With the Wastelanders DLC a whole new slew of NPC human enemies are available for your ever wholesome chillin and killin desire. So why not make sure you are prepared by knowing what all to be on the lookout for while traveling the wasteland? Well my faithful Fallout son or daughter, the answer is you need to always be ready and I will show you the way with this extensive and latest list of end game weapons, legendary stats and perk cards to be on the lookout for.
Keep in mind that the weapon loot system is based mostly on luck and I can’t give exact locations of where to find these notorious legendary weapons with the given stats so these weapons will be very hard to find. But having a more extensive knowledge of character builds and the legendary star weapon system will help you to wisely filter through the weapons you pick up, building up a more deadly arsenal and keeping overall better gear at your disposal.
10. Furious Mole Miner Gauntlet (Best for Unarmored Combat):
Start video at 1:14
If you really want to scare someone jump out of a bush wielding a Mole Miner Gauntlet, charge at them silently, listen for their screams and go for that stealthy fast kill. There are many builds that make this weapon a heavy hitter one-strike silent killer. Perfect for keeping good agility and speed but at the cost of protection as it can’t be used while in a power armor suit.
As for its possible history, West Virginian coal mines date back from the 1800’s and in the early 1900’s there was a long war for its lush coal resources in occupation of these coal mines called the West Virginian Coal Wars. During this time the Appalachian coal mines became flooded with high powered weapons and the brutal wolverine claw-like Mole Miner Gauntlet may have been one of them.
Weapon Stats:
- 40% faster swing speed.
- Furious – Damage increased after each consecutive hit on the same target.
- +1 Strength
What makes Furious Mole Miner Gauntlet awesome:
The 40% faster swing speed allows for a quicker and higher number of hits on your target which will stack the snowballing furious attack damage much sooner. You can watch in awe the enemy’s health drop in larger and larger increments with each consecutive hit.
Any melee weapon will give more damage the higher your Strength is which is a governing built in character stat that can be adjusted in various ways such as levelling up, perk cards, food and chems. You can also increase the damage of the weapon itself by modifying it in a weapons workbench and adding a third blade to the set of claws.
You won’t be able to fit into any power armor equipped with this weapon and other weapons like it such as the Power Fist so speed is very important. So, if you like running around prison shanking people from one enemy to the next this is the weapon for you, mi hombre.
It is very exciting, fulfilling yet wholesome and you will reach full satisfaction. Well that is if you like being face to face with your victims as they take their last breath. I would definitely be quoting as much Wolverine as possible when going into full berserk mode on your enemies. You got that bub?
Best Furious Mole Miner Gauntlet Melee Build
Perk Cards:
- Strength SPECIAL stat should be maxed at 15.
- STR Perk Card Martial Artist lv.3: +Swing Speed.
- STR Iron Fist Lv.3: +Punch Damage.
- STR Barbarian: +Durability. (No Power Armor)
- STR Blocker Lv.3: +Block strength.
- STR Incisor Lv.3: Melee weapons ignore enemies’ armor.
- END Ironclad Lv.5: +Durability (No Power Armor)
- CHA Suppressor Lv.3: Reduce your target’s Damage output
- END Make Shift Warrior: Melee weapons break slower
- Agility SPECIAL Stat should be almost maxed at 14.
- AGI Evasive Lv.3: +Damage and Energy Resistance. (No Power Armor)
- AGI White Night Lv.3: Armor breaks slower.
- Marathoner Lv.3: Sprinting consumes fewer Action Point.
- LUCK Bloody Mess Lv.3: +Damage
Mutations (Starched Genes Perk on always to keep mutations):
- Twisted Muscles: +Melee Damage and chance to Cripple.
- Talons: +Unarmed Damage and Bleed Damage
9. Medic Shotgun (Best for Healing):
Start video at 2:24
If you’re like me you can’t see a shotgun without thinking about blue light special Shop Smart, Shop S-Mart, Ash in housewares’ BOOMSTICK from “Army of Darkness”. Sorry I can’t help myself. Getting all giddy and junk. If you don’t have a clue what I’m talking about do yourself a favor and watch this. Hell, even if you do know what I’m talking about do yourself a favor and watch this.
That’s right boys and girls, nothing says emotional security and physical comfort quite like cocking a shotgun (have no idea how they do it with one hand in all the 90’s movies) and blasting your way through blood splattering foes, clearing a path as you step over dead bodies.
That being said, do you like being the team healer without losing your dignity by feeling like a Final Fantasy fairy dressed in white shaking a stick and throwing pixie dust? Well than the Medic Shotgun might be the boomstick for you.
Weapon Stats:
- V.A.T.S. critical shots do 50% damage.
- 90% reduced weight.
