[Top 5] Hearthstone Battlegrounds Best Dragon Builds That Are Powerful

11 Aug 2023

Dragons have been a consistently strong part of Hearthstone Battlegrounds. Though, over the years, their builds have changed in variety and design. With new dragons constantly being added into the mix, there’s something new that can be done with the tribe in each Battlegrounds season.

So without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the best Dragon builds that have remained a powerful option for players in Hearthstone Battlegrounds. 

5. Classic Tarecgosa Build

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Classic doesn't mean bad, especially not in this case. 

If you think showering is better than growing, well, let me tell you about a build that will make you reconsider. This build is all about unleashing the power of the beasts, and trust me, it's a force to be reckoned with. Prepare to witness your opponents being mauled by the sheer strength of this composition.

What Makes This Build So Great:

  • Fairly easy to build this without needing too many Golden minions.
  • Favored against most other matchups in the meta. 
  • Makes use of the Reborn mechanic, which as we all know is super powerful. 

Build Details

Now, there are two versions of this build that you can employ: the Goldrinn + Macaw setup or the Avenge + Goldrinn strategy. Let's break them down and see how they work.

In the Macaw version, the key is to have a Leapfrogger or a Palescale Crocolisk as your source of buffs before acquiring Goldrinn. These minions will serve as your foundation, boosting the strength of your team. 

Once you have Goldrinn, the real devastation begins. With a plethora of Beast synergies in play, your opponents won't know what hit them. It's a relentless assault from your ferocious beasts, leaving your adversaries in a world of hurt.

On the other hand, we have the Avenge version, which offers a slightly different approach. In this variant, Mama Bear and Crocolisk take the spotlight as the primary buff providers.

With their assistance, Rat Pack becomes more stat-efficient and relies less on having Golden minions. This setup offers a smoother transition and allows for a more consistent power curve throughout the game.

Both versions have their merits, and it's up to you to choose the one that suits your playstyle and the situation at hand. Whichever path you take, be prepared for the pain train. This build excels at punishing those who underestimate the might of the beasts.

4. Kalecgos Build

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What's better than one blue dragon?

Welcome to Season 4, where Dragons have undergone significant buffs, solidifying their position as one of the most reliable and powerful factions in the game. While the classic synergy between Tarecgosa and Prized Promo-Drake still holds strong, there are now even more potent combinations to explore.

One of the standout buffs is for Kalecgos, who has received a substantial upgrade. His ability now triggers with every Battlecry activation, making him a perfect partner for Brann Bronzebeard, especially if you manage to upgrade either of them to their golden form. And here's where Upbeat Duo comes into play. 

With its assistance, achieving golden status becomes easier, paving the way for a thrilling gameplay experience. Imagine having a board full of Kalecgoses, each buffing one another multiple times whenever you play a card with Battlecry. The possibilities are endless, and the fun is guaranteed.

What Makes the Build So Great:

  • Strong synergy with Brann Bronzebeard: Kalecgos works exceptionally well with Brann Bronzebeard, especially when either of them is turned golden. Their combined abilities result in multiple triggers of Kalecgos' ability, maximizing the benefits of Battlecry effects.
  • High potential for buffing: With a table full of Kalecgoses, each triggering multiple times whenever a card with Battlecry is played, the build has tremendous potential for buffs. This can lead to significant stat boosts and increased power on the board.
  • Versatility in card selection: The Kalecgos build benefits from the ability to choose from a wide range of cards with Battlecries. This versatility allows for strategic decision-making and adaptability in different game situations.
  • Late-game dominance: As the game progresses, the Kalecgos build gains momentum and becomes even more potent. With the right combination of dragons and Battlecry cards, the build can dominate the late-game stages, overwhelming opponents with a formidable board presence.
  • Exciting gameplay experience: Building a table full of Kalecgoses, each triggering their abilities multiple times, creates a thrilling and visually impressive spectacle. This adds an extra layer of excitement and satisfaction to the gameplay, making the Kalecgos build an enjoyable and engaging choice.

Build Details

As you progress into the late game, keep an eye out for Nadina the Red. This powerful Dragon possesses a Deathrattle that grants all your dragons the coveted Divine Shield. Considering that a board full of dragons is often the key to maximizing the potential of your Dragon build, Nadina becomes an invaluable addition to your team. With her presence, you can bolster the resilience of your dragons, making them even more formidable in battle.

But let's not forget the early stages of the game. Upbeat Frontdrake comes to the forefront, offering valuable assistance. This trusty unit rewards you with a random Dragon card every three turns, providing a welcome boost to your Dragon collection right from the start.

So, whether you're capitalizing on the upgraded synergy between Kalecgos and Brann Bronzebeard, aiming to fill your board with powerful Divine Shield-protected dragons through Nadina the Red, or utilizing the early-game advantage of Upbeat Frontdrake, the Dragon faction in Season 4 presents an array of exciting possibilities. Prepare for thrilling battles, strategic maneuvers, and the satisfaction of watching your Dragon build thrive on the board.

3. Divine Shield Dragons Build

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Because that's what we needed to give Dragons right now.

Divine Shield Dragons, third second entry on the list, are a formidable composition that takes time to reach their full potential. But, once they do, their power becomes unmatched, tearing through enemy teams as if they were mere scraps of paper.

