10. Garuga Greaves b+
Another great mid-game piece of armor are the Garuga Greaves from the Yian Garuga monster. This monster really isn’t too hard to take out and offers some of the best equipment in Monster Hunter: World. Really good gem slots and Critical Eye Lv2 being a few good reasons why to keep this armor equipped.
Why is Garuga Greaves b+ Great:
- One Lv1 and Two Lv2 Gem Slots
- Lv2 Critical Eye Skill
- Medium Raw Defense 154
- Medium Fire and Thunder Resistance
Garuga Greaves beta+ Details:
9. Brachydium Greaves b+
Carry me home Brachy gear, I can’t quite do Iceborne alone. That’s really what I said to my Brachy gear after having it crafted by my Smithy boy when playing through Iceborne the first time. And carry me home it did. The greaves have great gem slots, Lvl 2 Weakness Exploit skill and are 1 ⁄ 2 or ¼ of pieces needed to activate Raging Will which will have you slamming enraged monsters right back in their place.
Why Brachydium Greaves b+ is Great:
- One Lv4 and Two Lv1 Gem Slots
- Lv 2 Weakness Exploit Skill
- Raging Will (Need 2 or 4 Pcs)
- High Raw Defense 170
- High Fire Resistance
Brachydium Greaves b+ Details:
8. Brachydium Faulds b+
For more of a mid game Iceborne selection there is always High Rank armor from good old fiery piss ant Brachydium to get you through those tougher transitional hunts. The Brachydium Faulds b+ has a Lv3 Agitator skill which is high for armor skills and grants Brachydios Will armor set bonus with enough pieces equipped.
Why Brachydium Faulds b+ is Great:
- Two Lv4 Slots and One Lv1 Gem Slot
- Brachydios Will (2 or 4 Pcs Needed)
- Lv 3 Agitator Skill
- High Raw Defense 170
- High Fire Resistance
Brachydium Faulds Details:
7. Safi Crested Crown b+
Excuse me? Did you atleast ask Safi first if you can use his head to make a crown? Yea I would at least ask first, what are you some kind of a murderous barbarian? Ok fine so am I. With Safi’s Armor set bonus Dragonvein Awakening, the sleek and red devilish armor will change in appearance and glow everytime you draw your weapon, activating Dragonvein Awakening.
Why Safi Crested Crown b+ is Great:
- Armor Changes When Weapon is Drawn (Dragonvein Awakening)
- One Lv4 and Two Lv1 Gem Slots
- Dragonvein Awakening (Need 2 or 4 Pcs)
- Evade Window Lv1 and Critical Boost Lv1 Skills
- High Raw Defense 168
- Medium Fire Resistance, Average Water, Thunder and Ice
Safi Crested Crown b+ Details:
6. Safi Crested Chest b+

Dragonvein Awakening and True Dragonvein Awakening are special set bonuses skills in Monster Hunter: World that will potentially give you some of the best DPS in the game. So farming safis gear is one of the best endgame things to do. This piece offers Critical Boost Lv1 and Blight Resistance Lv1 skills as well as one Lv4 and one Lv2 gem slot.
Why Safi Crested Chest b+ is Great:
- One Lv4 and One Lv2 Gem Slots
- Dragonvein Awakening (Need 2 or 4 Pcs)
- Lv1 Critical Boost and Lv1 Blight Resistance
- High Raw Defense 168
- Medium Fire Resistance, Average Water, Thunder and Ice
Safi Crested Chest b+ Details:
5. Frostfang Helm beta+
With the addition of the Master Rank Frostfang Barioth monster came some powerful gear to spruce up your builds’ DPS. One piece set bonus skill Absolute Art (Punishing Draw), Built-in level two Critical Eye, great gem slots and a high raw defense of 162 are some good reasons to wear this devilish icy piece of armor.
Why Frostfang Helm beta+ is Great:
- 1 Pc Punishing Draw
- Lv 1, 2 and 4 Gem Slots
- Critical Eye Lv2
- High Raw Defense 162
- High Ice Resistance
- Great for DPS Builds
Frostfang Helm beta+ details:
4. Frostfang Vambraces beta+

