To cause mayhem in Grand Theft Auto 3 and defeat enemy gangsters and Mafioso, you’re going to need some weapons that can do the job. These are the best weapons ranked from 10 being good to number 1 being the best in the entire game.
10. Hands/ Fists

Using your fists no need introduction. Your fists are the first weapon you get in the game, and they are far from the greatest but still super fun to use. Even if you end up getting busted or wasted you’ll always have these two fists for beating guys up with
The fists are far from the most efficient, or the most powerful weapon. The fist's main claim to fame will always be how fun it is going around beating enemies and NPCs up with these guys.
Fists stats:
- Takes about 4-5 hits to kill the average pedestrian
How to get Fists:
- No matter where you head to you’ll spawn with your fists ready to go
9. Baseball Bat

See the baseball bat in action:
America’s past time is home to one of the most fun weapons. The baseball bat is the only melee weapon in the game besides your hands and it works wonders. It has great damage and can easily control a crowd of people trying to gang up on you and beat you.
Hit a strike out on your opponent's head with this weapon. Not to mention as well that Baseball bats, can deal tons of damage to enemy car’s too. Nothing can beat this bat with its satisfying thunk toward enemy heads
Baseball bat stats:
- Takes about 2-3 hits to beat one pedestrian
How to get the Baseball bat:
- Every single safe house has one nearby
8. Pistol

See pistol in action:
The pistol is as basic as it gets when it comes to guns. The pistol is modeled after the M1911. The pistol can kill dudes, while also being pretty easy to use in all aspects of shooting.
It's always fun when you start running around waving your gun around. Shooting a few bullets will get Npcs running and gets Cops chasing. It’s also really fun using the pistol to pop some tires.
Pistol stats:
- Take unarmored enemy/npc out in about 5 shots
- Headshots kill in about 2 shots
How to get a Pistol:
- Appears in Safehouses after 10 hidden packages
- Buy at Ammu-Nation for 250$
7. Shotgun

See Shotgun in action:
The Shotgun is just a weapon for causing havoc to a bunch of nearby enemies. The weapon of choice of most cops, the Shotgun has a decent spread that is absolutely deadly to anyone up close to it.
It’s always super satisfying blasting away with the shotgun. Watch people go flying back from the recoil and watch heads pop with the shotgun and its damage from close.
Shotgun stats:
- Closeby units get killed in one shot to the body
- Farther away it may take 3-4 shots to kill
- Enemies with body armor can take 5-6 shots to down.
How to get a Shotgun:
- Buy it at the weapon shop for around $1,500
- It spawns at your safehouse if you’ve collected more than 40 hidden packages
6. Sniper Rifle

See Sniper in action:
This gun is the ultimate one shot one kill weapon. Nothing beats getting a safe distance and popping off enemies from a mile away with ease. This gun is the perfect gun for softening compounds and bases up before you charge in guns blazing.
Snipers are just super fun and super reliable. Sniping someone and hitting that perfect headshot is always a lot of fun. If you can’t get the clean headshot then you can still get an instakill body shot with the sniper rifle.
Sniper stats:
- Kill enemies from a distance
- One shot on kill to both the head and body
How to get the Sniper:
- Can be bought for $10,000 at Ammunation
- Spawns at safehouse after discovering 80 hidden packages
5. Uzi

See Uzi in action:
This gun is just as versatile as it gets. This gun is just a little larger than the pistol and basically has the same punch, but it has that full auto fire that makes covering fire easy. Firing at a bunch of gangsters while sprinting with your uzi is always an awesome adventure
The ultimate weapon of gangsters. THis gun is just perfect for those close to midrange kills you need for a group of enemies. Not to mention, this gun;s biggest draw is its ability to be fired in a drive-by, letting you pull of hits with ease.
Uzi stats:
- Handheld fully automatic machine gun
- Kills in the same amount of shots as a pistol but has a faster fire rate and a larger magazine
How to get the Uzi:
- Can be bought at Ammu-Nation for $800
- Spawns at the safe house after finding 20 Hidden Packages

See AK-47 in action:
Ak’s are reliable machines for a reason. The Kalashnikov has the fire rate of those SMGs but at a slightly longer range, and does a lot more damage. The AK-47 allows you to go on full-on assaults with relative ease.
The AK-47 is just fun to use for mowing down the bad guys. It has big damage and a big clip for its rapid fire. The recoil may be atrocious at times but if you’re willing to put up with it you’ll be rewarded with a lot of easy kills.
Ak-47 stats:
- Assault Rifle
- Can kill from mid to long range away consistently
- Kills in about 2-3 shots
How to get the AK-47:
- It can be bought at a gun store for $3,000
- Spawns at safehouse after finding 70 Hidden Packages
3. Molotov

See Molotov in action:
Burn the whole city to the ground with the Molotovs. The cheapest grenade in the game, and the cheaper option for burning people up. The Molotov can get some relative distance and is a good weapon for burning up a bunch of enemies hiding behind cover.
The Molotov is the rioter's weapon for a reason. It is relatively cheap, does high splash damage to a large group of enemies, and fire is always annoying to deal with. Of course, there's always a chance you burn yourself up if you’re not careful, but some skilled throws will absolutely get you some burnt enemies.
Molotov stats:
- A bottle full of highly flammable gasoline
- Can burn and blow up cars with relative ease
- Does splash damage and can kill multiple enemies relatively quickly
How to get the Molotov
- Can be bought at the LCPD compound for $2,000
- Spawns at your safehouse after finding 60 hidden packages
2. Rocket Launcher

See Rocket Launcher in Action:
This is a boomstick, everything it touches goes boom. Whether you call it an RPG, or a missile launcher. This weapon kicks a lot of butt. The RPG can absolutely decimate a car in one shot and can blow up half the block in three.
Explosions are almost always a recipe for a good time. The Rocket launcher is simply the best for lots of explosions and aiming those explosions at the bad guy. Rocket launchers just blow up everything in their path and it’s always fun looking at the fireworks in the aftermath.
Rocket Launcher stats:
- Point and aim at something and it will blow up
- One rocket is enough to blow up most cars
- It’ll take 2 to 3 rockets to blow up heavier vehicles like Helicopters
- It can easily kill a dozen NPCs ease
How to get Rocket Launcher:
- It can be bought at a gun store for $25,000
- Spawns at safehouse after finding 100 hidden packages
1. M16

See M16 in action:
This gun is the epitome of overpowered. The m16 is pretty similar to the Ak-47 except better in every way. It has a little more damage, actual reliable recoil, super accurate firing, and a higher ammo capacity and fire rate. This gun is simply the top gun in this game.
The M16 wrecks people with ease and that makes it fun. Going on insanely long 6-star rampages will be easy if you have this gun. THe M16 pretty much just instantly vaporizes any other NPC it fires at, making it a top-tier weapon for some fun.
M16 stats:
- Assault Rifle
- Same damage as an AK47
- Has a higher ammo capacity than AK
- Has better recoil than the AK-47
How to get the M16:
- It can be bought for $5,000
- Spawns at safehouse after collecting 90 hidden packages