Fallout 4 has been hailed as one of the best RPGS of all time due to the amount of effort put into its customization aspects and overall fun and engaging gameplay set in the Wasteland. The game has nearly limitless possibilities in terms of customizing your builds so it is definitely worth putting the effort in. So, that is why we’ll break down the top 10 builds in the game that are fun to play with. Some of them are wacky, some of them are serious, but all of them definitely are fun. Let’s get started!
10 . The Road Warrior
First, on the list, we have the Road Warrior built from Mad Max. If you think about it the Road Warrior fits perfectly with the world of Fallout as both are set in a post-apocalyptic world. So, if you want to play with that mentality this surely is the most fun build you can find. The build is mainly made out of leather armor so you won’t have to find those or craft them.
What it excels in:
- Faster movement
- Shotgun mastery
- Survival mastery
- Lockpicking mastery
- Friendly towards animals
Build Details:
- Preferred Starting stats: Strength-3, Perception-3, Endurance-8, Charisma-4, Intelligence-4, Agility-1, Luck-3
- Perks: Lone Wanderer, Gunslinger, Locksmith, Rifleman, Gun Nut, Medic are essential
- Leather Armor
- Shotgun and Assault Rifle
9 . The Psychopath
The Psychopath is the terror of the wasteland striking fear to all the people. The build is a serial killer build for those wanting to explore this dark character. The build is mainly based on melee weapons and minimal armor. What’s great is that you’ll have a lot of melee weapons to choose from and enhance your killing skills.
What it excels in:
- Stealth movement
- Melee weapons mastery
- Fast movement
- Sneak mastery
Build Details:
- Preferred Starting stats: Strength-5, Perception-2, Endurance-3, Charisma-3, Intelligence-5, Agility-9, Luck-1
- Suit armor preferably, Lorenzo Cabot’s suit
- Perks: Big League, Blitz, Sneak, Lockpicker, Hacker are essential
- Pickman’s Blade
- Kremvh’s Tooth
8 . The Child of Atom
Children of Atom are probably the most mysterious cult in the game and it’s no wonder it is fun to roleplay as a member. This build is made for short and long-range combat while also prioritizing stealth. The armor is also very useful for moving around so agility is also a priority.
What it excels in:
- Combat mastery
- Sneak mastery
- Precision kills
- High intelligence
Build Details:
- Preferred Starting stats: Strength-1, Perception-1, Endurance-1, Charisma-3, Intelligence-10, Agility-10, Luck-2
- Combat armor
- Atom’s Bulwark
- Perks: Lone Wanderer, Action Boy, Sneak, Ninja, Commando, Gun Nut, Scrounger are essential
- Spray n Pray Rifle
- Kiloton Radium Rifle
7 . The Idiot Savant
The Idiot Savant is just like that, a build where you play like an idiot literally. Intelligence is basically not there and you’ll only depend on your luck. It’s a really fun build which definitely helps to level up your XP very fast. Luck is really important here as you need to almost max it out to make this build really useful.
What it excels in:
- High Luck
- Gain VATS points quickly
- Useful at higher levels
- High XP gain
Build Details:
- Preferred Starting stats: Strength-10, Perception-1, Endurance-1, Charisma-3, Intelligence-1, Agility-1, Luck-10
- Random armor
- Perks: Lone Wanderer, Big Leagues, Armorer, Blacksmith and Idiot Savant perk maxed out definitely
- Any weapons preferably melee
6 . The Chemist
The Chemist build is where the use of chems truly shines. The chems can be extremely useful in combat and exploring the wasteland. When maxed out this makes a devastating blow to all enemies. Radiation won’t stand a chance against this build.
What it excels in:
- High chem use
- Radiation resistant
- No chem addiction
Build details:
- Preferred Starting stats: Strength-1, Perception-1, Endurance-4, Charisma-10, Intelligence-10, Agility-1, Luck-1
- Perks: Scrounger, Commando, Medic, Chemist, Chem Resistant, Commando are essential
- Normal clothes
- Spray n Pray Rifle
5 . The Silver Shroud
The Silver Shroud is probably the most famous fictional character in the Fallout universe. This detective noir build is hugely loved by fans. You can find almost all of the armor and requirements in the base game story. The character itself has a unique ability to speak in the Shroud voice when equipped with the necessary armor.
What it excels in:
- Stealth mastery
- Sneak mastery
- High charisma
- Easy to access
Build Details:
- Preferred Starting stats: Strength-1, Perception-4, Endurance-3, Charisma-9, Intelligence-6, Agility-2, Luck-2
- Perks: Lone Wanderer, Scrounger, Locksmith, Hacker, Commando are essential
- Silver Shroud Armor and black glasses
- Silver Submachine Gun
- Spray n Pray Rifle
4 . Brotherhood of Steel
The Brotherhood of Steel is one of the main factions in Fallout 4. You meet them midway through the game and you’ll definitely see how cool their armor is. Their armors are really useful and powerful to get. And when maxed out can be devastating.
What it excels in:
- Easy to find
- High strength
- Power armor access
- High tech weapons
Build Details:
- Preferred Starting stats: Strength-9, Perception-1, Endurance-5, Charisma-1, Intelligence-9, Agility-1, Luck-2
- Perks; Science, Gun Nut, Iron Fist, Gunslinger are essential
- Brotherhood of Steel Power Armor
- Minigun
3 . The Courser
The Courser build is a highly appreciated build focusing on all aspects. The build is essential for those who want to roleplay as an agent of the Institute tracking down synths and destroying all those who disrespect the Institute. It’s a fun build if you have a craving for high-tech equipment.
What it excels in:
- High tech gear
- Stealth mastery
- Sneak mastery
- Easy build
Build Details:
- Preferred Starting stats: Strength-2, Perception-9, Endurance-3, Charisma-1, Intelligence-5, Agility-7, Luck-1
- Perks: Lone Wanderer, Armorer, Gun Nut, Rifleman, Locksmith, are essential
- Courser outfit
- Energy weapons
2 . Radiation
The radiated wasteland needs to be tamed in order to survive and this radiation build will surely help you in achieving that. The build is mainly focused on radiation and radiation-based weapons and perks. Immunity to radiation is also possible with this build.
What it excels in:
- Fully focused on radiation
- Fast movement
- Minimal armor and gear
- Combat mastery
Build Details:
- Preferred Starting stats: Strength-3, Perception-1, Endurance-10, Charisma-1, Intelligence-10, Agility-2, Luck-1
- Perks: Gunslinger, Chemist, Rad Resistant, Chem Resistant, Nuclear Physicist are essential
- Hazmat Suit or Child of Atom armor
- Assault Gas Mask
- Gamma Gun
- Radium Rifle
1 . Big League Swatter
This is probably the most fun build ever in the game. The build can easily be started when you enter Diamond City and talk to Moe. He has almost all the essential gear for the build and when fully upgraded you’ll see how destructive the swatter is.
What it excels in:
- High Strength
- Easily accessible gear and weapons
- Fast movement
- Melee combat mastery
Build Details:
- Preferred Starting stats: Strength-8, Perception-3, Endurance-5, Charisma-1, Intelligence-1, Agility-9, Luck-1
- Perks: Big Leagues, Demolition Expert, Blitz, Action Boy, Blacksmith are essential
- Baseball uniform
- Swatter
And, that is all fellow survivors! These builds surely will help you survive the harsh wastelands and most importantly have fun!
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