Solid and reliable—these are the qualities that define geo characters. They are known for only being capable of producing one reaction, which is crystallize, and their ability to create structures. This is the element that stands perfectly fine on its own, even excelling when it comes to mono teams.
Read along to find out the best geo characters in the game so far (Patch 4.1). Take note that by “best”, we mean to evaluate the unit as a whole. This includes any effects or buffs that may come with using the character, as units in the game have their own unique quirks.
8. Noelle
Ready to serve!
One of the most reliable citizens of Mondstadt. She currently only serves as a maid, but her honor and sense of duty are unparalleled.
Noelle is a claymore user who can heal and shield her teammates. Her skill allows her to create a sturdy shield, and when she’s attacking on the field, she can heal her allies. Her burst allows her to convert her DEF into additional damage for her normal attacks while also greatly increasing her attack range.
Currently, the Husk of Opulent Dreams set is the best option to go for when using her as a DPS. As a support, she may be better off with the Tenacity of the Millelith set. Either way, she gets great benefits from the Whiteblind as a free weapon option.
Noelle works best when paired with at least one other geo character to get the benefits of the geo resonance. As a DPS, she also works well with other off-field units that can help her deal additional damage despite the lack of reactions.
She has the potential to be a DPS, but this comes at a high cost. At C6, she becomes a totally different unit, as she can then serve as a hard-hitting DPS with healing and shielding capabilities, basically the full package. Not everyone has the luck to get all these constellations or the will to invest so heavily to max her out, so she lands the bottom spot on our list.
What Makes Noelle Great for Geo:
- Can create a decent shield for her team.
- Capable of healing her teammates while she’s on the field.
- Can serve as a decent geo DPS at max constellations.
7. Gorou
The sharpest weapon is the mind.
The revered general of Watatsumi Island. He is greatly respected by his troops, and his valor knows no equal.
Gorou is a bow user that primarily serves to buff fellow geo units. His skill enhances the DEF of allies within a certain AoE, increases their resistance, and enhances geo damage, all depending on how many geo units are in the team.
His burst serves the exact same purpose as his skill, except that this one follows the on-field unit around. This also periodically deals geo damage to enemies around the character.
Due to his needs, it's mostly best to build Gorou with 2 piece Husk of Opulent Dreams and 2 piece Emblem of Severed Fate. For his weapon, the Favonius Warbow helps him out a lot with his ER problems while also gaining additional particles for his team.
Gorou is the go-to support for geo. Pair him with basically any other geo unit, or have him support a mono-geo team and see how his value skyrockets.
If you’re running a team with a geo DPS, then Gorou is definitely a must-have. If not, then there is little value to get from him, thus his spot on our list.
What Makes Gorou Great for Geo:
- The best geo buffer in the game.
- Can heal his allies at C4.
- Can increase the resistance of allies.
- Greatly boosts CRIT DMG at C6.
6. Ningguang
Truly a high class lady.
The Tianquan of Liyue is arguably the most influential figure in the nation. A single word from her can change the landscape of the economy, and her power in combat is just as respectable.
Ningguang is a catalyst user who focuses on weaving all her attacks together to serve as a relentless DPS. Her attacks create star jades that can be launched at enemies when using her charged attack.
Her skill summons a wall of geo that can block enemy projectiles. Unlocking her second passive grants any ally that passes through bonus geo damage. Casting her burst allows her to shoot loads of geo projectiles towards her enemies, with bonus projectiles if a wall is present.
Ningguang in most cases would work greatly with 2 piece Archaic Petra and any other ATK boosting artifact set. The Eye of Perception is a great weapon for normal attacking catalyst users such as Ningguang.
She is a unit that works well with most off-field supports. Make sure you also bring a shielder to increase her resistance.
It takes a lot of investment to get her to a comfortable power level, and she is pretty lackluster without decent supports. Nonetheless, you can try her out if you want to experience her stress-free homing attacks.
What Makes Ningguang Great for Geo:
- Homing attacks make combat way easier.
- Can protect her allies with a wall of geo.
- Attack animations are smooth and continuous.
5. Traveler
Take your pick.
Our protagonist rarely gets recognition when it comes to genshin rankings. This time, however, we have to give credit where it is due, as the twins in their geo form are considerably formidable.
The Traveler is a sword user who can create multiple structures. Their skill can create up to three meteors that damage enemies upon impact. These stay on the field and can be used strategically to block enemy attacks or gain elevation.
Their skill slams the ground hard, creating a geo shockwave that leaves behind a crater that also functions as a geo structure. The value of the Traveler greatly increases with the constellations you eventually get, such as getting to boost the CRIT Rate of allies and even energy generation.
To maximize the benefits of their burst, you may want to build them with the full Emblem of Severed Fate set. The rare Festering Desire is the top free weapon for these twins if you have it available.
