For Honor: How to Play Nuxia Like a Pro!

30 Apr 2023

The Royal Warrioress of the Wu-Lin faction is widely known as the worst overall fighter in For Honor. In my last For Honor Tier List the Nuxia unfortunately ranked second to last only to Jormungandr. However, since that list was written Jormungandr received a massive rework and has jumped several tiers, which leaves our poor Nuxia at the bottom.

This is incredibly unfortunate as she is also one of the coolest warriors in the game between her stylish armor sets and unique fighting style. So, if you are willing to slog through an uphill battle and master the Nuxia you will want to heed some useful tips.


Triple Stab Combo

The Nuxia can pull off a three light attack combo and each attack can come from any direction at any point in the combination. The attacks are swift and because of her speed you should be able to land at least two before getting blocked, though you should rarely be parried. You are also able to side dodge light attacks as the Nobushi, however, this attack is much slower than the stationary light strikes and is typically parried by enemies.


Jump Lunge Stab

One of the best openers in the game arguably belongs to the Nuxia as her forward lunge light attack strike does solid damage, can be initiated quickly, and deals a fair bit of damage. She will leap through the air if you forward dodge and then hit the light attack button for a head strike. This ability is also well used throughout the fight as well if you feel the need to reset your stance or get a hit in. 


Heavy Attacks

It is no secret that Nuxia has a lack of strategies. At first glance she has very useful abilities and combos, but as you dig deeper you will see that she is very easy to read. However, learning to strike a good heavy attack on your opponent from time to time will not only help you whittle them down, but keep them honest as the fight progresses. (We will discuss why normal heavy attacks will have a higher probability of landing in the advanced tips.)


Dodge Forward Breaker

Unfortunately the Nuxia lacks any official breaker stuns, but a move I have found that works very well for her compared to other warriors is a forward dodge and then breaker the opponent. If you play like me and incorporate the forward dodge light attack into your fighting combinations your opponents will begin to predict that incoming attack. So, after catching them with it a few times try to forward dodge and breaker them instead. Most heroes will be going for the parry or normal block and will be nabbed off guard. This just adds an extra layer of unpredictability to your Nuxia’s combat style.


Parry Punish

The Nuxia is built around being a parry punisher so it is only fair that her parries are also punishing. Whenever you successfully parry an opponent's attack you must immediately hit the zone attack triggers. Once you do this, after pushing the opponent off balance from the parry, she will lunge and land a guaranteed double stab. It does about the same damage as a light attack, but still provides an extra free hit in tricky situations.


Parry Punish Heavy Attack

The Nuxia has two unique attacks that make her totally different from all other heroes. Anytime she initiates a heavy attack or a zone attack she has the option to “Parry Punish.” When she goes in for a heavy attack you can hit the breaker key anytime before the attack connects and she will enter into a counter move. If the opponent was trying to block or parry the attack she will snag their sword with her hook blades and pull them in for a bloody face stab. This enters the opponent into an even deeper mind game of trying to call your bluff whenever you go for a heavy attack. (This is why I said get down timing for heavy attacks in the beginner tips as more will begin to land if you have parry punished an opponent enough.)


Parry Punish Zone Attack

The Nuxia’s second “Parry Punish '' comes from her Zone Attack. This one can be a bit more difficult to land as with most For Honor Heroes, her zone attack is a bit slow. However, once initiated you can opt out of the attack with the breaker key anytime before it lands. If the opponent was attempting to block or parry the attack the Nuxia will use her hook blades to trip the enemy on their back and ground and stab them hard for a ton of damage. Again, you will want to actually attempt some real zone attacks to keep the opponent honest, but landing these will swing the fight in your favor without a doubt.


The Nuxia is truly an awesome hero, but she struggles due to the schtick the developers gave her. Many opponents know that it is best to dodge her rather than ever attempt to block attacks and due to her low damage output it can be hard to bring down talented Vanguard heroes. However, if you put in the work and train with her there is no reason she cannot dominate. If you found this article helpful or just liked it in general please head over to my profile and check out my many other For Honor guides!

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