We are on to another year, both in our daily lives and in Genshin Impact. In this last year, Genshin’s Impact world, Teyvat, has expanded a lot with new areas and countries. However, the biggest change gameplay-wise is the addition of tons of new characters.
In this guide, we’re going to talk about the best DPS characters in 2022, with every new character included during last year taken into account. As the game gets more and more difficult, the characters get even stronger so of course, the tides have changed.
10. Diluc
We start with Diluc, one of the characters obtainable from the standard banner. As a DPS that has been in the game from the start, the fact that he still deserves a position in the top makes him exemplary. People say that he’s only good in early game, but his burst spam can destroy any Inazuman samurai in seconds.
What Makes Diluc Great for DPS:
- Elemental burst doesn’t need a lot of energy
- Constant Pyro Damage
- Easy amplifying elemental reactions like vaporize or melt
9. Kokomi
What Makes Kokomi Great for DPS:
- Best healer in- game
- Easy to build
- Basic attacks after burst deal tons of damage plus heal
8. Xiao
What Makes Xiao Great for DPS:
- Easy gameplay with jumping
- Can dodge most attacks thanks to his jumping ability
- Fast attacks and movement through the field
7. Tartaglia
What Makes Tartaglia Great for DPS:
- Can change his stance from ranged to melee
- His burst doesn’t require much energy and it’s a nuker
- Hydro damage can cause elemental reactions with support
6. Hu Tao
What Makes Hu Tao Great for DPS:
- Auto-healing with a burst that it’s also a nuker
- Pyro damage can cause elemental reactions
- Her damage is amplified by the percentage of life she has left
5. Eula
What Makes Eula Great for DPS:
- Even her basic attack deals tons of damage
- Her burst is one of the most powerful in- game
- Attack speed increases with combo
4. Kamisato Ayaka
What Makes Ayaka Great for DPS:
- Constant Cryo infusion with a dash
- Can freeze enemies easily
- Charged attacks deal damage to various enemies at the same time
- Long- lasting burst that one-shots most enemies
3. Arataki Itto
What Makes Itto Great for DPS:
- Easy to build as he uses DEF%
- Easy recharge of his burst which amplifies his damage by leaps and bound
- Can get charges with every combo which increases his speed
- Fastest normal attacks in the game even with a claymore
2. Raiden Shogun
What Makes Raiden Great for DPS:
- Increases the team’s energy recharge and burst damage
- Has constant Electro damage even when not on the field
- Her burst infuses her weapon with Electro and has her damage increased
1. Ganyu
What Makes Ganyu Great for DPS:
- Her charged attacks hit like some characters bursts
- Long-lasting burst that can be used for freezing or melting
- Easy to build and useful with a lot of supports
As Genshin Impact gets updated more and more the number of characters increases exponentially. Raiden Shogun, Itto, Eula, or Ayaka are characters that got to be top- tier DPS after they were released. This kind of top is ever-changing, but remember that you should play with the characters you like the best!