“Who you calling a runt, bone woman!”
Welcome back to Kenshi. Where the land is harsh and full of terrors. To get anywhere in this cruel world ruled by the surviving fittest and random chance, you’ve gotta be tough. Failing that, unless you’re a Shek with boney exoskeletal growths, you’re going to need some armour.
When we last left our self-insert adventurer, he had made a friend with a freed slave named Red Sabre. As a scorchlander, she came with an xp boost in armour smithing. Unfortunately, she was still an absolute newbie to it so the best armour that she could craft was garbage and it took far too long to get good.
Red Sabre swapped one form of slavery for another. Constantly crafting bandanas to get better at armour smithing.
Fortunately, there are plenty of other armour smiths around Kenshi that will sell you their wares for a price. And for the latest edition to Ryan’s Crazy Crew, he was certainly going to need some.
Zan absolutely nailed his interview to join the crew
Meet Zan. A Hiveless Hive prince who had now found his new hive, Ryan and Red Sabre. Zan was weak and spindly. Unable to lift even a basic weapon. But Zan, Zan had heart.
Zan would not stay down no matter how many foes beat him to a pulp.
And Ryan would turn this weak Hive Princeling into a mighty warrior. Feared the world over. Starting by kitting him out in the finest armour money could buy. So after saving up a mountainous pile of Cats, our three heroes embarked on a world tour of armour smiths.
Here are the best locations to buy armour in Kenshi, where to find them and just what makes them so great.
10. The Shek Armourer of Admag
All armour shops have this sign of a standing suit of armour haning above their entrances. You can hold the ALT key and the signs will be highlighted yellow so you can locate them better if you don’t know where they are.
Admag is the capital city of the Shek Kingdom. Squin is a town with quite a few shops and plentiful supplies but if you want some decent gear and a variety of available stuff, Admag is gonna be the place to get it.
You can buy a map from travel shops that will reveal Admag to you or simply head West of Squin
Admag from the canyon valleys one must travel through to get to it.
Occasionally, depending entirely randomly per playthrough, the armouer may be a Ronin armourer in Admag. A specialist that will sell slightly higher grades of armour both light and heavy. Other than that though, The Shek Armourer of Admag is a good place to get an early set of armour for quite cheap. Selling shoddy, the second worst grade of anything above prototype, to standard mid range gear.
You may get lucky and see a high grade item but more than likely it’ll be bog standard or crap stuff. Still, early in the game it's close to Squin and The Hub.
The Shek may not be friendly but they’re amicable to all who come with Cats to spend and the relative safety means you can do quite the shopping splurge when you put some cats together.
“Trust me, Bone woman. I will!”
Although it wasn’t the best armour, it would have to do for now. Zan was now kitted out with a set of shoddy samurai armour and a hood to protect his fragile little head. A gigantic sword he could barely wield to train his strength and to give him that little extra boost, he was carrying all of the group's gear on his tiny frame.
Being abused by the local Shek was all the extra motivation that he needed. The gang's journey continued to the lands of The Holy Nation. Hopefully, it's armorsmiths would have better wares to sell to Zan.
9. The Holy Nation Armouries
The journey to Stack was long and arduous with many bandits littering the route with the corpses of traders. While Zan was still no match for them on his own. Ryan and Red Sabre were well travelled enough to keep them at bay.
The Holy Nation armoury shops can be found in pretty much all of The Holy Nation's cities. With Stack being the closest one to the Border Zone, the crew made their way there to see what the Okranites had to offer.
Stack’s location on the world map. North of The Hub.
The gate guards of the city will stop all travellers who arrive with sqaudmates that aren’t, in their bigoted eyes, human.
Wounded and with Zan being carried unconscious over his shoulder, Ryan staggered up to the gates of Stack. Despite being clad head to toe in armour, it was obvious to the Holy Sentinel that Zan was a Hive Prince and nothing but a mere beast in the eyes of The Holy Nation.
Any character who is not a Greenlander/Scorchlander human is considered unworthy of The Holy Nation. While they may tolerate the player having them in their crew, provided they are on good terms with the Okranites, they may force you to surrender them for “rebirthing” at their city gates. A process by which you are worked to death to be “rebirthed” pure.