- V.A.T.S. crits will heal you and your group.
What makes Medic Shotgun awesome:
Besides being a badass with a shotgun, constantly healing yourself and your group with 50% damage V.A.T.S. crits potentially becoming unstoppable, you can also with the right build go tanky and administer crowd control. Also, healing is crazy high because each pellet in the shotgun blast that hits is counted separately for heals so instead of one healing hit it’s like eight.
Best Medic Shotgun Build
Perk Cards:
- Strength SPECIAL stat should be maxed at 15.
- STR Perk Card Barbarian Lv.3: +Damage resistance (No Power Armor)
- STR Blocker Lv.3: +Block Strength
- PER Concentrated Fire Lv.3: +Accuracy and Damage and target limbs in V.A.T.S.
- END Ironclad Lv.5: +Damage and Energy resistance. (No Power Armor)
- CHA Strange in Numbers Lv.1: Positive mutations are stronger if teammates are also mutated.
- AGI Adrenaline Lv.5: +Damage per kill for 30s
- AGI Action Boy Lv.3: +Regenerate AP faster, good when need medic
- AGI Enforcer Lv. 3: +Stagger and cripple chance, swap with Action Boy for crowd control
- Luck SPECIAL stat should be almost maxed out at 14.
- LUCK Grim Reapers Lv.3: +Chance to restore A.P. upon kill in V.A.T.S.
- LUCK Four Leaf Clover Lv.3: Each hit in V.A.T.S. has a chance to restore crit meter.
- LUCK Bloody Mess Lv.3: +Damage
Mutations: (Starched Genes perk on always to keep mutations)
- Bird Bones: +AGI
- Eagle Eyes: +Crit damage.
- Grounded: +Energy Resistance.
- Herd Mentality: +Special stats when grouped.
- Scaly Skin: +Damage and Energy Resistance.
8. Bloodied Spear (Best for Swing Speed):
Start video at 2:06
Although the Spear itself is not a very popular weapon, fact that it is a two-handed weapon with medium wing speed is already something that should raise an eyebrow. Most two-handed weapons are heavy, have a slow swing speed and use a ton of AP per swing. So this is definitely an underrated weapon I rarely ever see anyone use and it’s certainly worth a try if you use a two-handed weapon melee build.
Weapon Stats:
- 40% Faster Swing Speed.
- Bloodied - Does more damage the lower your health is.
- +1 Strength.
What makes Bloodied Spear awesome:
With this weapon you’ll be swinging much faster and delivering pain at a much higher rate than most other two-handed weapons. And with the +1 Strength and bloodied stats you won’t have to worry about sacrificing attack damage for a faster weapon swing.
Best Bloodied Spear Build
Perk Cards:
- Strength SPECIAL stat should be maxed at 15.
- STR Perk Card Slugger Lv.9: +Damage for two-handed melee weapons.
- STR Martial Artist Lv.3: faster swing speed.
- STR Incisor Lv.1: melee weapons ignore armor
- Intelligence SPECIAL stat should be at 11.
- INT Makeshift Warrior Lv. 5: Melee weapons break slower.
- INT Nerd Rage Lv.3: +damage resist and AP when health is low.
- Agility Special stat should be set at 12.
- AGI Adrenaline Lv.5: +damage for 30s per kill.
- AGI Escape Artist Lv.1: Running no longer affects stealth
- AGI Ninja Lv.3: +Damage for sneak attacks with melee weapons
- LUCK Critical Savvy: less damage taken from crit hits.
- LUCK Bloody Mess: +Damage
7. Junkie Grognak Axe (Alt for risky low health Bloodied):
Start video at 4:34
If you don’t like going for extra damage at the cost of keeping your health low than you might like the Junkie legendary stat which gives strength without the risky low health boon. However, getting addicted to drugs does come with random negative side effects such as lowered STR so be careful. Know your limits and when to ask for help if you know what I mean. They got meetings for that.
Best build for Junkie Grognak Axe
Perk Cards:
- Strength SPECIAL stat should be maxed at 15.
- STR Incisor Lv.3
- STR Martial Artist Lv.3
- STR Slugger Lv.9
- INT Makeshift Warrior Lv.5
- Agility SPECIAL stat should be maxed at 15.
- AGI Ninja Lv.3
- AGI Enforcer Lv.3
- AGI Sneak Lv.3
- AGI Escape Artist Lv.1
- AGI Adrenaline Lv.5
- LUCK Bloody Mess Lv.3
Chems to increase strength:
- Calmex
- Daddy-O
- Day Tripper
- Mentats
- Med-x
6. Vampires Shredding Minigun (Perfect for Queen):
Start video at 5:41
The Vampire legendary stat on a minigun is absolutely insane. If you’re reading this now, I’m going to have to ask you to leave the room, disrobe, shower and sanitize, tell yourself in the mirror gosh darn-it I’m good enough people love me, return to the room and reread this while still naked just to give a holy reverence to this legendary weapon’s spiritual sacrament. I repeat, the Vampire legendary stat on a minigun is absolutely insane.
