If you’ve been a fan of CoD for a long time and you’re looking to expand your horizons, here are 10 games that are similar to CoD and even better in some aspects.
10. Escape from Tarkov
Escape from Tarkov - Closed Beta launch trailer
Escape from Tarkov is more than a survival tactical shooter – it’s a life experience. If you’re a hardcore fan of realistic tactical shooters, this game is the closest you can get to fulfill your addiction. It features realistic combat scenarios, an otherworldly complex weapon, looting, and storing system, and heart-pounding battlegrounds. Due to its nature, it’s slow, menacing, and addictive.
What Makes Escape from Tarkov Awesome:
- Its realistic combat system promotes immersion
- The level design tells a story of its own
- Realistic and complex physiological characteristics for your character and real-life ballistics
Cooperate and Survive - You and your teammate depend on one another to increase your chances of survival
Ambush, Attack, Kill - The element of surprise will often make the difference between survival and a fast, brutal death
9. PUBGPUBG - Survivor Pass 4: Aftermath
If you’re looking for a more Blackout-ish experience, PUBG should be your poison. It’s more tactical than CoD, since its TTK is more unforgiving, and you possess fewer escape tools. Which will make your blood pump with adrenaline and excitement.
What makes PUBG awesome:
- Its more realistic graphics
- You have four maps at your disposal, compared to one in Blackout
- The map design and sound design for gunfights help with immersion
Hide and Ambush - Executing enemies from cover is an unparalleled experience
Tactical Storming - Cleaning a house of enemies is an incredibly satisfactory experience
8. Insurgency SandstormInsurgency: Sandstorm - First Content Update Trailer
This is a tactical shooter where smart thinking and teamwork alone will secure the victory. It delivers a unique combat feeling through levels that are both captivating and demanding.
What makes Insurgency Sandstorm awesome:
- It stresses the need for tactical thinking, rather than classic run-and-gun scenarios
- Possesses an incredible atmosphere, filled with the threat of death on every corner
- Groundbreaking audio design and voice chat for real-time coordination
Plan and Attack - Your teammate requires your assistance just as much as you require his
A Thrilling Ride - Nothing beats the thrill of storming the enemies' position with your buddies
7. RUSTRUST Trailer
RUST is a survival experience that requires your full commitment and tactical thinking. Here, you battle Mother Nature, your own biological needs, and the hidden threats coming from other players. Only the fittest survive.
What makes RUST awesome:
- The immense sense of accomplishment you get from building, expanding, and surviving all challenges
- It’s a mind’s game, as anybody can lie and deceive you for a chance of stealing your resources
- It’s a unique experience when playing with it friends
Bare-Handed - It all begins with your hands, your brain, and a primitive axe
Always En-Garde - The threat in RUST is at every corner
6. Hunt: ShowdownHunt: Showdown | Bad as They Seem
From Crytek, the creators of Crysis, comes a thrilling survival horror with heavy PVP elements. The Louisiana swamps are crawling with monsters. Hunt them for bounties before others do and watch your back – there are foes everywhere, monsters and humans alike.
What makes Hunt: Showdown awesome:
- An immersive map and sound design
- Powerful and varied monsters which deliver an impending sense of threat
- Highly satisfactory combat
A World for Monsters - In the swamp, the dangers are everywhere
A Brutal Universe - Here, the hunter often becomes the hunted
5. SquadSquad: Alpha 11 Release Trailer
Squad is the missing link between a high-intensity arcade shooter and a cerebral military sim. It offers realistic combat scenarios, complex map systems, and outstanding sound design. Grab your friends, gear up, and go for war!
What makes Squad awesome:
- It requires analytical and tactical skills in order to survive and overcome
- Large-scale, varied maps, offering myriads of potential combat strategies
- It promotes teamwork as a vital tool for success
In the Heart of the Danger Zone - Finding cover is just as life-saving as cooperating with your teammate in high-stress situations
"What now, sarge?" - Nothing compares to the thrill of being pinned down by enemy fire
4. Rainbow Six SiegeRainbow Six Siege E3 2014 Gameplay World Premiere [US]
Rainbow Six Siege is a teamwork-based shooter that takes tactical thinking to the next level. Peak around corners, breach doors, and use stealth cameras to track down your enemies FTW. The goal is simple – survive, adapt, overcome, kill.
What makes Rainbow Six Siege awesome:
- Out-thinking your enemies is at least as important as out-gunning them
- Proper teamwork and clear communication can help you turn lost odds to your favor
- Despite its age, the servers are still heavily populated
"Check your Corners, Soldier!" - A more tactical approach will always pay off
Outsmart, Cooperate, Destroy - Deploy tactics that take enemies by surprise, before they have a chance to retaliate
3. Battlefield 5Battlefield 5 Official Reveal Trailer
The latest installment in the Battlefield genre brings you single player stories, multiplayer maps, and a Battle Royale mode to satisfy all tastes. With astonishing graphics, heart-pounding action, and an unmatched atmosphere, this is one experience you can’t afford to miss.
What makes Battlefield 5 awesome:
- The thrill of the combat is unparalleled
- The map design is amazing, both for multiplayer and BR
- 17 types of combat vehicles and more gear and weapon options than you can carry
Only the Best Survives - The combat leaves little room for mistakes
Find Cover - Flee from the Firestorm and kill everything in your path
2. CSGOCounter-Strike: Global Offensive Trailer
The latest addition to the Counter-Strike franchise brings together the nostalgia of the previous titles and the more modern feel of updated graphics and gameplay. It’s a thrilling, but unforgiving experience, where only the best will prevail.
What makes CSGO awesome:
- Fast-paced, tactical, and explosive
- It allows for impressive weapon customization
- Great combat and map design
Instant Death - Master the sniper and no one will stand in your way
Always go for Headshots - Practice, practice, practice
1. Apex LegendsApex Legends Season 2 – Battle Charge Launch Trailer
A Battle Royale which mixes Overwatch with Blackout for a unique experience. It’s fast-paced, well-balanced, and a lot of fun. Make sure to pick the Legend that fits your playstyle the best and go hunting!
What makes Apex Legends awesome:
- You can revive your dead teammates
- It promotes aggressive playstyles, while discouraging camping
- It offers tons of weapon customization, Legend skins, and banners
"Where we landing, boys?" - Choosing your landing spot carefully will greatly increase your chances of survival
Leave no Man Behind - Help your teammates, as without them you're dead
As you can see, there’s plenty to choose from. If you love Call of Duty, you will absolutely love these titles as well. Choose what appeals you the most and you might just discover a new addiction!