If a character is a Skeleton, they won’t even give you that courtesy and will attack the Skeleton and the party they're in immediately on sight. This includes any character that has a Skeleton limb. The Holy Nation are human purists. If you are missing a limb its because Okran wants you to be missing it. Just another mysterious way that he shows you he loves you.
“You keep your cultist paws off of my mates, fascists!”
Because Ryan refused to give up his friends, all three of them were beaten to a pulp again and promptly thrown in prison. It looked like the Holy Armouries would not be on the cards right now.
“Bloody Okranites!"
While Ryan and Red Sabre would eventually be released after serving their sentence, Zan, as a Hiver, would not be permitted to walk the streets of the Holy City as a free person. If the gang couldn’t escape the city he would surely be sent to Rebirth to be worked to death, mining stone for some ungodly Okranite statue.
“Shh… let's get out of here”
Breaking out for a stealthy ninja like Ryan was a piece of cake. Not so much for his friends. Creating a distraction by releasing a load of imprisoned mercenaries, Ryan gave his friends enough breathing room to escape the city undetected. But Ryan, he had other ideas before returning to his friends.
“Lets see what you Okranazis have here”
For the sake of this guide and to get back at the Holy bigots, Ryan robbed the Paladins for all they had. As well as attempting to recover his gang's gear. Graciously, Ryan struck gold and it didn’t even cost him a single Cat.
The armour of the Holy Nations footmen
The Nation’s armouers prefer armour that gives complete bodily coverage of the chest and stomach. In theory, it protects the vital squishy bits from the Paladin's natural enemy, the Skeleton. Though its limb coverage leaves a lot to be desired.
Still, it's flashy and cool if you’re that way inclined and there is only one place you can get it. Right there in The Holy Nation cities. So if you want to get it the easy way, make sure you send a male Greenlander/Scorchlander in there with a fist full of Cats. If not and you’d rather save your money, you can always just steal it from them but be prepared for the consequences. You may end up getting a good ol’ “rebirthing”.
“Thanks for the armour, dudes!”
Resting up in Okran’s Gulf on the way to their next destination
8. The Ronin Armourers Of World’s End
Arriving at World’s End at the top of Okran’s Arm.
As the bigots of The Holy Nation refused to sell their wares to Ryan and his crew, it was time to venture to the end of the world itself. At least to the last settlement at the highest peak of the continent. This meant venturing through Holy Nation lands to reach the top of Okran’s Arm.
Travelling through Okran’s Pride on the way up the mountain range.
World’s End in the distance as seen from the valley floor below.
The Ronin Armourers are the main suppliers of arms and armour to the Tech Hunters and Flotsam Ninjas. They can be found throughout the world but can always be spotted at World’s End. Where the Tech Hunters and Machinists reside in the University of Machinists. An organisation dedicated to finding and preserving technology of the old world.
Needless to say, you can get some pretty dope stuff from the shops on top of the mountain there. Provided that you can make it.
The gang had a rough time fighting off bandits, cannibals and escaped Holy Nation servants but Zan was keen to tough it out.
World’s End map location
The hat shop is located to the right immediately through the south gate.
Once you arrive, you’ll notice lots of bars, a weapon shop, and two equipment shops. The one immediately through the south gate is a hat shop and sells headgear only. The other one for armour is further in town.
In front of the University of Machinists sits the other equipment shop.
You’ll be able to get some pretty decent gear here including “Unholy” armour. Essentially a carbon copy of Holy armour that doesn’t come with the Okranite scriptures and symbols pasted all over it. It is also blackened as dark as Narko’s balls so you can really piss some Paladins off if you show up wearing it.
The gang got Zan a nice new helmet of some better quality. Selling the Holy Armour plate to the Ronin so they can retrofit it and make it unholy. Then they rested before heading back down the otherside of the mountain and onto the next place to find the best gear.
7. The Flotsam Armoury
The Flotsam armoury differs as it has the weapon symbol above its storefront but it will sell armour equipment as well.
