Far Cry Primal Best Bows (Ranked)

A warrior poses with his bow and companions
23 Nov 2022

Imagine an ancient world. Large beasts seem like an unfair match for the tribes struggling to survive with primitive weapons. Spears, clubs, and bows are the best hope for defense and hunting for food. The land of Oros in the year 10,000 BC is such a place, and knowing your weapons is key. By far the best weapons for keeping distance between you and a sabretooth tiger are the bows.  

The basic bow available at the beginning of the game after you finish the opening sequence. The basic bow is effective at first, but you will quickly see the value in upgrading to better versions. Want to know which is the best bow to strive for? Here are the top 3 bows in Far Cry Primal, starting with the basic, and leading up to the number 1 bow in the game:


3. The Basic Bow:

The basic bow is one of the first weapons you obtain after the opening sequence. You will immediately see the benefits of having a bow in this land. Keeping space between you and giant beast teeth or tusks is essential. You may find yourself using the bow a majority of the time.

Stats and Benefits:

  • Available at the beginning of the game.
  • Firing distance is low.
  • Reloading the weapon to fire again is fairly quick.
  • Fires flaming arrows once the ability to light your weapons on fire with animal fat is unlocked.
  • Headshots are abundant, even when you don’t try to get one.

2. The Long Bow:

The long bow is an advanced version of the basic bow, with some differences in use. The fire rate is not as fast, but it will fire at a longer distance. This weapon is meant for long-distance kills without being detected.

Stats and Benefits:

  • You must have recruited Jayma to your village to craft this weapon.
  • Longer distance firing than the basic bow.
  • Zoom-in a little when aiming for a “sniper” feel.
  • Fires flaming arrows, once weapon igniting is available.

1. The Double Bow: 

By far the best bow in the game is the Double Bow. It is powerful, accurate, fast to use, and it fires 2 arrows at once. This is the last bow to unlock, but getting it is worth the wait.

Stats and Benefits:

  • You must have Jayma’s hut in your village, and it must be level 2.
  • This weapon boasts impressive stats: Damage 6, Accuracy 8, and a Fire Rate of 6 (fast reload).
  • Fires 2 arrows at once, and if ignited, fires 2 flaming arrows at once.
  • If enemies are close together, each arrow has a chance to hit multiple enemies for a trick-shot.


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