The Gears franchise and gore are practically synonymous. As John C. Riley said in Talladega Nights, " We go together like cocaine and waffles." It just feels right. Gears wouldn’t be where they are without their signature limb-tearing weaponry. These weapons and their enhanced easter egg relic versions make Tarantino's films look like child’s play. Here are the top ten, their perks, and where to find them.
10. Enforcer Relic
The efrorcer relic in the snow.
The Enforcer is a compact submachinegun with a high rate of fire and incredible stopping power. Limited to close and mid-range, it stops enemies in their tracks. These bullets will hit you before you know it.
- Act 2, Chapter 2: Left at the overlook and against the cliff wall in a grove of tall green trees (Warning: you must grab before falling off the cliff into the main area, as you cannot return).
- Higher damage output in exchange for a slower rate of fire
9. Talon Relic
The talon relic outside of hangar 1.
The Talon auto-pistol, much like the Enforcer, is all about speed and accuracy. Although its close range and recoil can be difficult to handle, this sidearm has the damage and ammo capacity to go the distance.
- Act 3, Chapter 1: South of the abandoned airport, to the right of the entrance to Hangar 1
- Active reloads increase damage.
- Better recoil
8. Hammerburst Relic
The hammerbusrt relic sitting in a weapons crate.
This assault rifle in the hands of an NPC bot can shoot a toothpick from your mouth 1000 meters away, and still have ammo to spare. The Hammerburst’s precision damage has the potential to take enemies down within seconds of leaving cover.
- Act 3, Chapter 1: Directly left of the city ruins, follow the wall to find a tower surrounded by a fence, in a weapons crate behind an iron fence, and near a building with the Crimson Omen.
- extended burst rate with each trigger-pull
7. Overkill Relic
The overkill relic by the rocks.
This shotgun should’ve been named The Limb Shredder 9000, but I think Overkill also describes it well too. The faster it’s shot, the wider the spread is. Getting caught in its range is an automatic death.
- Act 3, Chapter 1: Northeast of the Bridge Control House by a rocky outgrowth
- It fires full-auto when the trigger is held.
6. Longshot Relic
The longshot relic in a red shack.
The Longshot sniper rifle can be a game changer. Each bullet is a death sentence. One shot, one kill is this gun’s magnum opus and its bread and butter.
- Act 2, Chapter 2: Inside the red shack east of the Train Tunnel
- Each active reload adds an extra bullet to the chamber before reloading.
5. Ganasher Relic
This staple weapon needs no introduction. The shotgun is what made Gears of War the bloody coliseum it is today. Being such a simple concept, its mechanics have changed throughout the years accordingly, but still, it remains a basic and essential weapon in every Gears player's arsenal.
- Act 3, Chapter 1: By the cliffs, north of the Water Tower on the map.
- It fires powered slug shots instead of the usual widespread.
4. The Boltok Relic
The boltok relic inside the wreaked condor.
The Boltok pistol is your own personal hand cannon. Its insane damage and ease of use make headshots and hat tricks as easy as pointing and shooting.
- Act 2, Chapter 4: Slightly northeast of the Condor Crash Site, closest to the East Tower Substation
- It has faster handling and it is easier to hip fire.
3. Retro Lancer Relic
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. The Retro can attack from all ranges. In exchange for heavy recoil, the controlled damage it can deal never ceases to amaze me.
- Act 2, Chapter 4: Behind a tall green tree next to a small red tree on the east side of the northwestmost rocky outcrop in the small area directly northeast of the Old COG Wall
- It fires explosive rounds that air-burst to hit nearby targets.
2. Boomshot Relic
There is little you can do against someone with a boom-shot. Vice-versa, you feel pretty invincible while holding one. The Boomshot can wipe out a whole team of enemies, but you could also easily take yourself out if you are not careful.
- Act 2 Chapter 4: Behind the buildings on the right, outside the doors of the north tower substation
- It fires 3 explosive rounds between reloads.
1. Lancer GL Relic
The lancer GL relic resting on a pillar.
The Lancer GL is the ultimate assault rifle. Its quick rate of fire and increased ammo capacity set this gun apart already. Not to mention the guided mini-rockets, the Lancer GL is too OP.
- Act 3, Chapter 1: On a support pillar with cacti near it, under the map's bounds, southwest of the Water Tower, past a large rock pillar on the way to the Cosmonaut Training Facility
- The launcher fires in a straight line and bursts into the air when it detects targets.