Top 10 Builds for Hades Weapons (Including Boons)
1. Poseidon Stygian Blade and Electric Shot
The combo of the Stygian Blade with the Aspect of Poseidon and the Electric Shot gives you good passive cast damage and a serious sword special attack.
- The trait Family Favorite from the Mirror of the Night helps increase your stats.
- Tidal Dash (from Poseidon), Snow Burst (from Demeter), and Static Discharge (from Zeus) all help give the aspect a boost throughout the chambers. These boons can be easies to access if you hold onto one of the Gods’ keepsakes during your runs.
- This build relies heavily on your casts and picking them up as fast as you can. Speed is of the essence here!
This combo is good for the beginning of your run- the sword is your first weapon, making it easier to get your aspects. The Electric Shot is an easy boon to get if you can run into Zeus soon enough. It’ll get increasingly difficult to maintain the damage in later levels of the Underworld, but boons from other Gods may help you get farther.
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2. Chiron Bow and Deadly Flourish
The Heart-Seeking Bow with the Aspect of Chiron and boon of Deadly Flourish boon from Artemis can do a lot of damage.
- Family Favorites is necessary to use. You can find it in the Mirror of the Night.
- If needed you can switch out Gods’ Pride and God’s Legacy.
- Heart Rend (from Aphrodite) and Deadly Reversal (from Artemis) are both great boons to use with this build.
A lot of timing goes into this build. It’s great dealing damage to single enemies, but in groups, it might be presented as a bit of a challenge.
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3. Chaos Shield and Ares Special
The Shield of Chaos with the Aspect of Chaos and Ares Cause of Pain Boon can send out additional shields and extra damage along with your specials and initial attacks. The shield can protect you while you attack with Ares’s doom.
- Privileged Status from Mirror of the Night helps cast doom.
- Gods’ Pride and God’s Legacy are also useful in this build.
- Any attack boon from Dionysus, Demeter, or Aphrodite is crucial in raising the damage the shield causes.
- Any doom-related damage from Ares’s other Boons is helpful too.
The Shield of Chaos is an important weapon in general, because of its ability to defend against damage. In this build, you can use this to your advantage and defend yourself while your abilities still cause damage to enemies. This leaves you able to throw yourself into large groups of enemies with little consequences.
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4. Zagreus Fist and Athena Attack
Twin Fists of Malphon with the Aspect of Zagreus and Athena’s attack boon gives you an easier chance to dodge and deflect enemies, lowering your chance of damage.
- Privileged Status from the Mirror of the Night is useful in this build.
- Athena’s Deflect Boon can help in decreasing damage
- Aphrodite’s Special and Dash is useful, along with Demeter’s Dash
The combo of speed and melee is a deadly combination in Hades, and that’s what this build is all about. Dashing and dodging can hit the enemies instantly, and finding keepsakes and items throughout the chambers to raise your health only increases your likelihood of getting farther into the Underworld.
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5. Guan Yu and Deadly Flourish
The Eternal Spear with the Aspect of Guan Yu and Artemis’s Deadly Flourish has large base damage and pierces your enemies with ease. The Artemis’s boon enables critical damage.
- Any of Aphrodite’s specials are helpful in this build, pick what feels right to you here.
- The Family’s Favorite and Gods’ Pride are important from Mirror of Night.
- Attack boon from Demeter, Aphrodite, and Artemis are helpful.
- Tidal Dash from the Poseidon Boon is also helpful.
Any of Artemis’s Boons are helpful with this build. Her Boon’s help increase damage and piercing, which is what we want with this build. If you have Artemis’s keepsake this build will be a lot easier to obtain during the early stages of the game. The entire build is straightforward- building your specials attack and dashing away when necessary.
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6. Nemesis Aspect and Double Edge
The Stygian Blade with the Nemesis Aspect and the Double Edge boon can deal large amounts of damage to enemies. The goal is to have dash attacks to deal larger amounts of damage. Any Artemis Boon is helpful during this build.
- Deadly Strike from Artemis is necessary.
- Herme’s Dash Boons are also essential to get extra dashes.
- The duo boon from Aphrodite and Artemis is also helpful during this build.
While the Nemesis Aspect isn’t the highest aspect from the Stygian Blade, it does have one of the highest tops ends for damage and is easier to operate. Unfortunately, no other hammer boon can carry the build as the Double Edge boon does. While that does mean it’s not necessary to find any other hammer boons, it does make the build more precise, and with a game like Hades, it’s hard to get an exact boon each run. With the hammer boon especially, there’s no way to guarantee it will show up, considering you can’t get a keepsake for this one.
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7. Beowulf Aspect and Trippy Flare
The Shield of Chaos with the Aspect of Beowulf and Trippy Flare boon is a fun build that causes serious damage. It essentially makes you a canon, shooting straight toward enemies. Your most essential boons are any that affect your bull rush, which is what makes you a canon in the first place.
- Trippy Flare from Dionysus is the most important boon for this build, which can be obtained pretty easily from keeping his keepsake around.
- The Stygian Soul from the Mirror of Night is also necessary to obtain for this build.
- Deadly Strike from Artemis, Tidal Splash from Poseidon, and Mirage Shot as a Duo Boon from the two Gods’ are extremely helpful too.
This build is incredible when you’re looking for big damage. Any boons by Ares and Hermes also increase your damage and special attacks, so make sure to keep an eye out for those two when you’re going through the chambers.
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8. Achilles Aspect and Hunting Blades
The Eternal Spear with the Aspect of Achilles and the Hunting Blade boons make it easy to run through the game.
- Infernal Soul and Stygian Soul are good abilities to keep in mind when going to the Mirror of the Night, either one is useful.
- Slicing Shot from Hades, Deadly Strike from Artemis, and the duo of Hunting Blades from the two Gods are essential to this.
- Any boon from Artemis is helpful here.
This build is bare boons for the most part. While a lot of Ares, Artemis, and Demeter’s boons help out on this build, what you only essentially need is the Aspect of Achilles and the Hunting Blade boon. After that, anything only adds to it.
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9. Demeter Aspect and Merciful End
The Twin Fists of Malphon’s with the Aspect of Demeter and Merciful Boon is a monstrous combination. The duo boon is the biggest part of this build- causing you to automatically deflect as soon as you use your Doom effect. The point of the weapon is it helps the boon, not the other way around. Any other weapon doesn’t help the boon as much.
- Athena’s Dash and Special Boon are necessary.
- Ares’s Attack and Impending Doom Boon are also necessary.
The only problem with Merciful End is that it’s hard to get the exact combo of boons. It’s hard to predict exactly what Gods’ will show up and what you’ll get, so more often than not, you won’t be doing your max damage in-game.
See the Build in Action
10. Eris Aspect and Cluster Rockets
The Adamant Rail with the Aspect of Eris and the Cluster Rocket boons are insane. While the original adamant rail is clunky and hard to learn in-game, it may be worth it to overcome these obstacles to get this build.
- Cluster Bomb and Rocket Bomb are both necessary to get the explosions going.
- Deadly Flourish deals more crit damage so it’s helpful during this build if you can get an Artemis boon.
- Tidal Dash is also really helpful.
The Eris Aspect build can be hard to get precise, but when you do it’s worth it. You can create insane explosions and destroy your enemies in just a few minutes because of this build. If you love the Adamant Rail, this build should be your endgame goal. Plus who doesn’t love exploding their enemies?