Take your Insurgency: Sandstorm experience to a whole new level with these mods!
Custom maps, game-changing mutators, and some crazy custom game modes, you can find all that thanks to the modding community of Insurgency: Sandstorm. There are so many options to choose from when selecting a mod to try out. So today, we took some of the best mods that you should definitely try out if you're looking to spice up your gaming experience.
15. FpLegs
Does it bother you that whenever you look down in-game, you can’t see your legs? Well, luckily, this mod got you covered.
What FpLegs does is simple. It allows you to see your legs in first person. It may seem like a small, insignificant detail, but this mod can add up to player immersion and allow players to see their cosmetics.
Why FpLegs is fun:
- Better immersion
- See player cosmetics
Get FpLegs here: https://insurgencysandstorm.mod.io/fplegs1
14. No Restricted Area Mutator
This mod removes the annoying restricted areas that prevent you from firing any of your weapons and using your equipment. With this, you can set up position anywhere you want and destroy an entire wave of enemies.
Why No Restricted Area Mutator is fun:
- No rules!
- Setup position anywhere
Get No Restricted Area Mutator here: https://insurgencysandstorm.mod.io/no-restricted-area-mutator
13. More Fire Support
As the name suggests, More Fire Support means more fire support! This mod allows you to increase the number of fire support at your disposal. It also removes the cooldown at every round start because who needs those, right?
Why More Fire Support is fun:
- No cooldown
- Call in fire support anytime
Get More Fire Support here: https://insurgencysandstorm.mod.io/morefiresupport26jpqxdo56owkt1
12. More Ammo Mutator
Do you just want to let rip and go hard on that trigger without worrying about getting low on ammo? Fear not, because the More Ammo Mutator is here for you.
This mutator allows you to override the number of magazines you can carry for your primary, secondary, and underbarrel attachments. You can set your magazines and ammo count to any value, so go nuts.
Why More Ammo Mutator is fun:
- Bring as much ammo as you want
Get More Ammo Mutator here: https://insurgencysandstorm.mod.io/more-ammo-mutator
11. Zombies
Sometimes, what you need is a game mode that’s different and unique from the ones in Insurgency: Sandstorm. This mod lets you experience the intensity of being chased by the undead.
Turn Insurgency: Sandstorm into a post-apocalyptic game with the Zombies mod. Fight hordes of zombies as you capture and defend objectives. Keep on the lookout, though, as you’ll be encountering special zombies with unique abilities.
Why Zombies is fun:
- Intense gameplay
- Lots of special infected
Get Zombies here: https://insurgencysandstorm.mod.io/infectedzombies
10. Tactical Armory
Tactical Armory brings new attachments, fire support, gear, weapons, and other improvements to the game. If you’re not content with what’s on the game at the moment, then you should definitely try this mod.
Besides the added weapons and gear, this mod also brings adjustments to the game, such as increased damage to the upper body and decreased player movement speed. This makes the approach and gameplay a bit slower and more tactical.
Why Tactical Armory is fun:
- More weapons, more options
Get Tactical Armory here: https://insurgencysandstorm.mod.io/tacticalarmory
9. Insurgency 2014 Map Pack
The Insurgency 2014 Map Pack allows you to re-experience the thrill of playing on the old maps from the 2014 Insurgency game.
Currently, there are seven maps available. These are Embassy, Heights, Market, Panj, Peak, Revolt, and Station.
Why Insurgency 2014 Map Pack is fun:
- Relive your best moments from Insurgency 2014
Get Insurgency 2014 Map Pack here: https://insurgencysandstorm.mod.io/insurgency-2014-map-pack
8. Improved AI
The AI in Insurgency: Sandstorm can be inconsistent. Sometimes they’re a one-tap killing machine, but sometimes they’re not. With this mod, you can solve that problem once and for all.
As the name suggests, Improved AI improves bot AI, making them smarter for a better gameplay and co-op experience. It allows you to configure AI behavior and difficulty, giving them a more realistic feel and a bit more challenge for those looking for it.
Why Improved AI is fun:
- Tougher bots
- Gives more challenge
- Makes AI behavior more consistent
Get Improved AI here: https://insurgencysandstorm.mod.io/improvedai
7. Macedonia
Based on the name, I’m assuming this map, Macedonia, is based on a rural area in North Macedonia. With plenty of houses and tree cover, this map is a great place to test your sniping skills.
Besides the houses, this map also has a lot of terrain features. You’ll find big rocks in open spaces that can serve as cover and hills that can give elevation for a better view of the area.
Why Macedonia is fun:
- Lots of terrain features you could use to your advantage
- Great for long-range engagements
Get Macedonia here: https://insurgencysandstorm.mod.io/macedonia
6. Mountain Pass
Go on a spec-ops mission to regain control of the mountains.
Mountains Pass is another beautiful map where you fight your way through densely wooded areas while engaging enemies from a distance. Push through to capture objectives, destroy caches, and hold off counter-attacking enemies.
Why Mountain Pass is fun:
- Good balance between medium to long-range firefights
Get Mountain Pass here: https://insurgencysandstorm.mod.io/mountainpass
5. Highlands
Set on a valley in the Afghan mountains, Highlands is perfect if you’re looking for a fun co-op experience. March through the snowy terrain and beautiful landscape filled with baddies, capture all objectives while keeping yourself alive to achieve victory.
You’ll find a frozen lake, scrapyard, towns, and an Insurgent base within the woods, all these in the snowy environment of Highlands. There are also different scenarios available such as Push, Checkpoint, and Domination.
Why Highlands is fun:
- Beautiful scenery
- Lots of good camping spot
Get Highlands here: https://insurgencysandstorm.mod.io/highlands1
TORO is a co-op map with a nice balance between long and close-range combat. As you go through the map, you’ll find yourself engaged by enemies in open spaces as well as areas surrounded by housings. There are also lightly wooded areas filled with greenery.
With great scenery, balanced gameplay, and open to any playstyle, this map is a must-try to all Habibis out there.
Why TORO is fun:
- Good balance between close and long-range firefights
Get TORO here: https://insurgencysandstorm.mod.io/toro
3. Prison
Brutal close-quarters combat in an enemy-occupied prison. Your job is to seize control and eliminate the enemy.
With numerous angles and corners, you’ll be on the lookout all the time as enemies could appear anywhere. Work your way through the enemy-occupied prison as you clear out every hallway, every section, to capture each objective.
Prison is just one hell of a map with its impressive details and intense firefights.
Why Prison is fun:
- Brutal close-quarters combat
- Intense and gritty atmosphere
Get Prison here: https://insurgencysandstorm.mod.io/prison
2. Redwood Reborn
Redwood Reborn is a co-op checkpoint map and takes place in a huge redwood forest. You’ll be going through a series of checkpoints surrounded by not only towering trees but also enemies coming from all directions, so keep your eyes peeled.
This map gives a nice breath of fresh air from the typical desert maps found on the base Insurgency: Sandstorm that are most often set on urban areas and CQC focused.
Why Redwood Reborn is fun:
- Stunning scenery
- Intense close to medium range firefights
Get Redwood Reborn here: https://insurgencysandstorm.mod.io/redwoodreborn
If you loved playing co-op but think it lacks variety and content, then you’re going to love this mod.
The ISMC mod brings a ton of added content to the game, such as weapons, attachments, optics, cosmetics, and more. This mod will take your Insurgency: Sandstorm experience to a whole new level.
Why the ISMC is fun:
- Tons of added weapons, optics, attachments, and customization
- Lots of options for loadout customization
Get ISMC here: https://insurgencysandstorm.mod.io/ismcmod1