[Top 15] Fifa 22 Wonderkid Defenders (Ranked)

Fifa 22 Wonderkid Defenders
28 Apr 2024

Defenders are the lifeline between you and giving up a goal. They are the unsung heroes of the pitch. They are the main reason you can win. They do this by not giving up too many goals so that you can go ahead. 

What is a Wonderkid?

Players in the game who are 16-19 with a potential over 80+ are considered wonderkids. There are hundreds of them, and their purpose is to give you a long-term talent you must develop. They grow with the potential to rival today’s top stars, which makes them great to have.

Why are they valued?

Longevity is the main reason they are valued. It takes a few seasons to develop, but when they reach their maximum potential, they’ll be there for years afterward. The benefit to having them is an easy plug-in player that will change the trajectory of your squad. 


Top 15 FIFA 22 Defenders ranked Good to Great


15. Ivan Fresnada RB 16

Fresneda is an RB that’s stamina can get you the win once developed. He will be a pacey defender for those speedy attackers. He’s good on the defensive side of the ball as well. 

In my expert opinion, I have played it and he is a player you can get a just about any league level. He’s only $1.7 million to start, and that’s cheap for his potential. Speaking of potential, in 5 seasons he’s around a +10 overall from 64-74.

Ivan Fresnada Strengths 

  • Stamina - He starts with a starting stat of 74. He will be less fatigued than some others of lower stamina. 
  • Balance - He starts with a balanced stat of 71.
  • Sprint Speed - He starts with a sprint speed of 71.

Ivan Fresnada stats:  Starting

  • Pace - 71
  • Shooting - 38
  • Passing - 50
  • Dribbling - 64
  • Defending - 61
  • Physical - 65
  • Overall - 64 
  • Potential - 84+

14. Noah Mbamba CB/CDM 16

Noah is a physical and pacey defender. He’s a good fit for any team that wants to get an elite-level player, that takes some time to develop. He’s also a great fit for set pieces, with his ability to score headers. 

As I’ve been playing as these defenders, my expert opinion is that he is worth picking up, if you’re planning on starting in a higher-level league. He may still be available for less than $10 million if you make your way up the ladder, and he isn’t over 70 yet, but his starting price at $2.1 million. His growth potential in 5 years is a +12 from 64-76, and he’s one of the top movers in this category.

Noah Mbamba Strengths 

  • Sprint Speed - He starts with a speed of 76.
  • Set Pieces - He starts with a 64-heading accuracy and a 76 in jumping. Perfect for all kinds of set pieces. 
  • Strength - He starts with a 74 in strength. 

Noah Mbamba stats:  Starting

  • Pace - 72
  • Shooting - 32
  • Passing - 51
  • Dribbling - 63
  • Defending - 61
  • Physical - 71
  • Overall - 64
  • Potential - 88+

13. Romeo Lavia CDM 17 

Lavia is a player who has below-average stats to start. However, he is moderate in all categories to start. As he grows, he is a well-rounded defender who can rival some of the best in the game. 

In my expert opinion, I see that he is available around EFL One league levels or higher, and his starting cost is a modest $1.4 million. He is a young defender with time to grow and will grow into a great player sooner than you think. With a 5-season +14 overall, he goes from 62-76 in the blink of an eye. So, if you can get him early on, do so.

Romeo Lavia Strengths 

  • Tackling - He has a starting stat of 66 in stand tackling and 68 in slide tackling.
  • Aggression - He starts with 66 in the aggression category. 
  • Ball Control - He starts with a 66 in this category and is good at taking and keeping the ball. 

Romeo Lavia stats:  Starting

  • Pace - 57
  • Shooting - 41
  • Passing - 52
  • Dribbling - 59
  • Defending - 62
  • Physical - 60
  • Overall - 62
  • Potential - 85+

12. Goncalo Esteves RWB/RB 17

Esteves has average stats to start. However, he is a pacey back who is good at moving the ball around. He is a good defender to develop into a great player. 

So, let’s start with this, he is available at around EFL One or equivalent leagues. If you get him to start your career, he will be $3.6 million to buy. His growth is modest too, with a 5-season +10 going from 69-79 in just a few seasons. My expert opinion is to get him as early as you can if you want to add him to your squad, he’ll be a great asset to your team.

Goncalo Esteves Strengths 

  • Pace - He starts with 73 in acceleration, 72 in sprint speed, and a 72 overall pace. 
  • Dribbling - He has a 71 starting stat in this category.
  • Reactions - He has a 73 in this category to start.

Goncalo Esteves stats:  Starting

  • Pace - 72
  • Shooting - 39
  • Passing - 62
  • Dribbling - 68
  • Defending - 63
  • Physical - 60
  • Overall - 69 
  • Potential - 84+

11. Quentin Merlin LB/LWB/LM 19

He is a playmaker and is available in the LM position as well as an LB. He is versatile and can compete in every category. He is a good defender and a good playmaker in the midfield. 

As I’ve played countless hours looking for the best defenders, here is my expert opinion. He is available at higher-level leagues and is worth around $3 million to start your career. If you are looking into his growth potential, his 5-season + average is +12, and he goes from 67-79.