Weapon Stats:
- Faster movement speed while aiming. (This could be better but hey just roll with it!)
- Bullets explode for area damage.
- Gain brief health regeneration when you hit an enemy.
What makes this weapon awesome:
To be invincible has always been a keen interest of mine ever since learning the abilities of Superman when I was a kid. I used to steal my older brother’s Superman costume and run around the house taking full stride leaps off couches and beds with no concern of where I landed thinking indeed that I myself was invincible just like Superman.
The life siphoning ability of the Vampire Shredding Minigun will definitely give you that god-like superhuman feeling that every self-respecting mature gamer should have once in a while.
Best build for Vampires Shredding Minigun
Perk Cards:
Strength SPECIAL skill should be maxed at 15
- STR Heavy Gunner Lv.9
- STR Bandolier Lv.2: Weapon ammo weighs less
- Intelligence SPECIAL skill should be at 11
- INT Nerd Rage Lv.3
- INT Stabilized Lv.3: +accuracy and ignore armor with heavy guns in power armor
- INT Gunsmith Lv.2: Guns break slower
- Agility SPECIAL skill should be set at 12
- AGI Adrenaline Lv.5
- LUCK One Gun Army Lv.3: +Stagger and ripple chance with heavy guns
5. Scattered Harpoon Gun (Replenishes Ammo)
Start video at 6:53
Originally mounted on whaling ships, the Harpoon gun has been converted into a portable heavy weapon. And with perhaps the slowest rate of fire in the game, the Harpoon Gun compensates with its heavy hitting power and high attack damage. Its harpoons are capable of inflicting very high damage but it can only hold one harpoon at a time and its reload time is very slow.
Weapon Stats:
- Bullets explode for area damage
- +50 Damage Resistance while aiming
- Quadruple ammo capacity
What makes this weapon awesome:
If you haven’t noticed ammo is hard to come by in the Wasteland and that feeling you get in your balls (excuse me ladies I’m talking to the guys here) like someone somewhere is planning to hardily kick them means that you are running out of ammo and soon will be forced to pull out a melee weapon to continue clearing the room. It just doesn’t have to go down like that vault boys and girls and with the Scattered Harpoon Gun you will be sure to lick your plate clean wiping out every enemy in sight with plenty of ammo to spare.
Best Build for Scattered Harpoon Gun
Will receive more ammo than spent upon retrieving ammo from corpses. To do this, use the Flechettes mod which changes ammo type to shotgun blast firing multiple harpoons.
Perk Cards:
- Strength SPECIAL stat should be maxed at 15.
- STR Heavy Gunner Lv. 9.
- STR Lock and Load: Heavy guns reload faster.
- STR Bandolier Lv.2
- Intelligence SPECIAL stat should be set at 11.
- INT Demolition Expert Lv.5: Explosives do more damage.
- INT Stabilized Lv.3.
- INT Gunsmith Lv.3.
- Agility SPECIAL skill should be set at 12.
- AGI Covert Operative: +Damage for ranged sneak attacks.
- AGI Adrenaline Lv.5.
- LUCK Bloody Mess Lv.3.
- LUCK Luck of the Draw Lv.1: Chance your weapon will repair itself upon hitting enemy.
4. Bloodied Hardened Piercing Handmade (Sneaky Vats Build
Start video at 8:57
Ahhh we have finally arrived to the silent but deadly most often used by the elite Fallout sniper Hardened Handmade. It’s a well-designed rifle crafted by the Appalachian survivors after the Great War, uses 5.56 ammo round and…. AHH JESUS TRIP! I DIDN’T EVEN SEE YOU THERE!! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU CROUCHING ALL THE TIME?? AND WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THAT TREE BRANCH COMOFLAUGE?!?! THAT’S NOT EVEN IN THE GAME IS IT!!?! *&@*$!#&@!!
Anyway, that’s my bro Trip, he’s one sneaky son of a bitch and will tell you real fast that handmades as well as lever action rifles are both good when it comes to sniping.
Weapon Stats:
- Bullets explode for area damage.
- +50 Damage Resistance while aiming.
- Does more damage the lower your health is
What makes the Bloodied Hardened Piercing Handmade Awesome;
Perk Cards:
- Perception SPECIAL stat should be maxed at 15.