On the western side of the mountain range lies The Hidden Forest. Roamed by cannibals and patrols of Flotsam Ninjas that keep them at bay. There is a village run by them and populated by refugees from The Holy Nation.
West of World’s End, you’ll find the village.
The gang were ambushed by cannibals as they arrived but were thankfully in sight of the village.
Ryan and his crew were accosted by the types who could not be reasoned with. They wanted flesh and were determined to strip it from their bones. With the village within site, the gang made quick work of them.
The ninjas work hard to make their equipment
The inventory of the Flotsam Armoury
The Flotsam Armour shops can be found throughout the world of Kenshi but a guaranteed place to find them will be their village in The Hidden Forest. In it, they sell all kinds of useful weapons and light armours. They also sell armour that specialises in stealth or martial arts styles.
You can also pick up the blueprints for a price so that you can manufacture them yourself if you have the means to do so or intend to set up shop in the future. All in all, the weapons and armour here are of pretty decent qualities and definitely worth the cash and the trip if you make your way out here or find them selling their wares in the world.
Zan, though, he wanted big, heavy samurai armour. He wanted to be the Hive Prince that was promised and this equipment would just not do. It was time to venture to a place that Ryan was dreading going back to. A place of endless screams, terror and fog.
6. The Mongrel Armour Shop
I’m not gonna lie, this was definitely the hardest place for this self inserted writer to get to.
Deep within the heart of The Fog Islands lies the city of Mongrel. This is the kind of place that you don’t want to have to try to get to unless you really need to. Reasons include trying to get armour for your Hive Prince, sightseeing and meeting one of the more interesting characters in the game.
First, though, Ryan needed to find a new addition to the squad. You see, there are dangers in the Fog Islands that require a certain type of flesh, or rather lack there of. Cannibals aren’t interested in eating Skeletons. So Ryan went to the swamps to hire one.
Meet one of the more depressing Skeletons out there, Swiff.
“Welcome aboard, Swiff”
Skeletons are a race of sentient robotic creatures that date all the way back to the ancient times of the first empire. They are thousands of years old and have watched the broken moon suffer countless calamities in their time. They are incredibly resilient, won't be eaten by cannibals and offer some very unique dialogue as you travel the world. Owing to the fact that they have watched it over the course of countless human lifetimes.
“Sorry about the leg, Zan”
After barely making it out of the swamps with their latest addition to the crew and losing Zan’s right leg in the process, the gang had a minor setback of replacing it before journeying north once more to the Fog Islands.
Only the most desperate indeed.
Mongrel’s map location
The Fog Islands are a bloody dangerous place. Especially for an unprepared crew. In hindsight, with Ryan being the fastest member of the gang, it would probably have been better for him to go in alone and try to avoid the huge gangs of Fogmen. But hindsight is 2020 and it's also no fun.
Travelling through The Fog Islands is the only way to make it to Mongrel for that sweet sweet loot. So you’re going to have to either have a very stealthy crew or one that is tough enough to take on the hordes. Doing your best to steer clear of the Death Yards.
In the night, the little lanterns of the Death Yards light up. Whatever you do, don’t follow the lights.
For the first time, this self inserted writer found himself reloading the saves…
… over…
… and over…
… and over again.
Until, mercifully, the crazy crew managed to find their feet. They stole themselves once more, having lived through an endless nightmare of a groundhog day in the fog. But they learned and they braved and they contended.
They made their way through and finally to the gates of Mongrel where the spoils awaited.
The armoury can be found in the centre of town, It is the tri pointed building to the right of the other tri pointed one (top left).
The armoury at Mongrel sells some very decent gear that comes quite highly graded. Including specialists/masterwork sets if you’re lucky. There is also some very good gear in the other shops. Including a crossbow shop that is definitely worth a look for your ranged characters.
As well as that, Mongrel is absolutely worth the trip because you will get the chance to recruit arguably the most important character in the entire game. Introducing… Beep!
Beep will follow you around until you acknowledge him. He will ask if he can join you and because he has no idea what money is, he’s all yours for free.
