
- Chestpiece gives 15 points of radiation resistance
- Both have polymer modifications
- Chestpiece increases the player's action point refresh speed
- A helmet reduces the cost of action points in V.A.T.S by 10%
Commando Armor Details: http://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Commando_armor
How to find:
- After completing the “Reunions” quest, head to the Cambridge Police Station
- Help Danse and his team defeat the ghouls
- Complete the quest “Call to Arms”
- Head over to The Prydwyn
- Purchase armor from Proctor Teagan
7. Atoms Bulwark
The Atom’s Bulwark is a unique piece of marine armor with special modifications and effects that help our character through those heavy radiation spots. If it helps the Children of Atom in the Glowing Sea, then it’s worth putting on the list.
Why is the armor excellent?
- Damage and energy resistance of 40
- Damage and energy resistance increase by 5 points with every 100 rads the player takes in
Atoms Bulwark Details: http://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Atom%27s_Bulwark
How to find:
- Go to Far Harbor (Far Harbor DLC Required)
- Complete the quest “Reformation”
- Acquire armor from the synth version of High Confessor Tektus
6. Acadia Sheild
Another piece of armor from the Far Harbor DLC. Again, this piece brings the player protection against radiation. It’s a unique variant of the Synth Armor and gives our sole survivor an extra boost in some areas.
Why is the armor excellent?
- Damage resistance of 39 points
- Energy resistance of 44 points
- Increases agility, endurance and intelligence by 1 point
Arcadia Sheild Details: http://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Acadia%27s_Shield
How to find:
- Go to Far Harbor
- Play through the quest “The Way Life Should Be”
- Choose to keep DiMA’s secret
5. Apocalypse Armor
The apocalypse armor is made up of only two pieces. The chest piece and left greave However, it is well suited to the environment we are playing in. It not only looks the part, but it is also ideal when you’re in need of something “extra” with your armor.
Why is the armor excellent?
- Damage resistance points of 37
- Energy Resistance points of 40
- Chestpiece has the Martyr’s legendary effect, which slows down time when the player is at 20% or less health. This is only temporary.
- Left greave increases the damage and energy resistance the lower the player's health gets
Apocalypse Armor Details: http://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Apocalypse_armor
How to find:
- Encounter “The Scribe” who you can purchase the chest piece from, this is a random encounter which makes acquiring this armor rare
- Head over to Goodneighbor and visit the Hotel Rexford
- Go up to the rooms and a ghoul in a tan suit will step out from one of the doors
- Talk to him, finding out he is the Vault-Tec rep from the beginning of the game
- Recruit him into your settlement and assign him to be an armor trader
- You can then purchase the armor from him
4. Destroyers Armor
Now, this one is almost a full set of armor (missing a right arm). The more pieces, the more protection. But each piece has added benefits.
Why is the armor excellent?
- Combined damage and energy resistance of 65 points
- Helmet adds 1 point to intelligence and charisma
- Chestpiece reduces human damage by 15%
- The left arm reduces damage by 15% while sprinting
- Both left and right leg increases movement speed by 10% each
Destroyers Armor Details: http://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Destroyer%27s_armor
How to find:
- For the helmet, head over to Covenant and purchase the piece from Penny Fitzgerald
- For the chest piece and left leg, head over to Goodneighbor and purchase from Daisy
- For the left arm, head over to Bunker Hill and purchase from Deb
- For the right leg, head over to Vault 81 and purchase from Alexis Combes
3. Devastators Armor
Yet another armor set on this list that looks absolutely perfect for the apocalypse setting. Only a set of two, the chest piece and right greave. It may seem like your standard heavy metal armor, but like everything else on this list…it gives just a little bit extra!
Why is the armor excellent?
- Combined damage resistance of 71 points
- Combined energy resistance of 48 points
- Chestpiece reflects 10% of melee damage back to the enemy attacking
- Right greave temporarily slows down time when the player is at 20% or less health
Devastators Armor Details: http://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Devastator%27s_armor
How to find:
- Go to Goodneighbor
- Purchase both pieces from K-L-E-O
2. Freefall legs
Here is the armor I wish I had on my first playthrough of Fallout 4. They are super handy to have, which is why I placed it in my number two spot on the list. The left and right legs come in three variants, standard, sturdy and heavy. It is random which variant you will acquire.
Why is the armor excellent?
- Standard gives 10 points for damage resistance per leg
- Sturdy gives 14 points for damage resistance per leg
- Heavy gives 18 points of damage resistance per leg
- Standard gives 8 points of energy resistance per leg
- Sturdy gives 12 points of energy resistance per leg
- Heavy gives 16 points of energy resistance per leg
- When both pieces are worn it prevents fall damage
Freefall legs details: http://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Freefall_Legs
How to find:
- Head over to the Mass Fusion building
- Find the small room near the top of the interior of the building (inaccessible unless the player has already equipped their character with jetpack-modified power armor)
- Find the safe within the room
- Open the safe
- TA-DA!!!
1. Recon Marine Armor
If you’re looking for the ultimate protection with added legendary effect, this is our list topper!
Why is the armor excellent?
- 159 points of damage resistance
- 158 points of energy resistance
- 60 points of radiation resistance
- Craftable modifications
- Helmet adds 1 point to agility and perception
- Chestpiece reduces damage while remaining stationary by 15%
- The right arm increases movement by 10%
- The left arm temporarily slows time during combat if the player's health is at 20% or lower
Recon Marine Armor details:
How to find:
- Head over to Far Harbor
- Helmet can be purchased from Brooks in Far Harbor
- Chestpiece can be purchased from Cog in Acadia
- Right Arm can be purchased from Sister Mai in The Nucleus
- Left Arm can be purchased from Kan in The Nucleus
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