What Makes This Build So Good: 

  • Hard to Remove Minions: One of the biggest advantages of Dragons is their Divine Shield effect. This powerful ability goes beyond simply doubling their health, as it serves as a vital defense against the deadly Poisonous effect. By negating Poisonous attacks, Dragons become exceptionally difficult to remove from the board, allowing them to sustain through battles and outlast their opponents.
  • Infinite Scaling: Two key dragons, Razorgore and Tarecgosa, possess exceptional per-turn passive scaling effects. This means that with each passing turn, their power and effectiveness grow exponentially. As the game progresses, these dragons become increasingly formidable, overwhelming the opposition with their ever-increasing strength. Their infinite scaling potential is a significant asset that sets Dragons apart from other compositions.
  • Midgame Instant Damage: Dragons also excel at dealing midgame instant damage, thanks to minions like Red Whelp and Atramedes. These units provide excellent poke damage, allowing you to quickly chip away at enemy minions and dispel their Divine Shield effects. Furthermore, these powerful dragons can even eliminate key targets, giving you an edge in the midgame battles and paving the way for a victorious endgame.

Build Details

In the early and midgame, Dragons may face some challenges. But fear not, for the fiery damage of the Red Whelp will aid you in keeping up with your opponents. Its poke damage can help maintain a decent position on the board, preventing you from falling too far behind.

As the game progresses, your focus should shift towards stacking buffs for your core unit, Tarecgosa. This powerful dragon is a priority, as enhancing its strength will have a significant impact on your combat effectiveness in the upcoming phases. By ensuring that Tarecgosa becomes a force to be reckoned with, you can guarantee the protection of Nadina, who relies on a sturdy dragon to grant divine shields to the entire team.

With a careful balance of strategic decision-making and the right combination of buffs, Dragons can ascend to greatness, dominating the late game and emerging victorious in battle. Keep your eyes on the prize and watch as your dragons soar to unparalleled heights of power and destruction.

2. Disco Shuffler Builds

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Time to hit the boogie.

The Disco Shuffler card is a versatile and powerful addition to many strategies in the game. It offers a range of benefits that can enhance different builds and playstyles.

For builds centered around Battlecries, the Disco Shuffler provides valuable options. Whether you're running an Elemental strategy with Tavern Tempest or a Murloc build with Primalfin Lookout, Disco Shuffler's choices can greatly strengthen your board and overall game plan. Its flexibility allows you to adapt to different situations and maximize the potential of your Battlecry-focused minions.

What Makes This Build Great

  • Versatility in strategy: Disco Shuffler can fit into various builds, including those centered around Battlecries, such as Elementals and Murlocs.
  • Synergy with Dragon builds: Disco Shuffler works effectively with Kalecgos, triggering his ability whenever a Battlecry activates, enhancing the power of Dragon-based strategies.
  • Resource generation: Disco Shuffler's first ability provides a Battlecry minion, allowing for additional board presence and potential value generation.
  • Adaptability: The flexibility of Disco Shuffler's choices enables players to adjust their gameplay based on the current board state and opponent's composition.
  • Doubled effects: While Disco Shuffler itself cannot be doubled by Brann Bronzebeard, the Battlecry triggered and the effects of the created minions will still be doubled, maximizing the impact of their abilities.

Build Details

In Dragon builds, Disco Shuffler proves to be a valuable asset as well. Although it may not possess a Battlecry effect itself, it synergizes effectively with Kalecgos, a Tier 6 minion. Kalecgos's ability now triggers whenever a Battlecry activates, not just when the minion is played. This means that when Disco Shuffler provides a Battlecry minion through its first ability, Kalecgos's effect will activate, granting additional benefits. While Disco Shuffler cannot be doubled by Brann Bronzebeard, the Battlecry triggered by Disco Shuffler and the effects of the minions it creates will still be doubled. This allows for significant power and value generation in Dragon-based strategies.

By incorporating Disco Shuffler into your gameplay, you gain access to a versatile card that complements various strategies. Its ability to support Battlecry-focused builds and synergize with powerful units like Kalecgos makes it a valuable addition to your arsenal. Explore the possibilities and unleash the full potential of Disco Shuffler in your battles.

1. Electric Synthesizer Build

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Now it's time to get electric. 

Electric Synthesizer may seem like a basic minion, but its straightforward nature doesn't undermine its value in the Tavern. It has a bunch of useful synergies with existing dragons that the most exceptional Hearthstone Battlegrounds users are able to take advantage of. Being able to understand how to use this minion is the key to being a great Dragon player in season 4.

What Makes This Build So Great

  • Provides a significant attack boost: Electric Synthesizer's ability to grant four attack to multiple minions is highly advantageous, increasing their damage potential.
  • Synergizes with Dragon builds: While not having specific Dragon synergies, Electric Synthesizer consistently enhances Dragon builds, complementing their attack-based strategies.
  • Works well with other minions on the list: Electric Synthesizer directly synergizes with several other minions, creating powerful combinations and amplifying their effectiveness.
  • Versatile and adaptable: Regardless of the specific Dragon variant being played, Electric Synthesizer's contribution remains reliable and valuable on the battlefield.
  • Enhances the overall power of the board: By granting attack to multiple minions, Electric Synthesizer helps to strengthen the board presence and improve the chances of success in battles.

Build Details

Despite not having specific synergies with other Dragons, the ability to grant four attack to multiple minions is incredibly beneficial. However, Dragons do have numerous attack-based synergies that further amplify Electric Synthesizer's impact. 

One example is the indirect combo with Nadina, where the high-attack, low-health minions can be protected by Divine Shield. Additionally, Electric Synthesizer directly synergizes with several other minions on this list, creating powerful combinations. 

Moreover, Electric Synthesizer's Battlecry effect also meshes well with Kalecgos, providing additional value. While not a minion to build an entire strategy around, Electric Synthesizer consistently enhances Dragon builds, regardless of the specific variant being played. Its versatility and reliable contribution make it a valuable asset on the battlefield.

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