“Welcome aboard, Beep”
5. Drifter’s Last. Armourer Of The Empire
The coastal city of Drifters Last seen from the foothills of the crater
With Mongrel tapped out of any useful arms for the crew, there were rumours of a particular salesman of arms to the south. A United Cities armourer at Drifters Last was selling fine wares for those who ventured to the city.
And so, having rested and eaten well, the now five piece gang of misfits decided to leave Mongrel behind. However, they would have to ignore the travel advice of the local Shinobi Guards and brave the fog once more.
“Once you’re in Mongrel, you’re stuck in Mongrel. At least so they say. I beg to differ”
Drifter’s Last is very far south. To the south west of Clownsteady and directly south of The Crater. (Top).
The journey was long and arduous but the gang, being much stronger and wiser, made it out of the fog and to the lands of the south. Contending with horrendous Beak Things that did their best to eat them. The crew were only too happy to return the favour and get themselves a free lunch on Beak Thing breast.
It is advisable to avoid Beak Things as best you can until you have a crew that is capable of taking them on. Even then, it's best to only fight one or two at a time.
In spite of the giant death giraffes, the crew were simply glad to be making progress quickly rather than trudging through never ending fog. They reached Drifter’s Last and recuperated while they purchased the equipment from the United Cities armourer.
Drifter’s Last
Take a right at the city's gate and you’ll find the equipment shop in the long house.
The armourers inventory
Drifter’s Last’s equipment store has a very decent collection of heavy plate armour to kit your heavies in some decent gear. It was certainly an upgrade from Zan’s shoddy gear and Ryan even picked up something for Beep.
The drawback is that it is a long way to travel for it. You’ll have to cross quite a few regions to get there and you’ll have to be careful doing it. Skin Spiders and Beak Things will want your flesh and they won’t wait to capture and cook you. But if you want some good quality armour for your heavy samurai dudes, get yourself to Drifter’s Last.
It’s also worth mentioning that the same kind of shop can be found selling more or less the same gear of the United Cities up in the far north east of The Great Desert at a city called Bark. Those are the armourers of the UC empire. Don’t let the “United” part fool you. They are a feudal society ruled by an emperor.
The Bonefields certainly live up to their name
But the gang needed to set off once more in search of the best armours out there. Rumours told tales of Crab people out on the Eastern Coast. Crab people wearing crab armour. They had to see it for themselves.
4. Crab Town Armourer
This one is a trek to get to and pretty hard to find. The Pits and the south east in general is not a place for the faint of heart.
Making their way from south west to south east was perilous. Manhunters tried to enslave them followed by slavers from a slave caravan and then some slave hunters thrown in for good measure. All in one fight. Beep lost his left arm and the crew limped forth through ruined towns and blighted landscapes.
Giant ancient derelicts litter the south.
Crab town nestled in a quarry.
Crab town on the map. It’s turned green to signify that they are my allies.
The crew eventually came across Crab Town, where the crab people and their loyal crabs roam free. It’s important to note that if you want to buy crab armour, you will have to ally with the Crab Raiders.
This isn’t hard at all. Simply walk into the main palace in Crab Town and talk to the Crab Queen. Say you want to be an ally and there you go, you’re now bonafide Crabbed.
“I seek an audience of the queen with crabs!”
"They can also be itchy"
Be warned! After you ally with the Crab People, the other Pit bandits will now be hostile towards you. They’re pretty much hit and miss. Sometimes they’ll just attack you, well, just because. But now, after making allies with the Crabbed, expect the other Pit gangs to attack you on site.
Of course, you can just steal from the Crab People. They also have the blueprints to their armour but it's the only place you can get those if you want to make your own crab armour. It is, afterall, pretty damn good.
“Check you out, Zan!”
With a brand new chest rig for Zan he was looking pretty dapper. Just about the Hive Prince that he should be. Albeit, minus one leg but hey, Hivers pride themselves on their modern robotics.
The gang made for The Great Desert of the north east. It was time to see what else the United Cities had to offer in arms.