They work best in geo teams but they still pack a punch when placed into other team compositions.
With this kit, they can serve as a DPS, or a support to fellow geo units. If you’ve played through the story, you must already have them at C6, thus unlocking their full potential for basically no cost.
What Makes Traveler Great for Geo:
- Can create lots of geo structures to your advantage.
- Structures can be used to climb rough terrain.
- Can buff ally units’ CRIT Rate.
- Free constellations upon completing the story.
4. Yun Jin
Take your seats and feast your eyes!
Arguably the most beautifully crafted character in the game. She’s based on Chinese opera, and her entire personality and kit brings this on full display.
Yun Jin is a polearm user that greatly buffs the normal attacks of allies. Her skill is a counterattack that can be held or pressed at the right time to strike back at enemies. Her burst is the core of her kit that buffs the normal attacks of allies based on her DEF.
At higher constellations, she can even buff damage further and even attack speed. If you have a DPS that relies on normal attacks, you better try having Yun Jin back them up.
Yun Jin enjoys the big DEF boost from the Husk of Opulent Dreams set. When it comes to ER, the Favonius Lance helps her out greatly in regaining her burst.
She is a superstar onstage and on the battlefield. A lot of DPS units can benefits from her buffs and her value won't seem to be diminishing anytime soon. Get her to C6 if you can so you could really see how she empowers rotations.
What Makes Yun Jin Great for Geo:
- Can buff the damage and attack speed of allies.
- Can synergize well with other elements.
- Easy to build as she mostly focuses on DEF and ER.
- Skill works as a counterattack mechanic.
3. Albedo
He is the Chalk Prince.
The famed alchemist of the Knights of Favonius. His origin is unknown and is a mystery we’re still waiting to discover as the story proceeds.
Albedo is a sword user who excels in off-field geo damage. His skill summons a geo construct that attacks enemies simultaneously with allies. This can also serve as an elevator when stepped on, making it ideal for reaching high places. His burst unleashes a wave of geo that damages enemies, with additional damage dealt when he has a construct on the field.
He is another benevolent user of the full Husk of Opulent Dreams set. As for his weapon, Festering Desire is rightfully his best free option.
Albedo works well with almost any team composition, and his crystallize reactions can offer you protection as needed.
His kit is very straightforward but provides a lot of uncomplicated value. Don't forget the fun you could have by riding his elevator up and down which you can also experiment with in combat.
What Makes Albedo Great for Geo:
- Can boost the EM of allies.
- Provides amazing off-field geo damage.
- Can create an elevator to help traverse difficult terrain.
2. Itto
Up to some more antics.
Taking top 2 on our list is the one and oni. Underneath his devilish looks is a kid who just wants to have fun with his friends.
Itto is a claymore user who serves as a main DPS that thrashes around enemies on the field. His burst grants him the power of the oni. He greatly buffs his damage based on his DEF and turns all his attacks into geo damage. This is the core of his kit, as he becomes an unstoppable force when this is active.
His elemental skill throws a bull towards enemies that can taunt them. Pair this with his burst, and you will see wild damage numbers.
Once again, the Husk of Opulent Dreams set provides the best benefits for our geo unit. Similar to Noelle, he also gets a lot of value simply out of the Whiteblind.
Itto doesn't benefit much from off-field enablers, so it is best to place him in mono geo teams where he can shine.
Itto is the best geo DPS in the game right now, as he can conquer almost any content in the game with the right help.
What Makes Itto Great for Geo:
- Can buff himself greatly through his burst.
- Skill can taunt enemies.
- Charged attacks are fast and dangerous.
1. Zhongli
Don't play around with dragons.
The god of geo takes the cake on our list, and rightfully so. He embodies all the great qualities of the element and provides amazing value to any team.
Zhongli is a polearm user who is considered the best shielder in the game. His skill creates a geo construct that pulses periodically to do damage. The held version allows him to create the toughest shield in the game that can also shred enemy resistances.
His burst calls down a meteor to deal massive geo damage, while petrifying any enemies that survive. This has a generally low energy cost and can be cast quite frequently.
To maximize the strength of his shield, you better build him with the full Tenacity of the Millelith set. You would be surprised that his best free weapon is actually a 3-star weapon which is the Black Tassel. This provides him with a great boost in HP which he desperately needs.
The great thing about Zhongli is that he fits in any team. He is not limited to reactions or any resonance so place him in any team composition that you wish.
He is the apex of his element, and he can even be built in multiple ways depending on what you want to focus on. Whichever way you go, you can be sure that he will play a big role in your squad.
What Makes Zhongli Great for Geo:
- Can create the best shield in the game.
- Shield can shred enemy resistances.
- Can petrify enemies.
- Geo pillars can be used to climb high areas.