
Jordan has been gaming since the good old 80's as a wee-lad in his He-man Master of the Universe tighty whities when the Japanese company "Nintendo" took the world by surprise with its release of NES or Nintendo Entertainment System. He gladly with little reserve and regret turned away from Atari's "Pitfall", "Pac-Man" and "Dig Dug" diving right into Nintendo's "Super Mario Bros", "Metroid" and his beloved gold plated cartridge "Legend of Zelda" never looking back. This was the beginning of Jordan's insatiable desire to find the perfect game, to feel the ultimate satisfaction and to understand the true meaning of personal growth through acceptance.
However, Jordan's search for the ultimate satisfaction often came with a heavy price, leaving him with long lonely nights and criticism from friends and family yet he pursued this search despite all opposition. Jordan believes that to live is to game and loves how gaming has evolved into more of a community sharing experience though platforms such as Xbox live, bringing more of a social aspect into the industry thus helping people to stay connected while still playing the games they love.
He is very passionate about relationships, connecting and communicating with people and has spent countless hours in voice party chat with other great gamers playing original Xbox games ranging from Splinter Cell 's "Pandora Tomorrow" and Magic's "Battleground" to more current Xbox One games such as "Fallout 76","Borderlands 2" and "Monster Hunter World." This passionate gamer loves to write about his experiences with Xbox live and MMORPGs with a strong community following.
However, Jordan's search for the ultimate satisfaction often came with a heavy price, leaving him with long lonely nights and criticism from friends and family yet he pursued this search despite all opposition. Jordan believes that to live is to game and loves how gaming has evolved into more of a community sharing experience though platforms such as Xbox live, bringing more of a social aspect into the industry thus helping people to stay connected while still playing the games they love.
He is very passionate about relationships, connecting and communicating with people and has spent countless hours in voice party chat with other great gamers playing original Xbox games ranging from Splinter Cell 's "Pandora Tomorrow" and Magic's "Battleground" to more current Xbox One games such as "Fallout 76","Borderlands 2" and "Monster Hunter World." This passionate gamer loves to write about his experiences with Xbox live and MMORPGs with a strong community following.
Hordaineva's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Fallout 76, Tekken Tag Tournament, State of Decay 2
Top 3 Favorite Games