- PER Commando Lv.9: +Damage for automatic rifles
- PER Tank Killer Lv.3: +chance to stagger and rifles ignore armor
- PER Concentrated Fire Lv.3: +accuracy and damage and target limbs in VATS,
- INT Gunsmith Lv.5
- INT Nerd Rage Lv.3
- Agility SPECIAL Skill should be almost maxed at 14.
- AGI Covert Operation Lv.3: Ranged sneak attack does more damage.
- AGI Sneak Lv.3: Harder to detect while sneaking
- AGI Gun Fu Lv.1: +damage as VATS swaps targets up to 3 times
- AGI Adrenaline Lv.1
- Luck SPECIAL stat should be almost maxed out at 14
- LUCK Grim Reapers Sprint Lv.3: VATS kills restore AP
- LUCK Better Criticals Lv.3: +Damage in VATS
- LUCK Serendipity Lv.3: Avoid damage when health is low
Start video at 10:06
Using liquid nitrogen as a cooling unit to increase the reload time, the Railway Rifle fires railway spikes as projectiles much like an air rifle. This crafty piece of machinery was invented by the engineer, weapons expert and quartermaster of the Railroad Organization from Fallout 4, Tinker Tom. The thing I honestly love most about this weapon is that a train whistle can be heard while reloading. Choo-choo!
Weapon Stats:
- Does more damage the lower your health is.
- 25% Faster fire rate.
- +1 Agility.
What makes the Bloodied Railway Rifle awesome:
Ever wonder what it would feel like to shoot railway spikes from a portable train? Well look no further ya’ll this wonderfully innovative gun will keep your imagination running wild with satisfaction especially when you hear that choo-choo chime. I don’t get it is there a magical elf inside shoveling coal into a fire to power this gun? You damn right there is. Choo-choo!!
With the Automatic Piston Receiver mod this choo-choo gun will empty its whole load of 10 railway spikes in under 2 seconds which can be absolutely devastating and even face wrecking. Paired with the increasing damage Bloodied stat the damage will be going through the roof giving you every reason to jump for joy if you find this gem.
Best build for the Bloodied Railway Rifle
- Only requires Steel to craft ammo, very good.
Perk Cards:
- STR Bandolier: Lv2.
- Perception SPECIAL should be set to 12.
- PER Commando Lv.9.
- PER Tank Killer Lv.3.
- CHA Tenderizer Lv.3: Target receives more damage for 10s after you attack.
- INT Nerd Rage.
- Agility SPECIAL stat should be set at 11.
- AGI Covert Operative Lv.3.
- AGI Sneak Lv3.
- AGI Adrenaline Lv.5.
- LUCK Serendipity Lv3: Chance to avoid damage when health is low.
- LUCK Bloody Mess LV.3.
Rigged together from a robot’s arm-mounted weapon, the Tesla Rifle chains deadly projectile arcs of electricity, leaving a trail of fried enemies and pleasing any crowd with its display of lightning recreation. Somebody say they need a jumpstart?
Weapon Stat:
- +250 Damage Resistance while reloading
- Quadruple ammo capacity
- 25% faster fire rate
What makes the Quad Automatic Tesla Rifle awesome:
This weapon is just cool ok. Not only can you entertain a whole crowd of ghouls by making them do the Thriller Dance involuntarily, you can also do massive Bloodied damage (if you find one with Bloodied) the longer you keep bolts of electricity on them. But the quadruple ammo capacity and faster fire rate is definitely something to be looking for with the Tesla’s.
Best build for Quad Automatic Tesla Rifle
Perk Cards:
- Perception should be maxed at 15.
- PER Commando Lv9
- PER Tank Killer Lv.3
- PER Concentrated Lv.3
- INT Nerd Rage Lv.3
- INT Gunsmith Lv.5
- Agility should be maxed at 15.
- AGI Sneak Lv.3
- AGI Escape Artist Lv. 1
- AGI Gun Fu Lv.1
- AGI Adrenaline Lv.5
- AGI Evasive Lv.3
- AGI Covert Operative LV.3
- AGI Born Survivor Lv.1: Auto stim pack when health is low
- LUCK Serendipity Lv.3.
1. Bloodied Meat Hook (Very High Damage)
Start video at 12:44
Quite possibly the best weapon in the game and what is it? A meat hook everybody, a meat hook. Yep, just a meat hook. I think the dude in Scream had one. You like hook meat with it and junk.
Weapon Stats:
- 40% faster swing speed
- Does more damage the lower your health is
- +1 Strength
What makes this weapon awesome:
With a strong melee build and some Nuka Shine you will have Scorchbeast Queens crying and running home to mama. That is once they respawn of course.
Best Bloodied Meat Hoop hook build:
- See Furious Mole Miner Build at the top
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