Having a piece of armor that includes a one piece armor set bonus skill as well as a high level built-in skill is very valuable in Monster Hunter: World. It doesn’t even matter what these skills are, this is just a rare thing. Frostfang Vambraces beta+ gives both Frostfang Absolute Art as well as level two Critical Eye. So now you can kill two birds with one stone with two birds with one stone.
Why Frostfang Vambraces are Great:
- 1 Pc Punishing Draw
- 2 Lv4 Gem Slots
- Critical Eye Lv2
- High Raw Defense162
- High Ice Resistance
Frostfang Vambraces beta+ Details:
3. Dragonhide beta+
From the hide of the fire breathing legendary black elder dragon Fatalis there is the master rank Dragonhide beta+ chest piece. It’s great slottage and high raw defense of 180 is more than enough reasons to seek after this end game gear.
Why Dragonhide beta+ is Great:
- 3 Lv4 Gem Slots
- 1 of 2 Pcs Needed for Fatalis Legend Inheritance Armor Set Bonus
- Inheritance Removes the Skill Level Cap for the Skill Secrets
- Weakness Exploit and Evade Window
- High Raw Defense 180
- Water and Thunder Resistance
Dragonhide beta+ Details:
2. Dragonclaws beta+
The Fatalis monster material drops some of the best gear in the game and like the Dragonhide beta+, the Dragonclaws beta+ boasts some of the highest specs in the game with it’s Lv 4 gem slots, high raw defense and potential Fatalis Legend armor set bonus.
Why Dragonclaws beta+ is Great:
- 3 Lv4 Gem Slots
- 1 of 2 Pcs Needed for Fatalis Legend Inheritance Armor Set Bonus
- Inheritance Removes the Skill Level Cap for the Skill Secrets
- Weakness Exploit and Evade Window
- High Raw Defense 180
- Water and Thunder Resistance
Dragonclaws beta+ Details:
https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Dragonhide+Beta++2. Rimeguard Helm gamma+

And what else should we do with Master Rank tempered monsters? How about making gear from their body parts into very strong and necessary end game armor to continue wooing you into the fantasy of Monster Hunter: World. Right, sounds good to me. This head piece from Master Rank tempered Monster has a very high Ice resistance, great gem slottage and built in Coalescence Lv3 skill.
Why Rimeguard Helm y+ Is Great:
- Two Lv 4 and One Lv1 Gem Slots
- Velkhana Divinity (Need 2 or 4 Pcs)
- Coalescence and Resuscitate Skills
- High Raw Defense 180
- High Ice Resistance
1. Rimeguard Greaves y+
When the ice breathing wall building Velkhana showed up with Monster Hunter: World’s Iceborne expansion all sorts of ice turds hit the fan. Boasting some of the games best endgame gear, the Rimeguard Greaves y+ are going to be worth your grind with built-in Quick Sheathe Lv 2 and Peak Performance Lv3 skills being some of the main reasons why.
Why Rimeguard Greaves y+ are Great:
- One Lv 4 and One Lv1 Gem Slots
- Velkhana Divinity (Need 2 or 4 Pcs)
- Lv 2 Quick Sheathe and Lv3 Peak Performance Skills
- High Raw Defense 180
- High Ice Resistance
Rimeguard Greaves Details:
https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Rimeguard+Greaves+Gamma++Also be sure to check out these articles:
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- 10 Things We Love About Monster Hunter World
- Monster Hunter World Guide: 50 Tips and Tricks
- Best Monster Hunter World Tips, Tricks and Secrets
- MHW Best Longsword Builds [Top 7]
- [Top 10] MHW Best Elemental Weapons
- MHW Iceborne Best Heavy Bowgun Builds [Top 7]
- Monster Hunter Live Action Movie Release Date, Cast, Trailer, Story, News
- Monster Hunter World Large Monsters List: Weaknesses, How To Kill, and Location
- MHW Tier List Iceborne (MHW Best Weapons)