Attack, attack and some more attack. That’s all you really need to know with Monster Hunter: World's most popular and often overpowered Greatsword. Just be sure to work those simple combos and make sure every swing connects your target and you'll be overcompensating with joy and pick up and run gameplay.
DPS skills like Peak Performance, Maximum Might, Attack Boost, Critical Eye and Weakness Exploit as well as comfort skills like Handicraft, Quick Sheathe, Focus and Coalescence all go great for this long reach, great mobility, monster slapping and easy to learn weapon.
7. Chrome Deathscythe

You gotta do what you gotta do in Monster Hunter: World and when starting a new game crafting weapons with the materials you do have instead of waiting for those hard to acquire end game materials certainly is top priority.
Crafted from basic alloys and iron with Ores mined from Master Rank outcrops, the Chrome Deathscythe doesn’t pair as well to more end game Master Rank weaponry but still delivers decent raw damage with its base attack of 1248.
Chrome Deathscythe Details:
- 1248 Base Attack
- Two Lv1 Gem Slots
- 0% Affinity
- 540 Poison Elemental Damage (With Free Elem/Ammo Up)
What Makes Immovable Dharma Great:
- High Raw Damage (Pre-Iceborne)
- Looks Real Badass
- Good Gem Slottage
- High Poison Elemental Damage
- Great for New Players
- Easy to get Craft Materials
6. Wyvern Ignition Impact
A fan favorite Greatsword since the pre-Iceborne days, the Wyvern Ignition Impact shows off some of Monster Hunter: World’s finest ancient arms technology by attaching rockets to a Greatsword and making it a “rocket propelled Greatsword.” Sounds like a great recipe to hell on wheels to me, rocket propelled wheels that is.
Crafted from the Rathalos and Paolumu Monsters, this fan favorite blade has two level one gem slots, a high pre-IB raw attack of 1008 and a big fire elemental damage of 510 that does need to be unlocked with the Free Elem/Ammo Up skill.
Wyvern Ignition Impact Details:
- 1008 Base Attack
- Two Lv2 Gem Slots
- -15% Affinity
- 510 Fire Elemental Damage (With Free Elem/Ammo Up)
What Makes Wyvern Ignition Impact Great:
- High Raw Attack Damage (Pre-IB)
- Good Gem Slottage
- Hire Fire Elemental Damage
- Rocket Propelled Greatsword
How to get Wyvern Ignition Impact:
Crafted From Materials From the Rathalos and Paolumu Monsters
5. Immovable Dharma
Crafted from the hypnotic snake face Master Rank Elder Dragon Shara Ishvalda, the Immovable Dharma ranks high in the Greatswords raw attack power class which is the most important stat to look for when selecting a Greatsword.
Use two level one gem slots and with Free Elem/Ammo Up skill unlock the Greatsword’s High Elder Seal Dragon elemental damage.
Immovable Dharma Details:
- 1344 Base Attack
- Two Lv1 Gem Slots
- 0% Affinity
- High Elder Seal 540 Dragon Elemental Damage (With Free Elem/Ammo Up)
What Makes Immovable Dharma Great:
- Good Gem Slottage
- High Raw Attack Power
- High Elder Seal Dragon Damage
How to Get Immovable Dharma:
Crafted with Materials from Shara Ishvalda monster.
4. Acid Shredder
Much like many of Monster Hunter: World’s fanbase the Acid Shredder is toxic and vitreal to flesh melting and diminishing everything in sight, bringing misery to all who comes near so that it may satisfy its own miserable existence. But unlike much of MHW’s fanbase, the toxicity of the acid shredder can actually be used to accomplish a common goal; wipe out monster’s with little to no problems.
Crafted from materials from both Acidic Glavenus and Vaal Hazak monsters, the feisty paralysis status damage Greatsword delivers top raw damage with 1392 base attack and has a chunky inviting level three gem slot. Increase the raw damage even further with the wild card Non-Elemental Boost Skill which powers up non-elemental weapons with raw damage.
- Acid Shredder Details:
- 1392 Base Attack
- One Lv3 Gem Slot
- 0% Affinity
- 420 Paralysis (With Free Elem/Ammo Up)
What Makes Acid Shredder Great:
- High Raw Damage
- Good Crit Potential (0% Affinity)
- Non-elemental Boost Skill Boosts Raw Damage
- Good Gem Slottage
- High Paralysis Status Damage
How to Get Acid Shredder:
Crafted With Materials From the Acidic Glavenus and Vaal Hazaak Monster
3. Lightbreak Blade

Whopping in at 1440 raw damage and 0% base affinity making this an easy target for critical builds, is the Raging Brachy’s Lightbreak Blade. It also has a high 360 Blast Status damage which is great for the Blast Attack Skill which increases the rate at which your Blast damage procs and staggers your target.
General DPS and Critical damage Skills are always good for any Greatsword build and quality of life skills like Quick Sheathe, Coalescence and Handicraft will make you a little more cozy.
Lightbreak Blade Stats:
- 1440 Base Attack
- One Lv3 and One Lv4 Gem Slot
- 0% Affinity
What Makes Lighbreak Edge Great
- High Status Damage
- Good Gem Slots
- Great for Raw Damage or Blast Status Damage Builds
How to Get Lightbreak Edge:
Craft with Materials From the Raging Brachy Monster
2. Safi’s Shattersplitter
The big boss before Fatalis, Safi’jiva who offers up just as much gruesome agitating fun with satisfying rewards, will also give you some endgame goods to keep your Master Rank hunts successful, your ego boosted as well as your friends jealous interest. It’s a win win and why not add another win, situation. Win win win win win win win.
\The demonic glowing hellblast fire Greatsword weighs in with a 1325 base attack, a lovely level four, 5% Affinity and a nice Blast damage of 300. And Safi weapons all include the Awakened Abilities upgrade system so you can beef up your Greatsword with powerful abilities such as Affinity, Attack and Sharpness Increases as well as monster armor set bonuses or essences like Valkhana, Brachydios and Teostra Essence’s.
Safi’s Shattersplitter Stats:
- 1325 Base Attack
- One Lv4 Gem Slot
- 5% Affinity
- 300 Blast Dmg
What Makes Safi’s Shattersplitter Great:
- Good Gem Slottage
- Awakened Abilities
- High Blast Damage
- Great for Typical Raw Damage Builds or Blast Damage Builds
How to Get Safi’s Shattersplitter:
Craft with Materials From Safi’jiva Monster
1. Black Fatalis Blade

With Monster Hunter: World’s last and final patch of new monster’s came one of the toughest grueling hours to hunt and overpowered monster but with gear that is also overpowered in return and the Black Fatalis Blade, an endgame Greatsword brought on by Fatalis himself, is definitely worth the grind.
Greatswords are better used for raw damage capacity and the Fatalis doesn’t let down with a base attack of 1632 which is definitely taking the Iceborne cake in Greatsword raw damage, putting Safi’s Shattersplitter (1296 dmg) in its place. Going for Agitator, Critical Eye, Attack Boost, Weakness Exploit and Peak Performance skills are all great for DPS with this overpowered broken blade.
Weapon Stats:
- 632 Dmg
- 2 Lv4 Gem Slots
- -30% Affinity
- High Elder Seal 180 Dragon Element
What Makes Fatalis Legend Great:
- High Raw Attack
- Great Gem Slots
- Great for Peak Performance/Raw Dmg/Crit Builds
- How to Get Fatalis Legend:
- Craft with Materials from Fatalis Monster
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- MHW Tier List Iceborne (MHW Best Weapons)