Quentin Merlin Strengths 

  • Balance - He has an 82 in this category to start.
  • Dribbling - He has a 76 in this category to start, and the main dribbling category is at 73 overall.
  • Crossing - He has a 74 starting stat in this category.

Quentin Merlin stats:  Starting

  • Pace - 66
  • Shooting - 56
  • Passing - 68
  • Dribbling - 73
  • Defending - 59
  • Physical - 56
  • Overall - 67
  • Potential - 85+

10. Yan Couto RM/RB/RWB 19 

Yan is a versatile player. He can play defender and midfield. He is a pacey and technical player who has the stamina to be a starter.

In my expert opinion, this is a great player to add to your team. You can focus on upping his defense or building his playmaking abilities. He is on loan to start and is worth, $3.9 million, and only available at higher-league levels. His growth is +11 overall after 5 seasons going from 69-80 within that time. 

Yan Couto Strengths 

  • Pace - he starts with an 81 in acceleration and an 82 in sprint speed making the pace category 82 overall to start. 
  • Dribbling - Only 2 stats in this category are under 70 to start.
  • Stamina - He starts with a 77 in stamina. 

Yan Couto stats:  Starting

  • Pace - 82
  • Shooting - 52
  • Passing - 63
  • Dribbling - 72
  • Defending - 61
  • Physical - 59
  • Overall - 69
  • Potential - 85+

9. Devyne Rensch RB/LB 18

Rensch is one of the most well-rounded defenders on this list. He can play on the left or right side of the defense. He is also one of the quickest defenders on this list. 

In my expert opinion, he is a great pick if you want to run the tables. He is available at EFL One or higher and has a price tag of $6.5 million. His growth is a +8 over 5 seasons he goes from 73-81 in that time.

Devyne Rensch Strengths 

  • Pace - His starting stats are 79 acceleration and 81 sprint speed for an outstanding 80 pace.
  • Dribbling - 4 of the 6 stats are over 70 to start, and he has a 72 overall in this category.
  • Defending - He has a 70 overall defending category, marking 72, and slide tackling 72 are the main factors in that. 

Devyne Rensch stats:  Starting

  • Pace - 80
  • Shooting - 55
  • Passing - 64
  • Dribbling - 72
  • Defending - 70 
  • Physical - 69
  • Overall - 73
  • Potential - 85+

8. Luca Netz LWB/LM 18 

Luca is a great all-around player. He only lacks in his shooting skill and is a great defender who can take the ball and move it back the other way accurately. He is a player that many people are looking for on their squad. He is the player that you need on the left side of the pitch, and he can lock down attacking crossplay. 

In my expert opinion, he is available for $6 million and is available to only higher-level leagues. He is a great player, and if you get him in the Championship League or higher, you may want to loan him out for a season or two to get his full potential out of him. Speaking of his growth it’s a +9 over 5 seasons, he goes from 72-81 in that time. 

Luca Netz Strengths 

  • Pace - He starts with a 77 in pace, with a 75 acceleration, and 79 in sprint speed.
  • Crossing - He has a 75 starting stat.
  • Tackling - He has a starting stat of 73 stand tackling and 71 slide tackling. 

Luca Netz stats:  Starting

  • Pace - 77
  • Shooting - 44
  • Passing - 64
  • Dribbling - 68
  • Defending - 67
  • Physical - 61
  • Overall - 72
  • Potential - 85+

7. Hugo Siquet RB/RWB 18

Hugo is a pacey, passing, and stamina-driven defender. He keeps pace with the attackers while also having an outstanding ability to pass and dribble. He is an all-around talent if you put the work in.

In my expert opinion, Hugo is a great player with the potential to be elite. He is available at higher-league levels and is priced at $3.8 million. His growth potential over 5 seasons is a +11 and goes from 70-81 in that time frame. 

Hugo Siquet Strengths 

  • Stamina - He starts with a 77 in this category.
  • Pace - He has a 77 in acceleration and a 74 in sprint speed for a pace of 75.
  • Passing - All but one stat in this category starts above 70, and the one below 70 is only 68 for a total stat category of 72.

Hugo Siquet stats:  Starting

  • Pace - 75
  • Shooting - 56
  • Passing - 72
  • Dribbling - 67
  • Defending - 63
  • Physical - 67
  • Overall - 70
  • Potential - 85+

6. Piero Hincapie CB/LB 19 

Piero is one of the fastest defenders on this list. He’s one of the better-defending players on this list as well. For that reason, and his growth potential he is number 6 on this list. 

In my expert opinion, this is a great player to add to your squad. He is available a higher leagues and starts at $18 million. He has a growth potential of +6 over 5 seasons, going from 76-82 in that span. 

Piero Hincapie Strengths 

  • Pace - With a starting pace of 82 with an 80 acceleration and an 84 sprint speed, it’s easy to see this as a strength.
  • Defending - He starts at 76, and every stat in this category is over 73.
  • Passing - Long passing - 74 and Short Passing - 76 the passing is at 75. The category is at 64, but not due to these two. 

