21 Aug 2020
7. The Best Longsword Build for Early Master Rank
What’s Awesome About the Best Longsword Build for Early Master Rank:
- Fun New Iceborne Player Set
- Good White Sharpness
- Attack Boost Skill Lv 7
- Handicraft Skill
- Agitator Skill
- Paralysis Attack Skill
- Health Boost, Quick Sheath and Effuvial Expert Skills for Comfort
Build Details:
- Handicraft Maxes the Weapon Sharpness Gauge
- Paralysis Attack Increases the Rate of Paralysis Buildup
- Effluvial Expert Decreases Effuvia in the Rotten Vale
- Quick Sheath Speeds Up Weapon Sheathing
- Even Agitator Lv1 is Useful
- Agitator Boosts Attack When Monster is Enraged
Armor Set:
- Bone Helm alpha
- Bone Mail alpha
- Vespoid Vambraces alpha
- Girros Coil alpha
- Nergigante Greaves omega
- Handicraft Charm III
6. The Most Comfortable Set You Will Ever Use
- Gold Rathian Essence
- Divine Blessing Skill Lv5
- Peak Performance and Agitator Skills
- Health Regen and Defense Weapon Augments
- Defense Boost With Divine Blessing
- Still Has Great Offensive Dmg Skills
- Versatile Set for Other Skills
Build Details:
- Gold Rathian Essence Unlocks Divine Blessing Secret (Max Divine Blessing Lv)
- Divine Blessing Has a Chance of Reducing Dmg You Take
- Peak Performance Boosts Attack When Health is Full
- Health Regen Restores Health WIth Each Weapon Attack
- Tool Specialist Reduces Charge Time for Specialized Tools (Mantles)
Armor Set:
- Golden Headdress beta
- Golden Lunemail beta
- Ruinous Vambraces beta
- Golden Lunecoil beta
- Garuga Greaves beta
- Master’s Charm IV (Critical Eye)
5. Frostcraft Elemental Build
Start at 12:24
What’s Awesome about the Frostcraft Elemental Build:
- Velkhana Divinity
- 4 Piece Armor Set Bonus
- Armor Looks Awesome
- Critical Element and Frostcraft Skills
- High Affinity
- Quick Sheath Skill
- Critical Eye, Critical Boost, Weakness Exploit, Maximum Might and Critical Draw are Great DPS Skills
- Protective Polish Skill
Build Detail:
- Stygian Gula (Stygian Zinogre)
- Velkhana Divinity Unlocks Critical Element and Frostcraft
- Affinity Increase, Health Regen and Element Up Weapon Augmentations
- Critical Element Increases Elemental Dmg for Crit Hits
- Frostcraft Builds Up Attack Power When Weapon Is Sheathed
- Quick Sheath Speeds Up Weapon Sheathing
- Critical Draw Boosts Affinity for Draw Attacks
- Protective Polish Preserves Weapon Sharpness
Armor Set:
- Golden Headdress beta
- Rimeguard Mail beta
- Rimeguard Vambraces beta
- Rimeguard Coil beta
- Rimeguard Greaves beta
- Critical Charm II
4. Ultimate Punishing Knockout Iai Slash Frostcraft Build
What’s Awesome About Ultimate Punishing Knockout Iai Slash Frostcraft Build:
- Stun Longsword
- Slugfest With Highly Offensive Dmg Build
- Velkhana Divinity
- Critical Element Skill
- Frostcraft Without Crit Draw
- Frostfang Barioth Armor One Pc Set Bonus Punishing Draw
- Iai Slash Move
Build Details:
- Velkhana Divinity Unlocks Critical Element and Frostcraft Skills
- Swap Weapon to Match Monster’s Elemental Weakness
- Velkhana Divinity, Attack Increase and Sharpness Increase Awakened Abilities
- Attack Increase and Health Regen Weapon Augments
- Punishing Draw Adds a Stun Effect to Draw Attacks and Slightly Increases Attack Power
- Critical Element Boosts Elemental Dmg for Crit Hits
- Iai Slash Procs Punishing Draw
- Use Draw Attacks Often
Armor Set:
- Rimeguard Helm beta
- Rimeguard Mail beta
- Frostbang Vambraces alpha
- Rimeguard Coil beta
- Kulve Taroth’s Wrath alpha
- Challenger Charm V
3. Raging Brachy Power Chasing the Meta Build Lightbreak Edge
What's Awesome About Raging Brachy Power Chasing the Meta Build:
- Lightbreak Edge
- Teostra Technique and Brachydios Will
- Beginning Meta Build
- Great Affinity
- Won’t Need to Sharpen Much
- Critical Eye, Attack Boost, Blast Attack, Agitator, Crit Boost, Weakness Exploit Are All Great DPS Skills.
- Latent Power Skill
Build Detail:
- Teostra Technique Unlocks Master’s Touch (Preserves Sharpness From Crit Hits)
- Brachydios Will Unlocks Agitator Secret (Maxes Agitator Lv)
- Critical Eye Boosts Affinity
- Weakness Exploit Boosts Affinity for Weak Spot Hits
- Latent Power Boosts Affinity After Taking Damage
Armor Set:
- Kaiser Crown beta
- Brachydium Mail beta
- Kaiser Vambraces beta
- Kaiser Coil beta
- Brachydium Greaves beta
- Challenger Charm II
2. Punishing Draw Classic DPS Healthboost Frostfang Barioth Build
Build 1
- New Monster Frostfang Barioth Armor is OP
- Punishing Draw 1 Piece Set Bonus
- 100% Crit Chance
- Slugger Skill
- Peak Performance and Agitator Skills
- Adjustable Build for Other Skills
Build Details:
- Frostfang Vambraces alpha (Punishing Draw One Piece Set Bonus)
- Punishing Draw Adds a Stun Effect to Draw Attacks and Boosts Attack
- Attack Awakenings and Health Regen Weapon Mods
- Slugger Makes it Easier to Stun Monsters (More Stun Dmg to the Head)
- Peak Performance Boosts Attack When Health is Full
- Good White Sharpness
Armor Set:
- Kaiser Crown beta
- Kaiser Mail beta
- Frostbang Vambraces alpha
- Kaiser Coil beta
- Kulve Taroth’s Wrath alpha
- Challenger Charm V
1. Highest Possible DPS Speedrunner/Pro New Meta Build
Build 6
What’s Awesome About Highest Possible DPS Speedrunner/Pro New Meta Build
- Meta Build for Highest Damage
- Righteous Dumb DPS
- 10 Hits of Purple Sharpness
- Almost All Damage Skills in the Game
- Critical Eye+ Attack Boost+ Agitator+ Critical Boost+ Weakness Exploit+ Peak Performance+ Handicraft= RDDPS
Build Details:
- Safi’s Shatterblade
- Attack Increase and One Sharpness Awakening
- Agitator Boosts Attack When Monster is Enraged
- Handicraft Maxes Sharpness Gauge
Armor Set:
- Kaiser Crown omega
- Frostfang Mail beta
- Kaiser Vambraces beta
- Kaiser Coil beta
- Kulve Taroth’s Wrath alpha
- Challenger Charm V (Agitator)
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