Do you like insects? Like bugs and stuff? And also do you like the Flying Monkey Hidden Dragon spinning bo staff kung fu fighting style of the Kinsect Glaive? Well my fellow hunter and proud to call my friend (Please no toxic bullying and mouth breathing in party chart though) the following builds feature some of the finest gems, stats, armor and Insect Glaive weapons in Monster Hunter: World and it will sincerely behoove you beyond your wildest imaginations to check out this list of top seven builds for Insect Glaives.
7. The Strongest Kjarr Insect Glaive Builds Elemental
1st Build
Having good elemental builds in your lineup is always a good idea in Monster Hunter: World. Skills like Critical Element and Water Attack will greatly improve element damage and is a no brainer that against monsters weak to fire this build is meta. Although this build does not have the aerial acrobatic Airborne skill to swoop in and maneuver some impressive aerial attack and mounts, it does boast a strong ground tactics DPS and comfortability with skills like Protective Polish, Evade Window, Blight Resistance and the popular Coalescence.
What’s Awesome About The Strongest Kjarr Insect Glaive Builds Elemental
- Kjarr Glaive Water
- Gleambeetle III Velox
- Brachydios Essence
- Dragonvein Awakening
- High Raw and Elemental Dmg
- 770 Element Dmg
- Guaranteed to Crit Strike Against Weak and Wounded Parts
- Coalescence
- Strictly for Ground Playstyle Only
- Water Attack, Agitator, Critical Boost, Weakness Exploit, Resentment, Critical Eye, Protective Polish and Critical Element for DPS
- Health Boost, Blight Resistance, Evade Window, Divine Blessing and Protective Polish for Comfort
Build Details:
- Kjarr Glaive Water Kinsect Bonus Element Boost
- Coalescence Skill Boosts Attacks After Recovering From Blights or Abnormal Statuses
- Affinity Increase and Element/Status Effect Up Weapon Augmentations
- Brachydios Essence Unlocks Agitator Secret (Removes Agitator Skill Cap)
- Dragonvein Awakening Unlocks Elem. Abnormal Status/Affinity Up With Weapon Drawn
- Protective Polish Skill Keeps Weapon Sharpness from Decreasing After Sharpening
- Evade Window Skill Extends the Invulnerability Time While Evading
6. MHW Iceborne Insect Glaive That Never Loses Sharpness and Crit All the TIme Build
1st Build
Like most Monster Hunter: World activities, keeping your blade sharp in Monster Hunter: World is a bit harder than you would think, but fear not there are plenty of sharpness Abilities and Skills to choose from that will help keep your blade sharp, DPS maxed and your blood pressure spiking from sheer rage. (C'mon guys you’re gonna have a stroke)
This can all be yours with the staple skill Master’s Touch that unlocks with the three piece armor set bonus Teostra Technique. Master’s Touch is the most used popular sharpness skill in MHW and it primarily operates through Critical Hits by not losing sharpness each time you crit.
What’s Awesome About MHW Iceborne Insect Glaive That Never Loses Sharpness Build
- Valorwing III Medis
- Ruinous Catastrophe
- Teostra Technique
- Health Regen Augment With Peak Performance Skill
- Critical Eye, Agitator, Attack Boost, Critical Boost, Weakness Exploit and Peak Performance for DPS
- Latent Power
Build Details:
- Valorwing III Kinsect Has Perfect Balance of Speed and Heal
- Ruinous Catastrophe Glaive (Nergigante) Has High Raw WIth Built-In White Sharpness
- Peak Performance Skill Increases Attack When Your Health is Full
- Teostra Technique Unlocks Masters Touch Skill
- Master’s Touch Skill Preserves Sharpness During Critical Hits
- Agitator Skill Increases Attack Power/Affinity When Monster is Enraged
- Latent Power Skill Boosts Affinity/Reduces Stamina Depletion
- Latent Power Skill Procs When Taking Certain Amount of DMG
5. Immortal Kinsect Beats Fatalis Solo Build
What’s that you say noble hunter? There is a way to let both my kinsect and precious palico Penguin do all the work during my hunts? And all the while I just lurk in the shadows buffing and shirking aggro, cackling hysterically as I watch endgame Monster Hunter: World monsters get smacked up by a tiny beetle and adorable fantasy cat? Well cough it up already! What is this magnificent immortal build!?
- Use Any Glaive That Has Element Boost (Freeze Gale)
- Gleambeetle III Velox
- Kinsect and Palico Does All the Work
- Good for Alatreon Too
- Kinsect Heals With Each Attack!
- Maximum Health Augments
- 5pc Fatalis Beat + Armor
- Can Really Armor Gem Slot Just About Anything
- Defense Boost, Evade Window, Evade Extender, Divine Blessing, Stun Resistance, Flinch Free, Earplugs, Windproof and Recovery Up; All Great Survivability/Comfort Skills
- Wide Range Plus Palico Rally
- Max Level Meowlotov Cocktail
Build Details:
- Gleambeetle III Velox Kinsect Has Most Necessary Lv20 Dragon Dmg
- Repeatedly Command Kinsect to Attack
- Feed Kinsect Slinger Ammo Dropped My Monster (Gives Dmg Boost to Kinsect)
- Divine Blessing Skill Gives a Chance at Reducing Dmg Taken
- Palico Rally Boosts Palico Attack Defense Power
- Wide Range Skill Allows Items Used to Affect Nearby Allies (Includes Palico)
- Meowlotov Cocktail is a Palico Gadget (Palico Throws Explosives at Target)
4. The Flying Bombardier Insect Glaive Build:
The very popular and attractive aerial playstyle, which I have deemed Flying Monkey Hidden Dragon, never fails to impress the acrobatic circus minds of Monster Hunter: World. Stay flying in the air like a deranged flying monkey but still maintain quality DPS skull thumping damage with this build.