3. Sho-Battai Hat Shop
Tucked right into the corner of the city. It even has its own unique helmet sign.
While this one serves more as an honourable mention, I still thought it was quite a cool stop off along the way. Smack bang in the middle of the Great Desert lies Sho-Battai. A dusty orange city of the UC empire.
Sho-Battai on the map
The city doesn’t have its own armoury. You’d have to go all the way to Bark or Heft for that, however, it does sport a rather unique little head gear shop tucked into the back of the city. It might make you consider a visit.
The head gear shop is the very last building at the break in the city's walls.
The hat shop inventory.
Inventories differ per playthrough and when shops restock but you can find blueprints and head gear of all sorts in very good to top level qualities. If you want to find something that’s right for you, it’s certainly here.
The red sands of the great desert outside of Sho-Battai
Alas, for the gang, it was not worth the trip. They already had all the headgear they could need or want. It was time to brave the dunes once more and find some of the best gear you can get out here in the UC.
2. The Empire’s Armoury In Heft
The Empire’s armour shop is quite hard to miss. It’s directly through the cities main gate
Heft is the capital city of the United Cities. It is the noble seat of Emperor Tengu and a thriving city if it weren’t for the rampant feudal corruption and a basket case of inequality but that’s another story. The crew were not here to talk politics. They wanted to see the best arms of the empire.
Heft of the map
Run, Red! Run!
With bandits hot on their heels, they sprinted into Heft. The samurai at the gates were only too happy to help. Say what you like about the empire, they certainly know how to police their lands.
You can see the armour shop in the shadow of the palace. (Left)
The Heft Armoury Inventory
In the shop itself, you’ll find plenty of high end gear of all the heavy types of armour. Mainly the samurai stuff. You may even get lucky and spot a top tier piece of kit like this.
With its location being pretty accessible, it's a good place to start when you want to equip your heavies with some top tier kit. But still, is it the best? Is this truly the most badass gear in the entire world of Kenshi? Perhaps not.
1. The Armour King
There are legends of an armourer out in the Wend. In sunken ruins of ancient cities.
Ryan’s Crazy Crew had explored the continent from top to bottom. East to west and still not found what they were looking for. Until they heard a rumour. A whisper of sorts. Tales of a wizard. A master of armour crafting. Somewhere out in the flooded valleys.
“Bye, Guys!”
To make it west across Holy Nation lands, it would be difficult. With a full Skeleton in their ranks and two Hivers who were quarter of the way to being Skeletons themselves, Ryan deemed it necessary to leave them in the safety of Heft and set out with Red Sabre. They could cross the lands of the Holy Nation freely. Unimpeded by bigoted, backwards Okranites. They set off on their way.
“Get bent!” she shouted at the Okranite who tried to flirt with her.
As the two of them reached the winding valley and mountainous footpaths of Wend, they came across a sight not seen in centuries. It appeared that the rumours were indeed true.
There in the valley lay the sunken ruins of the ancient city.
It would be a long swim from the flooded planes
“I’ve seen enough of these ruins to know what to expect. Be on your guard”
And so it was. The armour king. An ancient Skeleton who set up shop at the fall of the Second Empire. He’d been there ever since. Crafting the finest armour in the world. Unbeknownst to anyone else around.
The Armour Kings location on the map
Here you will find the best armour in the game available for sale. Period. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, the armour king restocks every 48 in game hours. Two in game days. Pretty much all of it is top tier.
Amour King inventory.
It’s also bloody expensive so make sure you bring yourself a butt tonne of cats. Otherwise you’ll just have to stare at all the wonderful things you can’t have. Also, if you’re thinking of killing or stealing from the armour king, it's best to take his advice.
There are plenty of places to get armour in Kenshi. Even some pretty good armour but scarce few places where you can get the very best. While this list is intended to show you where you can buy armour, there is nothing stopping you from crafting your own masterworks.
You can be your own Armour King if you like. You may need to go out and explore some ruins to find some blueprints but that's all part of the fun in Kenshi. Exploring the game world is a hell of a lot of fun. You never know what artefacts you might come across.
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