Fallout 4 is one of the greatest RPGs in recent years mainly due to the amount of content it has and for the fun gameplay. While the story and quests are engaging and diverse by themselves, The world of Fallout 4 is harsh and unpredictable and hence, makes it a great environment for players to dive into. It is filled with the unknown and to traverse the Wasteland you need a special set of perks to survive. Each perk is unique and will help you in your survival. That is why we’ve nailed down a list of the top 10 best perks in the game! Let’s get started!
10 . Local Leader
First, we have the Local Leader perk. With the help of this perk, you can gather resources easily without putting a lot of effort, and is essential if you’re into settlement building. The first rank allows you to establish supply lines between settlements. The second rank allows you to build stores. The stores will generate income and you will receive a cut from it. It’s a great perk to get free caps in a short while.
Why it is great:
- Resources are easily available between settlements
- Stores can be built to generate income and buy items
- Great for getting caps
- Total ranks: 2
- Charisma-6 is mandatory for all ranks
- Requirements:
- Rank 1: Charisma 6
- Rank 2: Level 14
9 . Strong Back
With the help of the Strong Back perk, you can carry additional resources in your inventory in Rank 1 and 2. It is a necessary perk if you like to travel alone or your companion doesn’t have enough space in their inventory. You can also use Action Points to run when over-encumbered and fast travel in Rank 3 and 4 respectively.
Why it is great:
- Helps in carrying more weight
- Important in higher levels
- AP can be used to run with this perk when over-encumbered
- Total ranks:5
- Strength-6 is mandatory for all the ranks
- Requirements:
- Rank 1: Strength-6
- Rank 2: Level 10
- Rank 3: Level 20
- Rank 4: Level 30
- Rank 5: Level 40
8 . Scrounger
With the Scrounger perk, you can find ammo in containers located throughout the Wasteland. Ammo is pretty hard to get by in the Commonwealth and with the help of this perk, it’ll make it a little bit easier. By upgrading this perk your chance of getting ammo rises up. And, with the help of this perk, you don’t need to purchase ammo a lot.
Why it is great:
- Helps in finding ammo in containers
- Helps in saving caps
- Ammo of various weapons can be found
- Total Ranks- 4
- Luck-2 is mandatory for all the ranks
- Requirements:
- Rank 1: Luck 2
- Rank 2: Level 7
- Rank 3: Level 24
- Rank 4: Level 37
7 . Fortune Finder
Caps are the currency of the Wasteland and with the help of the Fortune Finder perk, you can get the chance of finding caps in different containers and boxes. It is really useful throughout the whole game because caps run out really quickly. Upgrading this perk can give you a high amount of caps too.
Why it is great:
- Helps in finding caps in containers
- Upgrading the perk will result in more caps
- Useful throughout the whole game
- Total Ranks-4
- Luck 1 is mandatory for all ranks
- Requirements:
- Rank 1: Luck 1
- Rank 2: Level 5
- Rank3: Level 25
- Rank 4: Level 40
6 . Lone Wanderer
Why it is great:
- Useful when traveling without companions
- Increases damage resistance
- Increases carry weight and Action Points
- Total Ranks-4, Rank 4 only accessible via Far Harbor DLC
- Charisma 3 is mandatory for all ranks
- Requirements:
- Rank 1: Charisma 3
- Rank 2: Level 17
- Rank 3: Level 40
- Rank 4: Level 50
5 . Hacker
Fallout 4 is filled with pre-war terminals which are gateways to many secrets and treasures. With the Hacker perk, you can acquire skills to unlock different terminals. The higher the perk rank, the more high-level terminals you can unlock.
Why it is great:
- Needed for hacking terminals
- Essential for some main and side quests
- Access to rare resources sometimes
- Total Ranks-4
- Intelligence 4 is mandatory for all ranks
- Requirements:
- Rank 1: Intelligence 4
- Rank 2: Level 9
- Rank 3: Level 21
- Rank 4: Level 33
4 . Blacksmith
Why it is great:
- Used in crafting mods for melee weapons
- Helps in upgrading stats for the weapons
- Useful in melee only builds
- Total Ranks- 3
- Strength 4 is mandatory for all ranks
- Requirements:
- Rank 1: Strength 4
- Rank 2: Level 16
- Rank 3: level 29
3 . Armorer
Why it is great:
- Helps in creating armor mods
- Power armor mods are created with this perk
- Useful throughout the game
- Total Ranks- 4
- Strength 3 is mandatory for all ranks
- Requirements:
- Level 1: Strength 3
- Level 2: Level 13
- Level 3: Level 25
- Level 4: Strength 39
2 . Rifleman
The Rifleman perk helps in increasing the amount of damage done from various ballistic and energy weapons in the game. This perk should always be upgraded when unlocked because it is really useful against high-level enemies. It helps in increasing damage with every rank and also may result in crippling damage to the enemies.
Why it is great:
- Increases damage from non-automatic rifles
- Ignores target armor while attacking
- Chance of crippling enemies
- Total Ranks- 5
- Perception 2 is mandatory for all ranks
- Requirements:
- Rank 1: Perception 2
- Rank 2: Level 9
- Rank 3: Level 18
- Rank 4: Level 31
- Rank 4: Level 46
1 . Gun Nut
Why it is great:
- Used to make high-level weapon mods
- Defense items can be created with this perk
- High-level mods are essential throughout the game
- Total Ranks- 4
- Intelligence 3 is mandatory for all ranks
- Requirements:
- Rank 1: Intelligence 3
- Rank 2: Level 13
- Rank 3: Level 25
- Rank 4: Level 39
And that is all fellow Wastelanders! Acquire the perks mentioned above you’ll surely be able to traverse the Wasteland a little bit easier. Have fun and don’t forget War. War never changes.
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