What’s Awesome About The Flying Bombardier Insect Glaive Build
- Safi Shatterspear
- Foliacath III Fury
- Teostra Technique
- Dragonvein Awakening
- 952 Raw Attack, 100% Affinity and 360 Blast Dmg
- 10 Hits of Purple Sharpness
- Flying Insect Glaive Playstyle (Flying Monkey Hidden Dragon)
- Critical Eye, Attack Boost, Blast Attack, Critical Boost, Power Prolonger, Handicraft and Latent Power for DPS
- Health Boost, Power Prolonger, Constitution, Handicraft, Blight Resistance, Airborne and Evade Window for Comfort
Build Details:
- Teostra Technique Unlocks Master’s Touch (Preserves Sharpness)
- Dragonvein Awakening Unlocks Elem. Abnormal Status/Affinity Up With Weapon Drawn
- Teostra Technique, Sharpness Increase, Affinity Increase and Attack Increase Awakened Abilities
- Affinity Increase, Health Regen and Element/Status Effect Up Weapon Augments
3. Insect Glaive Risky Anti-Alatreon Build
There aren’t many nice things to say about the multi-elemental Alatreon other than, “I’m gonna need a different build.” And I don’t care who you are, we’ve all said that at one time or another while playing Monster Hunter: World. The most important thing to remember with Alatreon is to make sure you are dishing out plenty of Elemental damage,which is tricky since its Elemental weakness changes throughout the hunt but done successfully will greatly reduce the damage of Alatreon’s supernova which left unchecked is an instacart attack.
1st Build
What’s Awesome About Risky Anti-Alatreon Insect Glaive Build
- Kjarr Glaive King
- 5pc Safi’jiva Armor
- True Dragonvein Awakening
- High Elemental and Raw Dmg
- Great for Hunting Alatreon
- Fire Attack, Resentment, Critical Boost, Weakness Exploit, Critical Eye and Critical Element for DPS
- Evade Window, Health Boost, Blight Resistance, Divine Blessing Airborne and Protective Polish for Comfort
Build Details:
- Health Regen and Element/Status Effect Up Weapon Augments
- Critical Boost Increases the Dmg of Critical Hits
- Critical Element Boosts Elemental Dmg of Critical Hits
- Blight Resistance Grants Protection Against All Elemental Blights
- 918 Raw Attack, 65% Base Affinity and 890 Fire Dmg
- True Dragonvein Awakening Greatly Enhances Attacks With Weapon Drawn
2. Insect Glaive Safi Blaster Build
A good blend of Raw and Elemental damage is always a plus in Monster Hunter: World. And where would we be with Safi’s elite weaponry that comes glittering and shining with Awakened Abilities (Health Regen will you have my recovering baby?) Just keep moving and keep healing and you should be fine when going up against the big bad Red Dragon.
What’s Awesome About Insect Glaive Safi Build:
- Great for Hunting Safi
- Safi’s Shatterspear
- 3pc Safi’jiva + Armor and 2pc Brachydios + Armor
- Dragonvein Awakening
- Brachydios Will
- Critical Eye, Attack Boost, Agitator, Critical Boost, Blast Attack and Handicraft for DPS
- Health Boost, Constitution, Evade Window, Blight Resistance, Protective Polish, Free Meal and Resuscitate for Comfort
Build Details:
- Brachydios Will Unlocks Agitator Secret (Removes Skill Cap for Agitator)
- Critical Eye Skill Increase Affinity
- Resuscitate Skill Improves Evasion/Reduces Stamina Use for Abnormal Status Effects
- Free Meal Gives a Chance of Using a Food or Drink Item for Free
- 3 Attack Increase and 2 Sharpness Increase Awakened Abilities
- Health Regen and Element/Status Effect Up Weapon Augmentations
1. Fatalis Insect Glaive Build
2nd Build
Removing skill caps for all your equipped skills with just one armor set bonus from Fatalis Legend (Transcendence) is highly regarded in Monster Hunter World. All this glory is possible with just two pieces of Fatalis armor and with four pieces you can also unlock the Transcendence armor set bonus which grants True Razor Sharp/Spare Shot and +100 Health/Stamina at the start of the quest/after fainting.
This build stacks up on raw damage and also a solo or team play option is provided.
What’s Awesome About Build Name:
- True Fatalis Dyaus
- Fatalis Legend
- High Raw Damage
- Critical Eye, Agitator, Attack Boost, Critical Boost, Weakness Exploit and Peak Performance for DPS
- Divine Blessing, Flinch Free and Power Prolonger for Comfort
- Glider Mantle+
Build Details:
- 4pc Fatalis Armor
- Fatalis Legend Unlocks Inheritance (Removes All Skill Level Caps) and Transcendence
- Flinch Free Skill Prevents Knockbacks and Increases Some Kinsect Extract Effects
- Power Prolonger Skill Keeps Your Kinsects Charged Longer
- Critical Eye Skill Increase Affinity
- Peak Performance Skill Increases Attack When Your Health is Full
- Glider Mantle+ lncreases Jump Airtime Making it Easier to Mount Monsters
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