How many "Hasagi's" does it take to kill your lane opponent?
We can’t even have a discussion about crit champions without mentioning Yasuo. His passive, Wanderer, grants him a shield scaling with the amount of units he covered by walking and it also doubles his crit chance. That’s right, his passive doubles his crit chance which means you can get 100% critical hit chance just off of Phantom Dancer/ Statikk Shiv and Infinity Edge. He takes skill mechanically to take full advantage of his kit, but once you master it Yasuo can be one of the most fun champions to play.
What makes him a great CRIT Champion:
Passive Grants him double crit chance.
At 100% CRIT chance his Q Steel Tempest will be a critical hit, including when it's a Tornado.
Yasuo’s Ultimate, Last Breath, is flashy but it also gives him 50% bonus armor penetration on all his critical strikes.
Watch Yasuo make opponents cry:
Use your left hand sometimes Tryndamere.
Critical hit champions tend to be strong duelists and Tryndamere is no exception. His passive Battle Fury gives him gains bonus critical hit chance by attacking and killing units to fill up his Fury. At full Fury you get an additional 35% critical hit chance. Trynd's a point and click champ so the best Tryndamere's flex by demostrating their superior macro knowledge of the game.
What makes him a great CRIT Champ:
At full fury you’ll have 35% crit chance, so you only need to build a few items to make just about every auto a critical hit
Trynd’s passive gives him extra AD depending on him missing health. Stay in the fight as long as possible with your R to do massive damage while extremely low on health
Tryndamere’s E Spinning Slash has its cooldown reduced by 2 seconds for each critical hit, so the more you smack opponents the more you can beyblade around.
Watch Tryndamere Smack opponents with his giant sword:
I need to see a Chris Kyle Caitlyn skin.
Caitlyn is arguably one of the strongest ADC’s in the game right now. Her range has always been oppressive but her Headshot passive, combined with her traps, and net are even more reason to put your hands up when playing against her. She's extremely efficient at zoning her opponents out and smacking them with empowered autos. Give her more crit chance and watch enemies melt.
What makes her a great CRIT Champ:
Caitlyn's passive is basically a guaranteed crit after 6 auto attacks. The more crit chance you have, the more damage your headshots will do.
Purchasing Rapid Fire Cannon will make increase the range on your Headshots from traps to 1450 units. (And give you more crit chance)
Run Fleet Footwork on her to deal big damage on-hit, heal, and make it easier to kite with the movement speed buff.
Watch Caitlyn go BOOM HEADSHOT:
Draven! Draven! Draven!
“Draven does it call” - Draven. He’s the king of the laning phase, excelling at short trades, long trades, and even all ins. He has one of the most unique mechanics with his Spinning Axe Q and first time players will have a blast catching these as they deal up to 105% of your bonus damage + 55. Couple that with a heavy crit chance build and you’ll be killing carries in two or three autos. With the upcoming changes to items next season, you could be seeing a lot more Draaavvvveeenn.
What makes Draven a great CRIT Champ:
Don’t catch axes that are unsafe. You want to take another juicy chunk out of their health bars but don’t do it at the expense of your own.
Don’t die, you need the stacks from your passive to cash out big time on each kill. Dying reduces your stacks by 75%. Get more cold for your kills so you can buy more crit chance :p
Draven has the best critical hit animation (He throws it behind his back!) no better way to kill enemies than with style.
After infinity edge, grab a rapid fire cannon or even statikk shiv. Then go into Essence reaver for even more crit chance.
Like watching Draven as much as Draven likes Draven? Check out some more Draven:
Champs that have to reload hit hard and Jhin is no exception. The last shot before he reloads is a guaranteed crit you’d better be careful once he starts flipping around his gun! If Michael Jackson played league, this would be his go to champ. He has a phenomenal artistic flair that will leave you in awe, and enough damage to give your enemies a killer (thriller) performance.
What makes him a great CRIT Champ:
Jhin’s fourth shot before reloading is guaranteed to crit and will give a movement speed boost.
Similar to building Draven, you’ll rush Infinity Edge and then grab Rapid Firecannon. You’ll be able to smack targets at long range with your fourth shot for big damage.
If you’re building full crit, grab storm razor and Stattik Shiv, after firecannon. You’ll have massive on hit damage that will spread to multiple champs if they are grouped up.
The last shot on your ultimate crits too so make it count!
They will dance! They will die!!:
Crit GP hits harder than Davy Jones gym socks.
