22 Nov 2021
One of the newer features of Fallout 4 is having the ability to equip a jetpack with your power armor. A jetpack makes traveling across the Commonwealth much much easier and can help you get out of tight spots around the map. With a handful of mods, the jetpack can be utilized much more efficiently and for that, we bring you the top jetpack mods for the game!
5 . No Limits Jetpack

Get the mod here!
4 . Jetpacks FAO v5

Get the mod here!
3 . CROSS Jetpack

Get the mod here!
2 . Iron Man X-01 Power Armor and Jet Pack

Get the mod here!
1 . Jetpack Unlimited

Get the mod here!
These mods will definitely ramp up your experience in Fallout 4 using the jetpack. Be sure to install them properly as they all have different instructions. Good luck fellow Survivors!
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