Piero Hincapie stats:  Starting

  • Pace - 82 
  • Shooting - 39
  • Passing - 64
  • Dribbling - 66
  • Defending - 76
  • Physical - 70
  • Overall - 76
  • Potential - 85+

5. Malo Gusto RB 18

Malo is a speedy and physical defender. He is average in most categories (except shooting), and has the potential to be elite. He has the best stamina on this list so far. 

In my expert opinion, he’s a great player to add to your squad. He’s available in any league with a release clause of $21 million. If you start in a higher league, then he’s available for around $9.2 million. His growth potential over 5 seasons is +8 going from 74-82 in that span.  

Malo Gusto Strengths 

  • Pace - The starting pace is 86 and has an 85 acceleration and an 86 sprint speed.
  • Stamina - He starts with an 83 in stamina, and is one of the best in this stat.
  • Physical - He has a 72 in this total stat category.

Malo Gusto stats:  Starting

  • Pace - 86
  • Shooting - 49
  • Passing - 64
  • Dribbling - 68
  • Defending - 65
  • Physical - 72
  • Overall - 74
  • Potential - 85+

4. Tino Livramento RB/RWB 18

Tino Is a speedy/technical defender who excels on the right-hand side of the defense. He is a player with above-average skills to start at 18 years old. He has the time to grow into an elite player. 

In my expert opinion, this is a great player to grab up at higher league levels. He’s $9.2 million to start, but you won’t be able to buy him if you’re lower than the Championship League. His growth potential is a +9 over 5 seasons and he goes from 74-83 in that span. 

Tino Livramento Strengths 

  • Pace - 83 is his starting pace with 84 acceleration and 82 sprint speed. 
  • Dribbling - All but 2 stats in this category are above 71, for an overall category of 73.
  • Stamina - He starts with a 73 stamina. 

Tino Livramento stats:  Starting

  • Pace - 83
  • Shooting - 47
  • Passing - 65
  • Dribbling - 73
  • Defending - 65
  • Physical - 63
  • Overall - 74 
  • Potential - 85+

3. Aaron Hickey LWB/LB/LM 19

Hickey is a future player for sure. He is pacey, technical, and a tackling master. You can develop him into a star in just a few seasons. 

In my expert opinion, Hickey is a great player that is available at higher levels. He is worth $8 million to start, and if you wait to get him until later on in your career, he will be worth north of $15 million. His growth potential is exciting, as he has a +10 over 5 seasons, going from 73-83 in that time frame. 

Aaron Hickey Strengths 

  • Stamina - He has a starting stat of 76 in this category. 
  • Pace - He starts with a 75 overall pace, 76 acceleration, and 74 sprint speed. 
  • Dribbling - He starts with a category stat of 71 with agility at 74 and ball control at 73 the highest 2 in this category.

Aaron Hickey stats:  Starting

  • Pace - 75
  • Shooting - 54
  • Passing - 68
  • Dribbling - 72
  • Defending - 69
  • Physical - 57
  • Overall - 73
  • Potential - 85+

2. Josko Gvardiol CB/LB 19

Josko is an all-around defender. Not only is he good at defending and physicality, but not a single stat category is under 54. He’s a beast, and if you have the money, buy him quick.

In my expert opinion, pick him up first, don’t wait. He’s available to get out of a release clause for $79.8 million at any level. He has a growth potential of + 7 and goes from 79-86 in just 5 seasons.  

Josko Gvardiol Strengths 

  • Physical - His starting category is at 83 overall, with everything over 83 except for a 79 in stamina.
  • Pace - He starts with an 82 overall in this category with an 80 in acceleration and a 84 in sprint speed. 
  • Defending - He starts with a 76 in this category, and every stat is above 76 except for marking at 72. 

Josko Gvardiol stats:  Starting

  • Pace - 82
  • Shooting - 54
  • Passing - 69
  • Dribbling - 72
  • Defending - 76
  • Physical - 83
  • Overall - 79 
  • Potential - 90+

1. Nuno Mendes LB/LWB 19

Nuno is a generational talent and can help any team lead the Premier League if given the time to develop. He is a pacey, physical, and technical defender with a lot of all of his starting stats above average at just 19 years old. He is the definition of a well-rounded player and his stats top almost everyone on this list two-fold. 

My expert opinion is to get him as early as possible. He’s available at higher levels after he gets back from a year's loan. He is pricey at $51 million, but he is well worth the price. He has a growth potential of +7 in 5 seasons going from 80-87 in that time. 

Nuno Mendes Strengths 

  • Pace - He has the best starting stat category on this entire list at 90 with an 89 acceleration and a 90 sprint speed. 
  • Dribbling - The stat category starts at 77 with everything but composure(53) over 75.
  • Defending - His starting stat is at 73 with the lowest stat in the category at 67.
  • Stamina - He starts with a beast stamina stat of 81.
  • Passing - He starts with a passing category stat of 72 with crossing(75) and short passing (76) heading the stat pile. 

Nuno Mendes stats:  Starting

  • Pace - 90
  • Shooting - 57
  • Passing - 72
  • Dribbling - 77
  • Defending - 73
  • Physical - 73
  • Overall - 80
  • Potential - 90+

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