Gangplank’s Powder Kegs can crit, that’s why people build crit chance on him. Newer players can struggle to string together multiple barrels but mastering it can unlock huge damage potential. You can build Gangplank in a variety of ways, but if you want to go full glass cannon then building full crit GP can be extremely rewarding after you rush Trinity force.
What makes him a great CRIT Champ:
If you’re super ahead on GP one of the strongest builds you can do is to stack 3 or 4 Infinity Edges. Your AD will be off the chart and the barrels will be more like nukes.
GP’s best three crit items are IE, Essence Reaver, Phantom Dancer. Grab these after Tri Force.
Q can critically strike too, it doesn’t hit as hard as the barrels, but it’s still nothing to laugh at. Especially if you’re building full crit.
Ever seen a nuke in a barrel?:
Master Yi
Wax on Wax off.
For people who are just starting to play league and don’t want to do anything but murder people, Master Yi is the go to champion. If you can tolerate being flamed by both the enemy team and your team as you Wreck everyone 1v5, then Yi is the perfect point and click champ for you.
What makes him a great Crit champ:
Yi’s Passive Double Strike, allows his second auto to critically strike structures.
His Q can also critically hit and since it’s cooldown is reduced by your auto’s, with full crit you’ll be hitting hard no matter if you’re autoing, or Alpha Striking.
If you’re building crit Yi, Try rushing Essence Reaver, into Storm Razor and then Infinity Edge.
EZ Mode Yi Press Q to Win:
Is Shaco a clown or a magician? A magic clown? *shudders*
Shaco is already scary enough. Creepy clowns appearing out of nowhere and doing big damage to you when your back is turned sounds like a Stephen King novel. Couple that with a full crit build and Shaco is going to be one shotting just about any carry. You still need to grab a Tiamat for the clear and active effect, but besides that you’ll see your damage go up exponentially once you begin building crit items that synchronize well with his kit. Note: Even though Two-Shiv Poison looks like it crits it actually doesn’t.
What makes him a great CRIT Champ:
The empowered auto that you get from his Q Deceive, is guaranteed to crit if you utilize his passive Backstab.
Backstab damage can crit as well so make sure to attack them when their back is turned.
You’ll always have ravenous hydra, but go for IE, Essence Reaver, and Statikk Shiv for Crit.
One Shaco One Shot One Kill:
The only mask that wouldn't work in a pandemic.
Yone, the Abel, to Yasuo’s Cain. The Itatchi to Yasuo’s Sasuke. Brother’s killing brothers is totally not cool, but brothers having similar passive’s is kinda cool. Yone’s Passive grants him double crit chance from all other sources but reduces his crit damage bonus to just 80% of his bonus AD. With how much mobility Yone has it makes sense why they would want to calm his crits down a bit. Especially considering how often his little brother is banned.
What makes him a great CRIT Champ:
Like Yasuo, Yone’s Q can also critically strike. Weave in auto’s after you knock up your target to get the most out of your crit chance passive.
Even though you’re building AD, Yone’s passive still deals mixed damage which is useful once your enemies start building armor.
You’re going to grab Phantom Dancer/Stattik Shiv and Infinity edge every game. If you want better 1v1s grab PD. If you want good wave clear and more mixed damage against tankier opponents grab Shiv.
Hard to imagine losing to your little brother when you CRIT this hard:
They were really lazy on quinn's outfit design.
Quinn shines when she’s roaming the Map as Valor. Her massive movement speed let’s her be all over the rift within seconds and outrunning her simply won’t happen. Her passive Harrier places a mark on a nearby enemy indicating their vulnerability. If Quinn attacks that target, she’ll deal bonus damage. This ability synergizes well with the rest of her kit and at 100% critical hit chance, the cooldown on her passive will go from eight seconds to just three. Building full crit will give you huge burst potential that the enemy will not expect.
What makes her a great CRIT Champ:
Storm Razor and Stattik Shiv are important items to Quinn because of the slow from SR and stacking magic damage from both.
Landing Q is crucial for successful trades. It blinds the opponent and marks them allowing for big damage without the chance to trade back.
All of quinns abilities synergize with her passive so hitting marked champions is key to doing big damage.
Don’t forget that building more crit chance reduces the cooldown for your passive.
Debonair deadshot and experienced psychonaut, living the GTA Vice City life, in real life. Captain of the SKUT Team and Keeper of the realm. Always ready to lock and load.
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